SIUSLAW PILO NUM BER 27 FORELNCË, ORÉGON, W EDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1915 gn. Riley M ills set out a lot F iweet potato plants on the 27th 'lsitM sy. Over a month ago „ first meal o f sweet potatos * taken from these vines and g week they dug the rest get- ig about a bushel. This was an experiment and e plants were set out m the ody soil on th eir place between Orence and the beach. No ie was given the plants. Much has been written and finding tne corners oi wv- Mrs. Mills is investigating rthods and expects to set out L . nt on. that can be verri- out a thousand plants next stead land on Big creek. I t been the hobby o f certain indi- fled by any competent person Some of the potatoes measure vidusls to insist on the - whole who care to take the trouble, dghteen inches long; and have country being thrown open to th a t there is not one single acre furnished many a fine meal for settlement, regardless of its of bottom land, now unapprop- Mrs. Mills table. This experi­ ■ b v u c u f b u », « riated, in the whole township; ment has proven th a t sweet K ltp u b illty ,o r « r . not t n of Ibw oK tend, low or high, un- potatoes can grow and mature stan tsim of certain | appropriated, in any one piece in this vicinity. Mrs. M ills says “ W e have t U t » w iu b le fo r ogrioaltornl 5* - i . ■ X i ™ * “ ' There U not enough demonstrated w ith our garden grass growing on un- beyond a doubt th a t celery, graphy, the timber and many 1 . ^ _____ _ sweet potatoes and straw berries other things that would induce) prospective settlers to come to "™ri ean be depended upon to grow anchor a ll the way. Some tide and give good «fops results in the that place where they would find n i l IQ I f i l U to buck, wan’t it Dave? M sandy soil, on our ranch, which a land flowing with milk and Q i U ij JL a VV Num ber four—I f you happen P' is located w ithin three hundred yards of the Ocean beach, and to he out Ashing and a prominent « difleroot kinds of produce he * * > “ O1V1U1AJ young professional man o f Flor- d we had strawberry short cake raises on bis ranch and the price --------- eno., the only one in Florence, ®l die 17th o f A p ril X)f this year, he gets for it; how fa r a deer ginc# Chinook ol asha how many you have caught, P and since could have picked ean be seen on the hills, »nd in I pounds was caugh don’t stop, he just wants to • strawberries every day sufficent the same article tells th at the near Florence by Mrs for table use, the vines are load­ borrow aflsh. ° timothy grass grows six feet Enun#nB of A tlanta City Nev ed With fru it now and I expect to H e would j j erBey> several stories about bii H ere’s Another O ne-Tueaday c have short cake for our Thanks­ high over t h . hills. giving dinner, as we did last have you believe there wer® 1 fl^ have been circulating. On while 1. A. Smith was enjoying t xftfaftern o o n tro llin g he had an 1 unuaal experience. He and Tom S W olf were out in Irw in ’s motor t boat and had landed three salmon when Irw in felt a strike and be- t J. L. Houghton of the Portage fore he could give any line the 1 had a very peculiar experience fish which must have been a ■ moster took hook, line, pole, reel, « and the entite Ashing takle. , ’SUU way, The bonds carried by a vote of over three to one, and resulted 86 votes being cast For bonds 67; against bonds 19. The judges of the election were H . D. Chamberlain, lira . Isabel Severv and Mrs. M ary Young. nsii STORIES ■ -ts’r ---- :-------------------- irs whole coat o f planking the road from the last name point in an easterly direction to the city limits, which street and road is known as the North Fork H igh­ 1ASPKWARIXPERIENCE We Invite Your Inspection of the new FALL GOODS in Clothing. Men’s Furnishings Hats and Shoes Florence, Oregon M orns ® > 5 Irw in says he woulden’t care so i much, but that the reel, which was s very fine one, belonged to < Mrs. Smith. He is now making ' inquiry among the fishermen in hopes the lost fish may get ' caught in a n e t Joe. M orris Jr., Normen O . M orris. THE LEADERS ■ HON. W. t HAWLEY _ ; VISITS THE SHJSLAf 1 R epN M ntative W . C. Hawley ' while on his way to look over the J interests of the south coast por- ’ tion of the state arrived in Flor- * ence about noon. * H e was met at Cushman by a committee of Florence business , men and escorted down the river “ to Florence, a fte r lunch Rep- resentative Hawley was taken to “ the mouth of the river where he 0 looked over the jetties and pro- posed site for a life saving * station. ■ In the evening M r. Hawley l# address the citisens of the Sius- '* law at the Commercial Club * rooms. His talk was confined y mostly to the W aterway im- * provement and other national 7 questions. . He le ft Thursday morning on J his J»*y to Coos Bay and other south coast points. The traffic on Whoahink and Tsiltcooe lakes is shout finished for ’ and hereafter the materiel will and be hauled by the train direct to i at the lakes and distributed from heir the car. There have been quite , of a number of boats and engineers and employed in this lake traffic but lery most of the men have bean laid hey off and soon there w ill be nothing levy for the boats to do. CGOTZUMttt. Morris & Our Grocery Prices and the Goo