The Siuslaw pilot. (Florence, Oregon) 1913-1916, August 18, 1915, Image 1

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To lie in wait near licka while
hunting deer.
To seii game of any kind ex­
cept when propogated according
to law.
| To ahoot game from public
highways or railroad rights of
To wantonly waste game,
gating parties have b e e n jir-l Trout longer than 10 inches,
o r aliens to hunt without a
aed for several weeks and all year.
week some o f them went to > Bass, crappies. Williamson’s special gun license.
To shoot from any power, sink
rent locations, north, east whitefiah, catfish and graylings,
sneak boat or sink box.
south of Florence in order to all year
hunt on enclosed or occu­
tth « r favorite p i « . Sunday
„ ,,
r a |> w M *
pied unenclosed lands without
"" Durinn
■»»•P. antriop., elk.
permission of owner.
To trap for fur-bearing ani­
7 anal
natw anaW.naal
pheasants, golden mate without a license.
i i X
w u. i . » « £
g -ry **
To burn ta k e between Febru­
ary IB and Sebtember 15, except­
ing by permit from state game
fjh e open seasons fo r k illin g
Eg began last Sunday and ends
game warcen.
To trap, net or ensnare game
k b e r S ls t
birds or fish, except as
B ke following extracts from
state game laws, showing
To hunt w ithin the corporate
ten dates fo r hunting and fish-
limits o f any city or town, public
k also spme o f the important
or cemetery, or on any
lb g s ; that the law requires,
or grounds o f any public
»sprinted a t this tim e so that
college, or university or
jjr readers may become fam iliar
within the boundaries of any
lith them.
watershed reservation as set
Buck deer w ith horns, ^August
aside by the United States to
k to October 8 L
supply water to cities, or within
Silver gray squirrels. Septem-
crows sad rtvens, magpies and any national bird or game reser­
pr 1 to October 81.
Ducks and geese, October 1 to
To resist game wardens or
poary 15. (Federal law )
such birds as are not protected other officers charge with the en­
{tails and coots, October 1 to
forcement o f the game laws.
by law.
binary 15. (Federal law )
To hunt without having hunt­
Chinese pheasants and grouse,
ing license on person, and to re­
ttober 1 to October 81; October
fuse to show same on demand of
to 10 in Jackson county ; no
proper officer or owner or repre­
tan season in Coos, Josephine
sentative of real property where
id C urry counties.
Quail October 1 to 81 in Coos,
To hunt at n ig h t
try, Jackson and Josephine
sell or have in possession z In twenty-three counties o f
uities; closed at all other times
plumage o f protected birds.
the state, the school tax shows
I eounties west o f Cascade
To hunt oo ony game reserva­ an increase of 9808.48L98 over
th a t o f last year, « r a n s w a g e
ives, September 1 to Octoder tion.
increase of 74 per cen t
To disguise sex or kind o f any
bounty showing 14 per cent in­
[Trout longer than 6 inches, game.
To hunt deer with dogs.
ipril 1 to October 31.
Harney county has the highest
levy per capita, >13.53. and Linn
the lowest 85.20.
We are caught with too many
shoes on hand (for this time of
year therefore for the
We are going to give away free
with every pair of shoes sold, one
pair of FIFTY-CENT SOX or
two pair ofTwentv-fivecentSox
Lane county ranks third in the
state in total amount o f school
taxes collected in 1915.
total amount of taxes paid in this
county was >294,961.57.
levy is >7.96 per capita, and the
average per capita in the state
to >8.15.
A reduction of 852,999.96 waa
made in nine counties. In addi­
tion to thia Multnomah county
managed to make a big reduction
of >794,867.56, making a net sav­
in the entire state o f >656,385.68;
but were it not fo r Multnomah
county’s Urge decrease, the
total school taxes of the state
would show and increase over
last year of more than >260,000.
Jas. Ford Jr. has ju st returned
from the coast a t Big Creek
whejje he platted a summer re­
sort fo r Amel Stonefield.
I t is
located just south of Big Creek
an has been named Samaria.'
All the tract of land along th e
ocean fro n t has been laid off into
lots and blocks and will be placed
on the market a t a reasonable
I t is a beautiful spot on
the beach, near fresh and salt
water where sportesmen will
find plenty o f amusement—
The Community Sing a t th e
Rhododendron stand Sunday a ft­
ernoon was weilattended and con­
siderable interest to displayed in
these gatherings. The next tin g
^rill be on the third Sunday in
September at the same place if
the weather permits, otherwise
the place w ill be announced later.
Florence, Oregon
r n m r a iY
The play "The Elopement o f
Ellen.” given Saturday night for
the benefiit of the Florence pub­
lic library by local tallent, was
a decided aucceea in every way.
There was a large and appreciat­
ive audience to greet the players
on the raiking o f the curtain, and
each member o f the play was a t
th eir beat and responded with
enthusiasm peculiar to their own
individual traits. The Rev. John
Hume-otherwise Frank Johnson-
persisted in getting everybody
into trouble, but by his good na-
tured way succeeded in bringing
everything to a happy tormina-
W D.
' licLym ane orchestra furnished
the music for the evening. H rs.
McKee, accompanied by Miss
Wilkinson, gave a special violin
eoto which was entiiusiaBticiy re­
ceived by alL T
H r. S t a n g ^ d , o f the Siualaw
Home Telephone Co., announces
1he completion of the long dis­
tance toll line o f the Pacific Tele­
phone and Telegraph Co. from
Eugene to Florence, connecting
with Ms telephone, system in
Florence. W ith this oonnection
directly connected w ith the local
telephone system it w ill be pos­
sible for any local subecribe/eon-
m e a n w i n m e nuaiww local
sjbtemto talk direct to Eugene,
Portland and all points on the ex-’
tensive toll system o f the Pacific
Telephone and Telegraph Com­
pany. H r . Stanwood has been
negotiating with the Pacific Co.,
for the past year in an effort to
induce that company to extend
its lines into this territory and
his enterprise in securing this im-
portant connection is commenda­
ble. He can now serve his pa­
trons w ith better and cheaper tel­
egraph service and direct long
distance copper wires will assure
good conversations a t moderate
prices such as are charged for
similar services elsewhere. The
Toll line will be ready for service
about the 2 Oth.
Reforestation of between 2000
and 8000 acres of land adjacent
to Saddle mountain between
Waldport and Florence w ill be
necessary in the opinion o f H.
M. Johnson who recently re ­
turned to Eugene. According to
the Guard Mr. Johnson has been
making an investigation o f the
burned over areas in th at section
for the forest service, and says
th at on the greater part of the
land, much o f which is near the
Grass Mountain game reservation
young growth has started and
reforestation w ill not be required.
The timber is Douglas fir.
The moet destructive fire in
I t is practically settled that the
U . o f 0 . foot ball squad w ill come
to Florence this summer to prac­
tice for the fall meet. Arrange­
ments are being completed for
tiie camp to be located stM uneel
creek and the grounds o f the
base ball d u b will be cleared for
their use. There are about 25
students th at will participate is
this practice and they w ill ba in
camp about three weeks. This
site wee selected in preference to
any other in the state and the
people o f tide vicinity w ill have
the opportunity to witness seme
of the moet interesting and snap­
py foot ball games th a t w ill be
pulled off this fall.
The county court is very much
In doubt about the date o f tbs
meeting when changes in bound­
aries o f rood districts can ba
made, according to the Eugene
Guard which says: The 1915
statutes give tw o differentftmes,
one section provides th at rash
changes shall be mads a t the
County Judge Bown has re­
ferred the matter to County A t­
torney J. 4L. D ty e n and it to
probable that i t will be taken up
The forest telephone line from
the end of the Maple week H m
to the summit o f Sunset moun­
tain is completed and ready fa r
use. Paul Henderson and Ban
oo the Ung came in Monday for
provisions sod want to th e ir re ­
spective stations Tuesday- Hen­
derson has the Smith river, and
Bunch has the Saddle mountai n
I t to tiis intention o f the ser­
vice to extend this line to the
summit o f Roman Nose moun­
tain as rapidly as possible, but it
cannot be done this season. This
line would give settlers on Sweet
North Fortt a t Indtontown. This
petition will go to tho federal
government ns an expression of
the deals* of til*'people here for
a bridge at that point.
munication with Florence,
The matshal is making soma
needed repairs in the sidewalks
on Front street
Joe. M orris Jr., Norman G . M orris.
T > . “ WorlOl W.
curred about fifty-five years ago
and in places, be states, th e n to
some gooe standing timber.
W . O. Benrholz. purchasing
agent, and H . M. Tennent, reg­
istrar, o f the O. A . C. arrived in
Florence Monday for a boating
and fishing trip.
They will
Dr. C. B. Marks arrived in spend a few days* in the Mils
Florence today to attend to the north of here before returning
to their work in Corvallto.
wants of hie customers.
Morris &
and the Goods the Best