S E M I - W EE K L Y FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH III l i ~ number loi (John M. Oak ¡son in Oregon Journi A few weeks ago I received a letter from busmess man who says he mads my little ai interest He could not be qpre interested in mg, however, than I was in his letter He told me that he had found out a y e a r« middle aged widow, who was the sole7 supj •- There has been considerable discussion regarding the appor­ tionment of the Rivera and Har­ bors Bill, snd some of the tele-1 p ram s have been indefinite re- h s rd in g several Oregon harbors, 'among them the Siuslaw. The Evening Record, of Marshfield, under date of March 3, published a special that "The Siuslaw, Ne­ halem Bay, Coquille and Yaquina had been slashed.” I Friday the Record telegrapbkd Lincoln to Washington in regard to the matter and received the follow­ ing reply: Washington. March 6.—The rivers and harbors appropriations was a lump sum. No specifici amount per project appeared. The expenditures will bp at the army board’s discretion. No decision has yot been reached as to items. aged mother, that she had saved $1000, whic ™ t ,nri.Ln in her home- He poinUd ou« rreat risk she was running and induced her the money in a savings bank. •n ‘ P h“ b«*n >n the bank a year now,” be w ■he is perfectly satisfied with the 3 per cen not knowing she could get 6 per cent by buyii i h S T i to " 2 ? ’ hame 40 WMte * • ext « 8 which she could put to gooduse, yet I hesitafc 607 “ b° nd U“ le“ X know jt to be exc œOHaUHOŒEDWCS He asked my advim. and I urged him tc matter up to the manager of the bond denai one of tiie big Chicago banks, with the ex^to had made to me. He did. and I have a letter bank acknowledging the matter. uild two •p a n , to handle the “ SSj1 Bn<* Poc^ ^rom til# duarry. n e ,grading will be eonun«w- Jd within two w « k a aeeordinar the «11- iB “ S * h~ rt* in« incident , A yea >1000 was absolutely unproductive, a source of its owner, a continual temptation to thieve« intervention of this friend th« money has beei 40 * pI*® * " d i t t o of income I earned. During the nextyear the money will “ f* the widow’s income will amount to « I don t know what this «Oman does to « CASH MEAT MARKET CLOSES B Oregonian News Bureau, Washington, March 8.-D u r in g |»he dosing hours of Congress a oil! was passed providing that all Pending homestead entries made in good faith prior to January 1, 1914, upder the enlarged horoe- •tsad set by persons who before oeiow, ana the railroad as may be neeM«*p»wni k . ’S h * t h i aV o r k i,i "tif interf#re ’ ^ A m e r i c a n Government to xu work n *b# flu rry , obtain the desired wsoteeMm with the mutual provtoion that The n o t e Z t h ? Wneri WiI1 b**® **■ m o,t ®mphatic »».jj g u jrd fo rth e movement of the has been sent by the W a s h i n g The Cash Meat market that bee been operated by Wilbur. Cook and Horn in Florence for the pest winter will dose its busi-1 neee as a market but will con­ tinue to buy and adl beef cattle and to deliver meat to the rail­ road working crews. . ¿ike A Look iS n ^ K 2 i of a fc h , and new, to crrace grade, and may do the n g n n ■ m i « b work from the same camp. It will take all of two weeks, the - ____ engineers state, to do the neces- The Rev. H. L. , ■ary surveying and make other | o f the Evangelical d to n h e f preliminary preparations to begin Florence was taken aeriomlj ill L Prom one to two’ months! la»t Friday and I t haa devdouod ♦I- b#/ * C* * 8ary com?lete into P ^dyM a and he t o l j b j r REV. H. L PRATT VERT SKK a »be has increased heryeg^s Income by she has, in effect added four peeks to her year ed at m another way, her m o 4 r to buying hei weeks. vacation during the yedr. • Is there any excuse in the ««rid for one fc money in a community where banks are doing I under the regutotion of .tote C f X n l a iti this grade and get the rails lgid. dangerously ill st the partm ads x work which « " b® « Mr. Pratt siw giving ‘ started will include the erection him every attention buJ,din* of cribe with the hope th at he will mate oU’BB- T h to b s able to mtegto amen» n a / M ' work has not been started up to this time he is unable to and where Investments are solebv reliabu WAY, IS A U SETTLEDNOW Worn Out, Aren’t They? "«• «»«” Arthur^Perks company has a affect, demands an earlv J>rce of menAt work on the Point " - r l y chaage. Wn>ri* AT YOUR OLD SHOES , year ago, Cananaa to - that the United Statea haa view ed with in« o o m p S n ^ T S i g ” ' g e n « ! ? X t o e t h to tfa ta to Mrs. M. S. Currier leads of miUenery go Monday night and she i them on exibitioi as a suitable elore mom to She haa made anaagem W. J. Clark who has been run­ The last piece of right-of-way ning the Bay View Hotel for the necessary to oomplete the Will- Peat winter has sold his interest jamette Pacific, that through the in the business to Hunt ft Baker, I Johnson-Anderson rock quarry of the Hub Cafe and they have I I was obtained by the railroad late taken possession and will run i t 1 in connection with the cafe. Mr. yesterday. The failure to obtain ! the right-of-way has blocked the Clark has not decided just what progress of the rails below Maple­ he will do in the future, but ex­ ton, it has delayed the Siuslaw pects to engage in some business and Ufiipqua bridges and has in Lane county.* been the one point upon which the completion of the railroad to Marshfield during 1910 has hung, Announcement was made from Watch the S p u e fo r Th em .____________ ____ the Willamette Pacific engineer- Saturday being the last day for ‘"r ° fflce in Eu< en« today that filing petitions for mhmbera of b« resumed ba­ the City council to be voted on at ’”ed,ate,F’ Grade will bo built the annuaf election in April, five ^ ^ - w a y , and took advantage of the new chart- being built prepara- • r and complied with the re- "¡J* proh« M r be made to oyirsmenta. Fred Meyera, O. C. ¿ 2 * gon! tra! y B <* ‘be Stanwood, D. W. iinomaAi of the " 2 * * * 0 ffiuolaw river oM Council, and C. & Moraan Acm«- ®F the Brno the rails BARGAINS . every bate Surface Drug Sto NOMMATWCPETmONS FILED LATE SATURDAY th e lead We- have just received A BIG SHIPMENT OF and Dr. Edwards each filed their ♦be grade petition for member of the City 2 2 L Point T«rn * « « W . council. C. B. Morgan waa the “ * » " * b agot to expected only candidate making a state- to * * “ "P lsted . When the rails ment as to hie qualifications and they are perfectly clear. This is what he says, " I wifl grant apeeial favors to none, and ex- pact to go out o f office without a friend in town.” ------------------ W T IA I M R T n m M TU A L m t W B Bought before any advance and we are offering them at the same old prices : : • : ‘ Mr. & N Tarlov J “ T V * J “ W d < * ’ ««»"b“» to " ? taia* w« * win ¡ T i * “ 7 * * ln * 2 * Work J?e • topted. , , ««htM>f-way controversy involved in the rock quarry has * " ® ped • P«riod of several yean. 11 « tone aIonf in • <*"riM ch»r e h t o H « M X Z I h , Florence, Oregon to M M iw -in lx * ,, unU,„ w t o . « f t .E w .r t t o r t d m r e h ,. P o r t M j . F