TH E SIUSLAW S E M I-W E E K L Y PILOT ° MAPLETON HAS RAILROAD FREIGHTAGES r. rni\i i ON VISIT TO FLORENCE SOUTH JETTY NEEDS TO BE EXTENDED AT ONCE W hen t apt. Ed Skoggs, of the Roamer was asked if the jetty work had improved the bar, he said. “ The work so far has resulted in great benefit to the bar, and making of much better conditions than have existed, but with the north jetty so far out beyond the south jetty it would be very dangerous and almost su-e to result in disaster for a tug to attem pt to tow over the bar in a wind. The prevailing south west winds will force a tow onto the north jetty. If the south jetty was extended out, or nearly out as far as the north jetty this condition would be remedied and give protection for all shipping and especially tugs with a tow” Capt. Skoggs has been in command of the Roamer ever since it was placed on Coos Bay- Siuslaw run. He also lived in this vicinity many years and has crossed the Siuslaw bar time after time, and is well acquainted with its conditions now and for years past. This statem ent made by him indicates that immediate action is needed The Willamette Pacific now has Tuesday afternoon a party of a station agent at Mapleton. S. Southen Pacific officials arrived M. Landis, who cornea from in Florence for a few hours visit Gaston, but who was at Noti for with the business men and in­ several days has been placed vestigate what the freight pros- there in charge of the freight, pects were and encourage ship- express and telegraph business, pers to make use of the Will- At present his office is establish- amette Pacific as a medium for ed in a car on the side track, but transportation. as soon as the equipment arrives The party consisting of H. A. the warehouse built by Morris & Hinshaw, general freight agent; Son will be used as a passenger F. L. Burkholter, superintendent, and freight depot temporarily. Portland; W. R. Fountaine, At present the entire system is assistant engineer, arrived at still under control of the con- Mapleton in a private car and struction department and Mr. were met by Assistant engineers Wm. Dagg has been in charge J. D. Church and 0. L. Zentner until the arrival of Mr. Landis, who accompained them to Flor- While as yet complete tarriff ence. sheets are not available, Mr. --------------- Landis will be glad to give in- GLENADA TEAM RUNS AWAY formation regarding rates to ------ those desiring to ship over the Last Saturday a four horse railroad. team belonging to J. H. Flint, of The telegraph instrument has Glenada, while loading feed at not been installed yet, but a tele- the dock- became frightened and graphone is being used and in ran away- As they turned the this way telegrams can now be corner at Hull’s store the wagon sent from Mapleton to Eugene, caught in the railing and threw load and wheel horses , Later when the office is fully I the wagon, - . supplies and int0 the hay. The lead team A. this season of the year the | their store. Gents furnishings. equipped with ...... ... material the agent will be able to broke loose and went on but were merchants are displaying th eir, furniture and groceries, quote readily freight, Wells- finally caught. It being low tide most attractive wares as remin-! J. A. Parker with his stock of Fargo Express and Western there was no damage by water. ders that they have something a fancy candies and cigars, invites Union telegraph rates to all hio body was hurt as Mr. Flint little better for the Christmas the public to spend a short time was on the dock when the team trade than the ordinary, some- in his billiard parlors, where the points. thing that will gladden the hearts finest tables are to be found, Mr. Landis expects to make started. of the little folks as well as those Staup & Corum have every- his home at Mapleton and his Judge Harris Tuesday granted more substancial articles for the thing in the house building line family will soon come to join him. a permanent injuction in the case older ones. from a mouse trap to a piano of A. O. Funk against the city of The Florence Racket Store has They will paper and paint your Earl Miles made final proof before D. E. Se very Monday' for Florence, restraining the city a fine Christmas tree filled with house, furnish it with everything —w >4 Sec. 20. T. 19 S. R. from tearing down certain good suggestions for the children. you need to go to keeping house • .1 .it- . in . that . . city. . t l nr w. :• dwelling Beneath the tree is a representa­ with. tion of snow banked high, and Miss McHardy has regular covered with articles suitable for Christmas films for special work. every member of the family. They ¡are guaranteed to catch Percy is displaying the finest that smile and hold it for all candies put up in the daintiest time. boxes that are sure to delight Alles Furniture Co. has every those receiving one. Fruits and thing in the furniture line, es­ all the delicaces of the season, pecially appropriate for this smokers articles and groceries locality, Easy chairs, iron bed­ are attractively arranged. steads and baby buggies; window Mrs. Kanoff has tinsil and tree curtains, tapestries and chip ornaments, dolls and all the bamboo baskets. pretty things that ladies wear. The Woolen Mill Store has on display a fine line of mens shoe«. The R-K-R Christmas tree It Is a hobby with Me to fit shoes a ie l