TH E S IU S L A W IL O T S E M I-W E E K L Y VOL. IL FLORENCE. OREGON. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 19 w u HARBOR BILL BOTH SIDES IS REPORTED ANNOUNCE TO CONGRESS VICTORIES Washington, Dec. 17.— The Berlin, via London, Dec. Im ­ annual rive r and harbor ap- propriation bill carrying $34 138 - 11 10 P' m-' ~The P«>Pl« o f Berlin 580 for waterway im provem ent. ^ ere arou«ed t0 enthusiasm to- throughout the country, was com- * * * tbe ann»nncement of a pleted today by the house rive r u ? °7 and harbor committee. a « , ? T - Poland’ I t carry a cash appropriation o f A " Offtc*a bu*letln, tO *hfa effe’c t NUMBER 79 Thursday to look afterjhis stock j there. Every one around Point Terrace are going around with their shoulders stooped and their teeth chattering. Johnson Porter and H. P. Dutton when in Florence both said that unless the bar conditions were better This company next y e a r th . m il! w ill not operate.” distributes many thousands o f dollar, in the port d istrict and i f the Tide Water M ill Co’s plant were to remain idle fo r a year or two, the whole Siuslaw would feel a direct financial loss, as well as resulting m the retarding de­ velopm ent o f the lumber industry several years, i f not a radical change in the company’s operation.. _______-M O S S BACK ICE SKATINGNEAR FLORENCE GERMAN FLEET RAIDS ENGLAND London, Dec. 16.—For the firs t llT h e y o u n g people of Florence ¡¡T* 1" 7 " ? ” ^®! Enfrland has are having an experience seldom Z a d n m o f J o r ™ * " * If everybody planted a kind word in the poorest place he came to, it would not be long before this old world of ours would be a perfect garden spot. The wav to make the world better is to help all thelpoor, the tem pt­ ed and the sorely pressed wherever we And them. realized here. The laat few days have been so cold that the ponds have frozen over so that the ice w ill bear the smaller boys and they are having the time o f the ir lives sliding, and some o f them try in g to skate on ice. squadron o f s w ift German cruis­ ers crept through the fog last night to the eastern coast and turned th e ir gnns against the Britons. When day broke they began the bombardment o f three im ­ portant towns Hartlepool, at the mouth o f the Tees; 77 7 ** 7 soutbward- and Sear’ boroi'g n«ted “ a Pl«asure $1,250,000 for continuing work 7 n° ° n’ on the north je tty at the mouth ^ ' n half an hour extra editions of e Columbia RJv«. $500,000 non ° fLtb P3perS aPPeared and the o f th the Columbia River, less than the amount recommend­ whole city lite ra lly flashed into Laughter is better than medicine, and a friendly bunting. ed by the Arm y engineers. The smile is a tonic to us. And the best o f it is a man bill does not place this work on the m "01 " ee<1 t0 haVe 3 mediCa* degree tO disPense Thursday and Friday a number In contradistinction to this, or young people enjoyed skating a continuing contract basis. , at Three Mile Prairie near town A ll other Oregon and Washing­ the latest official bulletins issued at Petrograd declare that the ton items in the bill are in strict Some o f them had never been on ! " m ’ 15 mil < ?S beyond - Not many o f us w ill ever have anything great to do ice thick enough to hold them L , . ' .,woraen and children o f conform ity with the estimates Russsian cavalry and vanguard but we may do many little things as i f they were great’ —----------- --- ' 1 the civilian population were le ft sent to Congress the opening day troops “'are chasing energetically u hich w ill amount to the same thing. the beaten Germcns,” in the dead or wounded struck without o f the session. The total appro­ ____ warning while at breakfast or at priation authorized for the north­ direction o f Miawa, Direct from Warsaw comes west is $2.521,675. A fth e irre s u la r meeting Thurs- to ta l, HO* aceordi'n'g'’ * ^ ’' the word that a great battle is in The itemized statement o f northwestern appropriations car­ progress 30 miles to the west­ i , 07 , . L A F « ’ ele''ted tho to be dead. •» »»on, 31 ere ried by the bill as it w ill be re­ ward. » m X ± “ t’ r h ‘ T , h ‘ Three churches were damaged, In Belgium and Prance the ported to the House is as follows: W \1 iL r t ’ w ii-' H ' Q0U,i,g’ the gas works and lumber vards Mouth of Columbia, $1,250,000; allies are carrying on their offen­ Columbia and Willamette, (Port­ sive operations, begun a few days John H olt J l * ? ’ » • ,W" “ H « 1— 1 »'"•>' *"1 land to sea), $600,000; Willa- ago, slowly and steadily. Pro- mette, above Portland, $42,500; gres.8 18 noted in the French Coos I lay, $80,000; Nehalem’ Bay °.fficial statement, and it is be- Section 45, Chapter 1, o f the organized work w ill be $116,175; Coquille River, $76,000 lieved that the in fa n try on the School Law authorizes the State (before the school people two sides o f the western battle- Siuslaw River, $117,500; Cellilo Superintendent o f Public Instruc- Bossen. Supervisor o f Schools Canal, $80,000; Yaquina River, fro nt have come to grips at many i J S o a 'M ^id w tn ion to supervise and promote has made arrangements w ith the T yjer places, the number o f wounded ’ The hostile squadron escaped $3,000; Snake River, $20,000; the development o f industrial Field Industral Worker M r L indicating the desperate nature T . at . in the niist * fte r an encounter Columbia, from Celilo to the officers w ill be installed or. work in , the ; public schools, ’ ------ includ- P. • ‘ Harrington o f saiem Salem fo r a the I he o f the struggle. . - * »«»«niiatuii oi »voninr, n " w ith coast guard vessels patroll­ mouth of the Snake River. $45,- ing such subjects as agriculture, weeks service in this D istrict all I n g o f 1 Pc®rn*)er 26. and ¡ng the neighborhood, which were 000; Canal at Cascades, $10,000; manual training and home While here as many o fîh e là c h ÏÏ. 4,1 br° thera ™ >™ ted to attend. reinforced as soon as the presence Coos River, $3,000; Clatskanie,’ Several young people from the $1.000; InnerG raysHarbor,$15,- tl . , ... , o f the Germans was signaled. University passed through Flor- economics, and promote indus- as possible w ill be visited. The 000; Lake Washington Canal. $5,- o„ . uz i ' Lnal school fairs and ■oh~.i »„.„i, A griculture will I > . • ie y °unKest child o f Marshall ------------------ 000; Gray. River, $500; Pug«k ence W«*dne9da>’ on their way in ngricuivure win be es- i . »• . . . garden contests, in co-operation pecially emphasized during these i,’ McLaughlin cLaugJ lln is 19 quite Quite sick. The, The Porter Bros., took toe away the Sound, $25,000; Skagit River, to Marshfield Mars-ua- ,J ‘ to be w ith their w ith the A gricultural College, visit; and Industrial Clubs w ill , lnes8 »f McLaughlin makes last of the railroad i $10,000; Cowletz and Lewis Riv- families during the Christmas iron from the Out o f f this and through through the the co- he oro-am^d « . many ------- J school.i-- L . >_ 11 d»’ihly hard fo r the fam ily. city dock Friday. Out o this and co- be organized in as ~ . / ¡ M t holidays T f / X h e ^ 8teAd^ ari ment aspos8lbIe- Evening meetings o f Education the A gricultural w ill be held wherever practical College and the U. S. Depart- so that Mr. Harrington w ill have ment o f A griculture has develop- a greater opportunity o f meeting Christmas Stationery, both bulk and package. A neat U n k e d ° i i he best Pia n sin th ® th e p a °P 'a- The date scheduled Lm ted States by which industrial for these meeting« is the week a m dps,rab'p P ^sent to a lady or gentleman. A I\on-Leakable Fountain Pen ¡a appreciated by every­ a n T g ir is o ^ otaUght tO the 1)078 be« inning January 24tb- con- one. * The I i ,regon; tinuing throughout the week. I erfum ery o f the most delicate and fragrant odor, The club plans for this year On Saturday a teacher-patrons’ lo ile t Soaps and Toilet A rticles especially prepared for the Xmas trade, arc readSv been..completed and meeting of all the teachers and Japanese Napkins. Tinsel Paper. Ornaments. mhrht he i d lstrib ut>on I t patrons o f the valley w ill be held m ight be interesting to know in Florence, closing Mr. H arring- somethmg o f the club plans, ton’s work in this d is tric t ! The work of the club is carried along twelve different lines call­ ed projects. Any boy or g irl be­ —■ tween the ages o f nine and nine­ teen may take up club project work and by carrying it through to completion and making the -------- proper reports wins a Star-Clover l . .. Achievement g .r,oa p ., “ ’ and Mrs d Bu3hn«llare visit- w h lA h u ST . ELmbleni ¡ng the ir daughter Mrs. R W which has been adopted by the Johnson State Agent o f Club Work and Mrs. Bester went to Florence the State Superintendent as a Tuesday. reward fo r club work, or a trip Steve W right went to Gardiner to the State Fair. Saturday to work in the mill. The Industrial Club Projects A scow load o f hay was taken are as follows. up Sweet creek Tuesday by M. Club projects fo r g irls .- Sew- E. Coburn fo r R. W. Johnson. ing, Baking. The Point Terrace m ill started Club projects fo r boys and g irls .—Canning, Vegetable gar- to run again Monday for a three months run. dening, Poultry raising. T7 Si Wh,tby- MASONS ELECT OFFICERS BOY’S AND GIRL J INDUSTRIAL CLUBS & A "T V T , w 1 th‘ t v H oliday Suggestions Get Others rices Then Come Get We Guarantee to sell you for LESS WOOLEN MILL STORE, FLORENCE, OREGON.’ POINT TERRACE HAPPENINGS Mr u Sin face Drug Store Toys-Toys Toilet Sets and many other beautiful and useful Mr. W alter Simona came down Club projects for boys. Dairy- herd record keeping, Pig raising, Sweet creek Tuesday from his Com growing, Potatoe growing, homestead on Smith river. Fruit growing. Field-pea raising, Curtis Sweet went to Gardiner Grain selection. Saturday and later intends to The work is carried on largely move his fam ily there. at home but should he correlated Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner went w ith the study o f agriculture in t ’ je tty for a v is it Tuesday. school. There is no better means R. W. Johnson went to Maple­ oi bringing the home and school ton Wednesday. together. The work o f each The people o f Point Terrace member is planned and directed ’ very sorry that the Siuslaw by the State Field Agent, and Pilot has froze in, and hope it the local officials are the super­ will thaw out soon as there is two visor, the county agriculturist, numbers missing. and the teacher. The success o f M. J. Sweet towed lumber fo r 1 a club in any school depends al­ Anderson’s brothers Tuesday 1 most entirely on the interest and up Sweet creek. j enthusiasm o f the teacher. C. W. Curran visited at Pt. 1 he Industria Club movement is new in this part, o f the county, ier-ace Tuesday and from there as on his way to California. but plans are being formulated »1» tr Xmas Gifts 10% a ll at a special re d u c tio n o f We are overstocked w ith Holiday Goods and we are w illin g to give you the benefit o f this. Come in and see. I hey are on display and prices down CHRISTMAS CANDIES AND NUTS Joe. M o r r is J r ., N o rm a n G . M o rr is . th e leaders