i SIUSLAW PILÓT FORELNCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. JU LY 21, 1915 IMMUNITY SING GREATLY APPRECIATED h Sunday afternoon a large num- ■ of Florence people gathered the Carnival pavalion in re­ to the announcement that would be an effo rt made at ¡ time to get the people ínter­ in community singing. Martin Sharrard led the ainging Misa W illa Wilkinson pre- at the organ. The organ i loaned to the committee for occasion by Mrs. Clara talker. Those present enjoyed the it and took p art in singing an enthusiam th at showec ¡they liked the program o f ok |time songs. In is planned to have these ommunity Sings,’ quite often 1 I f the weather permits one rill be held next Sunday after- on. Watch for the announce- it FANGELIGAL REGULAR AND S K O A L SERVICES Sunday evening service at ngelical church a t 7:30. The ang people w ill conduct the ice extending over the lin g hour. The service 11 consist o f short talks, several tions o f special music etc. »special invitation is extended the young people. A ll are ome. spel meetings w ill continue i week at Glenada. The ser- are at 8 o’clock. Street etings near post office at 7:30. [he messenger is R e v .-N e ff the with a knowledge of God’s rord. R. 0 . Caves. COOKIES ARE COOKIES fQ JJ cm bonds Recently Charlie Morgan got hungry for cookies and decided he would patronize home in­ dustry, so he got down his famous and reliable cook book. One that he had always found an authority on appetizing and toothsome dishes. Charlie be­ gan to taste cookies as soon as he touched that cook book, and quiet patiently and carefully he asured each ingredient, and then he ’ thoroughly stirred the mixture. So fa r all went well! but to Charlies surprise, instead o f only two dozen cookies, the amount the receipt guaranteed, he had trouble to crowd them into a three gallon ja r, and Charlie is rejoicing. ARE OPENED On last Monday night bids fo r the sale of $10,000 W ater Bonds and $3,500 Street Intersection Bonds, a total of $13.500, were opened. Four bids were offered as fol­ lows: C. H. Coffin o f Chicago, $13,535, i f allowed $535 for a t­ torney fees. Security Savings and Trust Co, $13,235 net., James M, W right Co., o f Denver, par value, i f allowed $900 for attor­ ney fees, expenses, etc. Lum­ berman’s Trust Co. of Portland, par value less $249 fo r attorney fees, etc. The council took no definite action, bnt adjourned to meet T. W . Parker, brother o f J. A. Friday night when they will con­ Parker, is here from Coos Bay sider the matter further. and will take charge of th$ branch confectionery store at the W . P. bridge site ju st above Acme. Fred W ithrow who has been in charge o f M r. Parker’s store at th at place, has accepted a posi­ tion with the bridge contractors. WILL HA VE CHARGE , QFBRIDGE STORE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY OPENS NUMBER 16 Rogers, The book o f useful plants. Rohlfs (Green), The house of the whispering pines. S t Nicholas, Vol. 36 P t 1, Vov. 1906-April, 1909. Seton, Rolf in the woods. Wm. Kyle and Dave Kyle le ft Shafer, H arper’s beginning Sunday fo r Eugene and Portland. electricity. , From Portland they drove a new Stuck, Ten thousand miles with seven passenger Hudson auto to a sled. ' Eugene. Talbot, Lightships and lig h t­ Mrs. Wm. Kyleand Mrs. D. M. houses. K yle le ft Tuesday fo r Eugene Van Sickle A Others, Riverside where they will join th eir hus­ fourth reader. bands and from there the party Wade, Our little Russian will motor south to California, cousin. where they w ill enjoy a pleasure Wason, Happy Hawkins. trip o f several weeks. Watts, Nathan Burke. They w ill visit the Panama White, Gold. Exposition before returning Wilts«, Hero tales o f ancient home. Britipn. Wooley, The cub reporter. W right, Sea-side and way-side. Bacheller, Eben Holden. Burton, Boys of. Bob’s h ill Cangvan, Ben Comee. Last Sunday night Rev. T. J. Hall, The land of long ago. Hedges selected as his text, 1 Hawkins (Hope), The prisoner verse, 11th chapter of Luke, of Zenda. "Teach to P ra y ." Kipling, Puck of Pook’s hilL His message in part was: “ In Pierson. The Millers and their answer to the request to teach playmates. them to pray. H e gave the de- Scudder, The Bodleys telling ciple’s prayer, commonly called storjes. “The Lord's Prayer: and further Webster, When Patty went to illustrated the answering of college. prayer, better than we know W hite, A little girl o f long ago. how to ask, by the useof the two White, Rules of the game. parables; “ the selfish neighbor’ Wister, Red men and white. and “ the unjust judge,” aaaur WILL MOTOR TRAINS TO TO CALIFORNIA ACME SOON REV. HEDGES TEXT “ teach to ntAr Saturday afternoon the Free Public Library, fo r which the Woman’s Conservation League C. A . Johnson, arrived home have worked very hard fo r the Friday, from Junction and Eu­ past few weeks, was officially gene. Mrs. Johnson and child­ opened, in the Commercial chib ren are visiting with friends and rooms. relatives in Junction, and Thurs­ A large number of people took day M r. Johnson accompanied advantage o f the opportunity them to Eugene where they Beginning w ith this year every given by this institution and with ¡25,000 other enthusiastic incorporated town and city in the secured books. Lane county people, paid their state o f Oregon w ill become a The p b ra ry wBl be opened respects to the “ Liberty Bell.’ * «Shte road district and the every Saturday afternoon from general road levy made by the one o’clock until four, and the Wm. Brynd is filling in with county court each year will not public is invited to call and get sand in front of his lots at the apply to these incorporated towns acquainted with the books now corner of Front and Adams street and cities for the reason that on file. where he w ill build a cement they have a road and street fund The following list was sidewalk. furnished by the Oregon State of their owiv* For a long tim e past Eugene Library, and is designated as and Cottage Grove and perhaps Traveling Library No. 85. Altsheler, The Texan trium ph. one or two of the other larger Barstow, The colonists and the towns in Lane county have been under provisions of this law, but Revolution. the 1915 legislature now places Bates, In sunny Spain w ith all the smaller towns in the same Pilarica and Rafeal. class as fa r as the road levy is Blaisdell, T w ilight town. concerned. Bower, Lonesome land. Heretofore the towns have Bradley, The story of the pony been compelled to pay the road express. tax which is used for the im­ Brady, The ring and the man. provement o f the highways in Brochner, Danish life in town j the outside districts, a t the same and country. time the citizens paying tHeir city Brown, Uncle D avid’s boys. road and street tax. The small­ Buchan, Sir W alter Raleigh. er cities have been endeavoring Cable. John March, Southern- to have the law changed in this Canfield, Kidnapped campers. regard and they were successful Clemens (M ark Tw ain ), in putting it through the last legislature. Pudd’nhead Wilson. The law says that the county Dickinson A Skinner, Chil­ eourt a t the October term of dren’s book of Christmas stones. 1915'shall make the change in DuPuy, Uncle Sam, wonder the boundaries o f the road dis­ worker. tricts to conform to this amend­ Earl, Captain o f the school ment o f the law .— Morning team. Eastman, Yellow Star. Ferber, Dawn O’Hara. Fritspatrick, Jock o f the Bush- veld. Mayor J. W. Bergman return­ Gillmore (Haynes), Phoebe, ed Sunday from a buaineee trip Ernest and Cupid. to Eugene and Portland. H a re­ Gooding, Picturesque New ports his fath er improving and Zealand. expects Captain Bergman to re­ Gresne, The right of the stron­ turn home next week. gest - Haggard, Rural Denmark and The launch P atter was charter­ its lessons. ed last Sunday bv a J. Kibbe Halevy, Abbe’ Constantin. and fam ily who Jive on Hadsell Howells, M y M ark Twain. creek, and they went to the Huntington, Asia. Irw in (Hashimura Togo), M r. beach where an enjoyable time - Ì was had. Togo: maid of all work. SAW THE J J f f l m r BELL INCORPORATED TOWNS ARE ROAD DBIRICIS Caught! FREE!! Joe. Morris Jr.» Norman G . Morris. THE LEADERS The "W orKs worn?’ Shoeie beet tor you, v fTto matte ofTeout^toSek heather; TterighUy: Tanned, . : U ’ W hieh makes It stapd weedier. Th» "World! 1 rnae WOOIENMILL STOI Florence, Oregon aviator. Te—wuni »W< I r« ih. p w a a**e»* M U am n.* LMfcarSwTwe» I U H H f t •» Ih» «Ufc We are going to give away free with every pair of shoes sold, one pair of FIFTY-CENT SOX o r two pair of Twentv-five cent Sox Samuel Lepptri has received word from his son Ivan, saying that he has returned to active duty with the U. S. S. Milwaukee a t San Francisco. Ivhn had been on a visit to relatives in Indiana, Michigan and Ohio and recently passed through Port­ land and Eugene on his return trip. H . H . Fisk, who has bean visiting in California several months, and spent a good share o f the time at Loe Angeles and Long Beach, returped home the first of the week and was visit­ ing in Florence Tuesday. The trip was made in a Ford auto and some valuable oom- partoons between the amount o f oil need b y a o anto boats was made. Morris ®> Son CHI Johnson, Williams on sendee. Kwng A Edson, Edson-Laing readers: Book 2, Lend a hand. Luffman, A question of lati­ tude: Macgregor, The story of Rome. Maynard, Elliott Gray, jr. Munroe, Cab and caboose. Palmer, Danbury Rodd, HASRETORNED FM M CAUFORNA ¡ng an answer better than wa know how to ask, baaed on the promise, “ ask and ye shall re­ ceive, seek and ye shall find” ; and finally the Heavenly Father wishes to give the beet more than earthly parents d e a ire to give good gifts to their children. [ In fllustrafidn o f which “ the dte- ciples asked temporial Kingdom and He gave eternal Kingdom.” M artin Sharrard sang a special A base ball game w il Ibe played vocal selection which was great­ between Florence and Glenada a t ly appreciated by those attend­ Muneel Park, next Sunday a fte r­ ing. noon at 8:30 o’clock. We are caught with too many shoes on hand for this time of year therefore for the ( NEXT THIRTY DAYS The work o f ballasting the W illam ette Pacific above Acme is progressing rapidly and it is now thought th a t passenger ser­ vice w ill be given to the bridge in about ten days. W ith the extension o f the train service it is expected th at faster tim e w ill be made so th at the running time w ill be practically the same a t now. The Western Union is prepar­ ing to have the w ire to the bridge sits and give telegraph service about August 1st The station at bridge w ill ba known as Cushman, and to named a fte r I. B. Cushman, a pioneer of Acme. Two other stations are to be established between Cushman and Mapleton. One a t the P t Terrace mill has bean named Beck in honor o f J. C. Beck, who has lived there fo r many years. The other is about five milea below Beck, and w ill ba known as Wenson. C. GOTHAM 4 CO. samt * «» ‘F ocJSjhU « Uk Morns & Soa Our Grocery Prices are Right and the Goods the Best ■ ■