I ç FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5,*.1915; «STAGE SCKOOLBOND ON THE BEACH ELECTION WINS M ay 1, C ap t Cornwall be- • operate his auto stages on from the Umpqua to liuslaw rivers. There are iitoe on the run and they ’• and deliver their pasaen- a t the upper end of the jetty. ik road has been built the je tty to the hard sand i beach so there is no danger getting stalled in the soft Teams are iff readiness at le and Five mile creeks to the autos through if but so fa r they have en needed. > Bangs company took off eir stock and equipment last moving them up the where they w ill be taken ae. O FA DAUGHTER ids o f D r. and Mrs. Merle Eog, formerly o f Florence, who now cpside at Lakeview, h iv e received letters an- b irth w f a daughter place on Monday, April ■ * I •e . a letter to J. W . Bergman, ’ o f The Lane County State ivings Bank, Dr.«Fm i