THE SIUSLAW VOL. II. CONSTRUCTION ON W. P. BRIDGES SOON P m ft* 1 ir to care for the entire eatch by putting in new machinery and rushing two car loads of cans in NUMBER 7 GERMANS RUSSIANS LOSS NOW COME TO AID TO PIECES 1,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 OF SERVIA ARMY CUT on the M illamette Pacific to meet the emergency. VETERAN PIANO TONER HERE Two Short Stretches to Grade Yet Be­ M. M. Warner, of Eugene, the exi»rt piano tuner, who' h u I 27 3:35 fore Reaching Acme—All the made the coast territory for h , 7 n“ n arm y which ha» Culverts Nearly Finished many came on in the from inland Gar- X t h ■ X FU8hed and dm er years, Thursday T dispersed ' P from etr° ' Pari». No«, 26- T h e p„ hagen correaDondeo, ' t London, Nov, 26.— The corre h °i Temps d i telegraphs that t 'h i t T '8 po,ldent of the Times p l o m X OUrces that at R Soafi us^ The work on W illamette Pacific staiene a total of 600 gar- ister. hsnermen receive tor their catch. Wm. K y le & S ons:Co„ who ope and were p a n te d th e 6 ? r T ! hou8es w ere closed in honor donated to the War 1 he output this year was 9600 ated the only cannery running August Mrs Staup afso olam I at h " " A,° 9t ° f th e" ’ made Douglas county wants a countj cases and 80 tierces; allowing 7 .h ,. season and wh„ f a j u r i « high school system. TOM COD FISHING COOD Ä Ä S M ™ POPE IS INJURED raspberries in winter SIUSLAW FISH PACK FOR 1914 FRESH PEAS DAY OF THANKSGIVING THANKS IS FOR DINNER IDEAL ONE p“ Woolen Goods Now is the time to provide yourself with woolen wear to ward off the chilly weather. We carry a com- plete line of " All Wool Suits, well tailored $15 Jarounth T h e irT trlw b e riy 8law observed h»vc never stopped t a r i n g « X to X X V X r t S S & S K T A Z next year. These vegetables and berries _ are growing in sand that was filled the lots when First street, in the rear of Mr. and Mrs. Staup's home, was graded. This, sand that is the soil here in this vicinity is adapted to raise fine vegetables and berries and in ifkahtioear ‘8 Pr° Ving the 80il-fIual- ~ WOOLEN MILL STORE FLORENCE); OREGON. I hat Gives Pleasure National holi- p™ ¿I ™ a D A T T f E< 0/ft 1 1 ¿«fix Di If 117 A BUL ’ h ’ * A * f Y P P ’T’l £|l* \ I I 1 r/w □tore Q H ’c w E :s • • • IS ED IO. Sheerness, Eng., London, Tk j N°V‘ The British battleshiD 1 hu; aday g e n in g the Eastern Bulwark wM destroyed by a Star. Vesta Chapter No. 73, a fte r terrific explosion as she lav off ; ^ . tr T ar ,Odge SeS8i° n Were h e re to d a y- There were only 14 treated to a sumptious turkey survivors from the crew of 7fMi banquet. This banquet resulted or 800 men who were aboard rom an argum ent about the The explosion is believed to ability o f a young man to cook, have occurred in her forward a id as proof th at he was a com- magazine. W hether it was petent chef, John Holt proved caused by an accident j 1’ J° nn M olt Proved caused by an accident or or desit-n latinrr tUrkey _ id a . wh,ienc W A r e ,?f r°aSting 18 ti a question to ■ be determined by u ^rine 'h,,,e C c. : A / Gilbert Provided has . been A. provided the th«. the commission commisainn ?h7ciT i.__ Diru and the guests proved th at appointed to investigate. ie cook was a success by their In the opinion of naval men it action at the banquet table. was an internal explosion ih at put an end to the battleship which for 12 years had done The funeral of L. Jensen was 8tr'|' lce at home and abroad and held Friday morning with inter- ^ a i d i n i d|° ,n g h e r part in I. JENSEN BURIED FRIDAY A complete line of rainproof garments American Gentlemen and W. L. Douglas Dress Shoes Chippewa and Cutter Loggers and Cruisers d C THE KODAK X I XL - « Ä Ä Ä ! O E.S. ENJOY TURKEY SUPPER U n d e rw e a r H o sie ry S hirts B lankets HAVE GAINED 3 2 PUPILS m ent ,n the I. O. O. F. cem eterv t L * England s shores, at Mapleton. Rev. Baargard of no g reac upheaval of Junction, pastor of the Danish * r as wou,d have °ccurr- church at th at place, assisted by Had to rPedoed or Rev. Thomas A. Yost. c o S t e S the services. Instead, the ship was envelop- —' ed in smoke and flame and when About thirty young „ ^ n k , thi’ had cleared noth'n g could be went to Mapleton Thanksgiving “ T bUt wreckag* b a tin g in the night to attend the dance given ___________ in the Odd Fellows hall. They t-, „ u returned Friday morning e a rlj Eugene ha8 made, a levy of 14 and report a good time ‘ tdX tOr the exPenses of run­ ning the city for 1915. A N ew Stock Just In Copeland & Rider Cotzian Dress Shoes for Men, Women and Children ( «hippewa lo g g ers and Cruisers A lu m in u m W a re Twenty Year Guarantee Brightens the Kitchen G ra n ite V» a re Catlin s White The Cook’s D elight 4orris ®, Son Joe. M o rris J r., Norm an G. M o rris . H I E LEADERS