The Siuslaw pilot. (Florence, Oregon) 1913-1916, April 07, 1915, Image 1

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$460,000; water-way connecting
Puget Sound and Lakes Union
and Washington, $17,500.
I f the referendum should be invoked upon the ques­
tion of issuing $100,000 bonds by the Port o f Siuslaw,
it will only be one more case where this law has been
used in the hands o f few to block the desire o f s large
m ajority. The remonstratora admit th at petitions ask­
ing the' sale o f the bonds ware signed by 800 out o f 1200
voters, yet they no doubt would like people, to believe
they are honest in their purpose to use the referendum.
The referendum to fo r tne purpose of securing s vote
o f the people where it is o f good evidence th at some­
th in g to being done against the wishes o f the people,
but in this case 167 signers out o f 1200, say they want
the expenses o f an election made, or conditions mads
so th at by a delay o f improvements, they and the 800
favorable dtisena w ill have to pajr a larger sum in years
to soma fo r loss by deterioration and distraction than
the cost o f continuation o f work, and consequence of
completing the project on a more permanent basis.
There to no doubt by anyone fimilisr with conditions
but, th at the expenditure new o f the proposed $225,000'
w ill save money to the taxpayers of tbs p o rt
I t look» like some outside mfixmnce to u sin g s small
p art o f a community, working open their prejudices and
inclination to economise as an influence to undo or hold
back the development o f the wfaafe community.
has happened before and may happen again, but wa
sincerely hope th at in this ease the referendum has no
power and the wishes o f two-thirito o f the people will
be carried o u t
M r. Earle says “ all w a ask to «Referendum vota. I f
the people of the district say toeghthe bonds, all wail
and good, but I do not believe tfcgm ojorityof the voters
a r t in favor o f i t " This to s peculiar statement in the
face of those 800 signers fs v o ra n k also th a t M r. Eerie
a p a rtp v e r a month on toe prop q f inn traveling over a
portion o f western Lane < » hig qffiortojto
rad very little en-
w ork up opposition and thgt he i
up-river section,
couragsment outside of the
People have a rig h t to their opinio in the matter, but
are they justified in seeking to . id VP this work by
evidence that
any means, in the face p f overw
a large m ajority o f the
Somebody has a lread ys p e n t
s project than the
amount of money in opposing
amount o f taxes o f several voters ill pay. and i f they
T ' w j j ” wilt
wise pay the added eoet A t the
and pm
very bast iti
» *•-
The Evangelical Conference
assigned the-following pastors to
Siuslari stations; F. H . Neff.
A pril 8—The
Mapleton ; ~C. Ramsdale, Acme;
o f W a r has allotted
R. O. Caves, Florence.
(r continuing the .work
the Siuslaw harbor,
litional th at dollar fo r
appropriated by the
amount allotted by
Garrison fo r Oregon
ington is $2,926,175, or
$645,500 o f the amount
by the rivers and harbors
it failed.
allotments fq r N orth-
>s are as follows:
i five hundred thousand
been allotted by the
o f W ar tq continue
the north je tty a t the
if the Columbia River
the 15 months ending
Columbia and
Coquille River, $76,000,
$70,000; Coos River,
'squint River, $9000;
Bay. $116,176;, Snake
J.000; Upper Columbia
Falls to mouth of
ver. $87,000; W illam ette
hill rivers, above Pert-
1,000; Cowlitz and Lewis
,000; Clatskanie River,
H arbor and Bar,
cm E L ^ noN
The annual city election passed
without a great deal o f excite­
ment, as there was but four
councilman to elect and only one
place contested.
The result was the election of
Geo. P. Edwards, councilman
fo r one year, department of
streets, street lighting, etc.
O. C Stanwood, councilman fo r
one year, department of parks,
wharves, docks, etc.
Fred F . Meyers, councilman
fo r two years, department o f po­
lice. fire protection, etc.
D . W . Reesman, councilman
fo r tw o years, department of
health, sewers, w ater works, etc.
This makes but one ehangcfin
the council as D r. Geo. P. Ed­
wards is elected to succeed A . O.
Knowles, who was net a candi7
date fo r re-election.
The total number o f votes cast
was 55.
Worn Out, Aren’t They?
The home o f Rufus Johnson on
Sweet Creek, above Point Ter­
race, was entirely destroyed by
fire early Sunday morning, April
Most of the movable furnish­
ings ware saved from the lower
story, but everything in the up­
per story were lost The house
woodshed were entirely
burned. The cause of the fire is
not known but to supposed to ba
from a spark from the chimney,
I t to a greet loss to M r. John­
son at this time, but he w ill re­
build as soon as arrangements
can ba made fo r material.
Johnson says th at th eir East
nrsskfast consisted o f *
fried eggs and a sack o f baked
A t a mass meeting dtiled at
the Commercial Chib room’ Tues­
day evening to consider the hold­
ing e f a Carnival this year, Wtoa.
Brynd acted as chairman, siM
J. W . B em o an was secretary of
the meetirig.
I t wgp decided to
hold a Rhododendron Carnival
and upon motion the chairman
appoints J. L . Mackechnip, D r.
Chas. P. Johnson and W . H .
O 'K elly as a committee to have
charge o f the ev e n t L e t every-
ode do all they can to help the
committee and boost fo r the
dkmwromn mewMasarort
un uh
ports t h n
o f the
poet office to r the tost year
an increase o f $700, or
about 1-8 over the previous
V. OF a
Wß hgye just received
menean Gfn^eman Shoes
Bought before any advance
and we are offering them at
the same old prices : : :
Flonfenoe, Oregon
L. O. Iromel to the attorney for
those seeking to prevent the sale,
of the port bonds.
William« A Bean, attorneys fo r
the port commission, are o f the
oppinioo th at the action of the
board In issuing the bonds to not
A lbert Marshall has purchased
the Pacific Restaurant from the
Cooper Bros. M r. Marshall who
$200 par year. Sfc_______ ..
a an experienced .restaurant and
post master ttratehes hto head
lotel man has had charge o f the
whan ha think about IV an If to
iitchen fo r about six .weeks.
this insroai
The Cobper Bros, purchased this
raise of $100 on hto estory.
pises of business several months
ago, and have Improved It and
built up a nioa patronage.
A now front has ju st bean p o t
n the building making the dining
room larger and very
A t the
M r. Marshall w ill ma
held in the school
mprovements and si
ha gets through it w ill be one of
the beet eating houses
{addition to tha |
3ooe Bay and
raizing tbs i
■tatting <
w ith linoleum and' new
were 95 votes
n stalled.
bonds and 97 against tha
M r. Marshall's fam ily now live
at Kent, Washington,
H a has
»ought a lot in Florence and con­
templates building a residence
An evening of pleasure,
for hto fam ily to live in whan
icaUy, mentally and mors
they come here.
Kyles Opera House,
A p ril 12, by U . o f & M ale Roms
The Tillamook arrived in port
Sunday discharged her cargo.
referable, and this to the only
question involved in the s u it
In case the secretary o f the
port is compelled by eourt to file
the petition the commission will
call a special election. In cai
the petioners win in court the
election w ill be called at the esrli
set possible date so as not to in­
terfere with the proposed im­
Last Thursday H. H . Earl filed
provement o f the harbor.
complaint in mandamus suit
against T . J. Neely, secretary of
the port o f Siuslaw commission.
Judge Skipworth made an order
of alternating w rit of mandamus
compelleng Neely to accept and
file th e petition or in default
thereof to show cause before the
Oregonian News Bureau, Wash
circuit court on o r before 15 days ington. March 24.—The bureau
after the service o f the w rit why of fisheries today announced that
he has not dons so.
its investigation Of fishing banks
The complaint states that the along the North, Pacific Coast
petition as presented by Earl to shows a valuable halibut fishing
the secretary o f the port contain­ ground off .the shore from New
ed 167 names, which is mors than port, O r., covering approximately
ten par cent of the legal voters 250 square miles.
This ground can ba profitably
of the port of Siuslaw and that
everything in connection there­ fished from A pril to October, but
with was regular and according the halibut ran roadies its ma
mum there in August sad Sep­
to tow.
M r. E arl presented the refer- tember.
Azja direct result o f the Govern
endom partitions to M r. Neely on
investigations i t to announc­
Monday March 22, but they were
fishermen on 21 trips took
protested and the secretary wrote
pounds o f halibut, valued
across the back o f each petition,
at about 824,000, on these grounds
"refu se d ".
last Summer.
A history of the port bonds
Smaller areas off Coos Bay am
show th a t the first issue was for
Grays Harbor also were located,
$100,000 five percent bonds; the
but were less extensively studied.
second issue $115,500 six per cent
The entire Oregon co ast.»
bonds, making a total $215,600
found to abound in flounders,
bonds. O f the first issue $15,000
rock cod, soles and black cod,
has been paid off, leaving $200.-
which form a valuable food sup­
ply when m arket conditions war­
The propose« issue o f $100,000 rant
to meet the Governments appro­ March 26th.
priation w ill make the bonded
indebtedness o f the port $800,600.
Fred Cassidy who had the c
tract fo r grading Madtoop and
First streets has completed the
work. This w ill make a gr
improvement in this p a rte f town
and when the plank to laid wH
be of great benefit to the tea
coming to town from the north.
ro ee
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every Saturday at
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Surface Drug Store
Watch the Space for Them.—
If orris ®>Son
J o e. M orris J r ., N orm an G . M orris.
Dress and Work
■ Shoes
C lo th in g
Flour and Feed, Notions,
" * .
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