The Siuslaw pilot. (Florence, Oregon) 1913-1916, December 08, 1915, Image 1

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Support o f a proposal to build
t Federal m ilitary coast defence
jghway on the Pacific Coast
Vancouver, B. C., to San
scisco w ith an outlet to tae
a t Eugene, via Elorenee,
asked today from the Eugene
nereis! Club.
F. W . Harris, p f Renton, Wash.
I outlined the campaign to obtain
a Congressional appropriation.
The sale o f Federal tim ber in the
state through which the road
will pass to the extent o f 10 per
cent is expected ultimately to fi-
| nance the pro ject
100-foot roadway,
through Seattle. Portland and
the Willamette Valley is sought
The "cut-off” from Eugene to
Florence is proposed to avoid
heavy snow south of Roseburg
during the winter, that makes
travel impossible, it is said. W ith
the "cut-off” line to Florence via
Eugene, the road would be avail­
able for traffic at all times of the
As planned now the govern­
ment w ill make all the surveys.
The country through which the
road passes is to acquire the
right of way by purchase or con­
routed demnation.
have appeared in this district for
d the circuit judgeship during the
past week or two. Among them
are W. W. Cardwell, of Roseburg;
John S. Coke, of Marshfield; C.
A. Sehlbrerde, also of th at city,
and J. A. Buchanan, of Roseburg.
Judge G. F. Skipworth, who
Edwin 0 . Potter, a well known was appointed by the governor
o f this city, has an- to succeed Judge L. T. Harris,
his candidacy for the elected to the supreme bench,
o f circuit judge on will be a candidate fo r the nomi­
republican ticket.
nation on the democratic tic k e t
ir is a native of this Judge J. W. Hamilton, o f Rose­
H e was born sear Irving burg. will also seek renomination.
In 1887, h t was gradu­
ated from the Univenrity of Ore­
gon and from the law department
of the same iastitntion in 1890.
Three judges will be elected at
B. E. W right has opened a
the next election from this dis- Stoving picture show a t Maple­
which is composed of Lane, ton, having operated about
Curry, Lincoln, Douglas weeks now. He is using one o f
unties. The judges Richard Clows buildings and puts
ho are now serving from these a show on every two weeks. M r.
districts are Judge Skipworth, Wright will increase the- number
en and Judge Coke. of show nights ss he finds pat­
O ther republican candidates ronage to w arran t
iafletonjas “sow
we will continue
I f you have not availed
If of the opportunity
to buy
i CTi’i’
Mdn’s and Boys’
Clothing, Furnishings
Hats an^l Shoes
Wholesale Cost
we would suggest that you
hurry as the prices are
unprecedented in Florence
Florence, Oregon
M r. and Mrs. R. Hammond,
for the past three years pro­
prietors of the Roseburg Hotel,
will on March 1st take over the
management of the new West-
lake Hotel at Westlake, on the
.Willamette Pacific.
The new
hotel is located about 60 miles
west o f Eugene and is between
Florence and Gardiner, on the
new railroad. The formal papers
in the transaction will be signed
in a few days, according to M r.
As M r. Hammond is partly
interested in the property of the
local hotel, he hopes to dispose of
this before he leaves for his nSw
location. W hether this happens
or not he intends to leave and
his interests here w ill be given
attention by Henry Ridenour,
the owner of the remaining inter­
est in the Roseburg establish­
ment. Both M r. and Mrs. Ham ­
mond will be active in the West-
lake Hotel, as it was largely diie
to Mrs. Hammond’s excellent
meals here th at made the local
hotel so popular. She will have
charge o f the kitchen.
have a large number of friends
here and they w ill be greatly
missed.—Umpqua Courrier.
Greenleaf, Oregon, Nov. 89.
Mrs. C, J. Burnett is improv­
ing from s sick spell.
' M r. and Mrs. Gedl K irby o f
Mapleton are visiting at
K irby’s unde, M r. James John­
A rt Steinhauer is paying
folks a visit and is hunting
Oscar Olson is busy clearing
Miss " Ik e ” Nyquist the Dead­
wood teacher returned from the
teachers institute Sunday.
The wishes of the people in the
joint school district between Lane
and Lincoln counties near the
coast in regard to forming a
separata district in Lane county,
were granted only in part by the
district boundary board in session
yesterday. A petition was filed
some time ago to dissolve the
joint district—No. 173 in Lane
and No. 62 in Lincoln— and to
form an entirely new. district in
Lane. A new district was allow­
ed the people in Lane county,
but a atrip o f land three-quarters
of a mile wide and four miles
long waa retained as s part o f the
joint d istrict
Such a division
was made for the reason that
four or five families in this strip
live much closer to the school
house in Lincoln county than to
the proposed new building.
The petition * fo r the Croatian'
of a new district With Westlake
as the canter, from territory
taken from jo in t district No. 179-
5 and out of district 169 was de­
nied by the board fo r the roasc
th at arrangements have bat
made to have a short terra of
school at Westlake, and it is now
being taught by Mrs. M . V .
Thomas. I t was denied also for
t^e reason that the division would
have taken so much territory out
of No. 169 th at it would prac­
tically put it out of existence.
The west h alf of section 6 /
township 19 south of range 11
west was transferred and set over
from the Acme district, No. 101,
to the new district No. 187.
O. W ilcut was elected road su­
pervisor in the Lake Creek dis­
trict, and George Acheson was
A t a meeting of the city coun­
elected supervisor in the Dead­ cil held Monday night the bids
wood district
for the construction o f a water
Joe Graham and Mamie Hunt­ tower were opened. ThTTrid of
er have returned from s visit to Dyer, Smoak and Southmayed
was 32259.00 for fir and 32409.00
Jess Rust’s of Blschly. -
W illie Peck went home the last for redwood. G. A. Hosford was
of the week te visit his parents 32308.00 fo r fir and 32498.00 for
The bid of Dyer,
before school starts again.
Southmayed was
Glen Tirrell visited school a
I t was nbt decided
few days ago.
whether fir or redwood would be
M. P. Wheeler has taken the
used, but the council w ill hold s
job o f “ news collecting” from
special meeting soon to decide.
Charlie Chappell now and is put­
The North Fork wagon road
ting in good work.
planking was brought up and it
Jim Burnetts foot is much bet was found th at only an sight
ter th at was crushed while work­ foot plank could be used in order
ing in the saw mill at Swiss to come within the amount voted
a t the bond election.
Bill Hunsieksr. George Berk»
shire and Bill Worthington are
batching at Swiss Home; they
prefer their own cooking.
Supervisor Ono Phelps has had
a crow o f men a t work on the
road leading from Indian Town
to Florence for the past few
weeks grubbing, blowing out
stumps and grading the right of
way. H a w ill continue thia work
as long as the appropriation from
the county lasts, and w ill use
more i f another appropriation
can be had.
Washington December 6th.-
Oregon— Coos Bay 370.000; Tilla­
mook Bay and bar 340;000; Clats­
kanie r i w 31.000; Coquille river
36,000; Cooe riv e r33,000; Siuslaw
river 35,000; Yaquina river 38.
000; Columbia and Lower W ill­
amette riv e n below Portland,
3880,000; Columbia river, mouth,
32,104.000 upper Columbia river
and tributaries above Ceiflo Falls
to mouth o f Snake river. 388,000;
Snake river up to Pittsburg
Landing 326,000; W illamette and
Yam hill r iv e n 347, OOR
Otto Iiunsicker and Charles * A t his home near Mapleton,
Lamb are on their way back from December 3, 1915,
eastern Oregon.
Robinson, son of M r. and M n .
"The T a ttle r.”
H . T . Robinson, o f acute diabetes
a fte r a very short illness.
To impair the spokes, tongues, funeral was held at the Evan­
and roaches o f broken wagons, gelical church in Mapleton ¡Bun­
the blacksmiths and wheelwrights day at 11 o’clock. Rev. F . H .
of the towns and cities o f Oregon N eff officiating.
and Washington used over 400,-
boerd feet e f oak, a r t,
M artin Noffsinger started with
hickory, etc. The average cost the mail again Monday in the
per thousand board feet o f this Siuslaw, but had to call on the
raw material was over one hun­ Bear to carry it through as some­
thing went wrong with his launch.
dred dollars.
¿ Is 'L J X v
On Friday, Dec. 17th, 1915, at
8:00 o'clock p. m., at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Saubert,
the Acme Christian Endeavor
will hold their last busine« m eet­
ing and social for thia j « r .
There will be s apodal feature
of this meeting that every mem-
DWfJ.oJIBI f v l f / CsMBQr fMutMVy
should be there. Bverv-
Mrs. & A.
qectsoffkhs I
Sunset'Rebekah Lodge No. 114,
L O. O. F „ sleeted the following
officer« at their last meeting for
the ensuing . term.
Buchanan; N , G., Catherine Mc-
Hardy. V. G „ Alice Sellers, R.
8., Angie Tanner F . S., H . D.
Chamberlain, Trees.
point se a petition has
anted to the Paetoffiee
ment requests that
Bay be made a postoffice.
department has acted favorably.
— Umpqua Courrier.
Joe. M orris J r., Norman G . M orris.
T h e “W o rttfi W eriTSheets
T isi
tm m iM S
One o f C. J. Burnetts sheep
A t th eir regular meeting held
was killed by the train near November 24, HeeeteLodge, N a
Swiss Home last week.
111. L O. O. F. elected the
We have had vary stormy following officers fo r the ensuing
weather lately; the rainfall from term. J. k MacKeehnie, N . G „
the 24th. a t 5 p. m., till B p. m. J. 8. Woodard, V . G . , E .& Dyer,
the 25th. was 3.35 inches.
Sec., J. U . Goude, Trees.
A program and Christmas tree
w ill be given a t the Deadwood,
school house Christmas.
Ralph Potterf, son o f M r. ami
M l * Frank Potterf. of Mapleton
was seriously injured Sunday
evening by being struck in the
head by some object which
mashed the skull into the brain,
making a hole about two inches
in diameter in his forehand.
is not knows ju st how the acci­
dent happened, but it is thought
th at a horse he was driving
stepped on * board which flew up
striking him in the bead. H e
was brought to
Florence fo r
surgical treatm ent and i t is not
known A t this tin s w hat the out­
come w ill be.
, "T
• -
tt stand
W h ich
u rn n
Tor S<U Bv
Morris & Son
Our Grocery Prices are Ri
and th e Goods the