« ..f I III. FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24: 1916 IH-GKARETTE LAW ADVOCATED TJ. M . BEYERS complained of. .. . It was in the 1 . ape ° f a factory inspector, a /nice, f a t jolly gentleman who , came in, looked at our machinery : watched the wheel, go round ! about five minutes, ordered us to | put a couple of tomato cans on Marshfield. O r., Nov. 2 1 . - j fly' whe€l ax,e* of the job While on a hunting expedition presse»-and sent us a bill for Sunday morning W. S. Turpen, $2.00. That’s only one bone per a prominent Marshfield architect, can- Ws are glad indeed that and his nephew, Horace Byler, of our supply of job presses is lim it­ North Bend, were thrown Into ed. We don’t know why he didn t order them on last year. the surging water of Coot Bay Probably never thought of i t at 5:30 by a heavy squall o f wind. We are wondering if we can’t They clung to the upturned skiff come back by fifing a damaga for an hour and a half, when suit against the Labor Bureau. Turpen, having been unconscious Here our fly-wheel axles have half an hour, exhausted Byler's gone unprotected all this year,1 strength, who was obliged to let without even so much as a sheet go of the unconscious man and of tissue paper to shield them ook out for himself. Turpen was bora on Coos Bay from the cold, cruel World. Some vicious pressman migfct and was fam iliar with every have swatted them with a wrench portion of the water. He leaves and bruised forever their shiney a wife and a son 1 year old. barings; some fly might have The body was found near the made his or her or its roosting ■place where it sank. LOOSES ID E IN COOS BAY Addressing the Patron-Teacher jciation o f the Geary school, M. Devers, county attorney Lane, who has been foremost ( j n the movement to enforce the Sunday closing law, advocated the enactment of an anti-cigar­ ette law . I t is probable that some action w ill originate in this city looking to such legislation as 1 result of M r. Devers* advocacy of such a law. Mr. Devers spoke of the im­ portance o f the work undertaken by the patron-teacher associations of the city and pointed out that one of the b ig features that con­ tribute to the defeat of their objects and one that is doing more than anything against their place on their b right happy work is lig arette smoking. surfaces and thus their bright­ In addition to the advocacy of ness dimmed forever; the an anti-cigarette law,* M r. printer’s devil might have touch Devers advocated a more strin­ ed them with bis grimy hands, The telephone system was gent application of the law after which they would have turned over to the Pacific States against minors smoking in public been unrecognizable even to their Telephone and Telegraph com­ places. “ Thorp is altogether too makers. But now, thanks to the pany on the first day of the much smoking o f cigarettes by protecting influence of a patera month and is now being operated minors in public places," said aliatic government two tomato by thia company. Mr. Devers. In the discussion cans adorn their revolving sur­ C. Bascom, arrived from Port­ that followed his remarks, E. R. faces and they need worry no land last week and has assumed Parker, principal o f the school, more. And our two plunks— the management o f the local of- stated th at he had been laboring1 are helping to support some poor fioo and system. M r. Bascom is for years against the cigaiette devil of a politician who probably an experienced man in this lino habit among the boys, but often needed a job.— (P. S. by the and has bam w ith the company when the boy’s attention is called finotyper: “ Don’t you suppose for several years. to evils o f the habit the answer you could get the labor commis­ His family w ill move to Flor­ would be: “ Dad smokes cigar­ sioner to order some guards put ence and will make thia their ettes and he’s all 'rig h t ** on my elbows to keep me fsom -home, TELEPHONE MANAGER TAKES CHARGE OF OFFICE EDITOR IKEISGOMtoSiONER We had our pecking a hole In my shirt?” ) Corvallis Gazette-Times. E. B . ________ M iller arrived home from yesterday with some of the Ore- the San Francisco fair Wednes- ‘ gon freak legislation so generally 1 day. GRIGGS HOTEL — - .... — E U G E N E— '— - Headquarters for Siusiaw ^people. AB rooms with running hot and cold water. Rates 50c, 75c ar.d $1.00. Half block from both depots J. A. YeLEAN, Proprietor. JLl T h is Q u a lity Sida la O n M y W indow , i TEAITOm first experience i 'HIS store of ours is a business with a purpose —and if you have been dealing w ith us for any' length of time, you will have guessed what that purpose is. Sixteen strong, the Freshmen foot ball team of the University -of Oregon passed through Flor­ ence Wednesday. A rriv in g here just after .noon they continued on to Coos Bay after.eating din­ ner. Accompanying the team as coach was Tick Malarky, and Ro­ land Geary assistant manager for the University, in charge, The boys seem to be full of pep and will no doubt make the Marshfield boys work. EASTERN STAR CELEBRATES r ♦ I I character. The first suit is now pending by G. T Traadgold, an attorney o f Bandon. He sues for $50,000. The last suitia brought by a Mrs. Allen for damage done her good name and reputation by an article published in th at paper w. C urran, i, loss king of Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 16.—Bills on September 18 saying th at she was the same woman found Oregon. has just received an prohibiting the publication o f marooned on a cigar sign across order to sphip tw o car-loads of liquor advertisements in Georgia The consign­ and lim iting the amount o f liquor the bay, all of which ahe says is Christmas trees. ment will be gathered from the individuals may have shipped false. small fir and pine th at are now ihto this state were peaeed today Editor O ’Brien was through growing on M r. Curran’s place by the lower bouse o f the as­ Florence recently on his way to north o f town. W ith thia ship­ sembly. The measures, which and from the meeting of the ment w ill go a bale each of supplement a bill passed last editorial association at Salem. A t th at time we were impressed huckleberries and ; rhododendron week, prohibiting making or sale with his prosperious appearance bushes. The shrubbery will be within the state o f any drink containing more than one-half o f but we didn’t think he waa worth used fo r holiday decorations. M r. Curran is alive to any one per cent alcohol, were already ao much. In a recent issue the Record natural product that is marketable passed hy the senate, aad are un­ apoligizes for the story regarding and is continually striving to derstood to have the approval o f Mrs. Allan, and retracta all in­ find a salé for things that grow the governor. The ant-shipping bill provides sinuations that reflected in any here. Thia industry of- holiday way on her character. This was greenery promises to develop to that a person m ay'reeeive from outside the state only two quarto done voluntarily, and shows tha a considerable magnitude. WILL a D GEORGIAHITS XMAS B EES LIQUOR BUSINESS c. Ed O’Brien is willing to admit mistake and correct i t We ad­ mire him for thia action, < M 0 M U S SAHAS RKETSWTTH ACaDEgT nW K savHc I : UNION SERVICES Nicholas Sainaa who lives above Acme on the rivor i _ „ with quits a severe accident Mon­ day as he came to Florence. In stopping from the launch to the dock he mi sse d bis footing and fell into the river and as he fell he struck his head against a log and cut a deep gash over dh inch long above h it le ft eye. M a tt 'r * «SHMtowgo ••*’* -' * Beckfeulledihim out and took him C a p t Wm. Leppert announces into the R -K -R store where he that the launch Patter has was given a change o f clothes. changed its time o f leaving F lo r­ M r. Sainaa is an old gentleman ence fo r Mapleton sncFbeginning and toe shock was quite severe. Wednesday December first w ill leave the Washington street dock a t li8 0 m m. Thia te one h alf hour earlier than toe -old schedule. iMTsacHuaiMB HOLD A B A ZA R Mr» — J*« HULL at Glenada IARSHFIELD RECORD B AGAINSUED FOR LIBEL Saturday night there was no dance a t the Patsy warehouse. Thoee who have had long ex­ perience in seafareing pronounce The Marshfield Record to faced that Tuesday the water was the with a second libel suit for $15,- roughestokn the beach they had 000 damages for defamation of ever seen i t prevents advertising Hquor to mg from tha aovad to Ito ------------ shifted aad i triana were halted to their There waa no damage done fa r as is known. Little work to being done by tfaJÛPt. mouth of o f rough weather. Wash as som pg IDDMYiífttfÜA. R. H . Baker went to Eugene Sunday on business. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will hold a bazar in the in the Nadeau building Saturday, December 11th. They have been working sev­ eral weeks and still busy in get­ ting together a fine collection o f needle work and other articles that will make suitable holiday presents. A feature w ill be a display o f ail kinds of aprons This bazar will give an oppor tunity to secure,'some handsome and useful articles fe r presents, and you may be able to secure ju st what you have been looking for. The ladies w ill also be props ed to serve lunch to those who desire It, The bazar w ill open nt 10 o’clock on Saturday, De­ cember 11. Dont forget the date and place. Vesta Chapter O. E. S., cele­ brated toe s anniversiry of their existence in Florence, in a becoming manner forjthat organ­ ization. A a invitation was ex tended to ail Madons and their families to be present to a ban­ quet spread in the Masonic hall The shortest way" w e can state it is Friday night, and there * t u f w e aim to 0 v e standardized servioe gathered a large number o f the fa standard goods. fraternity and their families not B y “ aerrioe” w o mean a good hit more withstanding a heavy rain and then baodiDg you w h at you ash fo r and punch- windstorm. A fte r the banquet waa served the visitors were in­ tog 0w> «»—A register—more than A t the mass meeting held in vited to the inn«* shrine of the the Commercial Club rooms mysterious order and toe sisters Wednesday night was attended j aHve— up w ith the exam ply fled" the work to the by about th irty citizens. looking fo r b etter grades, ’ “ sister mason" degree, giving esa all along the line. A ll the propositions offered by a hard- the three degrees in fu ll to the the City Council were endorsed „ _____ going a little fu rth e r than I w ere store usually* thinks o f going, enjoyment of those who had not by the voters except the Hamlin f t i mane carrying bigger stocks, a been initiated. The only incident street improvement. that happened to mar the com­ While it is expected th a t the backed by* us, to give aattafartfon t o the plete prediction of the work was expression w ill have Ito influence b Arm a sod A mm u n ition, for inatanoa, It the overloading ot the goat which upon the action o f the council t te t w e make a feature of R B M N G T O N -U M C gave away under the heavy load there to nothing binding, | Shot-guns, Cartridges, Shot Shafla. I t maatu I of candidates, otherwise the work right up-to-the-ndnote in o u r oot. And In was complete. models as they* o — On account o f the bad weather o f Hquor,one gallon of wine and 48 pinto of beer each month. Tk. any manner to periodicals. new»- ” papers, billboards or otoerwtoa. Both will beomae effective May 1, Wifi. services will ha held ... _ day at the Praaby terian church, 10J0 a. m. Rev, R. O. Caves of the Evangelical church will deliver hie subject being "W hy and How” and his text tha 1M an earthquake shock tost day night «beat fi ttehee rattled I*r1s«b . Joe. M o rris J r ., N o rm e n G . M o rris . THE LEADERS W - •orlcfcsT The “W o r t h W ork” towels for you. V CITIZENS CON 3 I SHER BUDGET - ■ ï I NUMBER 34 7 of TrcuU •Tie "Tie rightly Planned Tanned, I t st ThA ■» W o rl4» jy erk * '»»* ’ LaakhrHaTne^ cconusaca S A IN T P A U L ■X V Son Our Grocery Prices are and the Goods the .u.i«'-.'-: