m SIUSLAW S E M I-W E E K L Y FLORENCE. OREGON, WE DNESDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1914 GUARANTEE TO RECEIVE BUTTER FAT $6199.52 OF SELLING PRICE FOREST FUND SIUSLAW APPROPRIATION CONDITIONAL The Morning Oregonian of Sunday December 13th, 1914, had the following telegram. Oregonian News Bureau, Washington, Dec. 12. In recommending to Congress that an appropriation of $117,500 be made for continuing the improvement of the Siuslaw River, the Secretary of War attached the following condition: “ Provided that an equal amount be provided for the purpose by the Port of Siuslaw or other agency, to be expended by the Secretary of War upon the same terms and conditions as those prescribed in connection with the work authorized by the river and harbor act approv­ ed February 27, 1911.” This condition undoubtedly will be inserted in the ri ver and harbor bill and will place the Siuslaw project on the same basis with other Pacific Coast projects. This is quite evident that Congress will be largely in­ fluenced to appropriate this money by the proposition to meet it with an equal amount. To do this the Port Commission proposes to issue bonds for $100,000, esti­ mating they will have sufficient cash to meet the balance. Five thousand of this appropriation is for a mainten­ ance fund, which leaves $12,500 for the port to raise. Fon the past few months bonds have been hard to sell and recently a contract for the sale of $100,000 of Sius- law Port bonds were cancelled, Upon good authority we are told that the port commissioners could now dis­ pose of these bonds at par. If thia is done in January as contemplated, it will show Congress that the Siuslaw is in good faith in their proposition. At a meeting of the directors Salem, Ore., Dec. 19.—The of the Siuslaw creamery asso­ distribution of 25 per cent of ths ciation the secretary was direct­ United States forest reserve fund ed to inform the sellers of butter for the fiscal year ending June fat that the association would 30 has been announced here and guarantee a minumun price baaed shows that a total of $61,600.50 on the Portland market for is to be apportioned to Oregon. butter. The lowest price to be Figures given out at the office of four cents below the Portland the secretary of state show that market. If the amount of cream there are 15,580,934 acres in the erceived during any month will forest reserve area in Oregon, not justify paying this lowest out of a total area of 61,188,480 price, the association will make acres, and the apportionment is up the difference necessary to . 003953967 per acre. Lane county the producer. If a higher price which has 1,567,124 acres in the can be paid the producer will re­ National Forests will receive ceive the benefit. $6,199.52 as its share of the It is well known by dairymen fund. that the more cream received and manufactured into butter in a month the higher the price possible to pay for butter fat, and the directors of the associa­ tion guarantee this minumun price to encourage the patrons to furnish as much cream as possible and aid in keeping the creamery in operation the year The Pilot force will take a around to the fu'lest capacity. Christmas vacation and in order At this meeting which was for those employed in connection held Monday morning at Acme with the paper to have an oppor­ the last installment of $1400 in- tunity to enjoy the holiday sea­ debitness was paid off. This son the usual Saturday edition of clears the association of debt. the Pilot will not be published, our next issue not going to press There will be a program and until Wednesday December 30. Christmas trees at both churches In anticipation of the enjoy­ Thursday night. ment of Christmas cheer the Pi­ The Florence schools closed f the rural schools has fallen from Capt. Oleson of the Beaver is lot wishes all a Merry Christmas Friday for the holidays and will 93to90:'per cent, while in the not open again till January 4. town schools it has fallen from wedding parties, The eigth grade room will open 93 3-4 to 92 1-2. This decrease but prefers to have the friends The Rustler discharged her 28th, as Mr. Weaver closed his is no doubt due to the rainy of the newly weds hand the rice freight and left for Coos Bay room one week earlier than the weather, and sickness in many to them in sealed packages. l Tuesday. rest- cases. However, let us let every Summary of teachers’ reports parent, teacher, and every boy for month ending November 27th, and girl in this district make in Supervisory District No. 5. 1 this our new year motto “EVERY Number of schools in session 31 DAY PRESENT AND ON Number of schools reporting 31 TIME.” and working together Number of truancy cases we can raise our attendance r e p o r t e d ......................... 3 standard. It is gratifying to Schools having a perfect at­ note the increased interest taken tendance, Ten Mile and in school work by patrons and Beers. school officers, as shown by the Schools closed until rainy i number of visitors. Last month season is over. Alpha, 58 parent« and 15 school board Greenleaf and Lyons. members visited, while this Number of schools visited by month’s report shows 72 visits s u p e r v is o r ...................... 15 from parent« and others, and 24 Number of schools having from school boards. This doe« had no visitors at all - - not include jthe visits of the supervisor. RURAL SCHOOLS Average daily attendance 12 A number of the schools are Percent of attendance - - 90 planning to make necessary Total number of visits from changes in and about the school parents ........................... 72 building during the Christmas Total number of visits from vacation so that both teachers members of school-boards 24 and pupils will take up their work with renewed vigor, at . TOWN SCHOOLS opening of school. Acme and Florence (high school and Ada have recently put in the grades.) — 145 Waterman-Waterberry heating Average daily attendance Percent of attendance - - 95 plants and both are well on the way toward standardizing. Total number of visitors With best wishes to the patrons, Mapleton— Average daily attendance - 52 and to the boys and girls of this Percent of attendance - 89.86 district for a happy holiday sea­ Total number of visits - - 15 son. this report is respectfully submitted. Acme— JENNIE M. BOSSEN, Average daily attendance 29.4 Supervisor of Schools. Percent of attendance - 94.8 Number of visitors - - 3 Glenada Average daily attendance 20.7 Percent of attendance - 92 Number of visits - - - - 1 Rural schools having an at­ tendance of 98 per cent. Mercer, Greenleaf, Portage and Ada. Attendance of 95 to 98 per c e n t— I. B. Cushman, President of Herman, Acme. Earl, Reed, Port of Siuslaw Commission, re­ Deadwood, Heceta, Lyons, ceived a message from Congress­ Vaughn, Fiddle creek. man W. C. Hawley, stating that Attendance of 90 to 95. he had introduced the Rivers and Duncan Slough, Minerva, Harbors Bill in Congress, Satur­ FLORENCE, OREGON. Meadow, Riverview, Noti day, December 19. carrying an Hale. appropriation of $117,800 for the The per cent of attendance in Siualaw river. A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERBODY REPORT OF SCHOOL SUPERVISOR REPORT NUMBER 80 The Tide Water Mill Company have a force of men in charge of Charley Fraser at work clearing out log jams so that the logs that have caught on the river bank will come down with the first raise. | FIX STREET IMPROVEMENT DAMAGES ------ WILL VISIT AT HARTLINE council Monday night the matter ~ of fixing the value on the pro- Mrs. Louisa Tripp left Monday posed portion of the lots at the m ornm gona visit to Hartline, .intersection of Adams and Second Washington. She will be gone street that are required for street several months returning about purposes, also those lots at the April, and will spend some time intersection of Hamlin and Fourth SP ^ C‘ ,,M? - TripP Said> ltreet for the “ me Purpose, was lus cold spell of the last week left to a committee consisting of made her want to go where there L. J. Pourtales, O. M. Baldwin was some real cold weather.” and C. H. Young. Tuesday the committee met and It is not often that we have to canvassed the ground and made record that Marion Morris is not their report to the Council, sub- at his post, but for the past few stantially as follows: damage to days Marion has been laid up on Ix>t 1. Block 9, Town of Florence account of sickness. He is at being at Adams and Second his post again and says he has no streets, $337.50; the damage to time to lay around the house. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 3, Among the teachers that left Morse's Add., to Florence, being for Eugene Saturday to attend at Bamlin and 4th streets, was the institute, were F. O. Brad- no^ greater than the benefits de- shaw. Carrie Casperson, Grace r'ved. East, Pearl Stevens, M i l d r e d ----------------- Mersdorf, Jennie Southmayed, It is noticed that there are an Agnes Weatherson and Bulah unusual number of mountain Kinsey. Miss McVicker went robins around town. The snow out Sunday and Mr. Weaver last and cold have driven them down week. for food and some of our people It was a happy crowd that are throwing out grain and other went to the dock Saturday morn­ food for them to eat. ing to see the new bride and Several of the water pipes groom off. Rice in profusion around town froze up Saturday was thrown over the new couple night and caused considerable and all others that were near and j inconvenience. We are not amidst the hand shaking and posed to find fault with the loud rejoicings, Mr. and Mrs. weather man, but there are Lockwook left for their home in several around town that would Alaska, carrying the best wishes remind him to not let that happen of hosts of friends with them. again. dis­ Holiday Suggestions Get Others Christmas Stationery, both bulk and package. A neat and desirable present to a lady or gentleman. A Non-Leakable Fountain Pen is appreciated by every- one. Perfumery of the most delicate and fragrant odor, loilet Soaps and Toilet Articles especially prepared for the Xmas trade. Japanese Napkin«. Tinsel Paper. Ornaments. Prices Surface Drug Store Then Come Get OURS We Guarantee to sell you for LESS RIVERS AND HARBORS BILL INTRODUCED Toys-Toys Toilet Sets and many other beautiful and useful Xmas Gifts all at a special reduction of 10% «Ve are overstocked with Holiday Goods and we are willing to give you the benefit of this. Come in and see, I hey are on display and prices down CHRISTMAS CANDIES AND NUTS WOOLEN MILL STORE, Joe. Morris Jr., Norman G. Morris. THE LEADERS