SIUSLAW PILOT FORELNCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 1915 Thanksgiving Proclamation r fte city council held a meeting Several petitions have circu­ Kgday evening and proposed to lated the past few days, the ob­ L th e lot of M r. M iller, north ject of which is to secure action [die Presbyterian church for toward the improvement of the (25.00, that being the price inner harbor, and read as fol­ lows: peed upon by him. W. H. O’K elly offered to clear To the Honorable Port Commis­ sioners. Port of Siuslaw— be brush from the street leading ^hs. eoast from 12th to 20th W e the undersigned respect­ jtet, eight blocks for 91-00. fu lly petition your honorable it bid was accepted. A ll other body to requst and urge Senators ds for the clearing the rig h t of Chamberlain and Lane, and sy to the coast was rejected, Congressman Hawley to arrange id the clerk was ordered to re- fo r a survey and estimate of a Ivertise for new bids on the project for the dredging o f the inner harbor. I The engineer reported th at the Htate Board o f Health has ap­ proved of the proposed plans for a water system. The council ordered the engineer to make an The following books have been estimate of the cost of construct­ recently added to the Florence ing the w ater tank on the Milter Public Library. „ Ruskin, John—Sesame and LiHes. Doyle, A. C .—Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. ,b Page, T. N .— Red Rock. I M. B. M clrw in , foreman of the Wells, H. G.—The First Men I pile driver a t the je tty left test week fo r Hammond, Oregon, and in the Moon. Russel, W. a —The Two Cap­ I Sunday a t 2 o’clock was united in mirriage to Miss Bertha Han­ tains. Hugo, Victor—-His Miserables, sen, a t the home o f the bride’s Smother, Mrs. Rudolph Pagemen. Vol. I and VoL IL Hugo, V ic to r-N in e ty Three. A cottage has beea constructed Hugo V ic t o r The Laughing > SO the hiU above the receiving lie n . wharf o f the north je tty and the Hugh, Victor—Notre Dame. young people w i|l make their Ryan. M . G .—That G irl Montana. home there. c-Q ; y eternali— en** fam ily » have been living in Florence past few years, have ed to Woodlawn, Washing- to make their home. * W. A«. Johnsen,-and wife, who have been visiting at the home of Morris Johnson, left for their home in Greely County, Nebraska Tuesday morning. W e Invite Your Inspection of the new FALL GOODS in Clothing Men’s Furnishings Hats and Shoes Florence, Oregon Washington, O ct 21.—President Wilson today, in a proclamation designating Thursday, November 25, as Thanksgiving day, called attention to the fact that the United States has been at peace while most of Europe has been at war, and to the abundant crops, ample financial resources and prosperity. The proclamation says: " I t has long been the honored custom of our people to turn in the fruitful Autumn of the year in praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God for his many blessings and mercies to us as a Nation. The year that is now drawing to a close since we lis t observed our day of National thanksgiving has been, while a yssr of dis­ cipline because of the mighty forces of w ar and of changes which have disturbed the world, also a year of special blessing for us. "Another year of peace has been vouchsafed us: another year in which not only to take thought of our duty to ourselves and to mankind, but also to adjust ourselves to the many responsibilities thrust upon us by a war which has involved almost the whole o f Europe. "W e have been able to assert our rights and the rights of mankind without breach of friendship with the great nations with whom we had to deal, and while we have asserted rights, we have beea able also to perform duties and exercise privileges of succor and helpfulness which should serve to demonstrate our desire to make the offices of friendship the means of truly disinterested and unselfish service. "O u r ability to serve all who could avail themselves o f ogr servicesin the midst of a crisis, has been increas­ ed by a gracious Providence, by more and more abun­ dant crops; our ample financial resources have enabled us to steady the markets o f the world and facilitate necessary movement of commerce which the war might otherwise have rendered impossible; and our people have come more and more to a sober realisation o f the part they have been called upon to play in a time when all the world is shaken by unparalleled distresses and disasters. "The extraordinary circumstances o f such a time have done much to quicken our National consciousness and deepen and confirm our confidence in the principles of peace and freedom by which’we have always sought to tegufcted. J«' L/V ..jssi,.,- "Out o f darkness and perplexities nave cone firmer counsels of policy and clearer perceptions of the essen­ tial welfare of the Nation. We bave prospered white other people were a t war, but our prosperity has been vouchsafed us, we believe only that we might the better perform the functions which war rendered it impossible for them to perform. "Now, therefore, L Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States of America, do hereby designate Thursday, the twenty-fifth of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and prayer, and invite the people throughout the land to cease from their wonted occupations and in their several homes and places of worship render thanks to Almighty God." The first gun in the campaign the ram« for hard-surfaced roads in Lane county, n county waa fitud a t a banquet trip to E given at the Hotel Osburn test purpose < sight by Frank L. Chambers, pitslityol A fte r an enthusiastic session of discuss rt speech-making in whieh s large man the majority of the speakers favored favored, this class o f road construction in how to ra the future, a motion unanimously tkeps. R carried to the effect that it be the speakers sense o f the meeting that the bonding u county court proceed upon lines are in dot that o f later to be formulated to era at te get a hard-surface road construe- their opi tion basis, and that it be the are not i sense o f thé meeting th at steps propositi« be taken to bond the county for M r. Chi I a hard surface road from th e , from nesi I northern boundary of the county He desire to the southern boundary. Mr. as fa r i Chambers, who acted as chair- "average ■un of the meeting. was em- is not rad powered to estes« a committee the other from the citisenry of the county seif after at large to formulate plans for nneed m the carrying out e f this project ; small tea For throe hours the citizens man of a present. men from all parts of ! propositi« Lane county, discussed the highway proposition of paved roads, } In his There were men present from Chamber NUMBER 31 and road users it is up to us to that the people o f Eugene moved ask the county court tor what in a six-foot circle and could not we w a n t I t is for th at purpose see much beyond that boundary, that we are here tonight We and while he was reluctant to w ill n ever-g et anything unless oppose any good-roads proposi­ we ask for i t W ith our soil and tion it was hia belief that the the rock we have we cannot suc­ Western' part of Lane counjy cessfully build a macadam road. would not look w ith favor upon I t wears out in a year or two and the proposition under present has to be reb u ilt W e must have condition, especially when a com­ some hard surface road to be up parison o f development of high­ ways as present was made. to the needs of the days. The Register says that figures In a stretch of territory 10 miles wide, with the Pacific high­ were shown that the tax rate to way extending through the cen­ take care of the interest upon ter, is one-half of the property this sum (9800,000) would be 18 valuation o f the county, hence I cents upon every thousand dollars believe th at the first hard-surface worth o f property in the county road should be on the highway for IS years, or a person would from one end of the county to the per 91.00 a year upon every 910,- 000. M r. McCornack informed other through this b elt M r. Norton, ofk the Siuslaw, us th at thia is as he understood M r. Davis, of Mohawk, and R. the statement, and asked for its B. Coglon did not think the verification th at evening and was people in the western end of the told it was correct We cannot understand just how county would be willing to bond the figures were used to prove themselves for the road. The assessor announces I Figures were given by M r. thia. Chambers and others regarding th at the total assessed valuation the probable cost o f a hard-sur­ as completed by Ms office shows face highway through the county. 985,868,840, and allowing public The estimate o f the cost was utilities to taring this up to 940,- 9600,000. Figures were shown 000,000|n>ouad figures, ninetesn that the tax rate to take care o f the interest upon this sum would be 19 cents upon every thousand dollars worth o f property in the county. I f a man pays taxes upon 91000 worth « property he would pay 18 cents a year fo r 16 years, or i f he pays on 910,000, it would post him 9L90 a year. motion carried unanimously, that it be the sense o f the m as ting th at the county court be asked to include in its tax budget one- half of one mill for the construc­ tion of a road to the eoast.— Those attending from the lower Siuslaw were E. R. McCornack, and W. H. Weatherson. M r. McCornack expressed him­ self at the meeting as believeing Morris «b S Joe. Morris Jr., Noranu» G . M orris. T H E LEADERS The “World’s Work' far you, T is mede of Trou» B T b rightly Planned Tanned, TS. “Werte» WeriL CM LÜÄl! GOTZUMÀCà Morris & Soi ~tir Grocery Prices are R and the Goods the