THE A>Y¡ S IU S L A W S E M I-W E E K L Y VOL. II. FLORENCE, OREGON. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 5. 1914 ANNUAL PERPETUA POULTRY ROAD TO BE EXHIBIT COMPLETED attended with the personal re- sponsibility they owed to those they met in life, using the story of Joseph and his brethren to illustrate his theme. Rev. Singleton, who is assist- ant pastor of the First United Evangelical church of Florence will occupy his church pulpit morning and evening next Sun- day. In the morning his subject will be “ House of Life.” and for the evening sermon he will talk on “ Fast and FAST.” The Siuslaw Poultry Associa­ That the last link in the coast tion are holding their second an­ highway between Tillamook and nual poultry show in the Masonic Coos Bay will be completed before the first of the year if the weath- building Friday and Saturday. er is anywhere near favorable The weather being fine brought was the statement of Hugh B. out many fine birds yesterday and the indications are that more Rankin, supervisor of the Siuslaw national forest, who returned to HAS will come in today. PURCHASED RANCH The officers have spared no Eugene yesterday from Cape J. H. Matthews, of Springfield, pains to make this event one that Perpetua, where he has been will be of great benefit to those looking after the road work was in Glenada this week. Mr. interested in raising better poul-1 around that promontory for Matthews has purchased the Frank Furgeson place on Maple try, and are offering inducements several months past, to all to improve their fowls. Mr. Rankin stated that 25 men creek. He left for Springfield Among the birds that have en- have been employed on the Cape Thursday expecting to return tered up to the time of going to road all fall and will continue till about the first of the year. Later press are: 1 pen of white Leg- that stretch of highway is com- he will move his family to the horn cockrel, 4 pens white Leg- pleted if bad weather does not place and make his home there, horn cockrel and four pullets, 1 drive them out. Six or eight pen white Wyandott cockrel and men have been doing the rock 3 pullets, 1 pen white Minorca work and the remainder of the cockrel and 4 pullets, 1 pen ban- crew’ have been stoping. The tarns cockerl and one pullet, 1 heavy rock work, said Mr. Ran- pen salmon Faverolles cockrel kin, is left till the bad w eather and 1 pullet, 2 pens Rhode Island makes it impossible to do the Red cockrel and 3 pullets, 1 pen other parts of the rood construc- Black Minorca cockrel and 4 pul- tion. lets, 1 pen Black Minorca cockrel, The weather on the coast has In a recent issue ot the Pilot 1 pen Barred Plymouth Rock not been bad at all, says Mr. we printed a story about Mr. and cockrel, 1 pen Andecondas cock- Rankin, and there have been no Mrs. D. J. Staup having green rel and pullet, 2 pens Barred delays in the work all fall.— peas and new potatoes for their Plymouth Rock cockrel and 4 Morning Register. Thanksgiving dinner, stating pullets, 2 pens Barred Plymouth they had raised them in their own Rock cockrel and 3 pullets. UNION SERVICES HELD garden at their home on Front This created consider­ LAST SUNDAY EVENING street. RETURNS FROM CORVALLIS able interest and some people Mrs. J. A. Levage returned Union services were held Sun­ could not believe it, thinking it Wednesday from Corvallis where day evening, November 29th, at was a story with a big “ S. ” Wednesday Mrs. Staup sent to she went to visit her son Harry, the Presbyterian church with who has been ill but is now re- Rev. E. Singleton occupying the this office some new potatoes just y . Jmproving. Harry is a pulpit. He took as a subject, dug, and a pea vine with grow- Ttudent tr* the Oregon Agricul­ “ Our Responsibility’’ and im- inK Peas and full pods on it. presssed the large audience which They are on display at the Pilot tural college. ------------------------------------- —— office. 4 IT WAS SO JUST THE SAME Get Others Prices Then Come OURS We Guarantee to Sell you for LESS WOOLEN MILL STORE, FLORENCE. OREGON. Oregon assisting in special meet- ing being held at that place, Rev. Pratt left Florence about the middle of November to spend Thanksgiving with his family in Portland, and from there went to Lewisville to assist Rev. W. S. Plow man in meetings. He sends word that so much interest has developed that he will not re­ turn to Florence as soon as he expected but will arrive home in time to occupy this pulpit on Sunday, December 13th. ATTENDED LAST MEETING. The regular December meeting of the Port Commissions was held last Wednesday, with only routine business coming before it for action. T. A. Yost, who has been a member of the commission ever since the port’s organization, re­ tires and this was his last meetng. Mr. Yost has been a faithful and energetic servant of the people while holding this office and voluntarily withheld his name as a candidate for re-election. Ses Martin made a record trip from Mapleton to Florence Fri­ day. He was favored with the tide and the time was 1 hour and 10 minutes. The beauty of this race is that Ses had no running mate. Lime powder well sprinkled where cockroaches abound will d rive them away. DELIGHTFUL CONCERT IS APPRECIATED Another delightful and enter­ taining musical event ocurred UNUSAL DISPLAY OF Thursday evening at the Rita, SPLIT BAMBOO BASKETS introducing Mrs. Chas. Butler, The Alles Furniture Co, are soprano soloist, and Miss Willa Wilkinson, pianist, to Florence showing an unusual display of people. Oriental Art in Import Split A large respodsive audience Bamboo Basket. These goods gathered to enjoy the program, were ordered especially for the and encores were repeatedly de­ i holiday trade and while they are manded. practical for many purposes, they Mrs. Butler was very pleasing will be especially suitable for in her songs and was received gifts. with enthusiasm and apprecia­ It will be a pleasure for you to tion. see this collection of Oriental art Miss Wilkinson, pianist, work. though a well known as a musician appeared for the first time in concert, and enlarged her circle of admirars by her interpre­ tation of the several piano num­ bers offered. Mrs. H. L. McKee, violinist, as usual was received with great pleasure and recalled three times, by an appreciative audience. The teacher’s examination will As a final Miss Willa Wilkinson be held in Eugene, on December and Miss Eleanor Saubert offered IC, 17, 18, and 19. For the bene­ a piano duett. fit of those who are planning to take this examination the follow­ TWELVE MILLION FEET ing information is given. In all OF TIMBER GIVEN AWAY the common branches one-sixth of the questions will be taken from the State course of study More than 12,000,000 feet of and five-sixth from the text book. timber, board measure, was In Theory and Practice, the given away by the government questions will be taken from to settlers in the vicinity of the O’Shea’s Everyday Problems in national forests in Oregon during Teaching. The classics used in the past year, according to a re­ American Literature are Haw-i port just issued by the district thorn; Twice Told Tales and forester. The entire distribution Parkman’s Oregon Trail. In was made in lots not exceeding English Literature, the source of 80 cords to any one settler. the questions will be theOdessey, During the same period timber and Macbeth. Two-thirds of the was sold to the amount of 24,- questions in liteiature will be 594,000 feet, amounting $159,362. Of this amount 35 per cent was taken from the text. turned over to the state for road and school purposes. FOUR DAYS EXAMINATION IN EUGENE ASSISTING WITH SPECIAL MEETING If moths are in a carpetspread a damp towel over the part and Rev. H. L. Pratt, pastor of the iron it dry with a hot iron. The First United Evangelical church heat and steam will kill the of Florence is now at Lewisville, worms and eggs. NUMBER 75 SELLING BODIES ARE ASSURED SIX DEEP IN AS SPEAKER TRENCHES Portland, Dec, 4,th , i en Sv!!;: Petrograd, Dec. 3-Official re- ing, of Portland, doubtlesa w’" ports now confirm the news of be Speaker of the House at the November 30 that one and a half next session of the Legislature. German army corps under Gen­ He has the pledged support of eral Francios from Breslau were 31 members and the passive sup-1 surrounded at Rzgow, south of port of seven or eight others. Lodz, but that they finally cut It is probable that Mr. Selling their way out after enormous will have more than 40 votes on losses. A Russian describing the first ballot when the Legis­ the fight says: lature organizes. “ For 24 hours the armies of The only opponent of Mr. Sell- Ru#sia and Germany battled ing remaining in the field is Allen hand to hand with equal valor. H. Eaton, of Eugene, who, ac­ Our enemies, fighting like tigers cording to unauthenticated re- preferred to die rather then sur­ ports, has a maximum^ of_ 17 render. rander. When When they g#t away pledged votes. , . . . . . All other candi- toward Krziny and Strykow dates withdrew immediately thejr trenche8 presentpd an aw. following the action of the Mult- ful spectacle. nomah delegation last Monday “They were piled six deep with night in centering their strength the dead of both armies, some on Mr. Selling. transfixed with bayonets, others with their heads smashed in with rifle butts, and the whole present­ LIBRARY BOOKS ARE ing a mutilated, bleeding mass READY FOR DISTRIBUTION of humanity. The battle on the The library books for the German-Russian front surpasses schools of this district are now in fierceness anything heretofore in the office of Supervisor Bosaen seen in the eastern theater of the at Mapleton and are ready to be war.’’ distributed when called for. Each district should secure their C. E. HAVE MEETING books as soon aa possible as there are some reference books and The K. L. C. E. of the First supplementary readers which are United Evangelical chrurch met needed in the different schools. at the home of Marion Morris last Wednesday evening. After If bacon is soaked in water for a short business session the a few minutes before frying it young people enjoyed the even- will prevent the fat from run- ing with music, songs, games and ning. • refreshments. IE THE KODAK That Gives Pleasure H 'S iStore SHOES... A New Stock Just In Copeland & Rider Gotzian Dress Shoes for Men, Women and Children Chippewa’ Loggers and Cruisers Aluminum Ware Twenty Year Guarantee Brightens the Kitchen Granite Ware Catlin’s White The Cook’s Delight Morris Son Joe. M orris Jr., Norm an G. Morris. THE LEADERS