S E M I-W E E K L Y FLORENCE, OREGON, SATURDAY. JANUARY If The Morning Register has the following special regarding the homestead case of Bert Froh­ mader who lives on Big Creek North of Florence. Washington, Jan. 13.— Rep- ■esenative W. C. Hawley was Iresterday advised of the final ^disposition by the office of the secretary o f the interior o f the homestead entry of Bert Froh­ mader, who was a member of the Salem company of the Second Oregon Volunteers during the w ar With Spain. The secretary’s office reversed the decision of the commissioner of the general land office adverse to the entryman and approved his entry remand­ ing the case to the general land office for final action looking to .th e granting o f patent in due . course. be Frohmader case is an inter- jN W n g one and has been stub- ittoponily contested. M r. Froh- day, in places to the le ft o f the chair. When the house was called to order the senators filed in from | i| || the other end of the capitol and I |^ B | A Complete Line of OR. JAM ES W IT H Y C O M B E the presence o f a notable com­ pany o f jurists, statesmen and prominent citizens. Chief Jus­ tice Moore and the entire mem­ bership of the supreme bench occupied seats on the speaker’s Dress, and Cruisers a roll call showed every member present. A fte r Speaker Selling had turned the gavel over to Presi­ dent Thompson of the senate. Senator Langguth moved th at a cgjpmittee of two be appointed to invite retiring Governor West to the hall. A committee was appointed to escort D r. Withycombe and a committee of five was sent to in­ vite the justices. Then President Thompson turned over to Speaker Selling the official returns o f Secretary of State Olcott that the new state officers were duly elected, and the oath of office was administer­ ed to M r. Withycombe by Chief Justice Moore. The entire ceremony was ex­ peditious and si mple. An orches­ tra from the asylum for the in­ sane played during the waits. The Sunday ‘Journal had a picture showing five generations of one family, stating that Mrs. M. R. Bailey, of Gold Beach,- who lived in Florence for some- time was a great-great-grand- mother. The article follows; Olympia. Wash., Jan. 9 .— Having celebrated her seventy- fourth birthday anniversary three days before Christmas, Mrs. M. i R. Bailey, of Gold Beach, O r., i joined with a daughter, a grand- I daughter, a great granddaughter ’ and a great-great-grandaughter i in a holiday gathering in Olympia i at the home of Mrs. Laura M. i Canfield, her grandaughter. The i members o f the five generation note with the proceeds o f the group were: Mrs. Bailey. Mrs. sale. In the work done by the Amanada J. Foul, o f S t Johns,- hog clubs o f the Northwest last O r.; Mrs. Canfield, o f Olympia; year, an eleven year old g irl at Mrs. W ilda B. Kirkendall, of Washougal, Wash., made a clear Seattle, and little Laura Cassan­ profit of seventy-nine dollars on dra Kirkendrll, aged 15 months, one’brood sow. In this instance Mrs. Bailey, the great-great- two litters, 24 pigs in all, were grand-mother, is a native of N ew produced. Local educators have York state and a blood descend­ expressed the opinion that this is ent o f Prince William the Second the most important step ever of Orange. W ith her parents, taken in this line of work and, M r. and Mrs. Alfred Washburn, as fa r as known, the first move- she went to Portland in 186$ as ment of the kind ever started in one of a party in a train o f the United States. prairie schooners. Soon after­ ward the family moved to Mon­ ticello (now Freeport), Cowlitz county; Washington, later com­ ing to Olympia. ‘‘When I went out in an auto­ mobile the other day and rode ate today confirmed among other around Portland, I could hardly nominations for postmasters, the believe th at it was the same little appointment of C. C. Buchanan trading post that t found over 60 as postmaster at Florence, Ore­ years ago, ” said the mother o f gon. •] the four generations. SENATE CONFIRMS P. M. APPOINTMENT Victor Talking Machines and a fine selection o f Records Come in hear them Toilet Soaps and Articles, Shaving Articles Collar Bags, Fancy Stationery Japanese Napkins, Tissue Paper, Tablets and A COMPLETE LINE OF DRUGS Surface Drug Store | in this way been cut off but it is EARTHQUAKE VISITS ITALY « R | | | ! I I I Rome, Jan. 13.— Ita ly has again been visited by an earth- quake o f wide extent which, ac- cording to the late advices, has resulted in the death o f 12,000 persons mid injury to possibly 20,000 more in the towns and villages destroyed. The shock was the strongest reported several villages in that region were destroyed. Likewise Potenz, capital of the province of the same name, on the eastern declivity of the Apennines, with 20,000 people, has been isolated. In 1857 this town was almost des­ troyed by an earthquake. Morris <& S Joe. M orris Jr., Norman G . Morris, THE LEADERS Rome has fe lt in more than a 100 years. The town of Avezano, in the Abruzzi department, 63 miles | east of Rome has been levelled FLORENCE, OREGON A ÂK ! to the ground; here 8,000persons are reported to have been killed. In many small towns surrounding Rome buildings jrere partially wrecked, while at Naples a panic occurred and houses fell at Caserta. a short distance to the east ' Owing to the wide extent of the disturbance and. its evident terrible consequences the actus] effects o f the earthquake are not at present known, owing to th e 'e _ ...... ........ cutting off o l communications, poftance to the livestock industry The fortified city of Aquila has of the Pacific, Northwest was * f- -'V TAW WES ÁÑD ÑÜT*S • Flour and Feed, _ Notions, Hard *