THE SI U S L A W PILO S E M I-W E E K L Y VOL. II. rLOKEXCE, OliHGOX, SATURDAY. nr.rF M m .-p 19 MILLS COUNTY TAX ment upon the public service cor­ porations have not yet been re­ ceived from the state tax com- | mission and the state tax has not been ahnounced. The court has at 3.6 m'bs and the total assessment of the county at $40.000,000. „„ , DUMBER 77 MUST HAVE MAPLETON BETTER BAR SCHOOL SENDS NEXT YEAR PRESENTS Terrace Saturday as he will re­ side here. Harry Benson is getting lum­ ber for a new barn. A. E. Hartley made a business L u jf trip to Florence Saturday. Shortie Reedhome returned A countv and state tax of 19 from a trip to Portland Thurs- ____ Johnson Porter and H. P. Dut- The pupils of the Mapleton mills has been made and will be day. ton arrived in I lorence last Tues- schools have packed a box of fruit The social at Jno. Gibson’s was E°'ldon> Dec. 9.—A British submitted to the citizens of the after interest» on the and clothing and sent it to the a successful one last Friday v /" “^ " • ' / c 61" command of county at a budget meeting to 1 rn d a > Vice Admiral Sir Frederick Stur- w haW' v 1 605, 8 and Girls Aid Society of night be held December 31, for their ____ When asked regarding the Portland. dee, chief of the war staff, en- 'consideration. This is one mill running of th© mill they ans- C. H. Tuttle attended the more than last year’s levy and is geged a German squadron under The City Council of Glenada at wered. “The future of the bar n h lsher- of Portland, and Dar a well known bage ba„ p|ayer poultry show at Florence Satur­ Admiral Count von Spee, of the segregated as follows. a meeting held Wednesday even- and lumber market were me the con day. Falkland islands in the South $12O°o5»ener# fUnd’ 3 m‘ll9; *ng approved the 600(1 of Court- trolling features. Especially " X h Map’®ton T6uredayon his M. E. Rose of Beaver creek is Atlantic yesterday. ForTeneral fund 7 8895 mill.- & Lu<* y f° r the W°U'd th* condition of the Sius‘ Five m T i I u "1 ‘ visiting this children on Sweet The armored cruisers Scharn­ $315 Un ’ 7 889 opening of a saloon in that city, law bar be taken into considera- „ 7. creek. horst and Gneisenan and the . i The license was fixed at $2000 tion. Good results have been . H. Moore, of Eugene, who has Roscoe Gardnier went to the protected cruiser Leipzig, three state tax°U4 16 m T S S P3yable $5°° in advance- eaob obtained by the work that has ¡¡""o'" Mapl«*°n painting Mor- jetty Monday. of the German warships which " ------------ W X11VI1 1 ' . k' 5 “ d K' luarter. The first installment already been done, but regardless "1 ¡5?°"’ n“llroad warehouse, Clarence Anderson of South have been menacing British ship- poses 7 T S . S ^ hl W - r P“ d “ “ « " « * >" * « “ increased depth , i“ ^ f t Thursday tor home. Enr’ J ’ u , the properly made out. north jetty extended far beyond Every day or s0 several cars Slough went up Sweet creek pi,nK ,and a part of the squadron which sank the British cruisers 2 455 m iZ X 2m °° PUrp°8es’ Blumauer & Co., of Portland the south, and the prevailing 'oaded w,th Piling are brought Tuesday. Good Hope and Monmouth in the A card party and dance was For fnim’tv \ ’h i i k applied for and were granted a southwest winds they are unable down to Mapleton where they Pacific on November 1, were des­ given by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Doses 03? osn PUF' licen3” to sell liquor in Glenada. to secure insurance on their boats are unloaded and peeled. Roy troyed. Two colliers were cap­ Tuttle Wednesday night at their For arrno7v ll nai and by the action of the Council and cargoes, and unless this is Wlnston is getting them out and tured. $3 240 Vy’ mills;) it was granted, subject to the changed they feel that very little t6ey w*'l be used in the construct- home. There was 28 present and E aa VkA / j j j approval of the bond they were encouragement will be given ion °f the bridge across the Sius- all report a jolly time. London, Dec. 10. The German The mail could not be taken to cruiser Nürnberg, which with­ specifier » 7 mil!? “ J “™“ ' thf m ™” lh’ »"“‘»er “ d »" » • c™ .i„g south. 525 240 ’ mi S’ - l h 'S makes two saloons for year. Morris & Son are making some Earl Wednesday on account of drew from the battle and at­ “ ’ ' . Glenada at $2000 each. We are When asked if he thought the improvements in their store, high water in Sweet creek. tempted to make her escape in or school district maintenance informed that there will be an- Port bonds could be sold now which will give more room and - MOSS BACK company with the cruiser Dres­ tund, in cases where the amount other application at an early date. Mr. Dutton said, “The financial and b«tter light. den was given battle latter in fu^d°?™m L u U; ' L SCh1 r a 7----- 7 7 ------ ■ co" diti<)" '• ¡-Proving. "Thai A sidewalk haa been construct- 1 he Gardiner Mill company ex­ the day and sank. L T Y a" y Greendale' Lake '• « ty o f Astoria had just sold at ~Tram Fraer Bros store to the pect to start up their mill about 1 he search is being continued d, together w,th the specal a co-operative well- par. «00,000 of 10 and 20 year depot site January 1, it having been shut for the Dresden. district school tax levy for main- dillers association. five and on„ , down for repairs for some time. tenance authorized by law does Florence is preparing to pave and that he had every assnrance homestead”/tU * * 8 r ’°m h*" Ono Phelps has made filing on NATIONAL BANK ^ T o S riT n u im 0025 miI1S; $1°°' f°Ur blOCks ° f ,treet’ in c lu d in K t h a t th e P o rt Siuslaw bonds 3Upphes’ an additional homestead adjoin­ lotai, f/bu uw. the main street and the street could be disposed of, if they AT GARDINER ing the claim he already has, it is year Eugene, Springfield leading to the school, according were on the market. ” being part of the same claim, be­ Announcement is made that am ( ottage Grove are to be ex- to W, J. Sherndan, a represent- Mr. Dutton added, “ I under- fore D. E. Severy, Friday. the Treasury Department has mTlk r°ad l6Vj ° f 3 at' Ve ’° f Warren Brothers com- stand the Port Commission are The High School athletic club approved the application of O. B. mills and the county and state pany, owner of the bitulithic getting ready to issue the bonds are making preparations to enter Hinsdale, W. P. Jewett and tax of these cities will only be 16 pavement patents. While there at an early date, and if they do, into all the sport« of the winter others to organize the First be and A, W. Simms and Guy they will show congress season and will fit up a room suit­ National Bank of Gardiner, Ore­ ^ T h e jiroposed levy of 19 mills Pile made a duck hunting trip on that the Siuslaw has met able for basket ball as soon as gon, with a capital stock of - > based approximate valu- the lakes south of the Siuslaw.— its part of the proposition, and one can be secured. $25,000. ations, as the figures of assess-, Guard. will ir. return receive greater at­ John Laverty was getting ■' .. I tention to its needs. With funds affidavits from those who had at their disposal ¡mediately, the been on the land, or knew any­ commissioners could save thous- thing about it, to present to the ande of dollars to the taxpayers, officials of the Siuslaw Forest at Christmas Stationery, both bulk and package A neat where a great loss is threatened Portland, Wednesday, in support a xt d,esirable present to a lady or gentleman. because of lack of funds to con- of his claim that the land was A Non-Leskable Fountain Pen is appreciated bv every­ one. ' z I tinue the work. more valuable for agricultural I erfumery of the most delicate and fragrant odor, “ I hope action neccessary will purposes than for timber or stone. lot let Soaps and Toilet Articles especially prepared for be taken in time to result in the It seems that he made application the Xmis trade. greatest possible benefit to what for this land near Cape Perpetua Japanese Napkins. Tinsel Paper. Ornaments. has already been acomplished, some time ago and an examina- This will also encouarage those t,on was made by the Forest who are now using the Siuslaw officials who, as he says, pro­ river as the home port for their nounced it not agricultural, being shipping operations, and we will to° rough and steep, Mr. never regret the difficulties and Laverty believes he has just discouragements that the Tide ca,lse to appeal from the decision i Water Mill Co. has met with, if the official report of those! we are factor in proving that the officers and will ask that a re- Siuslaw river can be the means examination be made to de- of providing a waterway for termine the agricultural value of carrying the manufactured prp- tbe land, ducts of the immense forests that —~-------------- tributary to i t Thi. pioneer VESTA CHAPTER struggle needs the people bark of ri r fT e nrriprDC it to win. Our success will cause u i t ILLK j others to begin operations and Vesta ChantZr N o 7a n P c I with this brought about the , 8Sta Chapter- No- 73- O- E. S. I B I LVV I eatimated the state tax BRITISH BATTLESHIP VICTORIOUS TWO SALOONS CAD fI CMAHA day to look rUK uLfcilADA ASKS FOR RE­ EXAMINATION OF THE LAND Holiday Suggestions Get ()thers Drices Surface Drug Store Then Come Get OURS We Guarantee to sell you for LESS WOOLEN MILL STORE, FLORENCE. OREGON. SHOES A New Stock Just In LLrXld NORTH FORK WAGON ROAD Road Supervisor, Ono Phelps has had a small crew of men at work on the wagon road from the Portage to h lorence for the past few days. They are cutting all brush, removing the log» and making a trail so that foot pasen- gers can get along without trouble. He has about 3-4 mile of this road completed and will work until Christmas, when all the appropriation will lie exhaust­ ed, He expects to have a large appropriation in the spring and will spend it all on the road. following officers; Mrs. Margie Knowles, W. M., Neil Grindall, W. P., Mrs. Eunice Schroeder, A. M , Mrs. R. S. Huston, Secy., A. O. Knowles, Treas., Edith Yates, Conductress; Nita Schroeder, Associate Conductress. The ap­ pointive offices have not yet been filled. After the ceremonies had been concluded, Mr. Bert Williams and his wife were called to their feet and a very beautiful selection of ci ; glass was presented to them as a wedding gift from Vesta Chapter POINT TERRACE NEWS NOTES In Washington the Blue Skv Chas. Ander on went to Flor- law was defeated at the polls as.ence Saturday, it was in Orej on when first pro j. g Thornton moved his pos< furniture from Gle-raffa to Pc:nt (x)peland & Rider Gotzian Dress Shoes for Men, Women and Children Chippewal Loggers and8 Cruisers Aluminum Ware I wenty Year Guarantee Brightens the Kitchen Granite Ware Catlin’s W hite The Cook’s Delight lorris So FJoe. M o rris J r., Norm an G . M o rris. T H E LEADERS