SIUSLAW PILOT NUMBER 30 FORELNCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1915 the taxpayers of y o u r district, and the full returns of said elec­ tion filed with the court on or before December 1,1915. “The court advises that those districts voting a special tax, vote upon thia m atter of road supervisors at the same time, i f they desire to name one, thus saving the trouble o f another call meeting. “ Relative to the levy of a special tax, the court instructs me to w rite th at unless all of the provisions of ths.Jawj; sre com­ plied w ith , especially'regarding Considerable time of the mem- provemér The State Industrial Commis­ The total assessed valuation of >ers of the City council was taken funds sh< sion today approved the claim bridge of trestle and property in Lane county in 1915 up at the Monday night meeting The c made for the compensation on pan, the work of con- is 335,353,640, according to the with a discussion o f the tax levy the wori behalf of the w ife and children south o f th e river is summary of the tax rolls com­ and city budget, preparatory to. was dels: o f George J. Noah, who was pleted by Assessor B. F. Keeney g nicely. each department filing with the of the si crushed to death while working yesterday. This is 3434.480 less city recorder an estimateof w hat report o for McDonald f t Candron on Sep­ than the total last year, the total is necessary for next year. council ii tember 30th la s t ‘ the papers to he filed with the on the|1914rolls being335,788,120. The council decided to hold the immediaf To provide a monthly payment county officers, th at the levy w ill . Assessor Keeney explains that meeting to consider the city bud- By mo of 330.00 fo r the widow required not be ordered extendqd-oa. the i are now about fifteen a part of the decrease is rep­ get, on Monday evening Novem- proceed« tax rolls. These essential papers the setting aside of 37,068.62. h eir way toward the resented in the assessment of >er 8th, at 7:30 o’clock, in the condemn The young sons, aged 2, 8 and 6 N e t t block < 9 nd the ballasting train th at portion of the Willamette Commercial Club rooms, “ 1. Proof of posting notice years, required sums o f 3742.30, jg w ith fifty-tw o ear Pacific railway and a few logging year it will be necessary to assess Florence of meeting (sworn to by ons. 3692.64 and 3548.04, respectively Itads daily, reaching a point railroads which passed to the I mills to pay interest and re- to aecun making a total o f 39.071.50. posting them .) for a i Mgriy nine miles below the state tax commission during the deamable bonds. This is the highest award yet **2. Proof of publishing notice year. This year there is ssseap The city levy last assessment having i made under the Oregon. Com­ gfoslaw bridge. of meeting (by paper.) A side track has been put in ed o a the rolls 41.22 miles of w aslS i mills, and the aggregate he woul pensation A c t with one excep­ “ 3. Notice of tax levy, one to on the Asthony Shuster place these railroads, with a valuation expenditures have beca held un- made an i the county d ark and one to the tion. The fam ily in the la tte r The street im- for sale. case consisted of the widow and tad freight shipments in car o f 369,865, while last year there der this total. was a mileage of 82.84 with a a babe 16 months o f age. Leas load lots are being made from valuation of 3306,375. state tax commission, leaving F than three months a fte r the that station. While the valuation placed upon the real difference 3197,970. P death of the fath er twins were Considerable trestle work is Assessor Kseney said yester- si born, requiring a reeerve to pre* yet to be done a t the lake cross- lands by the assessor is practical­ togs and it is thought ‘this w il| ly the same as last year the aver­ day that it to hoped by reason o f a vide compensatioa o f several age valuation placed upon live­ the fact that there has been a^ f hundred more than the sum set prevent extending rail construc­ depreciation ia r aside in the Noah ease. tion much farth er until the first stock is considerably > higher. considerable The average valuation placed m n i " 1 valuations the state tax #f January. upon lands in 1914 was 312.83 per commission will see fit to place acre while this year it is 312.71 the tax ratio higher than 66 j p r per acre, On livestock the com- cent, which was the ratio fixed t for Lane county last year. The f The first car load o f cattle to parison to as follows: County School Superiate« Horses. 1914, 358.66, 1915, ju ry in the recent bank tax cage 4 be shipped from Tan Mils lake Mooes to giving notice to 369.61; cattle, 1914, 322.70,1916, gave a verdict to the effect th a t , was loaded Saturday at Shusters dorks of the various aeftoot 328.28; sheep and goats, 1914, to the best of it knowledge the j station. triets of the eounty that 3L74, 1916, 32.19; dogs, 1914, n n r ~ " ***** assessed the prep- | The cattle were owned by E, 316.96,1916, 329.76. There are erty a t 85 per cent o f its cash t B. M iller, who accompanied them 107 dogs on the tax roll in the value. The summary of this t to Portland. He contemplates the levy to greater by six par county, but they were not given year's assessment roll to as j making several mors car load cent ttem was the levy o f 161* in as being worth anything to follows: .* i shipments. and 1914 the notios will have to Acres of all lands (O. ft C. R. M r. M illar w ill go to Sen Fran­ the owners. be posted for 39 days prto* to R. lands 298.716 acres, value 38^-1 O f the total reduction of 3434,- cisco and visit the exposition be­ 480 in the assessed valuation o‘ 320,915) 1,615,718; value fore returing home. Itn ip c ty this year, the sum « 277,615rvalttoper U n it 312,718. j Roland Wilbur west to Alpha Acres o f tillable tends, 1 » , 510; I ’ W. P. Erhart returned horns 8286,600 to due to the transfer of L B. Cushman o f Acme was in Tuesday from s trip to Eugene. to visit his brothers, Friday. the railroads mentioned to «he value 34.946,510; unit value. lorence Friday on business. 338,185. Acres of timber lands (O. ft C. • , R. R. lands 217,568 acres, value. P art of the warehouse a t Cush­ 32,877.425) 680,703 acres; value, man has bean fitted up for an 39,610,060; unit value, 314.117. office and S. M. Landis to in Acres of non-tillable lands (O. charge aa ticket,ifreight, express Joe. Morris Jr., Nonaan G. M orrii. ft C. R. R. lands, 81,045 seres, and telegraph agent value, 3448,490) 706,475 acres; Week end tickets are now sold value, 34.721,045; unit value, 36,- from Cushman to Eugene, at i Siuslaw crossed by a K SHIP CAR LOAD OF CATTLE We Invite Your Inspection of the new FALL GOODS in C lothing. M en ’s Furnishings H ats and Shoes TH E LEADERS 692. Improvements on deeded or patented lands 31,036,435. Town and city lots, 36,368,700, Improvements on town and city lots. 33,650,750. Logging railroads and rolling stock, 41 miles, value 369,865; unit value, 31704,024. Steamboats, sailboats, station­ ary engines and manufacturing I machinery, 3410,365. I Merchandise and stock in trade, 31,012,065. I Farming implements, wagons, I carriages, etc., 3392,425. I I I I I I I I I Money, 396.390. Notes and accounts, 3818,895. Shares of stock, 7.896; value, 3687,060; unit value, 374,366. Hotel and office furniture, etc., 374,875: Hones and mules, 6,848; value, 3475,716; unit value, 369,518. Cattle, 18,777; value. 3669,230; unit value 328,237. Sheep and goats, 28,685; value, 361,700; unit value, 32,190. Swine, 6.907; value 329,770; unit value, 34,254. Dogs, 107; value, 32,185; unit value, 329.766. Miscellaneous, 3239,170. H Total as finally equalised by H the county board of equalisation. II 335.368,640. Florence, Oregon C. A. Johnson who has been tipping considerable Siuslaw ilmon to outside points sod who ins Johnson’s Ftoh M irk e t in one and one-third fare, good Saturday, Sunday returning Monday. Tbs Western Union have ail a line in and direct service to given to Eugene and all company's points. Weils Fargo express service has also been inaugurated, but the exprSss office is known as Acme, and all shipments by ex­ press marked Acme, Oregon w ill be delivered at this station. PEOPLE TO SELECT ROAD White the eounty court has the rig h t to appoint as road super­ visors in the ssrtous districts any­ one it ssm f i t the people of the districts w ill be given an oppor­ tunity this year to ..p aste their choice fo r supervisor. County Clerk 8. M. Russell has sent a circular letter to each o f the supervisors in the eounty. in­ structing them as to the method of naming the choice for -super­ visor, also giving-advice regard­ ing the levying o f a special tax. The circular roads as follows: “ I t is the intention o f the county , court to appoint rea< supervisors of the choice of the residents of your district, i f they desire to signify their choice by an election, which election must he st a legally called meeting of J b Cotetea Shoe Morris & Soi Our Grocery Prices are Ri ’ and the Goods the