S E M I-W Ç E K L Y FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 18, 191 HAYE CUT WAMTSTO THROUGH BRING BOAT TUNNI f5 K TO SIUSLAW NUMBER 85 do something in the near future. business representing the ship­ In the 1st room there are 25 seats ment of, laborers and engineering and there are 25 scholars; 2d forces. An average o f 20 paid oom 40 seats and 88 scholars; ) passengers each trip is regarded 3d room 42 seats and 34 scholars; I as a fa ir estimate of- this busi- 4th room 42 seats and 40 scholars. neas. One combination train a This shows the condition as it is day each way has all it can do to at the present; there has been 28 handle the business. scholars in the 1st room, 43 in “ The local traffic between Eu­ Workmen cut through tunnel The Commercial Club met in the 2d, 38 in the 3rd and 41 in Washington, Jan. 11.—Great gene and Veneta, and between N ew Yujrk, January last Sunday abbut twelve regular session in their rooms the 4th. There are 8 seniors in points along the line is also B ritain’s preliminary reply to the W ith a comparative luft in thia This tunnel ia 1200 Monday night and after the the high school which w ill no heavy,” says M r. Fontaine. American note o f protest con­ quarter and artillery duels pre­ feet in length and is located on regular routine of business, re­ doubt graduate this spring, but “ The business of the line is grow­ cerning neutral commette, while dominating near the Belgian of 0 . L . Brewster, ports of dbmmitiees were made there are 14 that will pass from Jte^p ro operty p ing very rapidly. A large por­ gratifying "in thè concessions it ^ L i t t l e three-year old Ethel j p d then {dr. G. Boake. of Co­ the 8th grade into the high school tion of-the passenger traffic to makes has in many respects coast fighting of a desperate character has broken out in the Swanson, daughter-of the tunnef quette was presented to the Club next fall, so it makes 6 seats Coos Bay now comes and goes failed to satify the United States center, notably to the northeast forman was the first person to and he stated briefly why he was short in the high school at the Government. this way. e f Soissons, which, through bom­ crawl through the opening. there and what he wanted. He beginning of the fall term only “ Whtta the line is extended Officials confidently hope that bardments, seems likely to suffer Tile breaking through o f the- said he with three others were counting the scholars from further the business will in­ the second and complete answer the fate o f Rheims, and fu rth er ’ lel leaves only one out o f four the owners of a steamboat that Florence. crease very much more rapidly. from England w ill give the east in the vicinity of Perthes tween the Siuslaw and the was now on the Cbquelle river; A t Coos bay there are some very specific information requested by Beausejour, from which points rith intervening wall th at this boat was 72 feet long, large firms, such as the C. L. the United States and clear .up the allies have been trying to he^dins. Number 15 feet beam and h ad a capacity Smith Timber Company, and the uncertainties which, accord- reach the important railway to _______» fe e tis now com­ o f 100 passengers. I t had room othera.__In addition to Coos Bay tnK to the Washington gorera- the north, th a < pleted, while number 6 about also for a team and wagon, or an and the Siuslaw, there is the ment surrounds the commerce of would cut one of the German 1800 feet long, has been cut automobile. A ladies cfcbin and Umpqua territory which this line neutrals. Thia disposition on the main arteries of communication. through sometime. Tunnel & n, smoking room and will reach. I t passes directly part of the Washington adminis­ Only a change in the weather the firit one south of the BiuT a toilet in each room. His- com­ through Reedsport, where W ar­ tration was revealed in high offi or the entrance into the w ar o f law , and which is to be about pany wegp willing to bring this ren Reed is developing a (own- cial quarters today although there Roumania or Italy, or both, to Ztyfcdbet in length, stilt* has a boat to the Siuslaw and put it on T h e contract for the City ja il site, and this is directly tributary was no formal comment likely to bring about any marked wall o f rock between the head- the run from Florence to, Maple­ in Glenada has been let to H. to a large territory up Smith change in the m ilitary situation i but it ia- expected this will ton to meet all trains in orOer to Beagle. I t will be 10x16 feet, river, which will serve to feed in Europe fo r some tim e to coma. broken .-through in about accommodate the passenger trafie made of solid brick walls, iron the railroad. Just as rumors persisted tor ityWays.* and the freight &s well, AU they floor .and roof, iron petitions, iron The railroad men are impatient­ days prior to Turkey’s entrance ------------------- • is a guarantee of the doors and windows grated. The ly waiting for the completion of M r. Frank McCullough and into the w ar on the side of Ger­ the people here ja il will be located on the water the railroad to Acme, which is w ife were in Florence Sunday many, which tended to disoount was that they give their moral front at the foot of the hill near delayed by the failure to obtain visiting with friends. M r. Mc­ the step when it eventually was S. E. Lowes property. The first the right-of-way from the Ander­ City council met at the support the boat taken, so rumors now center C . H . Young, member of the scow load of brick was taken son-Johnson Stone Quarry com­ Cullough w ill open a general i of the city recorder -Mon- merchandise store at Swiss Home about Roumania and Italy. fisy evening and after the-regular Seh'ool Board,, presented to the across from Floernce Tuesday. pany. Condemnation proceed Thero is a strong feeling * in routine of business t h ^ examin- C lu b .th e crowded condition of The work of grading Ash street ings have been filed, and there is as soon as the building can be France and England that definite the report of the vieweq^ on the school house and asked the from the. South end of the dock but little to do until the grind o f completed. The location , o f the action will not long be delayed. e Jefferson street and G urginwLfltf fibers of the Club to bring south to the top of the hill was the circuit court reaches this new townsite is about a mile up the river, oi east of the old Swiss -enue improvement im n r o v e m e n t w wo k ♦and’ renue o r rkian d “ ** matter before the people and begun Friday. I t is proposed to case. Frederick Hollister and w ife Home P. O. and near Lake Creek ^'Instructed the clerk to advertise try to fo rm u la te sortie' plan to raise the dock to conform to the The construction o f the Sius­ and son, of North Bend, are The fo r bids for grading and planking offer the school board so they grade and cut the hill down to law bridge, material for which is on the W. P. railroad. planning to leave about Febru­ brush is being cleared away, the might be able to present to the make an even grade of consider­ at hand, hangs upon the exten­ these streets. ary 1 fo r a six months auto tour people some deffinite proposition able less per cent so th at teams sion o f this sixteen miles of rail­ streets located and grading will of the South. They w ill ship be done as soon as the Weather can travel this street with ease. road over the already completed G. G. Bushman le ft for outside in shool buildings. their car to Sam~Franetoee and will p erm it Monday on business He gave the following figures A aide walk w ill be built from grade, and in a few months the motor from there to the Yoeem*, tej show whjf it was n« the dock to the top of the hill laying of rails between the Sius­ ite Valley and thence across the The Priscilla Club w ill-m eet. Southern states, visiting ^making it more convenient for law and the Umpqua will depend foot passengers to travel. A s -it the completion o f this bridge. Friday with M r*. Charles Watts. Hollister’s old home. was a person could hardly climb The rail laying from Coos Bay t^hilhinvet-weather, it JjeinfcJ vyli proceed north while that ’ W ' - so steep and slippery. Wtten fitam the Siuslaw will proceed this work is completed it will be south. There ye mains but forty- a decMSti >»np»oT.e»sfiT to A sM five m il« o f track a fte r the rails street and a great ¿onveniene? to reach Acme, and the grade for those who travel that way. this is said to be 90 percent com­ J. A. Barker, has been appoint­ pleted.— Eugene Guard. and a fine selection of Records ed Marshall of Glenada and w ill Come in hear them look after the interests of the Toilet Soaps and Articles, Shaving Articles City in the future. ANSWER- RUMORS FAILS TO THAT ITALY SATISFY WILL AID GLENADA W M BTO an jab . GENERAL STORE PORSWBS HOME REGULAR CQLNCIL of Victor Talking '■ Machines A Complete Line of Dress, >gg< and Cruisers M ili STORE, I IREN CE, OREGON. THOWSON AN D SEU JN G W .P. OPENS S ttE C lH ) NEW FIELD FOR BUSINESS Collar Bags, Fancy Stationery Japanese Napkins, Tissue Paper, Tablets and A COMPLETE LINE OF DRUGS Surface Drug Store i Salem, Ore., Jan. 11.—The 128th Legislative Assembly of Oregon organized today without martial noise. No sound from the 48-centimetor guns of oratory disturbed ite tranquil transac­ tions. In the House the prom­ ised fight on the floor over the speakership fell somewhat fla t Ben Selling, o f Portland, pro­ duced the scheduled 37 votes; Allen Baton mustered 22. his fol­ lowing including four Democrats and C. M. H urlburt, with em ­ phasis on the “end.” Quiet as were the House pro­ ceedings, the Senate got down to busineee with even less demon­ stration. W. L air Thompson gqt all the votes except his owp and that df Senators Rellaher and Difnick. Senator Dimick, while professing a friendly feeling for Senator Thompson, thought th at hie constituents m ight 4 prefer A heavy traffic, much larger than ever anticipated for thia time, has been handled over the , new W illamette Pacific into the Siuslaw, according to W. P. Fon­ taine, assistant engineer, who re­ turned this week from Portland, where the headquarters for the operating department o f this line are located. The preeent traffic ia held to indicate much more ex­ tensive business which the line will carry when completed all the way to Coos bay. A t present Florence. Mapleton and other Siuslaw points are buy­ ing supplies through Eugene that originally came from Portland by boat. Many products can be sent ' from Eugene much more cheaply than from any other source, and the installation of the new telegraph fide aids in th e es­ someone else. Senator Ketlaher tablishment o f trade relations be­ maintained hie accustomed ad­ tween Eugene and its new terri­ herence to the minority cause, tory. For such articles as hay no matter what the minority . ‘ '■* and bulky substances there is s stands for.. material reduction in rates by the j new route, according to the rail­ road men. The passenger traffic is also A dance will be given in the heavy. The daily train is carry­ Patsy warehouse Saturday even­ ing from th irty to fifty ppssen- ing January 16th. Music, by Mc- rs a day, although this includes Lyman's orchestra. .Tickets 75 to some extent the “ dead head” cents. Morris <8bi JoB. Morris Jr., Norman G . Morris. THE LEADERS a J i » Dress and Work Shoes Groceries DANCE W PATSY WAREHOUSE V CANDIES AND Fjowr and Feed,. i Notions» ••>11.J V