WILL WORK ALL WINTER ON GRADES FRENCH CLAIM GERMAN ARMY WORN OUT WHAT WE BUY FROM .EUROPE EXAMINATIONS WAR TAX OF TEACHERS IS NOW IN DECEMBER 16 FULL EFFECT is dependent upon England for a COUNCIL MET FRIDAY NIGHT large portion of the cotton goods consumed in this country, approx- At a meeting of the City Coun­ J imately 36.000.000 yards of cloth, cil, heTd in the recorders office valued at $20,000,000. being im- Friday evening November 27, , ported into the United States there were present, C. D. Morey, annually. Mayor, D. W. Reesman and O. Germany supplies the American C. Stanwood councilmen. Ordi­ ' trade with a large quantity of nance No. 100 was brought up After a recent trip of inspec­ chemicals, and last year sold $20,- Paris, Nov. 30 -The following Berlin, via The Hague to Lon­ tion over the Willamette Pacific (XX),000 worth to United States offcial statement was issued here for consideration and upon mo­ Berlin. Nov. 28,-V ia The don. Nov. 30. The East is Hague to London, Nov. 29.-3:25 tion it was passed. This ordi­ recently by assistant Engineers i merchants. Other important tonight; gradually coming into its own. Hoey and Fountaine, it was an­ articles imported from Germany "A few details about what has nance provides for a 15£ mill levy a. m.—The first field marshal’s nounced that eighty-five per cent to the United States are cotton occurred on the front from Nov­ as follows; warrent indebtedness 1 hose familiar with conditions baton of the present war has ’’ of the grading was now com goods, palm oil potash, salts, ember 21 to November 28, in­ 3$ mills; street lights 2 mills: have recognized for the last three been awarded to General von pleted, and that this work would wood pulp, toys, machinery, clusive: The general situation salaries 6 mills: street and street weeks that the center of impor­ Hindenburg for his series of vic­ continue all winter so that laying cutlery, gloves, silks, goods, has not materially changed in work 3 mills: general fund 1 mill tance has been transferred from tories in defending eastern Prus­ I rance to the Eastern war sia against the flood of Russian of rails could commence early clover and sugar beet seed, rice that period. The enemy has theater. in the spring. invasion. His chief of staff and flour, coca, spirits, wines and worn himself out in partial at­ MOVE TO WASHINGTON STATE The departure of Emnor collaborator. General von Luden- At Five Mile lake, between malt liquors. tacks without results. Our Mr. and Mrs. Otho Johnson William to the eastern front the Florence and Gardiner there still France supplies the United counter attacks have inflicted on and baby left Tuesday for Mt. appointment of General yon dorf, has been promoted to a remains a short stretch to be States with a large amount of him heavy losses and have lieutenant-generalship for his graded. A force is now at work luxuries, among the most import­ brought some gain to ourselves. Vernon Washington, where they Hindenburg as Field Marshal and share in the success. will make their home,. Mr. John­ on this job. The award to von Hindenburg “ From the sea to the Lys the son will take a position with a the publication of appreciative ant being silks, art works, autos telegrams to the Eastern com­ It is understood that rails will and wines. We also import per­ attacks of the enemy have been comes with the great eastern be laid from both ends, a force fumeries, diamonds and mortion intermittent. On the 23d. 24th milk factory at that place. Mr. manders have directed the at­ battle still undecided as a reward working form Coos Bay toward picture films form this country, and 25th the German artillery in Johnson is a son of Mrs. O. Han­ tention of the uninformed public for the preliminary victories at sen, and has sesided in Florence to the fact that events in Poland the Siuslaw. Lodz, which are said to have France contributes few necessi- general remained silent. about a year. are of far greater importance thrown the Russians on the de­ ties to the United States. than those in Flanders and along fensive with a loss of 60.000 Italy supplies large quantities the Aisne. prisoners and 150 guns. It is of macaroni, fruits and nuts, The presence of Emperor taken here to indicate that the olive oil, prepared vegetables, William at Field Marshal von emperor has confidence that von cheese, still wines, art works, Hindenburg’s headquarters is in­ Hindenburg will completely de­ îats, argola and distilled oils. terpreted here as indicating that feat the Russian army. Netherlands is a leading source everything is thought to be going of diamonds and wrapper tobacco, well. The Emperor has conferr­ and also sends ua hides, fish, ed the Order of Merit on Gen­ MEDFORD CANNERY MAKE spices, tin and paper stock. SIX PER CENT DIVIDEND Washington, D, C., Nov,—The Belgium is our largest source of The county teachers, examina­ Milton R, Miller, collector of eral Mackenzen for his victory Department of Commerce today diamonds, and also sends us tions for one and five-year and internal reuenue, Portland is at Lowicz. The new Hoke cannery at issued a statement showing the much rubber, hides and furs, and life certificates will be held in sending out the followihg copy Medford has closed its first sea­ RECEIVED CAPTAIN PAPERS different kinds of articles import­ linens. Switzerland leads as the Lane county court house in of the war tax recently passed son and has been able to pay a ed into the United States from our source of imported cotton Eugene, December 16, 17, 18 and I by congress. Andrew Jackson, of the launch dividend cf 6 per cent, a very European countries. The com­ laces and watches, and is import­ 19. Treasury Departmen t Internal Restless, returned from Portland unusual result of the first year’s pilation of these data was made ' ant in the matter of cheese, silk 'Che examination will be held Revenue Service, notice: Saturday, having passed a suc­ operation of a co-operative con­ necessary in order to intelligently goods and coal tar. Ireland sup­ under the personal supervision An act to increase the internal cessful examination for Captains cern. The cannery put up 35,000 answer the numerous queries re­ plies large quantities of linens. of E. J. Moore, county superin­ revenue and for other purposes papers. If Captain Andrew cases of Rogue River Valley ceived, since the European war tendent of schools, and the teach­ —dated October 22, 1914; effec­ makes the scrapper that a name­ fruits and vegetables during the began, from merchants and man­ The mail boat did not get in ers’ papers will be sent to Salem tive November 1, 1914: sake of his did some years ago season and the management ex­ ufacturers in practically every until 6 o’clock Saturday night on for correction. All parties liable under the we may look for lively business pects to at least double this rec­ country in the world. According account of the train being' late 1 he schedule of examinations provisions of the above men­ on the Siuslaw. ord next year. to the report, the United States in Mapleton is as follows: tioned act, who have not received Wednesday forenoon Writing, due notice of his or their liability under the said act are hereby U. S. history, physiology. Wednesday afternoon Physi­ notified that application must be cal geography, reading, com­ made to Milton A. Miller, collec­ position, methods in reading, tor of internal revenue for the district of Oregon, Portland, Or­ methods in arithmetic. egon, for special tax stamps, etc., Thursday forenoon—Arith­ i to cover the following, and fail­ metic, history of education, ure to comply therewith incurs a psychology, meihods in ge­ penalty as provided by statute; ography. Bankers, for each $1000 of Thursday afternoon—Gram­ capital employed, $1.00 mar, geography, American Brokers, who have not paid as literature, physics, methods in bankers, $50. language thesis for primary Pawnbrokers, $50. certificate. Commercial brokers, $20. Friday forenoon—Theory and Customhouse brokers, $10. practice, orthography. English Commission merchants who literature, chemistry. have not paid as commercial Friday afternoon -School law, brokers, $20. geology, algebra, civil govern­ Proprietors of theaters muse­ ums and concert halls: ment. Seating capacity not over $250 Saturday forenoon Geometry, $25. botany. capacity over 250 and Saturday afternoon-General not Seating over 500. $50. history, bookkeeping. Seating capacity over 500 and not over 800, $75. Seating capacity over 800, $100 Dress Shoes for Men, Women and Children Proprietors of circuses, $100. Proprietors or agents of other exhibitions or shows for money $10. Proprietors of bowling alleys Loggers and Cruisers and billiard rooms, for each alley or table, $5. Dealers in tobacco (manufac­ Greenleaf, Ore., Nov. 28 The tured tobacco, snuff, cigars and real reason for the tragic death cigarettes) exempt when annual of C. A. Reynolds, who was run receipts not over $200, $4,80. down by a Willamette Pacific Manufacturers of tobacco, train near Swiss Home, was that •ales not over 100,000 pounds Brightens the Kitchen he was almost absolutely deaf, $6.00. A complete line of rainproof garments and consequently did not hear Manufacturers of cigars: the approaching train. He has Annual sales not over 100,000 American Gentlemen and W. L. Douglas Dress Shoes been a school teacher and was cigars, $5 Chippewa and C utter Loggers and Cruisers extremely well liked, but had to Annual sales exceed 100,000 give up teaching on account of and not exceed 200,000, $600. loss of hearing. The Cook’s Delight Annual sales exceed 200,000 He had taken a homestead on and not exceed 400,000, $12. the left fork of Deadwood, but Annual sales exceed 4<»0,(KX) ’ the government had not given and not exceed 1,000,000, $30. him permission to work in the Any further information re- J place, so he was living on the garding the alxtve mentioned FLORENCE. OREGON. Wells place this winter where he law jnay be obtained upon appli­ Joe. M orris Jr., N orm an G. M orris. cation to the undersigned: could get hay for his team by MILTON A. MILLER, railroad.- Special V) Regist-r Collector. OPERATIONS PROMOTED IN EAST PRUSSIA TO BE FIELD IMPORTANT MARSHAL IE THE KODAK That Gives Pleasure Woole Goods Now is the time to provide yourself with woolen wear to ward off the chilly weather. We carry a com­ plete line of SHOES... A N ew Stock Just In Copeland & Rider U nderw ear H osiery Shirts Blankets All Wool Suits, well tailored DEAFNESS RESPONSIBLE FOR DEATH $15 Gotzian Chippewal A lum inum W are Twenty Year Guarantee G ranite W are Catlin’s White WOOLEN MILL STORE, <8b T H E LEADERS