SIUSLAW PII Z NUMBER 9 FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1915 I00L ICEMENT EXERCISES smencement exercises lorence High school |n th e Princess Theater ning May 14. The well filled w ith the f and friends of the f class who had brought hoquets of beautiflul rhich were banked on i when the class entered tied up the aisles to the ’¡thout fu rth er cere- i exercises began with a > by Iona Sutton, follow- -violin solo by N eva of. F. S. Dunn o f the o f Oregon then gave (address “ Thé Moral of Proverb.” Eleanor | gave a mandolin solo, i the chairman o f the I presented the class ■ diplomas. The High gave a song | “ Speed O n,” a fte r which hds of the class gathered to offer their con- ins. S. RICE IEN MAYOR ¡ity council held a regular tin the office of the re- (ondav evening. Mem- present Councilman vas elected as chairman. Rice was elected Mayor embers o f the council to unexpired term o fC ..D .- resigned. The recorder Acted to notify the Ma- sonic lodge to build the sidewalk on Main street along their lo t A resolution was passed to order the owners of property from the Staup property to Madison Btreet on Front street to repair their sidewalk. Ordinance 107 was read the third time and now be comes effective. Ordinance 108 was read the first time. On mo­ tion the petition for the recall of the recorder was ordered filed w ith the recorder. PORT BONDS ARESKNED I, B. Cushman, president of the port commission, and T . J. Neely, secretary, arrived home Tuesday from Portland where they have been on business in con­ nection w ith the P o rt of Siuslaw. Friday the bonds were signed by the Officers of the Port and forwarded to the buyers, Sweet, Causey and Foster, o f Denver, and the money is expected to ar­ rive in a short time. W hile in Portland, Messrs Cushman and Neeley made ar­ rangements w ith the United States National Bank, of th at place, by which the funds w ill be deposited to the credit o f the Government engineers, and the Port receive in terest on the un­ used money on deposit As soon as the money is avail­ able to the Government engin­ eers, bids will be advertised for, on je tty construction work fo r the Siuslaw. The household goods o f M r. E. J. East were shipped to Acme Monday morning. M r. East is employed in the building of the bridge across the river, and will make Acme his home for a time. Ê0 GETTING READY FOR ANNUAL PLAY-DAY The Carnival committee have been a busy bunch the last few days in an effort to have every­ thing in readiness fo r the big crowd th a t is coming to attend this annual play-day on the Sius­ law.* The whole town has been canvassed for over-night accom­ modations for visitors, and the committee reports special efforts to take care of the bumper- crowd. The excursionists w ill be met a t Mapleton, and provision has been made for transportation to Florence and the beach. F rid ay. M ay 21st, a big field- meet o f the schools o f Western Lane county w ill be held and a very interesting list of contests have been arranged. The pro­ gram begins m the morning with a parade through the business streets to the carnival pavalhon where a program w ill be given by the pupils until noon. Thousands o f clams are being dug and hundreds of crabs caught to satisfy the appetites of those attending. Large tanks have been made in which to boil and steam them. Two big Carnival Dances are scheduled on Friday and Satur­ day nights, with a floor space of over 6000 square fe e t The finest music obtainable will be provid­ ed, and Master Prentis Gross and Miss Matie Gross w ill give an exhibition in the dance pavalkm each evening of the latest and most fashionable dance of the New York Smart S e t On Saturday Auto races, mo­ tor cycle races. Radiators parade, swimming, diving and log rolling contests, fast motor boat races and other sporting events w ill be held, with a thrilling naval en­ gagement in the evening. The details of caring fo r and amusing the crowd are about completed and they promise to surpass anything ever undertak­ en before on the Siuslaw in the lines of exciting and entertain­ ing features. and the soil conditions are alike. The only thing the Siuslaw lacks is people—but with the railroad | Clothing Men’s RHODODENDRON CARNIVAL PROGRAM F IR S T D A Y -F O R E N O O N School parade, by school children o f Western Lane. Line o f march starts from school house and proceeds through business streets to Carnival Pavalion, where a program will be rendered. AFTERNOON Field-Meet iff-which the schools of Western Lane county w ill take p a rt A t 3:30, Base ball game. Carnival Ball in the evening, grand march at 8:30 o'clock. Furnishing Goods ats ai Caps WOOLEN MILL STORE F lo r e n c e , O regon Excursion will arrive a t Mapleton at 9:00 a. m., and leave immediately by boat for Flor­ ence, where a big parade led by band and Radiators will take place. A t noon everybody invited to a big free lunch, “ A la Shingle” crabs, clams, salmon, etc. A t 12:30, Excursion will continue to beach where motor cycle races, auto races, clam digging contests, and other sports w ill be held. _ Excursion returns to Florence at 4:30 p. m. where a program of sports will be had con­ sisting of log-rolling, swimming, diving contests, and fast motor boat races. A t 8:30 a naval battle, with fierce fighting be­ tween warships will occur, representing the bombardment of the Dardanelles. Grand Carnival Ball in the evening. Grand March at 9:00 o’clock. LINE OF MARCEFOR SCHOOL The school children and all others who are to parade with the schools w ill form at the school house in Florence at 10 o’clock Friday May 21, and under the direction of Miss G. F . Dicken, will proceed south one block, turn west and cross the street, turn south to south side Front street, turn west to east side Washington street, angle to north side Front street on plank street and continue to Jefferson street, counter march on Front street to east side Washington, turn north on sidewalk to grand stand where the program will be rendered. A t 1:30 the field sports will take place in the street near the grand stand. Miss G. F . Dicken is chairman of the committee and has|charge of the program, parade and events for girls; W alter Moore, field events fo r boys; C. L. Weaver track events for boys. FIRE THREATENS HOTELSHJSLAW Saturday morning about 1:45 fire was discovered in one o f the rooms of the upper story o f the Hotel Siuslaw a t Mapleton. The alarm was given and it was not long before there was two streams of w ater pouring on the flames and in g short tim e the fire was under control, b at not until nearly the whole upper floor h ad u been burned. The smoke and w ater destroyed moat o f the bedding in the house, but M r. Jensen has the two lower stories in condition to accommo­ date the public. I t w ill be some time before the repairs can ba made and the upper story ready I t was a close call, and was saved only by the hearty response to the alarm. BARGAINS... every Saturday at Surface Drug Store Watch the Space for Them. Morris ®> Son Joe. Morris Jr., Norman G. Morris. MILLION DOUAR BERRY PATCH According to J. O. Holt, mana­ ger of the E ugene F ru it Growers’ Association, a new possibility for the Siuslaw and^the Oregon coast region has been discovered by him. M r. H olt is recognized throughout the Northwest as a fru it authority. The Siuslaw will produce >1,000,000 worth of berries, including raspberries, blackberries, loganberries and huckleberries, provided the in­ dustry is properly developed. His prediction is the result o f a tour o f inspection from which he but recently returned. M r. H olt saya h e finds con­ ditions on the Siuslaw similar to those a t Puyallup, Wash., where 15 years ago it was doing a little d a ir v in ir and raising a few hogs. / completed that ought to be a great berry-raising country. “ I t already has acres of huckle­ berries and wild blackberries going to waste each year. I went down there for the purpose of The Hotel Florence has been investigating fru it possibilities, and I predict that within a very thoroughly renovated, painted, few years th a t will be a great papered and remodeled to con­ form to the requirements and berry producing center. comfort o f the guests of this up “ I am in hopes that some one to date hostelry. The proprietors w ill tame the wild huckleberry have endeavored to make the th at grows on that rolling, sandy most out of the mateiral they had soil—if some young fellow will at hand, and by the changing of select the finest wild specimens, he could breed up a money-mak­ the ladies waiting room into the ing type o f berry. There is a general waiting room, using the great sale fo r huckleberries and old waiting room for the ladies blueberriss. Tons o f them are room, installing a new front and canned in the north, and th eJ enterance in the corner, convert­ supply in the east is running ing the wash room and writeing short Nowhere in Oregon are room into bed rooms, and adding these berriesfrut up commercially. linoleum carpets to both rooms “ The Eugene cannery w ill test makes the w aiting rooms much out in a small way the possibility more pleasant and comfortable of handling these. Several have and is appreciated by the guests. The dining room is supplied promised to send out a quantity with the best the season affords o f berries and to get the costs on and is up to date in every par* picking, shipping and packing. For we might ju st as well use ticular. Their increasing trade is evidence o f the popularity o f th at which we have already.” the house. SECOND D A Y — FO R EN O O N re Invite Your Inspection J of the New Spring Goods THE HOTEL FLORENCE H REMODELED and now is producing nearly a million dollars worth o f berries annually. The possibility of growing the huckleberry com­ mercially on the coast also caught M r. H o lt’s fancy, and he has arranged for the shipment to this city o f a quantity of the wild huckleberries and experiments on canning them will be made from a standpoint of cost Although he did not find things yet ripe fo r a cannery on the Sius­ law, he believes that the railroad can be used for shipping fru it to the cannery when one is b u ilt Mere is the way he sizes up the situation as be found it upon his trip: “ T h at is a beautiful little country. Those little bits of valleys, very pretty and vei rich, are very similar to those around Puyallup, and I believe that they can develop as exten­ sive a berry industry as in Puy­ allup. The altitude, the climate T H E LEADERS Dry Goods Dress and Work —“ Shoes Clothing Groceries Î- ■ ; ■ CANDIES AND NUTS. Flour and Feed, Notions, Hai