SIUSLAW FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1915 NUMBER 108 PACIFIC RESTAURANT «PROVES FRONT Hi Bros, have a force o;' work on the stretch o f tte-Pacific right-of-way i Point Terrace mill and ing good headway with a ril force are also removing just a short distance above The partitions in the building occupied by the Pacific restaur­ ant are being torn out and the rooms will all be made into one large one. The front o f the building will be tern out and changed by putting in a new glass front similar to the ones in the Poet Office and Chas. Watts* jew elry store. Thia improve­ ment w ill give Cooper Bros, the much needed space they desire for their restaurant be right-of-way through the ry has been settled and work soon commence a t this pines, ineers are now running the i and getting everything in » to rush thia test piece of liqg, which w ill permit when pleted, the laying of rails to is also expected that a force soon commence construction c on the bridge across the Si- n, and w ith work starting on project, railroad work will u s a lively condition on the r Siuslaw. im K ateli who has been the b u n a t the Tide W ater M ill b they started operations I has severed his connection i them and will take a posi- with the McCormack lumber pony o f S t Helens about Beginning with this issue the Siuslaw Pilot w ill again be issued as a weekly newspaper. While the support during the time it has been published twice-a-week has been up to expecta­ tion, yet the expense of maintaining it as a semi-weeky publication would make necessary our raising advertising rates. After consider­ ing the matter jthoroughly it was decided to make the change. We hope in the future to increase the sise and scope of the Pilot, but for the present offer our suscribers, who pay in ad­ vance, the Siuslaw Pilot and Semi-Weekly Jour­ nal (both papers one year) for $1.50. Other clubbing offers that will interest you. rm y Baker f t H u n t are planning to nMk# >WBe w U i h W Improve- ;?d manta in the Bay View H o te l I t is th eir intention to tsar out toe east aids p t the ladies waiting room, p u tin n large glass fro n t u e and make this room toe geoeral w aiting room. The room th at is now used fo r the oAoe will be n ra o d M . w n U d w d „ „ « d and used ag. the ladies writing and room. Tbs old sidewalk wiU be tied torn out and a n e w p a a p u t & r n fflT ran- to g e t east fc ff r « i • t o M b r aide; i W n r the w i u plafcfocm la tS n asn away and s iiS w o M built ravan on and The whole building w ill he paint- public. A t its regular masting Monday The expenditure of night the City council passed to o f dollars in permanent improve- a second reading resolutions au- Mtorixjng A gpedsl election to ba grow- held Monday. June 7, 1916, for Coquille—river chaanri . ® h a the purpose o f voting upon d r n ^ r i u n ito n e, Mb f o r public improvements. Four different issues w ill some Astoria orders throe dtotetete POMd for the Operetta to h e before the voters; bonds fo r w a­ lo natipngl forest, and H . B. «‘van by.ths High g toori. U lu s o rM vetta h ftN kw rftaida te r system amounting to $10,000; ikin, supervisor o f ths Shu- been derided to ahsaas the dgte . Mglbtonrui W iM ih iB ft fo r street intersections, araount- National fo rest £h e com­ and Saturday ; M arsh 87th. Ass to $8,600; fo r C ity haU, amount­ mon o f a 164 mile telephone been set for the. timo. "... ing to $1,800; for C ity ja il, $1,- ten from Eugene to the Coast » The, publie is promised a r a n 000; making a total i f all are vo­ connecting the Umpqua, in trogt and something new. ted of S ift 000. p f the projects contemplated, U nder the present charter and ha construction o f the lias H m ry Bowg, County Judge State law notice must be given a Eagsas ig Ptoreaea, atero - anff M . H . Harlow, County Com- A ¿0 before the amendments to the not definitely decided. The lines misstonar. came in fro th Eugene s charter necessary to permit sell­ in the forest along the coast, w ill Sunday on th eir way?to Cape Per- turned Su ing o f these bonds, can he voted' however, be built, connecting petua to examine the county road where they leading to the Cape and nufta on. Each bond issue can be Waldport in Lincoln county, rome provision to complete i t to voted on seperately. Florence in Lane county, and The council also selected judges Gardiner in Douglas county, and the road built by tbs Forest ser­ o f election fo r one year as fol­ connecting the lookouts on Table vice around from the north rids. Commissioner George lows; J. U. Gouda, Mrs. Isabelle mountain, C lickitat mountain, County Hawley, w ill meet them on the Severy and R. S. Huston. Saddle mountain. Sunset moun­ beach a t Teo M ile and go w ith tain, nod Deans mountain. Sixty them from there. mites o f this system have already been completed. Tbs work out­ lined along the coast |w ill ba M r. Steve W right o f Point finished before July L Some road work is contemplat­ Terrace was visiting on Beaver ed, but none, other than th a t on creek Saturday and Sunday. the Alsea which is already start­ M r. R. Workman o f A lta Vista ed has bean definitely decided.— Washington is expected to arrive Eugene Guard. a t the home o f his daughter Mrs. M . Ross o f Beaver creek. M r. Workman w ill make his future home on Beaver creek and he has Watch the Space for T h o m , 8 children. HASCHAK® MB OF KATO am IBB every Surface Dru M r. J. L . Myers o f Point Terrace was visiting at the home o f M r. M . Bose Saturday and Sunday. Tbs people o f Beaver Creek is The little daughter o f M r. and Mrs. C. H . Tuttia te mending every day. ' We have just received A BIG SHIPMENT OF Bought before any advance and we are offering them at the same old prices : ': - : Florence, Oregon ■MfcTO W. L . Mend went to B rin Rook Thursday a fte r a toad o f M b s Clara H artley o f Sweet hay, returning heme the same creek is visiting at Gtenada w ith w r mother Mrs. Charlie Fox. G. M. Haw ley came up from t seem to h u rt Stove W rig h t Tomson cn-ck Friday to look a fte r pretty bad because M b s H artley his farm ing interest hero and left. then go to the Caps by Saddle M r. C. H . T a t t le * and his mountain to look out a now road mother M n . PhiHpins T uttle hrough t k r e to tbs m art for the last two daya TH E TATTLER M r. Mitchell Ross the son Of gene Friday to porohaasd the M r. aad Mrs. M. Rose is expect- necessary furniture sad equip- ing to leave for Hillsboro, O ro>|m entso to b e re ^ d y whoa the