FLORENCE, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. n E P E MRPp NUMBER 85 years have been subject« requires one registration voter unless he changes his cinct o r fails to vote w ithin 5OOOÄ’Ä X 7 ,Ä Ä v already mer® ^ called asking in the ti.m® * 80 years a fte r registering, e ith e r case he w ill have to r te r again. P rof- H - H - I o f Yolo County w rites: “ I am now w orking to make your Stan­ dard School Plan fit Yolo County, and I wish to thank you fo r the Beagle, who ownes a ranch near the roou^ o f the riv e r composed a couple pieces a f orehastra music, »Quick step and a schottische, and has*named them “ 8 a » d ffill m any excellent pamphlets and cards I have received through the medium o f your d elightful rep­ resentative a t the p . Of the club work. i| is nonoect- «"»W M t f a t m * twens OUJ le re- tru th of th . m i BY A DEAD COW in I t Eugene was authentically reported ~ — Monday, th a t th e uliar accident bap- »r Johnson, who ia Natives here, W ed- ng. H e w e n t w ith 2SS"L‘?".» W illam ette-Pacific R ailw ay eom> P«ny, w ill handle paaaengero fro m Eugene* to M a n j u M l m soon as tb s ends o f t b e t r a d c a n «0 •hr .M>T..a the y* exp •» : ? “ ? • _ ? ' ° w , : n“ “ |L “ • standard plan, th e 'B o y s ’ end C M .- Club W o rt (ta ,- ground M o vem en t As the roles of.theEducational,Building would s e S t ^ ^ T i a “ 1 d J ? ? 0 th a ir w® i ^ Ur“ ™W exhibited, the system was shown by means o f charts and photo- c,“ ^ . * ork ° [ Oregon he graphs. In the official buUrtfo m d to * Wgh standai o f the Bureau o f Education, they S ® Judgee a t the fe a ts Fi »re mentioned as “ unusually a £ decUted t h a / t h e co »rely d of here and cene this ex- «led isea, tractive oolored views illustrating WM * rural school work. ” one hundred per cent bettor th - M ore than 2,000 o f the leading .“ 1 I f * ’’’ wh1ik’ v« **» b l educators representing all the JuL,other Products w ere a mu States, and many foreign coun- „ * * * * * * tha" ®W b®for tries have made a careful study Hundreds o f requests ha o f the Oregon exhibit w ith the ?®me fm m part» o f the U n it Purpose o f adopting some p a rt o f State* fo r the Recreation M tn u i i t Three counties o f C alifornia ’“ ued by the State Oepartmer have adopted our S ta n d a r d Rchyq ° * Education, and every pis ’ the Plan »beolutely, and through th e ? " Mi ndL®Xp* r t pronounc* it i d jt local press o f th e ir counties, the 7 * b* t °"® Published. Evei ome educational leaders have given teacher in Oregon ia furnish« iped Oregon credit fo r helping ttrCTrr 'Tlth * e f th is manual, 41 tiers & Coie, chairman o f the “he attention given thia proble etc. ‘ Educational Committee o f tjie ln Ore* ° n du rin g the past tw F arm Bureau fo*- N apa County,» i / ® * ” “ developing si happiei n - California, in a le tte r o f ap- “ ®»Rhier lot o f school children predation to State Superinten- Commissioners from a numbe dent J. A. Churchill, says, a fte r the foreign countries have sen _ / telling o f a meeting o f th e ir th e ir »ecretaries to the Oregoi county educational officials, “ A Educational E x h ib it w ith instruc — standard school was adopted a fte r ,t ion’ ®°Py «very chart shown the Oregon plan. W e have kept in order that they may have th< the local press informed o f our ! m»terial fo r a special report t< ng1 work. N o doubt every county in 1 th e ir / countries on our rural . ck C alifornia hsving-s farm adviser >r. will very shortly follow our lead.” __ A t the Annual Teachers* In s titu te 8ch<»*s. W h a t the county and city superintendents o f other states , o f M onterey County, the county say o f our w ork is well sum- superintendent George Schultz- | marized by G. E. W olfing, Thro Quality feda Is On My Window Morris <&lj Joe. Morris Jr., Norman G . Morris. THE LEADERS B . Oregon burg, brought the teachers to the exhibit, and in speaking Superintendent o f Vocations] Education, Gary, Indiana, who M to them said: “ I w ant all o f you s aid f “ teachers to see w h |t w onderful, “ I „ Oregon, through your BI T X H I S store o f ours is a business w ith a purpose —and if you have been dealing w ith us for a n y ' length of time, you w ill have guessed w hat that purpose is. ' n b®f ry r»* I standard fo r rural schools, youri la rd School! Boys’ and G irls ’ In d u strial Club«, need in our and your Playgrounds, you are srs a t once doing a w o r k a m u l t « +k>* The shortest w ay* we can state it b tha£ w e aim to give standardised eervioe fe »tePdani goods. Œ S4H& JANUARY« ■>. “ king fo r the sub- Registration fo r the 1916 eiec- mission o f the question o f repeal- tione w ill begin in the office o f ing the act, known as the Sunday County C lerk S. M . Russell on Closing Law , are being circulât- Tuesday, January 4, and already ed in the state. Several are the cleric has received supplies i being circulated and free ly signed fro m the secretary o f state fo r I in Florence. They read aa the work. ¡People throughout follows: “ A n In itia tiv e Petition f the county are also beginning t o 1 * Repeal and Abolish the Sun-1 file th e ir petitions fo r changes in j <^y C lonng L a w ’’ and is in itiâ t- the voting precincts. The' ed by the follow ing members and changes must be made by the and committee o f the Independ- county court during the Decern-1 ent K A ailers Association o f her term o r they cannot be made Portland; D a n 'K e lla h e r, preei- until n ext year. ~ d?n/ ’ Be,,aray* 8. U n d er the new registration Rich. C. E . M unro and Lao K. law , which it is hoped w ill remain at Gienada M em ck. Specific directions w ithout any amendments or have oeen prepared fo r the cir- tin kerin g , as the s ev en ! laws culatorsand the aim ers. passed during the past several I CCOWUCOL ’ ____ T A nt .‘ ss *» wm b. « w e fta t TT not p erm it children’s work to be ry o f itC o . home I be- n aelf KICKED ON H E NOSE