S IU S L A W PILO S E M I-W E E K L Y i VttL. II. ROAD NEARING ITS COMPLETION FLORENCE. OREGON,WE DNESDAY, JANUARY 2. 1 9 r Z NUMBER 82 MARRIED December 30, at high noon at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Levage, of Mercer, Mr. Fread Petzold, of Venita, and Miss Katherine Levage, the Rev. H. L. Pratt, H. B. Rankjj, supervisor of officiating. the Siuslaw .national forest, re­ Mr. and Mrs. Petzold left turned to U ape Perpatua yester Thursday for Venita where he i'dayy> superintend the cojnple- has a fine ranch and the young f tion of the highway around that couple will make their home promontory jutting into there. ' the -z. sea, He says that the work The bride presented a pretty will probablfdOc finished inside picture attired in a gown of white of 15 working dfeys so that teams silk crepe de chine and wearing and automobiles will be able to veil of white maline interwoven pass around the eape, but a con­ with orange blossoms and Sweed- crete parapet to prevent vehicles ish brides’ myrtle, from eliding a hundred feet into The groom wore a suit of mid­ the foaming eea below will not night blue. be built until next summer. As the clock announced the The, completion of this road noon hour, the bride and groom will afford a continuous trip along took a position beneath a bell the beach from Tillamook and hanging from an arch of ever­ Toos Bay. This trip will un- greens, while Miss Edith Yates jjfloubetedjy bedpme a popular one played “The Wedding March’’ “ or sightseer«, as sofne of the by Englemann, The officiating finest scene™ on the coast is foon'd tfTong fne road. Morning clergyman in an impressive cere­ mony united the young people in Register. marriage. Multnomah county tax lew for i After ... the ceremony • a delicious ---------- 1915 is S.2 mills less than for' ^ d d in g dinner was enjoyed by k 1914e - w» >the large number of relatives Sglarfefc and expenses oTdeputv . ^ Jriends who were present .. wardens totaled .$47’.000" The * decorBtlon3 decorations of of ced»r> cedar, and ivy were very tastily arrang­ for this year. ed by Edith Yates, A $35,000 a yeS?cAain main of __ Erh- The bride received a large ployment agencies was -proposed number of beautiful and useful at the Eugene Commonwealth presents. conference. Miss Catherine is the oldest TheFImpire MfgSCo., Spokane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. and endleton Iron Works, have.Levage, pioneers of this section, asked Pendleton cifisens t JT sub- who reside on their farm at scribe for stock of consolidated Mercer Jake. She has spent company firmed to mfgr. rotary most of hlr life near Florence, pump, iceless refrigerator, split where she has many friends who wood pulley and other articles. wisRher a happy married life. According to the papers published in the different National Forests, or adjacent to them, there is an im­ mense amount of timber being sold. It is noticed that all the way from one million to one billion feet is sold. Forest» sales in Oregon do not compare with the forest sales in states that are supposed to be void of timber. In the l rater Lake Forest, many miles from transportation there in a sale reported of 18 million feet. In Arizona a sale of a billion feet. One would naturally ask who is buying this timber and what are they payin for it. Is this timber being sold to the small home builders, or is some large corpora­ tion buying it for speculation. We have been told in this Siuslaw Forest that the products of the National Forrest were for the benefit of the settlers first, and for others after the settlers and nearby people were satisfied. There has been much inquiry in this vicinity for dead cedar; some of it in small amounts and some in larger amounts and so far as we have been able to learn there have been no sales made. Why is it Under? the old regime, when A. E. Cohoon had this Forest we knew it was almost impossible to buy anything from the Government unless the very highest price was paid, but we naturally looked for a change in that order when the present incumbent took the office. We are reason­ ably sure that the present supervisor is more liberal in his views and understanding of the Forest regulations and it has been questioned by many why more timber sales have not been made. Is it because the price of dead cedar is prohibitive, or is the Service holding it for a general clean up sale to a corporation? If the small buyers are to have the benefit of the products of the Forest why not sell some of this dead cedar to them at a price that they can make a decent profit for their labor; if it is not to be sold why not advertise the fact and forever close the Forest to the small buyer? the Kahits and brought the stranded merrymakers to Flor­ ence. Gene says he does not object to rescuing people but two o clock in the morning is no time to get a fellow out of bed. SOCIETY The New Year was made In honor of their mother, Mrs. welcome in Florence by the ring­ F. E. McVicker, Mrs. D. M. ing of the church bells, explosion Kyle and Miss McVicker enter­ I of firearms, blowing whistles, tained the Wednesday afternoon and a general noisy demonstra­ club and a few guests. tion by those who had been Garlands of green, and crimson watching the “Old year out and bells combined with clusters of the New Year In, ” poinsettas bespoke the holiday season. Much merriment result­ Several parties were held in ed from the surprise favors at honor of the occasion and prompt­ lunch. Those invited were:— ly at midnight the new year was Mrs. Emmerson Surface, Mrs. heralded by these groups with R. Averill. Mrs. J. H. Fisher. •nthusiasm and joy. Mrs. John Bergman, Mrs. John W. Bergman, Mrs. William Kyle, Mrs. G. Marsh, Mrs. Irvin, Mrs. IMPROVEMENTS AT J. Ford, Mrs. Craig. THE LIGHT PLANT About twenty friends of Delona Severy made her a very pleasant surprise on Tuesday night. It was doubly agreeable to her as it was on her birthday also. Tha young people enloyed themselves with games and sharades, and after a light lunch they returned to their homes, wishing Miss Lona many happy returns of this occasion. lhe Electric Light company have been making extensive im­ provements in their plant by re­ modeling the engine room, paint­ ing the ceiling and walls of the whole interior, improving the switch lioard. putting in an emergency boiler pump, sinking more wells for a better water supply, covering the boiler and pipes with a thick coating of asbestos to conserve the heat, place all wires in the plant under the floor, painted the protecting rails and will add lenolium to the floor in the engine room and office. The company have been to con­ siderable expense in fitting up the plant with the latest and most improved machinery and now have a plant that cannot be excelled by any in the state of the same capacity. Coquille will build a $2,000 city bridge. Jackson county spent this year on good roads $500,000. Pac­ ific highway cost $325,000. The heavy rains of the last few days together with the high tides is starting the drift along the hanks of tha river and there is considerable running which makes it quite dangerous to Christmas Eve was joyously For several weeks the Western navigation. spent at Heceta by 20 people. Union has had a telehraph oper- The ladies of the Li^r t-house ator at Mapleton, but the con- Station entertaining with a dition of the line did not permit sumptous 5 o’clock dinner at the its use for commercial purposes home of Mrs R. Avery. 0. C. Stanwood, manager of After the dinner was partaken the Siuslaw Home Telephone Co of every one assembled in the has now completed arrangements sitting-room where stood a large with the telegraph company so and a fine selection of Records Christmas tree beautifully dec- that direct service can be had to Come in hear them orated and laden with gifts. Eugene. Portland and other out- Toilet Soap» and Articles, Shaving Articles Tne school children under the side points over thia system, Collar Bags, Fancy Stationery direction of their teacher render- Under the old method of going ed a very pretty and appropriate through Gardiner, Marshfield Japanese Napkins, Tissue Paper, Tablets and program, after which the gifts and Roseburg the toll was 80 A COMPLETE LINE OF DRUGS were distributed. cents to Eugene and 90 cents to MENU- Roast chicken, Saus- Portland from Florence for ten age, Brown gravey, Mashed work messages. The toll an- potatoes, Baked beans, Corn, nounce to Eugene and Portland Cabbage and Potato salad, Craa- by Mapleton from Florence is berries. Cheese, Beet pickles, 50 cents for a ten word message. Bread butter, Fruit cake, Coffee, Mr. Stanwood will actjas agent Mince, Lemon and Squash pie. for the telegraph company here Apples, Candies, Bananas, Nuts, and Florence is assured a great Joe. Morris Jr., Norman G. Morris. Popcorn-balls. improvement in the matter of The following program was telegraph service. The following item regarding rendered. Song—“ Silent Nigh.t” “ When the opening of the service to Shepherds watched their flocks Mapleton was printed in the Morning Register. by night. School.’’ Recitation—“Christmas Wish­ Joe Morns, the Mapleton merchant and all around pro­ es“ Mildred Hansen. Recitation—“Christmas Tide” gressive booster, had the dia tinction of sending the first tele —Gertrude Hansen. “ Legend of the Christmas graph message out of that place Holly.” over the.'new Western Union line. ' Holly Song” —Irene Hansen. He also received the first mes­ sage from Eugene. The line is “ Christmas Travellers.” now in good ,’working order and Song — “O Evergreen” — a large business is being done. Thelma Hansen. Song “ Hush my Dear lie still and «lumber” Mildred Hansen. WRECK OF THE ARIEL Recita i j i 'When I grow up” Teddy Avery. On Christmas night after the Recitation—"The Unreasonable Pa" James Averv. dance at the Grange hall on the 1 North Fork, the Ariel was bring­ Recital «a— ing the young people to Florence, Howard Ha risen. Recitation “Christmas Stock­ they had the misfortune to strike a snag in the river near the Island ings Mildred Hansen. which tore a hole in the boat How We Spent Christmas" and caused it to fill with water, Joseph Avery. Dialogue "Tilly's Christmas" f'aptain Johnson run the Ariel to shore and the passengers were Gertrude. Irene, Mildi • ! i Jtd without accident. A fielma Hansen. CANDIES NUTS A JOYFUL TELEGRAPH CHRISTMAS FLORENCE AT HECETA TO EUGENE A Complete : Line of 1915 WAS GIVEN WELCOME IN FLORENCE \ ictor Talking Machines Surface Drug Store THE LEADERS Dry Goods SHOES Dress and Work Shoes Clothing Groceries ■ and Feed, Notions, Hardware