THE SIUSLAW S E M I-W E E K L Y VOL. II. FLORENCE, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY Authorized Sale $100,000 of Port of Siuslaw Bonds —---- --------- V. h im i tion from Siuslaw’bay to Eugene. Practically all of this will be lost to the people of Siuslaw and Lane county if we do not have enough money to finish the jetties and make complete and efficient the transportation chain men-1 At Annual Meeting1 Commissioners Vote to Sell Bonds Im- to the people of Siuslaw As a mediately to Provide Funds to Continue the Work Extending the Jetties and Improving Siuslaw Harbor thV?,iy AiorH.c°iinued ' represent NUMBER 84 CONCESSIONS MAY FINISH TO BE MADE TUNNELS IN BYENGLAND FEBRUARY W dshington, Jan. 7. A rrange­ That all the tunnels on the m ents between Great Britain. Willamette Pacific railway will a y and 1 he Netherlands have 1 completed by February 4 was the . ........ ....... een completed whereby com- statem ent of Johnson Porter, of ing eight different companies merce to the latter two countries the The annual meeting of the | could notallow anything to this therefrom , hereby respectfully who buy bonds is ready to take railway contracting firm of from the United S tate, is expect- Porter Bros., who commissioners of the Port of port. urge the Port Commission to arrived out the harbor bonds as soon as ed to undergo a minimum of mo­ Siualaw was held Wednesday The present bill before con- make another bond issue at once from the front ’ Thursday night. ,, • 1 w ---- oner issued and their legularity lestation. morning and officers elected as gress provides for an appropria- to the amount of $100,000 to be established. 1 he last tunnels to be completed follows. President, I. B. Cush­ tiion of $112,500 for the Suslaw. The steps taken by Great Brit- are the four between Acme and Yours trulv man; vice president, P. E. Jack- providing a like amount is raised used to continue the jetty work îan and announced in statem ents Dardiner. All of the others will at the mouth of the river. Geo. Melvin Miller. son; secretary, T. J. Neely; by the Port of Siuslaw. from both the British embasy be completed before that date, Be­ treasurer, E. R. McCornack. cause this appropriation if passed and the state department, reme- said Mr Porter, if the work pro­ p . P. Dutton, of the Tide Washington D. C„ Jan. 4, dy some of the complaints made At this m eeting E. R. Mc­ may not be available for sev eral, W ater Mill Co., then spoke rep- gresses as rapidly as it is at the Cornack who was elected last months yet, many of the tax- resenting over 60 per cent of the 1915 Porter Bros. Timber Co., by the United States in its recent present time. November as a member of the payers have urged for months taxable property owners, making 524 Railway Exchange Building, note to Great Britain and the Mr. Porter stated that the commission was sworn in an be­ that the commissioners should an urgent appeal for bonds to be Portland, Ore. Pending River plana encouraged administration grading work will be entirely came a member. sell bond» and continue the work s°ld and immediate work on the and Harbor Bill includes One officers in the hope shat com­ completed by the first of May The commissioners m et in wdth as little delay as possible, jetties. Citing conditions and Hundred Twelve Thousand Five merce with the Scandinavian ond the railway company will be their rooms in the Brynd build and by this means save thousands possibilities Mr. D utton’s re- Hundred dollars for Siuslaw con­ countries and other neutrals able to lay its rails as far as ditioned upon appropriation of would be improved, ing and transacting a small I of dollars to the taxpayers as marks were strong and convinc- Coos Bay. but that it probably amount of regular business and w e ll as improve the bar con- ing and before closing his appeal like amount locally this amount will be some time a fter that date from there adjourned to the ditions. letters and telegram s were read will probably be included in river before they can be laid across Commercial Club rooms where At the meeting J. W. Ford Jr. f™m Lacey Timber Co.; Stew art and Harbor bill without question the bridge being built acrosa an they gave the citizens of the president of the Siuslaw Com- & Ferguson Timber Co.; T. A. included in addition to above five arm of the bay. Register, port an opportunity to discuss mercial Club, addressed the com- S tarrett, L. E. Bean, G. X. Wen- ¡thousand dollars is included «n port m atters. for maintenance to be paid of “ dling, Geo. Meivin Melvin Miller, Miller. Sen- u bill . , , j mission urging urxing the wie selling ot »»s, ueo. . IT •. . „ ------ States. Geo. E. A large num ber of taxpayers bonds and presented the petitions »tors Chamberlain and Lane and by n United States- Geo- from om over the port district had to the commissioners commissioner« bearing he.rinrr Congressman Hawley. ’ Chamberlain and H arry Lane s n iirili,'1? 0 th e ..sell,ng °.f signature of 802 taxpayers and The letters from Lacey Timber $100,000 bonds immediately and citizens of the port, The petition Co, and Geo. Melvin Miller, and I. A. Yost the retiring Port to use the funds secured in thia read as follows: commissioner, Capt. Robert the telegram from the senators ( bicago, Jan. 7. Two dollars The Bchool board will send in m anner to commence as soon as Jones and Frank Knowles also are herew ith published. a bushel for wheat, the dream possible work on the jetties. an order for the necessary books Florence, Oregon. addressed the commissioners on that only enthusiasts ever ex­ and equipment for the high • W hat the Rivers and Harbors Portland, Oregon, November 10. 1914. the importance of extending the pected to come true, was within school so as to comply with the bill was before congress last year, To The Siuslaw Port Commission: January 4, 1915. je tty and improving the bar. half a cent of being a reality to­ state school law. In order to the appropriation for the Siuslaw. Honorable Gentlemen : Mr. H. P. Dutton, A resolution was then intro­ from some cause was not an We. the undersigned.' voters Tide W ater Mill Co., duced authorizing the sale of day on one grade of wheat if the draw the high school money from item of the bill when it was in- residing in the Port District of Railway Exchange Building, $100,000 dollars of port bonds. cost of delivery to Europe might the state it is necessary to pur­ troduced into the house of ; Siuslaw. appreciating the import- Portland, Oregon. This resolution was killed when be counted as part of the price. chase not less than $5(X). 00 worth A carload of durum wheat was of equipment, and when this is Mr. Cushman explained th at representatives, and improvements and ° e a r Sir: ---- the — engin- --»'in- ance of harbor improvem sold to , g° go ? to Italy basis that done the school will receive ap­ ta y on a basi’ eers claimed because of this they 1 the great benefit to the As representatives of the own­ resolution providing for issuing a « like amount of bonds was on the 'gUre< del*vered at destination proximately $1100.00 from the ers o f 4,451.40 acres of tem ber- $1.99 1-2 a bushel, state, land in Twp. 15 S., Rge. 7 W., 1 book a t the present time and in tributary to Siuslaw Bay we ap­ force. A motion was then made and prove and endorse the plan you have outlined to us for the passed th at the secretary and isauance of additional bonds up­ treasurer be authorized to Bell on the district embraced by the these bonds at once. Soon a fter Port of Siualaw for the purpose this action the meeting adjourned. While not officially announced of continuing the jetty work at Mr. Cushman says a meeting will the mouth of Siuslaw river. and a fine selection of Records It has been the history of rivers be held in a few days at which Come in hear them and harbors improvement in the time »^rangements will be made Toilet Soaps and Articles, Shaving Articles United States th a t work under­ to offer the bonds for sale. Collar Bags. Fancy Stationery taken and left in an unfinished Japanese Napkins, Tissue Paper, Tablets and condition, owing to uncertain and irregular appropriations, has A COMPLETE LINE OF DRUGS proven to be extremely expensive. Unfinished work is usually left without protection and when re­ sumed much of it m ust be re­ placed. Siuslaw Bay should be harbor and the plans of the United States engineers should be car-i Eddie Kyle was taken sudden­ ried out. ly ill Tuesday night with intense Joe. Morris Jr., Norman G. Morris. The Rivers and Harbors Bill pains in the region of the stom ­ recently passed has carried an ach and suffered excruciating appropriation of upw ardsof $HX),- pain until relieved by local tre a t­ (XX) for this work, contingent ment. He received temporary upon the Port of Siuslaw appro- releif but it was thought best to priating a like amount. Failure u- * to comply with the provisions of Thu\ d . 7 m T®i Congress in t h i . „ .T hur,day co rn in g the Lena took Congress in this m atter may re­ Eddie, his father and brother to sult in the loss of this Federal Mapleton in time to take the appropriation and a refusal upon train to Eugene for consultation the p a rt of Government to resume with physicians there. the work now underway at such It is hoped by Eddies many a time as it may be desired. friends th at there will be a speedy For these reasons we extend recovery. to you our support in urging upon A telegram received from Dave the Port o Siuslaw an additional Friday says that Eddie was ope­ appropriation. rated on at the Mercy hospital, Very truly yours. and was resting easy. Jam es D. Lacey & Company: By H. D. Langille PRICE OF WHEAT IS SCHOOL BOARD TO SOARING ORDER EQUIPMENT Victor Talking Machines A Complete ine EDWIN KYLE IS TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Dress, Loggers and Cruisers Surface Drug Store THE LEADERS I )ry Goods SHO WOOLEN M ill STORE. FLORENCE, OREGON. Dress and Work Eugene. Oregon. January 4th, 1915. To The Port Commission of Siuslaw, Florence, Oregon. Ill Dear Sirs: Nearly Four Hundred Million dollars of our money has gone in- to the Panam a cansi construction, liv e Hundred Thousand into jetty construction at the mouth }W : of Siuslaw bay and about Five LADIES AID ELECT ¡OFFICERS FOR YEAR * —— The Ladies Aid Society of tne Evangelical church met at the ----------------,«.,t r> -idence of Mrs. Schroeder last Tnuruday afternoon and elected the following officers; Mrs. J. U. Houde President, Mrs. L. De- Vice President. Mrs. Mary Sutton Secy., Mrs. Jennie Yates Shoes Clothing Groceries CANDIES AND NUTS Flour and Feed, Notions, Hardware