The Siuslaw pilot. (Florence, Oregon) 1913-1916, August 25, 1915, Image 1

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hr. M. V. Forrest, o f this ctty.
p suddenly Sunday a t th e S k
L o ts Hospital I n 5 Bprtlaad.
C a brief illJ t e d M O
jr. Forrest le ft Florence Mon-
js f last week fo r P o rtlaid ,
b e he entered the hospital
b for medical tre a tm e n t P J
vs. Forrest le ft fo r Portland
Ffriday in answer to a tele-
IB, but few realized th a t any-
HT serious was the reason, and
information o f D r. Forrest's
th was a shock to his -many
last year and opened an office,
ring a good practice during
time here.
lr. Forrest was 28 years old
the time of death.
H e was
n in Wheatland, Yam hill
Bty, in 1887, and leaves be­
l l his wife, and mother, tM te r
IL Forrest, o f Portland; tifrg
era, Mrs. A . W. Bowersox, dr
uny. and Mrs. E. V . L i t t l V
, of Portland.
s was a.m em oir bf.tbd rndni
dent Order o f Odd Fellows,
gangements for the funeral
id not been announced at time
'going to press.
~ - -----------
News has been received from
¡gene tlyt-C ^lpi. Stonefield is
fang along nicely and expects
kre^hew*?1 *x>rV
h e Conservation League .¡Ut­
ah an Invitation to all patrons
¿friends of the Florence Pub-
nehools to be present at a re-
|tion in honor of the school
ichers at eight o'clock on F ri-
iy evening, September 3. 1915,
the school house.
sfantly reminded of their extreme
unfitness for the woods.
‘ r A horse, a cow, two hogs, apd
two yearling heifers is the bag of
some of the famous hunters that
| come from the «'ties to take ad.
vantage o f th e game laws that
are framed by the gun clubs and
irvisor Jenni^Boesen took
C. P . V aoH outte, o f Eugene, «W»«r great “ aportemea” .
London, Auguat20.—Addition­
W W IM k ln g tee Pacific States
al troops have been
T e lt p h & t e r a f l Telegraph Co.
wad in Florence this week look­
Gallipoli and stubborn fighting
ing a fte r business matters in
continue^ f c H )» •<
¡Connection with the extension o f
______ „
___t u„.
th eir lines to the western part a t cock, Michigon, io looking'
•Lane county.
Florence a id vicinity.
Ixxadon, August, 2 L -T h r o e
the number of schools under her
« h ip s and arte Çer-
As soon as the copper wine daughter. Miss Ruth Johm
ceaage this year, having a total reaches Florence from Eugene who is principal o f the S I
tip. all small vessels
o f seventy school districts to
sunk in the battle in
a person will be able talk with Union Highschool, isalsoms
Eugene and Portland direct the trip.
They hnvoiprot
Heretofor Mapleton has been They could even talk over th e on Gsrginer avenue, which
headquarters for this supervisory Company's copper;prises through bsvepwped a number o f y<
Paris, August 2 L —A Haves
diapatcfc from Rome saga Abe
It a lia t government has ordered
easily and be heard as w e ll'is
the Italian ambassador A t Con­
though the distance was b g fa
stantinople to p re eeh tkd to iara-
few miles.
I t is not intended'far
tíaaed wap-to T u r k e y . i i d o j I f.
expected that this long jasv
around will be used between 4hb
place and Marshfield, as the Pa­
cific States T and T will r u n e
copper wire to Gardiner as Coon ■
as possible, while from therp on
the present system will be tk»-
.a ie t .<08
proved to give a good service! h
H . C. Morris is making axten*
iT , inii W W « R W « f h i a
60,000 brick.
H a now has E.
Bradford, o f Elm ira in charge of
a crew of men, and they have
about 16000 brick moulded, ex-
pectina» to b i n a À jln ^ o fA fty or
wri j '
his awn place sad is scewiag the ™*n®’
sand from the riven beech below
H e intends to piece
ProL F . O. Bradshaw w ill i! pa
these brick on the local market
again th is year and hs^p
when they are finished. ~
as his assistant In the high school
||T h e ladies Aid fsociety o f the Miss Nellie Newland, of Eugene.
The grammar school will be in
Evangelical church meets with
of three teachers, C. L.
Mrs. Bushnell Thursday Septem­
has the 6th, 7th and 8th
ber 8.
grades; Miss Jennie McVickers,
has the intermediate, while Miss
Sylvia Rackleff w ill have charge
of the primary department
' • A reception m honor o f the
teachers IS planned to be given
at the school on Friday evening
September 3rd.
1 ■ . i
■ I Í
/ u . EJi
We are caught with too many
shoes on hand (for this time of
year therefore for the
alT bus s«oH,’ifi3,9x3 . 1' ,'A
We are going to give aw ay free
with every pair o f shoes sold, one
pair of FIFTY-CENT SOX or
tUfO pair of Twenty-five cent Sox
Florence, Oregon
—— ' " c
Governor Withyeombe Satur­
day appointed Ray Goodrich, of
Eugene, as a member of the Uni­
versity o f Oregon board o f re­
gents to fill the unexpired term
of S.' H. Friendly and io serve
until A pril 1916. ‘
M r. Goodrich is a native of
Oregon, born in Yamhill county
whore ho received S common
sebool education
Later he at­
tended the Oregon Agricultural
College fo r two years, and 1890
jratered the University of Oregon
from which he graduated in
M r. Goodrich is a member of
the board o f directors and assist­
ant cashier of tne First National
bank o f Eugene.
H e h aleo a
member o f the board of directors
of the Eugene public library, a
director of the Eugene branch
of the Y. M* C A ., and vice-
president of the Eugene Coat-
m eraai v t u u.
The fitness of Governor Withe*
combe's choice is recognised by
aH who know M r. Goodrich.
Hunting parties from all parte
of the country have been scout­
ing through our hills and valleys
in search of game — big game -
and from Fiddle creek comes the
best story o f all, and those who
participated in the
< 'iV*
Withdrawn from Riga boy.
N .w York.“ ^
German center h a * preosid fisr-
ward steadily until Prigea Leo­
pold o f Ba varia io near th e as w
line o f Russian defense. f t b y
¡iluWWn nmrri Hfmsl
« w rite a A , aril* atelto >ah? urns-
ment to that part cd! TsilSdc»B.{l
< ¿Ban M arten is, baiW afr af'iflna
bungelow in a , rightly pikes; M
nefldoG i - jsh H*— 1, raina the river rose to w « »
« r t o m h t t A H U r i l t a n i tfritee-
, ^ t r q c t ^ ?< ^ > m |.kuiig^>w, t b ÿ t f r i torin g a v tfrih y r if r it t e »
Tha outlet o f TaUteooa la k a b e j day. letting loose one o f th é w to t
been brushed naariy f t * -riW » dlmattous fbodat hs f t v h U t e r y
of the community.
..uberi »O
* «
.have been removed* W hen the
.’a v io /m W il'gllfJlII JFtidsfil
job is Completed it will make a
delightful ride from ttm Jaka to
rtk k beacn.
lL -*»
''I ’ / » r r m
The Ladies Aid society met
with Mrs. J. L. Furnish last Thur­
*bfx»a l.'orf
London. Aug. 21.—The big
White Star line steamer Arabic,
formerly a favorite ship of the
Liverpool-Boston service, but
which on her present trip was on
the w iff to New York, was tor­
pedoed and sunk by a German
submarine at 9:16 o’clock Thurs­
day morning southeast of Fast-
n e t n'
7 •*-
The revised figures of missing
passengers and crew shows a
total o f 37. among which are two
Americans, Dr. Edrtiund Woods
and Mrs. Josephine S. Bruguiere,
The torpedo th at sunk the A ra­
bic struck her on the starboard
side, 100 feet from the stern.
Ten lifeboats and a number o f
life rafts were quickly gift over
the side o f the ride of f t e steam­
er and into these a large number
Joe. Morris Ji*4 Norman G . Morrip.
scrambled, i ¿4 •>'<
,The Arabic is theJ
er, w ith the exce
Lusitania, that has
tiie Germane
t eUoMw ■L I
Ü y o r la ït
L* C l ,
10 A M O J H W c r
2 íftlÚ X A fc
for you,
T to mads of Trout Brook Leather;
O m
Our Grocery
and t