GAINST BONDS DRAWN president of Commissioners Monday Pilot th at the oom* had received infor- the appeal from the if judge Skipworth in bus proceeding against T . Neely, had been (wn and th a t the suit le issuance of the bonds dropped. M r. Cush- stated th a t most o f the papers h r the m atter i o f the bonds had been and the bonds were ex- arrive in a day or so The money id over as soon as the who is examining the o f the bond issue makes eport, which is expected GRADE LIIONS HELD 1 A Y 6TH AND7TH SIUSLAW PILpT FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1915 NUMBER 8 ¡nation, 10 pupils of the seventh j grade who took part of the eighth grade and 10 pupils o f the sixth grade who took part of the eighth grade examinations. Mrs. N ita Schroeder Morrison was appointed to act as the examiner. CARNIVAL FEATURES I TO BE EXCITING In the Short Time the Committee Have METOR EXPLODES Had They Have Worked Hard NEAR FLORENCE Saturday night M ay 8, about 10 o'clock a large meteor passed across the heavens from the north east to the south west and while above Horence burst into flame, lighting the whole heavens lik e a flash of lightening, and when to the south it exploded, causing the whole earth to shake. The report was very much like that o f a large naval gun. MAYOR OF FLORENCE RESIGNS The C ity council held a special meeting Friday evening a t the office of Recorder. All the mem­ bers were present Mayor C. D. ith grade examinations Morey offered his risignation as a t the public school mayor of the city of Florence. in Florence May 6th Wm. Wholaader of Glenada according to the law ng school examinations, has painted in large letters on were 14 pupils of the the roof of his house the name e who took the exam- of Riverside Hotel. HHRLook T YOUR OLD SHOES Worn Out, Aren’t They? To Provide Entertian- ment for Visitors W hile very little has been said concerning the Rhododendron Carnival this year, the committee who have had only a short time to work, are now getting things lined up and every indicates a big tim e and a big crowd. The Carnival days are to be Friday and Saturday, May 21 and 22. A Friday w ill be School-Fair Day, with a parade a t 10 o’clock and program by schools until noon. In the afternoon a Field Meet w ill be held by the schools, and later a base ball game. In the evening a Carnival Dance w ill be given. The W illam ette Padfiic w ill run excursion trains from Eugene to Mapleton Saturday and Sun­ day, leaving Eugene at 7 o'clock in the morping and returning at 10 o’clock in the evening. The tickets w ill be good until Monday May 24. Two thousand people are ex­ pected to Florence from outside points. The Eugene Band of 24 players will accompany the Radiators. The committee is making ar­ rangements to meet the excur- sionist at Mapleton ta d bring them to Florence, where Satur­ day a dinner o f baked clams, salmon and crabs will be served. A fte r dinner the excursion will We have just received A BIG SHIPMENT OF Washington, M ay 9.— W hile no official action has been made public, it is a moment of anxiety at Washington, and every move w ill be made for the purpose of justice and regard for all rights concerned. merrcan Gentleman Shoes !• Bought before any advance and we are offering them at the same old prices : • • OOLEN MILL STORE Florence; Oregon BORN In Florence, Thursday M ay 6, to M r. and Mrs. W. P. Harrison, of Adams street, a daughter. In Eugene, Wednesday May 5, to M r. and Mrs. Jease A. Phelps, of Indian creek, a daughter. To M r. and Mrs. Carl Eichler, at the home o f O. W. Sutton on Adams street. May 9. a son. weight 10 pounds. FLORENCE SCHOOLS CLOSE YEAR’S WORK R. Fontaine and other engineers on the W illamette Pacific repre­ sented the railway. M r. Moody, a fte r the confer­ ence, said: “ I have no doubt but th at ws will be able to reach On Friday of this week the an amicable ag reem en t” — Morn­ work o f the Florence publie ing Register. schools will and fo r the year 1914-1916, closing a very aueesss fu l nine months term for the pu­ pils. The graduating class o f the high school is the largest in its The Womens Conservation history and to mads up of feur League w ill hold its regular young ladies and four young meeting next Friday afternoon. men. Heretofore the young la ­ May 14, from three o’clock until dies have been in the majority. 5, in the Commercial Club rooms. The members are: Nevabel Sev­ A ll women in the community ery, Eleanor Saubert, Iona Sut­ interested in civic w elfare are ton, Dora Weatherson, A rth u r G. urged to be present Beside the Bushman, David E. Raeleff, E l­ election of officers the library mer R. Soottand M erle A . Cham­ berlain. Glass motto, “ Live pure; work is to he inaugurated. apeak true; rig h t wrong.” Glaaa colors, pink and green. Class flower, Rhododendron. Sunday evening. M ay 9, the class met a t the home of Mias Dora Weatherson and attended the Evangelical church where Rev. R. O. Caves, the pastor, preached a baccalaurstts sermon, music was also a part o f program. Tho ehuroh waa Monday night about one o’clock the residence of W , L. Fisk a t beautifully decorated w ith pink Acme waa totally destroyed by and white rhododendrons, and fire. No one seems to know the seat reserved fo r the class ju st how the flire originated, but was decorated with rhododen­ the first thing known waa th a t drons and class colors. Monday evening a t tho Princess the whole house waa afire and theater the senior ctoaa gave a the fam ily had barely time to es­ play. " A ll a Mistake.” cape w ith the clothing they had Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs­ on. The organ was saved, but day the final examinations a re to all their clothing and household goods w e n burned, The house be held, and on Friday evening. and contents was partially cover­ M ay 14, at 8 o’clock ùfcthe Prin­ cess theater, the graduating ex­ ed by insurance. ercises w ill be held and diplomas ■a»*. presented to the class The ■ - -« class extends a cordial invitation WOMENS CONSERVATION | ' IEAGUEM EEISFRIDAY continue to the beach where the Radiators will parade, and motor cycle races w ill be held, w ith about fifteen machines present Several Portland racers intend to enter. I t is expected to also an auto race. I t is said the beach is in fine shape forsuch races and some exciting contests are pre­ dicted. The crowd w ill be brought back to Florence about 4:30 where a program o f sports consisting of swimming, diving, and log rolling contests, and fast motor boat races, is scheduled. > In the evening a naval battle lasting about a h a lf hour w ill be a feature. s Saturday evening w ill end w ith another big dance. The Brynd hall and the R -K -R warehouse w ill be connected making a floor space of over 6000 square fe e t In the center w ill 1 m placed a stand for a special orchestra of five instruments. Arrangements are also being made to have a merry-go-round and other carvival reatures pres­ e n t and from all indications the committee are going to provide a royal time for those who a t­ tend the Rhododendron Carnival thia The committee have expressed a wish that everybody decorate to their friends to attend tho their places o f business and A t Point Terrace, Saturday graduation exercise* Friday even­ homes for the occasion. May 8, the youngest child o f M r. ing. and M rs C. H . Tuttle, aged about one year. Interm ent was L. J. Kneaper o f Acme cut U s made in the Masonic cemetary a t ¡leg w ith an axe Tuesday while Acme Monday. Rev. R. O. Caves I slashing brush and called a officiating. ' physician to car* fo r the wound. FISKRESIDENCE DIED LUSITANIA W .P.MUST SUNK WITH BUILD NEW GREAT LOSS WAGON ROAD New York, M ay 8.—The Lusi- tanna, of the Cunard line, carry­ ing a passenger list of 1260, ana cpew of 665 persons was tor­ pedoed and sunk by a German sub marine in the afternoon of Friday M ay 7, w ith large loss of life. Latest reports show probable loss of 119 Americans, prominent among whom are Alfred G. V an d erb ilt Elbert Hubbard and wife, Charles Frohman, H e rb e rt Stuart Stone, Charles Klein and Justice Miles Forman. I t is estimated th at 1216 persons lost their lives, in­ cluding many women an children. Reports say th at no oppor­ tunity was given the passengers to save themselves. and J. M. Devers, district at­ torney, while Ralph H . Moody, | S. P. attorney, H . P. Hoey, W. Lane county would rather have a good road between Mapleton and Acme than to accept 617,600 cash fo r the destruction o f the old road by the building of the grade of the W illam ette Pacific between those twq^towns. The cash offer of the railw ay com­ pany, made several months ago, was declined by the county court yesterday. The member* are of the opinion th at the wishes o f the people living along the road th at waa destroyed should be respect­ ed. The Siuslaw people are almost unanimous against the acceptance of the cash offer. At a conference between representatives o f the railroad company aflfi the county court yesterday the company’s cash offer was finally declined and an agreement was reached that County Engineer H . W. Libby and the railway company engin­ eers go over the road to ascertain where i t is necessary to build it upon the railway riirht-of-way and to decide upon oU.df points in connection. Engineer Libby is a t the present time making surveys on the McKenzie road. As toon aa he returns he w ill make an appointment with the railway engineers and arrange fqr the trip. A t this conference W illiam G. Martin represented the people living along the road, which was largely destroyed when the grade of the new railway waa built. The county was represented by the three members o f th è court 'w f BARGAINS •n s every Saturday at Surface Drug Store _ Watch the Space for Them. Morris