7 SEMI - W E E K L Y VOL. U. ROAD SDPER- ’’ VBOR MARES AREPORT per cent for 1700 fe e t We hare also built one bridge 40 feet long and two bridges 82 feet long ex-» cept railings, and layed 160 feet of corduroy. Thia amount of work could not hare been accomplished i f the men hired had notall been inter- & & The school supervisors make | ‘¡ate* n d d o n ® • gooiCfaithful jp&«ir reports every month and | 71 w.°rk tor e®cl> day they ing that next to schools the " T L m u — srs W e meat important ru- . 1 * ¡ 7 * , by 8tatin* the num- question that the county court ¡7.’’ “ ? ot to° l* on hand 1 to deaf with, I attach my D7 J 7 S eri 1’ } 914’e , report for the yrar 1914, and be- 1« 1 L,t,tle ^ e^ ern St®el Grader, ? Here that it would help get more •ifeople interested in the road i , - ------------• - ■ question i f each supervisor would 1 i rt auger’ tw,° drilb- publish a report once a year. ,7 one word mor* of ®°ur»e •Received from the county and 7 * ° d "JF*rvi* >ra do not know expended on the roads in district " J ? * * •P»»‘ ated again or 22, during 1914. not but 1 want to urge the men Powder - 'a r a r a ¡‘" ^ • d«fferent districts in this 897.20 end of the county who do get the Tools 18.00 appointments to go to the road Brid 52.00 convention in Eugene, for i f you 494.35 go once and get interested in 887.46 good roods you will go again i f | | you get the chance. J 1044.00 Respectfully submitted. . Beside this the county has sent Ono S. Phelps. lk "- fcQ» “ Little Western Steel Gra- Supervisor road district no. 22. which I think cost 8200.00, t has built one bridge com* rwfaieh is 240 feet long and One about 280 feet long. The eountyputthe bridge~up a fte i i T " 4 daU the people on Mercer and Sutton of a_ \* B U a t had put moat of the timber •a iv tbat IBaaaup*d 7 1 2 the ground i i t h d o n a t » a b v * a S S S S i ,i7 n<* thelOng «EGOWAinm NOIKE rway, and thought it was e won- y the yaar there haa been & Z We u have ’ t L a , * hea “ hi Rorw,oe’ Florence, • » the district, one mile of new 7 * “ 0,d acnib • n » d m W . oompleu, t l-4 , X ^ 7 “ “ th •« of right of way doored, “ 1 i i°J] ** h ,r . ' • * “ « t o y t h e 9 1 — -* * Monday df right of way cleared, 1 A'z measured 7 6-8 inches in circum­ toiles of trail graded led oo on the the « exact ference and weighed 81-2 ounces, •grade where the road should and it did not take an extra a with ~— a minimum ------ — —- » grade .w w v of i one ■mount of cackieing.either. gar cant, and maximum grade of Marshfield is planning a new city hali. Dress, Loggers and Cruisers SHOES selling them in order to have funds to continue I t seemed to be the opinion of the commission th a t an emergency existed and that action in the near fu tu re would be means o f saving valuable property fo r the out i f the people wanted the work to continue. " * ' • “ »"><» • * * « P ¡» A m * . S t t w d » necessary for each passenger to night. "• . furnish his own bedding, but Mrs, fte * xinks will, b* provided. I f the Mrs. Maggie W h to S i Since th a t m eeting over tw o-thiids o f the resi­ dent taxpayers and voters have signed petitions ran eo to ik T 7 ° rtaout’ • p « * » Or»cle; Mra. Riley M illi Past can go to the fair, stay there 80 Oracle, also recorder- M ra I days and return home for 860.00. Tripp, Chahcelor- M ra K taxpayers. Action was deferred in order to find a s k m g th e commissioners to issue bonds, and letters have been received from non-resident tax payers, representing over 65 per cent o f the property valuation in the port d is tric t These letters say an im m ediate bond isssue w ill insure Fraaetoc fair. — , an appropriation fo r the Siuslaw. O ur repesen- tatives m Congress have sent telegrams to the th e Siuslaw, provided the Port its furnish share- ’ The government engineers have endorsed the Siuslaw project on this co-operative basis, saying it is a g o o d business proposition. ready to continue the work. 7. _ ' « I f they do not, w hat w ill be the excuse o f those respoi^bls fp r such action. oMuruay, January w Frank i-**— increase in the Lauranee R. Johnson, a wall i for the month of kr V « d ra-PMtod e it lin S ------- over the m u m month Glenada. of paralysis and the in- for 1913 to 866.00. The inenase o f W». January 2d, ¡’o rthe last quarter of 1914 to about the same amount over the Mr. Johnson was born in Nor­ period in 1918. fhtotonot fork County Ontario, Canada. a bad showing for Florence eon September 4th, 1831, being «dering the alack times. Many years 8 months and 29 days of poet offices are reporting short- ago at the time of his death. ageein their receipts. He iras united in marriage to Mise E b u m Beaupre in 1869; to this union ware born six children, fire hoys and one daughter Throe of the eons s u r v i v ^ L G Johnson of Seattle, Lucian John­ Laws under which the lend son of Glenada and Roy Johnson owner must have a license to hunt of Hoaquim, Wash. The wife or,,fia» b on own P«wmises are two rom and the daughter hav­ called perfeet by the game ex- ing died several years ago. Mr. Johnson and hie family came to Oregon 28 yean ago a ------ ----------,’s etabs are hoM- ^ ttle d at Glenada, where he 1 ing county and state conventions naided. ^ T ^ ^ t i m e n t t o go before The funeral services wars hi the legislature in their own be­ • t the home o f hi* eon Lucto half. Jwuary 4th., the Rev. H. L. , I ? * t *n M n l«»d owners) Pratt officiating, and tha ram ai_ in Oregon and Washington ara MM to rest in the Odd FsBows •h » . interesting themselves in ary, followed by a lan more stringent trespass laws. coneoums o f friends. The Fish and Game commis- ■ion during the past year has and expended about The total rainfsll for the year 8160,000 in gating 1914 was 81.68 inches. The and fish. average rainfall for the past five Game forms have ffieo estab- Iltoharf a»»i - - T" f * * ” M 98.TTlnches as recorded F L O R E N C E , O R EG O N . Sweet wm Mngr. ‘ lall S , Talking Machines ■*»* » ih n raiecuon i Coma in hear them , - Toilet Soap« and Art idea, 8havh< ArtfeieB Collar Baga, Fancy Stationery Japanese Napkins, Tiasne Paper, Thbbtssnd A COMPLETE LINE OF DRUGS u IM Drug «r «KMCMKUWS Joe. Morris J r., Norman O . M orris. THE LEADERS Dry Goods Dress and Work ; Shoes uonumifM F i i Groce TO SARROan “ «nanuE P J Captain Horman Wetsol has a novel plan for those going to or fish to not allowcdte buy game tion this summer. I f sufficient or trout in the open market, and number of name, can b e a r e d ventoen to for game lords only. to warrant the expense he will “ bofora Judge Goude, charging W e M M R r him with threat to kill. The A0 0 -**■••• trial was set for 10 O’clock Mon- * ------------- r - day morning, but Mr. Curran The Priscilla Club 8 ^ •Ppaared and waived sacamina- |PHday tion. Refusing to give bonds to ka* * * Go«d* cousmittad Trim to the Oonatv ^ h s h e a d e o ftlM a M b ' Jafi at BugeM to w a llth n n etiM l " m u ' d the mT r t grand n M i j r jury ~ S a wMsh t o n R G «ratal a (t4 w no 0 » ■ immn ■ion are sent over the state w give illustrated lectures and ex­ pensive publications are sent oul ™ -11®0*- Neil Grindall swore out a warrant . After the earena for the sweet of C. W. Curran, • loBeh * * R O H S OF iP O S T O m C E H O N O R DIED INCREASING SATORDAÏ Victor « ------- h M rs .' M t t t o * « ^ g JS u * i a ■ ’ • * > * < * the City c o u n -W d They are ^ a t r o c t e d . I f the commission vote these bonds th e y wUi be m eeting the wish o f the people whom they represent i ^ e i T ’lcJiJ™11^ 1’ MI Monday night nothing was Marshall, done other than the ordinary Modern Woodman of " « « « • , except that the purchase America taatalled tha following I° r wheel barrows and shovels I® « * » foe tha year 1914. i authorised so that those who I G. R. Mills, V. G , Reg Lock- could not pay their fine would A. V., Fred Kneaper. R. have an opportunity to work out H * R« Southworth. C., U W* (the f i n s « the streets of Flor-1 Newcomb, W., Qaw effort, th a t the bill appropriating 8117,500 fo r w ill be enacted. tinal; Miss Marie Devenev MarahMl; Mtos N e v a T ^ C O O N C im E T S is adm itted delay means a loss to w hat has been oígan“ WOOLEN a am ? M W .A .M S T A U HEWOFnCER the P o rt o f Siuslaw, the question o f re-issuing the one-hundred thousand dollars in bonds, and « » » « * t o M J t o n . Mon»C. Complete Line 1 to accomodate the full capacity of the schooner sad sail for the' *** fair about June 1. ” I t to thought that a fare of 860.00 will pay for the round trip, which will include the going and coming on the Coquelle, board S ! T to " I * 11“* at ** " d*ya- — - V - . The * » • schooner senooner can can be be I The Royal Neighbors and chored near a street railway I Modern Woodman a-v a - — j -- «_ A t » recent m eeting o f the Commissioner» o f the je tty work, was discussed. M R. N A AND T M M IE B ADD VOIDS WAIT BONDS___ sV Id i The people w ant it; the taxpayers w ant it; i t ■k. flve par cent, except in one place where there is a grade of seven rig out the CoqueUe, build cabins ! h '¿¿faff, r> Ï L u . OLDIES AND NUIS Feed, Notions,^