The Siuslaw pilot. (Florence, Oregon) 1913-1916, March 31, 1915, Image 1

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March 29.— H . P.
i t Southern Pacific
in charge o f the of the
Pacific construction
th at he had gives or-
the contractors to place
ten a t work on the
grade below Maple-
rush it to completion at
possible d ata "W e
to start building the bridge
i soon as we can get to it ,”
Hoey, “ and this weath-
mueh to help us.”
recent trip over the
Pacific by Southern
officials, the
published the following
we w ill be carrying
itities o f timber, coal
products out over this
road before this time
itt, o f N ew York City,
o f the board o f direct-
i Southern Pacific eom-
he returned this after-
m i the first inspection
the W illam ette Pacific
as fa r as Acme, eighty
rest o f Eugene. * ‘A t least
be ready to haul it i f the
wiU wake up and ship i t
think it will. Your lum­
ber w ill be shipped out from here
all over the east and your food
products will be used on the Pa­
cific coast I think Eugene will
reap a benefit from the operation
of this road.”
“ M r. Hood has been held up
with his right-of-way in two
points there,” continued the
greet railroad head, “ but it is all
straightened out now, and the
work w ill go rig n t ahead. The
construction o f this line is the
only large railroad work in pro-
is on the Pacific coast
I find this railroad extremely
well constructed. I t is built for
keeps—all o f steel and concrete.
I t is to be a real railroad.”
M r. Hood also expressed satis­
faction w ith the construction o f
the road.
“ O f course it is a good railroad
we built i t ” he exclaimed w ith
a twinkle.
M r. K ruttschnitt said, “ This
extention which M r. Hood is
building to Coos Bay can’t help
but develops this coast country
to a large e x te n t Coos Bay and
the Siuslaw w ill cut more lumber;
factories w ill be b u ilt end we
look fo r a heavy traffic over this
“ A t the present tim e there are
no indications th at the railroads
will be able to make fu rth er ex-,
tentions until the people become
active again. I t iaas M r. Sproule
said in Chicago, “ The railroads
are out o f employment and are
hunting for a jo b .’ W e qua anx­
iously w aiting fo r some one to
employ us.”
ake A Look
Worn Out, Aren’t They?
We have just received
American Gentleman Shoes
Bought before any advance
and we are offering them at
the same old prices : : :
Florence, Oregon
(Editorial in Lebanon Ejqnaas.)
Ten mail sacks filled w ith Seais, Roebuck & Co,
catalogues was one of the interesting items in the day’s
work a t the Albany postoffice recently.
These cata­
logues w ill find their way into hundreds o f rural homes,
and in due course o f tim e the parcel post will be deliver­
ing various articles of merchandise at the farm homes.
M any will argue th at the goods are fold cheaper, when
often dose inspection w ill prove thpt the goods are
cheaper in quality than those oft^ed by the home
There is no doubt th at many thousands of dollars are
sent out o f Linn County every year to the Eastern mail-
order houses th at should remain at
W h at is the
secret o f their success in attracting
trade? I t is
liberal advertising, and i f the home
to would
study the proposition from this
n t o f view and
present th eir goods in the same
ive manner the
order o f things would change—to the
vantage o f all
The farmers are busy people, and
much easier to
scan the pages o f the newspaper or
the leayes of
a catalogue, then make out an order ¡fo r the articles
needed, than it to to drive to town
in person,
Chicago to only a few days farth er off
th eir usual
trading point, naturally the order
home merchant who advertises
illy and sys-
tematically w ill not have long to
of the mail-
order houses.
“ The Sand M an” three little
girls, Minerva school; negro ser­
mon, John Beeler.
A t noon everyone was invited
to the banquet hall where the
North Pork grange had prepared
a fine dinner, seating all guests
a t the first table.
A fte r dinner the program com­
The Siuslaw forest w ill plant
menced with a request by Super­
thousand M aritim e Pine
visor Jennie Bossen fo r the au­
this year on the sands
dience to sing America. She then
These young
introduced County Superinten­
dent E. J. Moore announcing trees have been treated to th at
th at be, would have charge of they w ill stand the weather and
the meeting.
A fte r a short talk winds of the open sand. The
on the needs o f the schools and experiment was mad«
bis appreciation of this rally trip, years ago by planting the
M r. Moore introduced State Sup- of the M aritim e Pine on the epea
erintendent J. A. Charohill, who
the beach west o f Flor-
ence, but a
fte r the
tiw aand
sand dried
spoke earnestly upon the un-
up­ once,
building o f rural schools.
Miss and the northwest
Isom and Miss Kinsey sang a to blow the young shoots d rift-
duet, and Prof. M . S. Pitm»n ed into pitas,and all died.
talked on the rural school aa a
ta a
center o f community welfare and bility o f rooting those
Shortly a fte r the program was Ksehnis w ill have charge ot th a
finished the visitors were taken work in thia d is tric t
by boat to the hades o f B. R.
McCornack and Hasan Johnson
wher they were royally enter­
tained and a fte r supper
brought to Florence, ending
week o f rallies th a t w ill mean
much to the schooto o f Western
The operetta, Windmills of
Lane county.
Holland presented by the
ence High School at tbs
house tost Saturday evening 1
a success in every way. A large
audience greeted the actors when
the curtain areas and from th a t
The voters o f this school dis­ time till the etaae of the test act
tric t wffl have on opportunity to it was a surprise to an tim e
ton next suuday
Seven School Centers Visited and Much
Enthusiasm Shown by Pupils
. . •* .and
->•■ ¿.eyM'Se "iiy*
out the
From the first day a t N oti un­
til the last at Portage the school
rallies held during last week in
western Lane were a marked
success for all taking p a r t
with its standard pennant, and
J. C. Beck, one o f the directors
responded in a pleasing manner.
The feature talk o f the day
waa made by P ro f M . 8. Pittman,
who made a strong plea fo r the
rural schools and their needs.?
In the evening accompanied by
number of Mapleton
people the vtoitorslwent to River­
view school where a rally pro­
gram was enjoyed and great
enthosiam shown in rural school
work by the pupils and patrons
o f this dtotrict
Thursday morning a special
the pro
school building to most the j
I t t i l ths
in g .lt
quiremento o f the
school attendance.
T h fi to a
Mrs. Goodwinin bringing I
boat conveyed the educators
proposition th at every person in students to such
Florence and on th eir way
Florence should be interested in
Ada where three schools, Upper
and a large vote should be re­
John Bundy who had the first
Fiddle creek, Ada and Five M ile corded. Saturday A p ril 8, from
joint of his little finger on hta
creek joined in the rally exercis­ 2 till 4 p. m. a t the school house.
right hand amputated soma days
es. A delightful program was
ago, was taken to Eugene Friday,
given by the pupils, a feature of
W . H . O ’K elly to having the and on Saturday at the Mercy
which was a short play by the
interior o f his building over the hospital. Dr. Day assisted by D r.
Ads school. A standard pennant
Woolen M ill store painted, kal- Forrest removed the bone to the
was presented to the Ada school
second joint of thesstne
somined and papered.
by Supt E. J. Moore, and Prof.
M. S. Pittm an talked upon co­
operation o f rural schools, the
beneficial results obtained.
Supervisor Jennie Bossen o f
this district succeeded in induc­
ing J. A . Churchill, superintend­
ent of public insturction; M . S.
Pitman, o f the state normal, at
Monmonth, and County Superin­
tendent E. J. Moore to co-operate
in a. Series o f school rallies in her
d istrict and the first day was at
Noti where Tuesday, March 23,
A t Acme Friday morning a
an interesting program was car­ rally program by the pupils waa
ried o u t
given, consisting o f songs, red
Wednesday a t the Meadow- tations and stories acted by the
Walton rally the whole com­ children. A t noon a dinner was
The program in the*
munity were present to assist in enjoyed.
standardization exercises. afternoon was very entertaining.
Great interest was shown at this A standard pennant was present­
rally which waa the first ever ed to the school by S u p t E. J.
held in this d istrict
They now Moore, and responded to by Geo.
have completed a model school Montgomery in a
very ap­
which to supplied w ith drinking propriate manner. Mrs. Butler
water by a fountain the work of and Lloyd Saubert favored the
gathering w ith solos. Superin­
Ellis Richardson.
On Wednesday County Super­ tendent J. A . Churchill and Prof.
intendent E. J, Moore, Prof, and M . 8. Pittm an addressed those
Mrs. M. 8. Pittman, and Super­ present upon development and
visor Jennie Bossen arrived in building up the puMie schools.
Mapleton on the
W illam ette
Pacific and were eecortod to the
school house by the band where
a dinner .was served.
In the
afternoon standardisation exer­
cises were held in the L 0 . O. F.
hall, where a program o f songs
| and drill was given by the school.
' S u p t Moore presented the school
vote on tbs question o f issuing
bonds In the sum of |6,0QQ )p rp* In
pair, install
L Plant
Friday afternoon the visitors
want , to Florence where they
visited the schools, and in the
evening a rally meeting was held
with Glenada Acme and F lo r­
ence people attending.
On Saturday the final rally and
an all-day a ffa ir occurred a t the
Portage. In the morning three
schooto, Dtotrict N a 167, Mias
Isom, teacher; D istrict N a 168,
Miss Beulah Kinsey, teacher; and
No. 163, Mias Jennie Southmayed
teacher; joined in the program
which consisted o f songs arid
recitations aa follows:
“ Gypsy
Song” four girls Portage schools:
recitation “ Custer’s Last Charge”
Gilbert Houghton; song, “ District
N a 168,“ M inerva school; recita­
tion, Thalma Boy; exercise, *
sy W illows,” primary
tags school; recitation. Pearl
Tompkins; solo, Delis Funks;
Alonzo Wooeley
'•e e
every Saturday at
Surface Drug Store
Watch the Space for Them
Joe. Morris Jr., N orm ia G. M orrisit
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Dress and .Work