THE SIUSLAW VOL. II. PIL O T S E M I-W E E K L Y FLORENCE, OREGON,WE DNESDAY, DECEMBER 30. 1914 NUMBER 81 estimates the damages by the building of the track through the quarry and the adjoining land at $2.500. The amount of land to be taken, according to the engin­ eers’ measurements, is 6.25 acres. The Willamette Pacific track is built up to the quarry and fur­ Negotiations for right-of-way ther tracklaying is impossible lhe Christmas dance given on The Hague. Holland, Dec. 28. through the Johnson-Anderson until this strip of right-of-way is Friday evening in the Patsy -According to a traveler in rock quarry on the Siuslaw river obtained. It was intended by warehouse was enjoyed by about Belgium who has just returned three miles below Mapleton hav­ the railway company to begin forty couples. The interior of to Holland, the Germans in the ing been unsuccessful, the failure work on the big bridge across the the building was tastefully west have received heavy rein­ to reach an agreement having Siuslaw river at Acme long be­ decorated with everygreens. forcements. On the Siuslaw Christmas was all present with good cheer and held up construction work on the fore this time, but it is impossi­ making it very attractive and He says that he saw about 58, Eugene-Coos Bay branch of the ble to transport the materials to the occasion for many appropriate I Christmas joy. pleasant. The orchestra stage 000 men pass through Cologne Southern Pacific railroad, the the site of the structure before home gathering at which time has been moved from the east front in Belgium. The people of North Fork end of the room to the west end, for the Willamette Pacific Railroad com­ the track is built that far. Christmas trees and dinners Emperor William also had arriv­ gathered at the Grange hall at pany now seeks to condemn the The condemnation case will were enjoyed. and is quite an improvement. ed there. Portage Wednesday, December right-of-way through the prop­ come up before G. F, Skipworth. Exercises were held at both Other German troops, accord­ 23, to enjoy themselves from ten McLyman’s orchestra furnished erty. who will then be circuit judge, the music. The floor had been ing to Belgian reports, refuse T h e Johnson-Anderson com­ at the February term of court. churches in Florence on Christ­ o’clock in the morning until late especially prepared and was in to go to the front. At Stroo- pany, contractors on the jetty at It is hoped by the railway com­ mas Eve whieh gave great pleas­ that night. fine condition for dancing, which brugge a transport train of 300 A table loaded with good the mouth of the Siuslaw river, pany to have case tried at the ure to those present. added to the pleasure of the manacled soldiers who had re­ things to eat and places for over evening. own a tract of land at that point, beginning of the term so that an At the Evangelical church a fused to fight is said to have 120 persons was set and at noon where they obtained the rock for early resumption of the work of Friday evening, New Year’s been seen. They were reported large Christmas tree in the north the banquet began. In’theafter­ the.jetty work. Their contract track laying may be had. The night another dance will be given ha^ been completed for some time grade below the quarry is com­ west corner of the church loaded noon an entertaining program at which time Edison new to be on their way to Aix la Chap­ past and the railway company pleted and all the work necessary with decorations and gifts gave under the supervision of Mrs. musical invention will be used to elle to be courtmartialed. claims that the quarry is pretty to do after the right-of-way the room an attractive holiday Hans Peterson and Mrs. J. furnish part of the dance music The reports of the numbers of An interesting Gentry was offered. This was w e ll worked out and that the through this property is obtained appearance. during the evening. This won­ wounded both armies are send­ program of songs, recitations | followed by a community Christ­ value of the property is not very is to throw up the grade across derful machine uses disc records ing back from the lines in Bel­ and exercises was offered, end­ mas tree. In the evening danc­ great, but the owners of the the land and lay the rails to the and a diamond point. C. W. gium appeur to show that the ing with Santa Claus coming and ing was enjoyed until past mid­ • ■q'uarry say chat there is yet much bridge site. After this is done McLyinan is making a large horn fighting on Christmas day in that authorising the distribution of night. valuable material there for future j the rail-laying will be rushed to be used in increasing the country was the fiercest of the presents, and appointing assist­ contracts and are not willing to toward Coos Bay. The rails can The Glenada Sunday school volume of the music. This will last month. Correspondents in sell the right-of-way for a price be laid across false work at the ants who soon accomplished their be a unique method of furnish­ the rear say the Belgians, as a which the railway company1 Acme bridge site while work on mission considering the large held exercises in the Fox & ing dance music, in combination result of five days sapping, cap­ Miner hall at that place. A pro­ deems reasonable. the permanant structure is pro­ attendance. with the orchestra. tured nearly 3000 Germans with The Presbyterian church gram of songs and recitations The failure to reach an agree- J ceeding. only small losses to themselves. decorated with evergreens and was given, while a handsome ment on a price for thé land has having as large a Chrietmas tree Christmas tree and Santa Claus The Western Union Telegraph resulted in the railway company Five-cents-for-a-square meal going to court to obtain the land, houses are being established in as the height of the room would furnished the children with pres company announced that a line­ A plant to manufacture veter­ permit was crowded by an ents and pleasure. man will leave this morning for inary remedies is to be establish­ A jury will set the amount of Portland. audience who enjoyed every Mapleton to install a telegraph ed in Portland. damages and the right-of-way Negotiations are pending be­ numberiof the program, keeping instrument there. It is expected At several other places com­ A coast representative of will pass to the railway company tween the Baker Commercial that service will soon be started Libby, McNiel & Libby has been the children interested until munity Christmas trees were through process of law. Club and the Union Pacific Rail­ In the complaint riled yester­ way to establish in Baker two “Santa” came and with his help­ had and appropriate programs from that city over the wire in conference with business men day by th« Willamette Pacific factories, one a wool-scouring ers distributed the many things carried out to commemorate this along the Willamette Pacific rail­ at The Dalles to establish a can­ way. Register Dec., 24. nery there. against “the Johnson-Anderson plant and the other a furniture that were in the tree, delighting day. company, the railroad company factory. COMMENCE SUIT TO GAIN RIGHT-OF-WAY CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS TREES HOLIDAY FEATURE “ £ FIGHTING “ i Public Exercises Commemorati thè Day and Good Cheer Makes Little and Big Happy Our Wish--May All Have a Holiday Suggestions Get Others Happy and Pros­ perous New Year Prices ENCOURAGE RETURNS FROM APPLE CLUBS CALIFORNIA Then Come OURS We Guarantee to sell you for LESS WOOLEN MILL STORE, FLORENCE. OREGON. Now is the time to form apple C. W. Curran returned from clubs, and the U. S. Department his trip to California points last of Agriculture in cooperation week and reports San Francisco with the agricultural colleges of getting ready for the Panama- northern and western states is Pacific Exposition which opens endeavoring to interest the boys February 20th, 1914. and girls of apple-growing sec­ While in San Francisco Mr. tions in the possibilities of apple Curran found a market for all culture as a profitable and pleas­ the Oregon green moss and urable occupation. The organ­ spaghnum moss that had been izations for the voung people on gathered and prepared, and he the farm are being planned and will make a shipment in the near begun in the New England future. States, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Michi­ NARROW ESCAPE gan, Ohio, Idaho, Montana, Ore­ gon and Washington. Any FROM DROWNING young people in these states Last Saturday Ralph, 10 year wishing to find out the details of old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. the new apple-raising clubs Clarke, of the Bay View, had a should write at once to the state very narrow escape from drown­ agent in charge of club work at ing in the river. He and another the State College of Agriculture, boy were trying to get a log out or the U. S. Department of and Ralph was reaching out with Agriculture, Washington, D. C. a pike pole to make a thrust, but missed the log and fell into the CHRISTMAS TREE AT river. Tlicr» vas a swift ebb JETTY WEDNESDAY NIGHT tide running but he kept himself above water till he reached the Last Wednesday night the cannery where John Tanner patrons of the Jetty school met caught him and pulled him ont. in the mess house in which they After a !iange of clothes he had arranged a Christmas tree seemed no worse for his bath, for the children and after an but it was a very close call for interesting program by the little the boy. ones, the presents A