pilot JO R E L N Ç E , OREGON, W EDNESDAY, SEPTEM BER 1, 1915 : schoo w. t T. u. elects officers reminders ’OPENED FOR YEAR’S WORK MONDAY Th» year the Florence schools Monday w ith a registra slightly under th at o f last j but still leading th a t of years ago. high school shows the same as' last year, or 30 its. while the p rim ary de­ nt has an increase, show- i total o f 22. In the 6th, 7th 8th grades, and the inter­ iste the enrollment has fallen resulting in 23 scholars in 6th. 7th, andBth grades, and in the intermediate depart- entered school it is expected the registration will reach over hundred and possibly that of last year. Prof. F. 0 . Bradshaw has no; yet arrived, having been detainee by sickness, but is expected here Monday. A t present Miss Nellie Newland the assistant in the high school is handling the situa­ tion in the beat possible manner until M r. Bradshaw arrives. The teachers in the grades, C. L . Weaver, Miss Jennie McVick- ers and Mias Sylvia Rackleff are entering upon their school work Some of the scholars have not w ith enthusiasm which promises lied yet and when they have well fo r results. - ROUTE LAKE CREEK NUM BER 22 stage from that stotyon. thus shortening the time and lessen­ ing the expense to the govern­ ment. A ll mail fo r these Doetqffices w ill be made up in Eugene in­ stead of at Junction City- The poetofficea served on -thia route are Franklin, Deadwood, Blaehly, Greenleaf, Alpha, Horton and others. The mail now leaves Junction City for these points early in the morning, but aa the P „ E. A E. train does not reach Cheshire until about noon, it appears that the mail w ill be several hours later in reaching the Lake Creek valley postoffices than at present Register. PANTAH AN) FOREST FIRE TO HUNIERS N S BIG BEAR PRECAUTIONS The local W. C. T. U . met last Friday afternoon with Mrs. Frank Knowles and elected-officers for the coming year as follows: Mrs. Southmayd, president; Mrs. P. S. Rice, vice president of Flor­ ence. Mrs. Douglas, vice presi­ dent o f Glenada; Mrs. Minnie Funke, vicS president of Flor­ ence; and Mrs. S. A. Ramsdell. vice president of Acme. Re­ cording secretory, Mrs. Grace Hibner, Glenada; Treasure, Mrs. Angie Tanner, Florence. The. W . C. T. U . will meet Friday o f this week with Mrs. R. 0 . Caves. The state game warden has is­ sued a lot o f instructions for hunters to observe during the open season fo r deer, which De- gan S pet 16th. > Each hunter is allowed only three deer. This is more than enough for most of them. Every carcass must be tagged with little red ticket torn from the special deer hunter's license. You can't shoot does or fawns. You can shoot bucks. But— the bucks Eave to be big enough for you to sea the horns plainly. Don't shoot at moving shrubs M r. and Mrs. William Chamber- or brush. lain and daughters, Reisses Bar­ - Don't shoot anything until you bara and Doane, and H. D. see plainly what it is. Sraoak le ft Friday morning on Don't carry your gun loaded. visit to the exposition. Don’t go into the woods with­ They go to Portland where out paying your insurance and they will take the S. S. Northern making your w ilt Pacific for San Francisco. I t is also recommended that you wear a rod cap and a rod sweater. mu VBiTaposmoii TRAINS TO «» sbayby nÄSR« SA Y H R ST H. A. Hinshaw, geneial freight ent fo r the Southern Pacific nea in Oregon w a s * visitor to For 80 or 40 years the United Through trains to Coos Bay Florence last week on his way mail for the postoffices in May 1, >1916, was the promise from Cops Bay to Portland. Lake Creek valley, in the made by W. D. Campbell, aasis- M r. Hinshaw came in by way intains west o f Eugene, a n t general manager of the o f M yrtle Point to Marshfield i beenVarried by stage out of Southern Pacific, returning w ith and then over the right-of-way action C ity , but hereafter, a party o f Southern Pacific offic- to Florence. H e is getting ac­ orders received ¿by als from a formal inspection of quainted with this section of the sr’ E. L. Campbell, of the new W illamette Pacific. 1 country and looking into the pos­ ae, the mails for th at valley M r. Campbell complimented J t sibilities i o f tonage. H e believes Heave the Portland, Eugene Chief Engineer, Hoey highly thia section w ill offer some very I Eastern, now known as the upon the work done on the road, attractive places tor people to : ; Side tra in o f the S. P .. at T t’sagoodrailroad," respond ¿¿end their summer vacations. lire station, several miles The Relief came into port Tues­ ed the engineer. "W e could er these offices than is Junc- day afternoon and unloaded her i have built a railroad from Eu­ on City. I t w ill be carried by i cargo at Kyles warehouse. gene to Marshfield in less time, but not this kind of a road. It's better, than many trunk lines in the e a s t” SupL Campbell saya: " I was agreeably surprised to find such Last week the electric cable splendid country through which the new line passes, particularly that carries the light and power about Marshfield and North Bend. current to Glenada burned out "The road passes through the and th at place was in darkness most delightful places. I never except for what lightwas furnish­ saw more beautiful locations for ed by kerosene and gasoline tourists than along those lakes lamps and candles hastly brought south of. the Siuslaw—the shoot­ into service. Saturday the work o f raising ing is good, the fishing is good, the scenery is good, and the and inspecting the cable com­ menced under the supervision of water is excellent The rails will be all laid south H arry Hinshaw who succeeding of the Umpqua bridge long be­ in finding the break Tuesday but fore i|s completion, the ballast upon testing the repair out it was has to come from Eugene, and found not satisfactory and the this is causing part of the delay. company continued the repair M r. Campbell referred to the work all day Wednesday. line to M yrtle P o in t as a valu­ The trestle work on North able feeder, extending into the Lake a t Ten Mile on Z the W ill­ coal field and timber region. amette Pacific construction to M r. and Mrs. Jack Beater, and being finished, and in a few days M r. Bester’a sister, Mrs. C. B. the workmen will commence on Stokes o f Forrest Grove, were in the longest piece of construction Glenada Thursday on their way acrow this lake. This is na tunnel N a 7.— Umpqua Courrier. to Maple creek. 3 REP/« T H E EU H H C CABLE Caught! FREE!! J. W . Pantoll o f Preferred Stock fame has been planning a "b ar h unt” for several months and thia week arrived in Florence w ith blood in his eye and a little red h a t And Wednesday Pantall got the bear, says be can prove by Percy Cox that he ahot the bear. I t was a real good thing that there was a witness, because when telling the weight Mr. Pantall's large handsome eyes seemed to expanded to an un usual sixev and when he showed its site h i* arms would extend as fa r apart aa possible, The only regret he seems to have, is that Ke carried the bear in w ith­ out dressing it and he had one of Marshall-Wells best hunting knives in his pocket Their to no doubt o f bis being a "preferred” man becaua Hansen and Percy Coot along and PantaH got the bear, We are going to give away free with every pair of shoes sold, one pair of FIFTY-CENT SOX or two pair of Twentv-five cent Sox WOOLENMILL STORE Florence, Oregon made under date o f August 5, 1915, and provides tor enlarging and repairing the receiving wharves and tramways, and ex­ tending the i north and south je ttiw . A small force of men are now at work at the north je tty get- ing ready for a larger tores, some o f which’w ill arrive the last of this week. Supplies arrived on the Patsy Tuesday and it ia expected that the preparatory work will proceed rapidly. Do not build larger camp Area than are necessary. Making the trip to Cape Per- petua by way o f Saddler mountain and returning to Mercer by the beach, a joHy party o f young people arrived home Wednesday o f last weak. They were H arry, Esther and. Goldie Lavage, Lucille W atkins, Iona Sutton, Eva W alker and Fred Powers. _ They le ft Mereer Tuesday, August 17th, hiking over trails w ith peek horses car­ rying the camp o u tfit Contests in walking was the program planned, b at to under­ I f you find a fire that yon can­ not put out, report it la the Bear­ cat to rw t officer. Put out your camp fire com­ pletely before leaving it, even tor a short time. two s m «■BBM r WW a ti W wr Dr. Wm. Tatomandhto M end 8. H . Bauer, o f Eugene, enjoyed a morning of good sport recently while at tha beach at the mouth a- * WsC rfkem u vwT •/? ‘ They discovered a large num­ stood a specialty wm «Mraduetd ber of seals on the south beach by well a known a rtis t entitled, and turning loow With their guns killed ton seals with five "H unting the Horses. ” shots. This w w tepid work and M r. and Mrs. Lane M artin were resulted in an average of two in Florence last Saturday, seals to each shot fired. Morris (2b Son J o e. M orris J r ., N orm an G . M orria. THE LEADERS The “World’s W o rk“ tor you. / I of Trout Brook T to Tto rightly Plannod and Gambier Tanned, W h ic h makes it stand rough »than I&Î- «priaB yfarrgagL. JETTY CONTRACTORS BEGIN OPERATIONS The government query at Point terrace has been turned over to the Miami Quarry Co., and they have established a mess house and quarters for the men and have begun to d e a rth * brush o ff the hill aide and open the quarry. E. F. Leefe. U . S. Junior Engineer, in charge of the pro­ ject at the mouth of the Siuslaw, has received a copy of the con­ tract between the government and the Miami Quarry Co. for je tty work. This contract is Remember that carelaaanaw causes fires; precaution prevents them. Do not tow away bunting matchw or tobacco, cigar stubs or cigarettes. Every largo fire kaa a small beginning; Do not build campfires against trees, stumps, logs or to any vegetable matter. Build thaw on mineral aoil by] first scraping away the toavw and decayed vegetation. HAD HUOYABlf OUIWG We are caught with too many ' shoes on hand |for this time of year therefore for the NEXT THIRTY • < DAYS . V , The opening of the hunting season with the subsequent in­ crease in the number o f people in the hills mesne a much greater danger o f forest fires starting. Observance d f t h e suggestions below by all Will prevent direct low o f taxable property, danger to other bun tore, prospectors and ranchers, and indirect lo w to the community reaultantupon driving away tounata by amoks and black­ ened hillsides. Far 1 C. G0TZ1AN & CO. 4k “F or 5*1« B y * Morris & Son M“^ on' Our .Grocery. Prices are Right an< id the Goods the Best Quality