Z 5 ■ SIUSLAW FLORENCE, OREGON, W EDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1915 RCIAL HOLDS MEETING [ meeting of the Com* [Club wee held last Tuea- bt to take some action on projects that are for the benefit of hand with hot tar last week. 1 was heating the tar to paint the roof of Frank Knowles cement building in the east parfeof town when the tar caught fire and burned his hand severely. He is under the care of a physician and it is thought that his hand will be saved and without much BDIUWK ntOSRCIS _T H B authorised with the War De- ilso with Senators and Lane, to ascer- rhen the money for the i o f a Life Saving station i mouth o f the Siuslaw river toome available, and if when the work would NUMBER I ding eupper. Most o f the guests spent the remainder of the even­ ing at a dance given in honor of the newlyweds at the L O. O. F. hall. The (tide's dress was white ■ilk poplin. She wore a veil and wreath of orange blossoms. Her boquet was o f while carnations and asparagus fern. The bride is the youngest daughter o f Mr. and M n. John C. Beck, pioneers of the Siuslaw, Mr. Darling has been in the employ o f the Southern Pacific in the engineering department, and to popular with the young people of Mapleton and vicinity. Many useful and handsome remembrances were received by the young people. Mr. and Mrs. Darling expect to spend their honey moon at the Exposition, and upon returning will reside at Rockport where they have rented property. Forest Supervisor H. B. Rankin made Florence a visit last wfcek on his way to and from the Cape Per- petua road work that the forest service has been carry­ ing on for the past two years. This work has been completed through the management o f Supervisor Rankin in a most thorough and business like manner and the Siuslaw forest is fortunate in having a man at this time that is competent to grasp the situation and then do i t This part of the country has suffered great­ ly in the past by having an incompetent man to manage the affairs of the forest, b u t. there is a feeling now among the people that they will get a .square deal. Among the projects that frill receive special attention in this immediate vicinity to the raising of the Eucalyp­ tus trees on the clear sand. Ranger MacKechnie has already planted a small area With the seed and at this time they are coming up nicely. These trees will be transplanted to the several different areas that have been selected in order that they m aybe given all the various conditions o f growth that srrise here. We will look forward to the reports from this experiment with in terest REFERENDUM PETITIONS ARE PROTESTED Considerable uncertainty seems to prevail as to what action will be taken by those who are op- posed to the sale o f Port bonds. Last Thursday H. H. Baris o f Blaehley, and Attorney E. O. Immri, of Eugene, met at Maple- ton with L B. Cushman, P. E. Jackson and T. J. Nealy, three o f the port commissioners, and requested that a special election be called to vote on the sale o f bqnda. Having issued and sold those bonds upon the petition o f three- fourths the voters o f the district and written and personal request o f a large majority of the resident taxpayers; and also in view o f the almost certain W iityof motiving 8112,500 from Indications point to a good business in building this summer. Already contracts are let for the construction o f several large buildings on the farms of our prosperous citizens and there is considerable more figuring for other material. Among those who have let contractsand will build are H any amittee was appointed, Borring who is finishing the in­ of J. W. Bergman, G. terior o f his comfortable home in aman and Peter S. Rice to the west part o f Florence. W. ay the members o f the T. Carle o f Maple creek will Court in their inspection build a large barn on his ranch proposed bridge across to shelter his valuable stock. c at Indian town, the E. U. W orthylakeof Fiddle creek decided it waa thair duty to ful­ the same stream at will build a large bam to accomo­ fill their contract for the aatoof i and the right-of-way date his increasing stock. Hans Last week County Judge Harry The game laws enacted by the the bonds. Several schools o f Supervisory main river where th e Peterson of North Fork will erect Bown and Commissioner Mabton last session o f the legislature Diatrica No. 5 are holding rally Monday Mr. Bark destroyed i t Some a largo addition to his already Harlow arrived in Florence on provide the following licenses day eqeretoea thia week. M. 8. kere paid and other miner comodius house. Herman Smoak their trip of inspection of roads which govern fishing on tip Stua- Pitman, o f the Oregon State were attended to and th e has this work in hand and will in Western Lane county. Tues­ Normal, in oanapany with Super- irned. rash it to completion as rapidly day evening they returned from Kach Gill N et License 87.50 as possible. a trip to Cape Perpetua where Each Set N et License 8.75 week will com­ they were accempained by Raflkin Each Drag Seine Lioenae, 8 plete two yearn o f service in field The San Gabriel arrived in supervisor of the Siuslaw National cents per lineal foot, minimum work with rural echooto o f Oregon Mattan o f Glenada, had J Gardiner Saturday and to loading Forrest This trip was made in f e e f 15.00 for Mr. Pitman. i to burn his right lumber for San Francisco. order to decide how much work Each Bag Net, or Dip Net, for The Rally-Day schedule to Noti, would be i) i rasas ry to meet the smelt, herring or salmon |1.00 ____f Bz llM dow and License to take crabs for Walton, ' Marek - S ; to build a road M adeton Wi the ca p s e take clan* /or March 24; Jtiveraiew, Wednew Wednesday morning accom­ sale or profit 81.00 It Hi day evening,'’ Mgrril M r Ada— panied by a committee from the Each License to take craw fish Five Mile creek and Fiddle will Commercial Club Messrs Bown for sale or profit 81.00 schools. Thursday, March 28; the referendum, hat to begad and Harlow inspected the loca­ Each Scow, boat or other craft Acme, Friday morning, March those back o f the opposition wfit tion o f the proposed county, used in buying, handling or 26; Florence, Friday afternoon, reconsider the matter and bridge across the North - Fork transporting food fish 81.00 March 26; North Fork, Saturday, the work to proceed without da­ nearAome, and where the county A separate and distinct license all-day rally co-operating with isy ori road runs through Acme. most be secured for each piece the grange in the exercises. At Acme they were met by of gear operated: and additional Glenada has planked the street T. J. Neely and inspected the licenses m ust also be secured to from the dock up the U B to th e conditions now existing between retail; peddle, pickle, kipper, pre­ The Roemer came into port hotel, making a very derided bn» Mapleton and Acme where the serve in ice or otherwise, salmon, Tuesday with a full toad for thia provement Willamette Pacific roadbed takee- sturgeon or shad for commercia port the county road. purposes; or to can salmon, shell When interviewed in regard to or other food fish. these matters the court said, they were just on a tour of in vestigation o f the condition, and 11 m U n in n lty GI m Club a - would reserve their decision until pect to come to Florence in the later. near future to give an entertain­ It was quite evident that they had been impressed with the m ent They will make the coast necessity for something to be towns on this tour. done, and the people o f theSius- law will probably receive materia] Watch the Space for Them. benefits s s a result o f this trip. COUNTY COURT RSHINGUŒNSE SCHOObHAVE ■VBITSSIUSLAW NOW IN FORCE RALLY DAYS iiunmn hottar I YOUR OLD SHOES Worn Out, Aren’t They? BARGAINS OREGON O O a O B COHDK every Saturday at CHORCBWEDIWK _A T IUFUTON We have just received A BIG SHIPMENT OF [American Gentleman Shoes Bought before any advance and we are offering them at the same old prices : : : OOLEN MILL STORE Florence, Oregon ; Morrifc^E, A very pretty church wedding occurred at Mapleton, Wednes­ day evening, at which time Miss Johanns Catharine Beck and Mr. Last Saturday L. W. Neweomb Charles Mortimer Darting ware who lives about two miles aeutht united in marriage. o f Glenada sent soato early vsge- The Evangelical ehurch had tables to the market, and they Deen Deautnuiiy Decorated with were en sale at Rackliff’s Grocery. cedar, fam s and white trilliums. Fine onions, lettuce and caHflower A mesial feature -bring a ware ambng the lo t These arch across the church from vegetables were grown on bench which suspended a white bell. lend that two years ago was Just before the wedding party covered with brash and second- arrived Mies Jennie Booeen sang growth, trees ao that a person ”1 Love You Truly,’* while the could not crawl through the strains of Lohengrin wedding tangle. Mr. Newcome cleared march filled the auditorium as the this land and put in a late crop. bride and groom entered sod pro­ He then planted it in garden ceeded to the altar when Rev. F. last fall and the produce brought H. Neff meet end escorted them to market wee the result of to the rostrum where in an Im­ winter gardening in the open, pressive manner he preformed without protection or any extra the marriage eeremopy. attention. He believes this During the congratulations proves that this soil and climate Miss Ediths Yates who played will grow crops the year around. the wedding march, presided at — -....--- - 4 the organ, favoring the occasion Superintendent o f Public In­ with appropriate music. struction J. A. Churchill, of The young couple escorted by Salem will visit the public schools those present, then led the way to , o f Florence Thursday March 25. the banquet room, where a table 7 In the evening he will lecture in loaded with good things to eat Kyles opera house and til are awaited. The Mapleton Bend cordially invited to attend. furnished music during the wsd- W HKNAHET .‘ 4- Surface Drug Store Flour Joe. Morn« Jr., Nnrmae O. T H E LEADERS D ry G oods ' Dress and Work