•« - ■ ■ • V- W ‘; ' -„"T- 1 ■■ Î . . * -rs* -T 1 ■' FORELNCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. KILLED MEETING TS.P.BRIDGE FAVORS ROAD SUNDAYNIGHT TO COAST r ■A recommendation that one-1 a the pile driver a t toe bridge h a lf mill be included in the gen­ i the Siuslaw river at Cush- eral tax levy at the time o f the I Charles H . M cKee a laborer ■an was accidentally killed about adoption of the next annual j B o’clock Sunday night Septem­ budget for the construction and i ber 26. PILOT 1915 ^NUM BER 2 ¿ WORK ON SIBSUW ; OCEAN BABY SCORES COST $6753*1 100PERCENT NORTH FORK HIGHWAY - VITAL TO CITY’S ADVANCE Next Wednesday, October 6th, the resident tax­ payers of Florence will vote on the question of issuing |6000 bonds to pay a part of the cost of building a highway to the city limits east, con­ necting with the proposed North Fork county road and to be a part Of the road to Cushman. The total cost o f the county Two perfect children were road work done under Superin­ found among the entrants at the tendent M cKy on the highway Lane county fa ir eugenics show between Florence and the Lincoln which came to a dose yaatewtey county line was $676.39, accord­ afternoon. On Thursday Paul ing to a report submitted to the Henderson, aged 26 months, re­ county court ceived a rating o f 100 par cent, One or two automobile have and Welda Elisabeth, aged 36 traveled over the road since the months, daughter o f M r. and work was completed by Superin­ M ia. O. L. Zentner, o f Acme, tendent Mcky and his force of former residents o f Eugene, re­ road builders. The work too ceived a similar rating. D r. nearly a month and has put the Marion Obar, who had charge o f road in fa ir shape fo r ordinary the eugenics exhibition, aaid wagon travel. I t is expected that the little girl really mads a that next year addition work wil batter showing than the boy did greatly improvs thia highway on the previous day. which in a few y e a n ought to Dr. Obar aaid a fte r toe sto w become famous fo r its scenic at­ dosed th at this has bean the tractions. most successful show ainaa the fa ir board inaugurated it tw o yearn ago. Thia year 78 were examined aa against 86 last year and 178 tbs first year. Bettor reaulto w e n obtained in toe Attorney M. Vernon Parsons examination thia year on aeeaunt and fam ily le ft Sunday for their o f the smaller number home a t Eugene. M r. Parsons thus giving the pyhsidans more has combined piassura and busi­ time fo r each child. The child- ness on thia trip. ¿During his stay o f |a week in Roronoa ha ran ratea nigner tins year tu rn has taken toe opportunity to troll ever before, because m aaw ef « a » entrants ware i .... for salmon and caught fifteen i before and thair mors some o f which he salted otter care o f down and took home for his own O f tbs 86 children w in had table use. registered with D r. Obar fo r I t seems th at the piling maintenance of a road from Eu- are driven into the ground as to the coast was made, today, at I tar as possible and then the ends a meeting of the county gofid It seems that it is unnecessary to point out the are aawed off dose down to t M roads committee, which consists und, a chain hooked around o f representatives of the Pomona importance of this project, yet we feel that we the sawed off end and pulled up twenty subordinate must urge support for the construction of this out of the way. The testimony granges and the various com­ portion of the North F^rk Highway. ought out at the inquest shows mercial organizations o f the y at after the pile had been sawed county, held in the Commercial In their action the city'council have recognized eff McKee hooked the chain club. The recommendation is around it and gave the signal to broad and it was left open to toe and submitted a proposition that is vital to the hoist away which was done. In court to select the route. A levy developement of our ¡city and that will be a aome way the pile slipped through o f one-half mill, three years in large factor in its advjuficment. the chain and in fallin g struck succession, it is estimated, will him in the back. His fd lo w raise sufficient fonda to make a workers started for.'Glenada with highway which can be traveled him immeadiately but he died winter and summer by motor, before reaching there. cars. The present rood termi- . J : * I T ” *’ Cent Srsde. i n « , m g road. For a distance An inquest was held at toe nates a t Pm-fem. distance ol of î * “ J * * : undertaking parlors in Glenada, is not open to tajrvel during rainy is a groat drawback to th at leke, it w ill be »—»Marry to haul September 27, with J. K . Lowe, W“ ther' J ' tion of the county, and all money gravel, but thia could ba obtained 0 . Dowell J r., L. W . Derrin. W. The recommendation adopted expended on such an improve- at several points, and below the M. Wohlande**, Frank Turner and by the good roads committee is ment would be returned to the lake tnere is plenty o f gravel W. J. M cKinney as jurrors, who “ adopUd by « w n ty many fold, through an in- tome to the road and but little after hearing the evidence the North Fork grange several crease in the value of property hauling w ill be necessary, he ht m a verdict as follows: w „ a£ °' becoming available fo r taxation. said? “ We the undersigned coroners nans m . Peterson, a represent- A t present it costs abont $20 to Blachley objected to the adop­ ary respectfully state we find stive of the N orth Fork grange, scow a four-horse outfit from tion of the recommendation, as : Charles H . McKee came to addressed the committee this Mapleton down the river and til death accidently by being morning. H e stated th at he back again, he told the com- originally introduced, providing th at the entire amount to ba truck w ith a butt end o f a pile had mad« trips over three routes mittee. raised by the one-half m ill levy that ., was __ being hoisted out o f a — ■ over which a road m iaht be EL J« Adams spoke of the claim te a mi be For for - tb the V X . r a s - & S 3 2 3 ; 4 01 ^ 4 ^ — purpose of opening wwu. WOT» W I lH -------- to the ailed tq appear. kn (IWkynn a— xL- ___ a‘ __ s .i . I „ wmou in. Oregon, that toe min pile kn+t butt slipp- «.:i— miles to the coast, and that none Those* . people . . have taxed I t was estimated that the one- [ out o f toe chain while being would be expensive. Two o f the themselves to the extent o f A cannery meeting w ill be h alf mill levy would raise be­ in the air above him. This hap- routes, he said, would be on s held Saturday morning at 11 several hundred thousand dollars tween $17.600 and $20,000. Frank Da Poszi, of aoout 12 p. m. September water grade, and the other, the o’clock, October 2nd. in the representing to open up a harbor to make tbs the ] M r. Peterson said that it would « A 1916.” present government trail would bar passable, ” he said. "They not take anything like that Knowles cement building in Glen­ ’•eking Co, o f are opening up the way to a great amount to build the road from ada. Every person interested in Y . was in Florence development in Lane county and Portage to the coast He did not the cannery invited to be present talking to the mereban when they come here asking us favor a specific recommendation, and stockholders urged to attend. the famous Beech-Nut to make this improvement, in but believed the matter o f the which we are also interested, expenditure of the fund should they are entitled to considera­ be left to the court as well as the tion.” selection of the route. W alter Blachley, who rep­ The recommendation was made resented the territory along that more general in its terms and J o e . M o r r i s J r . , N o r m a n G . Morris. pert o f the proposed road to the was unanimously adopted. coast from Eugene through the Thejnext meeting of.the county Long Tom district, past Triangle good roads committee will be lake and below, stated th at he held October 26.—Engene had made a tn p over the exist- Guard. CAUGHT SALMON AND SALTEDTHEI DOWN CANNOT NEETDK ID KH O pSATO D AT We Invite Your Inspection of the new FALL GOODS in Clothing Men’s Furnishings Hats and Shoes W00LENM1LL STORE , Florence, Oregon tire af ’ ■ ; the leaders HASBOVGHT BIKING T O FORD AUTO! TOTAEGOAST C a p t wfm. Safley while in Eu­ Last Tuesday S ep t 7th, gene last week bought a Ford crowd of eleven persons took automobile and drove it to Maple­ hiking trip to tbs coast They ton Friday. Mrs. Safley accom­ took five horses and one mule panied him. which they packed heavy with H e invited Capt. John Tanner bedding and provisions. The and w ife to ride down, but it crowd left M r. W. A . Meads seem C a p t Tanner just has to place Tuesday morning took the have a propetor on his wagon, or government trail and a fte r gett­ he don’t enjoy the ride. in g on top o f the mountain took I t is said that before C ap t the Ten M ile, tra il and made it "B ill” got h alf way to Mapleton through in one day. A diatanca be had figured out just where to of about twenty miles, This is put a stern post, a dozen life the first time thia hike was aver preservers, flag staff, deck rail­ made in one day by women. ing and bow line. The crowd consisted o f M r. The auto was landed a t the Mra. George Hawley, M r. Mc- Washington street dock, with Fearaon, M r. W. A . Mead and C apt Safley at the wheel, and as throe daughters, Minnie, Nellie be went up th e ' slip and down and Effie, Steaphen Mead, Archie j Front street to his borne, he toot­ Jeans, Burrel Hoffman and' ed the horn, one or two blasts, Irvin g Petrie. A defightful time for port or starboard passing. waa reported by all. One thing can be aaid, that it didn’t take C apt Safley long to G. W. Luce, gênerai freight learn how to handle the machine agent o f the Southern Pacific and he has all the appearance of syatem, and H. A. Hinehaw, a veteran autoist nyw. general freig h t agent of the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon, Postmaster Buchanan moved passed through Florence Wed­ his household goods to his new nesday on their way from Coos boms oa Adams street Monday. Bay to Eugene. The “World's W ork" Shoe is fcr you, T is made of Trout Break Last "Tis rightly Planned an Tanned, W h ic h makes it stand weather. »>1 Fo« S< J * By Morris & Son Our Grocery Prices are Ri and the Goods the