The Siuslaw pilot. (Florence, Oregon) 1913-1916, October 20, 1915, Image 1

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    NUMBER 29
extended to workmen unless full compensation under the law
accepted by application of the to’ the injury. This insures the
Wm. H. Kibbler Jr. of Point
forrac«. a boy 15 years old plant-
[¡g^m kll plot of ground 15 fa st
G j , by 150 feet long to American
Wonder potatoes last spring in
-cordance w ith the rules and
Zmiations of the Agricultural
Department He was required
to keep a strict account of the
time employed, cost of preparing
«round, seed and of all expense
of raising the crop. He was
■loo required to keep a strict
account of the sales of his crop
ond what disposition he made of
I t The figures that Wm. gives
pzvp 0 fPilWINf
fUK llKUVVlIf|l _
H w w e r , no protection can be money paid by the Coramismon i .
? » S
- * • »•>“ " '
W . M v . « d , - from M j
Farmers of Oregon are com- to gper cent of the payroll, expenses and money on which to j Uajgy Wilkinson of Indian creek, d
ing to realize that insurance for Threshing clover hulling, hay live while ini'“ **1-
Working- MTerai branches taken from wild J >
their workmen against accident
d , trg^ b^lin«. 4 per seat; men’s compensation is one or the blackberry and cultivated red is
la desirable, therefore the State prune drying, 1 per cent; wood greatest steps in legislation H I
Tnesebranches d
Industrial Accident Commission ctttting. 8 per cent; land clearing “ not only protection to ^ ®
J were secured on October 18, and a
has established a rate for differ- ^ tb o u t blasting 3 i per cent; dividual«, but it is a p r o t « * i»
loaded with ripe bemee.
ent lines of farming operations with blasting 5 per cent; road to society against injured wo• -
Th>t the raspberry and wild ’
under authority of Section 81 of WQrk 3
men who « U * * become p' £ h.c blackberry vines bear ouch debo-
the Amended Act passed by the
J tion to toe above th e , charges and who often do I t is L * fru it at this time of the Tear 1
last Legislature and which be- employer j , required to collect a protection to the
of is proof that the climate and soil <
came effective July 1st
WoXmen and remit injured workmen against suffer- U n c tio n s on Indian creek are
great internet manifested by
lth hi
contribution one u>* and poverty and it is a
ideal for a long berry season,
farmer, is shown by the fact that H d a y from each workman.'tection to thepublic in the way
”7 ..
up to date about 200 ianner, i n computing the amount due the of taxes, because
have availed thenmelvee of the
$15.00 p«- month greatest omta of our
beneftta of this A c t although the £
when the men
A series of revival meetingsis
Commission has up to this time L ^ d s d . For instance, a farm one of the greatest form .ofcourt L
church atAcme
been so busy putting into OP««- handta paid »40.00 per month costs is personal inJufry1.T i*® ’ I this week under the guidance of
tion the new amendments to th e l d boapd and works 26 days. Under Oregon.
* the Billy Sundy of the Siuslaw.
law that no effort has been made hJg w
would be $55.00 per laws it has become comparati ely Mueh ¡n te m t la being manifest
to notify farmers of their priri- L ontJ*^The premium would be easy for ’X ^ M t “em Dtoy£ 6(1
work wiU h® kept UP
lege to take advantage of the 2
A c t This information is becom-
of 155.00 or »L10 plus cure damages against
to be contributed by the by bringing suit
i e s s a is s B
s 5
1 s ?
; S k SSG i
* fo rZ n e fita under the A c t
They *
ploysra ¡ndaf l natoly.
There will be a song • • ™ c®
hi, wajrM, u n tie s . injured
P«r month, ,,Wader ? * * * £ .
s ’S r S S
ln ¿ „ J 7 o r
eta MP - - .
Joe. M orris Jr., Norman G . Morris.
Adams and his
. . ? .
The Kyle ASons salmon can- y . v.
• e r y m r u a n in d f u il^ n « ^ ^ -
Althoughr the run SS A r h » »
very light, thp gemptaiy
M l» t M a w M . w d M fa ;1
m *«*■«.
a n from t M i w if c r ■ * » “
„ w e h a v . imen
the only cannery «W th*.
coast that employes white labor
Victor Johnson, sun of C, A. hit
Johneeo. fell into the river at the th<
jSSXktotolUato,»«»— 2
»«harty drowned.
£ * £ j£ " 1 S
S B B fi
d u r i n j f at '
’ n « . m «« -» •» » -
axchasivelr_____ ar
FlorencC; -Oregon
JUrin g th is Sale S t ' *
pound can form erly $1
-«¡-*"^ during th is sale a t s
peund^an formerly 45c
hM M M (MtoiMW or
m . to M to ,
cannery thie y «« . a««1 *
O M K «™ 6 5 pound canformerly $L75|
*T1 « Conservation League will
to^seaeon4n th « 8 in e la w d v « r.
A letter from George Melvin
wife Miller to the council in answer to
their inquiry relative to the price
for A. L. Ready, a resident of of the lot north of the Presby­
the lower Siuslaw country, for terian church for a site for the,
nothing, and when he sued tor proposed wtell andtow er, Mr.
wages alleged due for the labor Miller states that be will take
of both the jury in t h e circuit $350.00 for half of the lot.
court case tried yesterday award­ vided the city will cancel all the
ed him nothing. '
delinquent city taxes and peseta-
alleged that there was manta against>41 of his property
due him and his wife the sum o f ’ in Florence. The council author;
$182.56 for their work, but Ready bad the clerk to offet* Mr. MiHer
claimed that they had agreed to
work for their board and lodging
until such a time as then«.was
outside work and they could get
a good job.—Regieter-
of the new
thinking that as long as they
___ _____ he sue the his ngnts. z
W e Invite
Morris & Son
Our Grocery Prices are RW
• X and the Goods t h e # 1
’I,«*?;. •'
! Z
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