The Siuslaw pilot. (Florence, Oregon) 1913-1916, September 08, 1915, Image 1

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its initial trip to Florence cured and made fa s t
Thia was
■ L L r n schooner Grace Dollar a neat piece of work on the part
E e d the Siuslaw bar Thursday of the owners of the Relief who
fc jn g and docked a t the Tide deserve credit for risking their
E r Mill company's w harf boat in the rough waters to give
E t seven o’clock.
Tw o large assistance.
E s loaded with lumber were Sunday evening the Grace Dollar
■L mt and th e work o f loading was easily floated into the chan­
P o n ced within th rity minutes nel by hauling on the hawser
the schooner w a s m ade and under her own power - came
E and it continued with a in and anchored near the receiv­
E s longshoring until late that ing w harf of the north jetty.
On examining the vessel no
fa t
Friday morning early
bwork started again.
Two damage was discovered and from
be scows arrived from the all appearances C a p t Fosen con­
■ at Point Terrace, furnishing sidered the matter but a alight
Efcient lumber to complete the incident o f the trip.
Ego that n ig h t
Tuesday morning C ap t Snyder
Saturday morning the vessel took the tug Robarts out and
rang into the river channel and made soundings on the bar and
hi)« many whistles signaled a found the wind and rough seas
sewell, made its way to the had caused a temporary shoal
n th of the river where anchor condition giving abont twelve
is dropped because o f the feet of water with the prevalent
low tides.
This happens to
ggy weatner.
Sunday morning Captain Foaen to other bars as often as it does
sded the schooner out and to the Suislaw, when weather
irted over the bar.
When conditions are right
Returning the tug Robarts took
reral hundred feet beyond the
line from the Grace Dollar
rth jetty she struck lightly and
o u t .The trip was
becking off ran ontQ the south
mads without any difficulty and
fter'several unsuccessful at- the lumber schooner passed out
pts by the crew to shoot a andon her journey south with
to the north je tty , the gas the largest cargo ever taken over
toner Relief, commanded by the Siuslaw bar.
tain John Safley with A1
During the month we are hav­
er in charge o f the engines, ing some of our smallest tides
a crew o f four, backed out and the wind and weather con­
> the bar and picked up the ditions make it a moat unfavor­
and wonted up close to the abletim e, which the D ollar com­
th je tty w here the line was pany knew and understand, and
twn ashore. The R elief then for this reason no doubt believe
ted up and caught the line they have given the Siuslaw bar
trsl times more, towing it in an unusual teat, as their boat
1 the large hawser was se- crossed in without a bar pilot and
We Invite
attempted to cross outjSunday in
the same way.
While the Grace Dollar was
aground Sunday afternoon the
Patsy crossed in and experienced
no difficulty on the bar.
C ap t Fosen’s remarks while
in port indicate that he thinks
the possibilities of the Siuslaw
river are large, and that the ac­
cident to his ship in no wise
should be considered as detri­
mental to this bar.
He declared
it would give him pleasure to
make a return trip.
Thursday night a banquet in
honqr of Paul Schilstrom, of the
Point Terrace M ill Co., and the
officers of the Grace Dollar, was
given by the business men of
Florence. I t was geatly enjoyed
by all who attended. ----- — -
The Grace Dollar was built at
Long Beach, California, in 1913,
ana is 220 feet long, w ith 40 foot
beam, and has a gross tonnage
of 1324 tons.
The net tonnage
is 809 tons.
On this trip in she
was drawing 6 feet 10 inches
forward and 9 feet and 2 inches
a ft
On her outgoing trip she
drew 11 feet and 10 inches on
about an even keel.
The officers of the steel schoon­
er are:
Captain, C Fosen, 1st
officer, A Peterson; 2nd officer,
A lb ert HowelhSd officer, OBord-
sen. The ship carries besides its
officers, a wireless operator, three
engineers, three oilers, three
firemen, three in the steward
department and ten sailors.
The Grace Dollar made this
trip to the Siuslaw to carry out
a cargo of lumber from the Point
Terrace M ill Co. to San Francisco
and the successful outcome of
this trip w ill greatly encourage
those interested in this port as a
shipping p o in t
took them o u t They were im­
mediately rushed to Florence in
the Harbor-Sound Investment
Co’s boat and suffered very
little from th e m ishap.
- Fortunately just before the
accident little Robert Watts had
been given to some one standing
near or the result might ^ave
been more serious.
While~ realising that it was a
close call M r. and Mrs. W atts
ate rather good natured about
the matter, and Charley says if
any one finds a salmon wearing
a pair o f gold nmmed spectacles
to bring them to his jewelery
store fo r indentification as he
lost a pair when he fell.
The Johnson-Anderson Com­
pany have disposed of their con­
to the
Zimmerman-Wells-Brown Com­
pany, of Portland.
G. A.
Anderson and W . J. Zimmerman
arrived in Florence, to make
final arrangements in the dis­
position of machinery.
The tog Roberto took one of
the red scows in tow Wednesday
morning and le ft for Astoria.
Three o f these scows carrying
some of the material purchased
w ill be taken to that port and
from there taken to Portland.
Soma of the equipment has
been secured by the Miami Quarry
C a , and will be used by them in
construction work.
Tbs tug Robarts which was
sold by Wm. K yis to the John­
son-Anderson Co.,
is to be
Sunday evening when return­
ing from the beach M r. and M « .
Charles W atts fell off the lower
part of the receiving w h arf at
the South Jetty and for a short
time were ift danger o f being
They were endeavoring to get
aboard one o f the boats to return
to Florence when M r. Watts lost
his footing and fell.
overbalanced he reached out to
save himself and unknowing
grabbed his wife, both falling
into the w ater beneath the wharf,
where they clung to the piling
until a boat reached them and
John Patterson and A1 Camp­
bell arrived in Florence Saturday
and w ill spend several days in
Florence and vicinity connecting
the Pacific States Telephone and
Telenraph Company’s copper
wire w ith the Florence central.
When thia is finished ws will
have direct telephone and tele­
graph connection w ith Eugene,
Portland, Puget Sound and other
Oregon and Washington points.
and means of securing a road
patrol system in the county,
organized by electing (X J. Hurd
chairman and C. S. Calef secre­
tary. The m atter was discussed
at length by the members pres­
ent, when it was decided to ap­
point a committee to work out a
road patrol system and report at
the next meeting which will be
held the 25th of this month.
This committee, composed of H.
W. Hall. Geo. Holland, E. L.
E. Thrall and C. B.
Swango, w ill visit the most im ­
portant sections
where road
patrols are needed and secure
data and information which will
aid them in making recommen­
dations to the county court
through the Pomona grange.
Another sub-committee was
appointed to make an estimate
of the amount o f money needed
for roadwork in the county next
year, so that this information
may also be placed before the
county court
The committee
consists of C. S. Calef, E, L.
Ayres, C. J. Hurd, W . B.
Blachley and V irg il Hawkins.
The secretary was instructed
to w rite to each o f the Com­
mercial dubs, or civic organisa­
tion, and farmers' union in the
county, requesting th at a rep­
resentative be appoint to meet
and become a part of the Pomona
grange committee on roads and
highways. This is done fo r the
purpose of giving all classes of
people an opportunity of being
represented ¿>d to express th eir
in Clothing
Men’s Furnishings
Hats and Shoes
Florence, Oregon
desires in matters pertaining t o
public highways.
Although this was the first
meeting of this committee it was
a most interesting one and well
In order to £ better
carry on the work mapped out,
ft was deddad t t f l M e t on 'th e
25th of each month in the offices
of the county agriculturist
case the 25th falls on Sunday the
meeting will be neld the Monday
M orns
Joe. M orris J r., Normen G . Morris.
The Relief le ft Tuesday morn­
ing fo r Coos Bay.
A full cargo
of freight was taken aboard.
of the new
Word was received by Mayor
John Bergman Tuesday that the
W ater and Intersection bonds
issued by the city of Florence
had been approved by the a t­
torneys fo r the Lumbermans
Trust Co. of Portland, and th a t
the bonds were being printed.
The W ater Bonds were serial
bonds from ten to tw enty years,
end the
Intersection Bonds,
were from ene to ton years.
The Lumbermans Trust Co.
bid par; providing the city paid
for the printing and legal fees,
This now assures the people of
Florence th at the work on a
water . system w ill soon com­
mence, and the street improve­
ments under way w ill ba com­
The approving of the bonds
makes it evident that everything
has been legal and the city officers
should be oompUmented, assome
cities .have had to try
several timea before having bonds
The “W aritfs W ork" Shoe is test
for you.
TTto made of Trout Brook Leather;
T ta rightly Planned end Oambier
W h ic h makes it stand rough
Kinerva re-
lay from a
at Eugene
much work
id highway
is a delegate
ig at Eugene
W w V to W B.kffil
Peterson, V. R. Sly, H . B. Yancy,
W. B. Blachley and J, A. Law -
renee, was appointed to look into
the m atter carefully and report
at the next meeting o f the general
This action was
taken a t the request of the N orth
Fork grange.
A t present there is no road
worthy of the name between Eu-
gpne and the ocean, the W ill-
aroette Pacific railroad having
used most of the route fo r its
roadbed. The people of the Siue-
law district are seeking an outlet
a valley-to- tor wagons and teams and an in-
by way of let fo r automobile and coast
iuslaw is to traffic.
The Pomona grange
e committee committee to investigating tbs
N frUP* the feasibility as well as the necessity
ma grange of such a road before taking any
meeting in action.
rooms yes-
The general committee, which
A sub-corn-1 was appointed by the grange fo r
ting of Hans the purpose of providing ways
f the county
and where
ization was
ard as chair-
f, secretary,
of Septem-
¿lowing sc-
Morris & Son MÄ on
sh BP U h
Our Grocery Prices are Rieht
and the Goods the Best Quality