f PIL SIUSLAW vol . ni. FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1915 BODŒSOF WRECK VICTIMS TAKEN OUT The bodies o f three of the victims o f the Santa Clara wreck have passed through Florence on the way out fo r burial. Saturday night the bodies o f Mrs. B. Cullen, of Portland, and Mrs. M. Dunn, of Butte, Mon­ tana, arrived by stage from Marshfield and were taken to Cushman Sunday morning. Tuesday the body of Mrs. B. J. Caldbeck^ o f Salem arrived and was taken to Cushman the same day. NATURALIZED OTIZENS MUST R O VE THEIR JUGHTTOVOTE at this office heretofore, the fol­ lowing suggestions are made with a view of helping those interested to assist us in adjust­ ing this matter with the least possible trouble to all concerned: "For these holding final citizenship papers all that to necessary to do is to present the same for the inspection of the county clerk, either in person or by mail, when he will take the necessary record from them and return to you. * 'For those persons who have become naturalized through marriage or by virtue of parents’ naturalization, it will be necess­ ary to bring or send the hus­ band’s or parent’s papers. ‘ ‘For those persons who obtain­ ed their final naturalization papers in any court of Lane county, a reference to this fact is all that will be necessary, giving the date as near as possible. ‘T o r those who have lost their papers it will be necessary to obtain certified copies of the same from the court in which they were naturalized. ‘ ‘Inasmuch as the old regis­ tration law did not recog­ nize any difference be­ tween declaration of in­ tentions and final papers the records of this office do not show any distinction. I t to necessary therefore to send notices to all who appear on the books as foreign born.” DEEDS TO THE COAST GUARDS DOINGS OFTHEGOONCfl. A ll naturalized citizens of Lane county w ill have to prove, to the satisfaction of the county clerk, that they have been naturalized, or th eir names w ill be stricken from the register books. This is compliance with the state law pissed st the last ses­ sion o f the legislature. I t de­ mands th a t all citizens naturaliz­ E. F. Surface, our local dnig- ed. either by swrriage or by gest has received from Langley declantm o, exhibit proof of A Michaels Co., wholesale drug- such naturalisation to the county gests of San Francisco, a letter d a rk . Incompliance w ith this showing the tendency o f drugs law notices are being sent out by and medical chemicals to soar to Stacy M . Russell, county clerk, i prices heretofore unknown which notifying all naturalized citizens i in part reads as follows: in the county of their duty. The scarcity to jobbing eeaters N early any one will appreciate - Following to a copy o f the sug­ gestions being sent to naturalized a beautiful agate as a Chrtotasas o f many items o f D ru g a^n d present. I grind them. Bring medicinal Chemicals to daily be­ citizens by M r. Russell: in your work now. Also have coming more acute, and in conse­ “ Not desiring to strike the some fine ones that I a^ill sell. quence prices of some staple names o f those persons from the J. A. Peterson, the Agate articles are soaring to heretofore registration records who have unheard of figures. Evidence of exhibited final ditizenship papers I Grinder. lack of these supplies, not only in this country but in Europe, is reflected in the difficulty o f ship- STAPLEDRUGSi PRICES GO UP W l KIBBLER, JR. AGATS HAKE M E CH R SIIAS RESENTS We Invite Your Inspection of the new FALL GOODS in Clothing Men’s Furnishings Hats and Shoes HIGHSCHOOL TUITION LAW Last Thurscay the heirs of the late W. A. Cox deeded a tract of land near the jetty, of a little over four acres, to the Coast Tuition of pupils attending the Guard Service. This is the tract of land that has been selected high school who are above the as the site for the Life Saving age of 21 years is not to be paid from the high school fund of the station. county. This was the decision Attorney General Brown handed down yesterday in Salem, when the A t a meeting of the city coun­ matter was brought to his atten­ cil Tuesday evening, bids were tion by J. A. Churchill, state opened for the purchase o f bonds superintendent o f schools. to improve the N orth Fork road Nor is the tuition to be paid and the Security Savings Hank from the county high school and Trust Co. of Toledo, Ohio tuition fund by those high schools was the best bid, they offering where the tuition law is opera­ par value plus S^.00. The. bid tive. was accepted. O. C. Stanwood E. J. Moore, county school resigned as councilman on ac­ superintendnnt, said that as yet count of going to leave the city he had not received official notice and C. C. Behnke was appointed from the state superintendent, to fill the vacancy. The water but he thought th at he ¡would be committee and engineer was notified tomorrow. authorised to have the lot recen­ Prior to the decision of A t­ tly purchased from M r. Miller, torney-General Brown the high graded so that the water tank schools received from the county may be built. high school fund $12.50 per year for each pupil attending. This w ill continue in force except to students who are over the age of 21 years. i ment, embargoes and restrictions .that have been placed upon the i exportation of certain Drugs I from the nations now at War and also in great advances in prices at primary sources. In countries like Germany, where the growing of crude Drugs and the manu­ facture of medicinal Chemicals has reached the highest develop­ ment. a scarcity th at is keenly felt exists. Austria is virtually 1 facing a Drug famine and the government has given official ' warning to chemists and doctors i to observe the strictest economy in the use of Drugs. In Italy steps have been token to conserve stocks, and in many instances prices have take material ad vane- ea. The London market, owing to the great demands made upon ¡fo r the British and Allied ' armies, is facing many shortages and a steady advance to shown in ,& . '3 r x . £ J S RECEIVESSTATE AWARD NUMBER 32 ’s office extends the levy against all property, and person­ al, within the taxing district In preparing the tax roll for the tax collector, the assessor handles total valuation o f the property amounting approximate- y to $40,000,000, five and a half times each. A t the present time there are over 2000 pages of tax roll in the county with about iw enty assessments to the page. Each one o f theee assessments has an average extension o f four levies against it for various purposes. In 1913 the duty o f extending the tax levies was transferred from the county clerk to the county assessor and each year the majority o f the 292 taxing districts have made special levies all of which require extension summaries and each must be proven both as to valuation amount o f tax. Since the ex­ tending of the role has been trans­ ferred to the assessor it has add­ ed greatly to the volume o f detai and required , the continual assis­ tance o f several clerks to enable him to complete the roll in the im e required by law which is not later than forty-five days prior to A pril 5. Thia year the assessment rail fo r lifo e county as finally, equal- izcd h y the county board o f equalization amounted to $35,- 358,640. . This amount does not include property o f the public ■ BIRD KILLED ” ■ sraKMGWD® Tuesday morning as a K ing­ fisher was making a diva toward the river, i t struck a w ire in fro n t of the Nadeau building on front street and dropped to the Mdawnlk Mow. ____ A person who saw t h a b M foil picked it up and upon tion found th a t its neck MARRIED at Portland. From the Oregon Agricultural College he has received a bronze pin because of bis showing produce. We ere glad to mention the work of this youug agriculturist because it shows that not only potatoes but corn can be raised I here that w ill compare favorable w ith produce from all over the state. When a young person, or any body for th at m atter takes interest enough m raising pro­ duce and sending samples in competition with that o f ether places, they are doing commend­ able work in advertising their own community, More Interest on this line of work will be the beet advertum ent fo r the country. — —— —— „ D Morris Joe. M orris Jr T H E |L E i I The MW w W a W a riT I -.x n r z T r .-T T lfl B n i n S supplied by Germany. To meet ■ possible contingencies the drug­ gist should carefully conserve hto supplies of such articles as are A detailed form o f the valua­ affected by existing conditions and exercise careful consideration tion o f tho various taaiog districts to unnec e ssarily increasing hto in L a m county fo r 1916 to being o f scarce drugs or chemi­ prepared for the various districts st spectacular prices. I t by B. F. Keeney, county assesses The districts which have the may be said that even «nth the power to make levies are i of hostilities a follows: 187 school districts, to conditions i before the war. win be veryatow j eighty-five road districts. •igA tl ; io materializing. incorporated cities, nine union " te a ls announced — ... ‘ th e papers ware drawn last i Monday whereto Ed. Haberlan. who ownes a fine ranch on Maple crack a^d to A A - Barter and C B. Stokes the ranch and all the will take Bids were opened a t the office o f J. W. Ford, city engineer, s t 10 o'clock Wednesday fo r the grading of the lot on which to build the w ater tow er and tank. There were nine bids offered, John O’Laverty $44.60; Fred Cassidy $46.60; J. S. Woodard $69.99; C. 8. Cartoon $69.00; C. H . Young $67.60; Dave M . Crutcher $69.76; E. 8. D yer $63.00; Pendergraft and A rn - h ard t$84.00; Eli Kompula $67.60; The contract was lotto Fred Cas­ sidy, his being the lowest Md o f those who pay taxes in Florence. Wm. Kibbler, Jr. son o f, Wm. Kibbler, who lives just below by This am ountedto $4,068,661 for A t the home o f foa Point Terrace has received a 191) and it to estimated th at i t paronta, M r. and MtU. letter from the State Superin­ w ill be approximately the same Cow», o f Albany, tendents office inclosing cheeks, for 1916. Lest year the total 1916. Mtoe Orah Edith in payment o f the prizes that value o f aeaeaaable property to M r. W illiam he took st the State F 'air air ft» m S Sep­ ep - county including pubtie o f 1----------- -- tember. Young K ibbler who corporation property ’ pastor ¡o f fourteen years old took first prize by the state tax com -. officiating. They w ill i at the Lane County Fair on mission amounted to $39,877,866. home a t MabeL potatoes. He then placed ex­ For this year the amount w ill be > M r. and Mrs. hibits o f corn and potatoes at the practically the same, it to eati-j well known h a rt having a p a rt 1 State F air where he won prizes mated. -E u g e n e Guard. i summer in tM s on both exhibits. H e also h as, an exhibit o f corn and potatoes a t the Land and Produce show , T M ED U R E R L A N S U S RANCH FREDCASSIDY GETS CONTRACT law and forest fire patrol dto- trieL * To determine the amount of taxes the district may^atoc i t ir necearary to know the valuation o f the taxing district before the levy to made. This detailed fern compArted. When t o toi levy the district a Ter «MW « & Morns }ur Grocery Pricesare ■F and the[ Goods the ■a I