THE SIUSLAW PILOT S E M I '- W E E K L Y VOL. FLORENCE, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 19U NUMBER 70 TREE FALLS ACROSS RAIL ROAD TRACK system of delivery and the possi- i periods a week to the study of j bilities of the coast route. music in both grades and hig h With the opening of the school since the beginning of the through service on the W'illamette year. Acme has recently added Pacific out of Eugene and the music to their course and it is declaration of Gorst and Kinney probable that other schools on of the Beach line that they will the river will do the same ------ : have one day communication While Charley Lacey w as;opéned between Coos Bay and walking from the mouth of the ' the outside, business men have ! ing the slogan u, of the — to fulfill ................ uiei London, Nov. 15—1:28 a. m .— Wild Cat to Richardson last Fri persistently declared something state. EVERY RURAL SCHOOL FieId Marshal Earl Roberts died ^day, he discovered that a tre e 1 must be done for quicker mail STANDARD. The schools that ‘asE n>>fht in France from pneu- had fallen across the Willamette , service. will, by meeting one or two points n,on’a- A telegram from Field Pacific track and bent the rails, i__, Under /-. u ■ . . . the new ,, contract , „ , , mail , is c senators George E. Chamber- T. J. Neely as guests, and J. VV. be able to standardize before the ' Marshal French, commander of forcing them over a foot out of brought into Marshfied on the i.;„ „ „ j u , . , beginning of the year are Chica- tbe British forces on the con- , , , , , . Iain and Harry Lane arrived in line. noon train and delivered at the m □ Ford, jr., R. F. Averill, C. Bu- i . Florence on the Beaver Tuesday chason and J. W, Bergman a hominy, Meadow, Noti, Dead- tinenL appraised Earl Kitchener ., . . . He waited and flagged a freight offices later m the afternoon, a n °n f ‘" Y ' " T " committee representing the Com­ wood, Mapleton, Acme, Ada, °T the death of England’s great train which was hauling gravel, fact which means practically and Florence. soldier. The telegram read: the delay of letter writ,ng until S X i " 0" y mercial Clnb. and the log was removed and the All of the schools are taking ‘ deeply regret to tell you After dinner an informal re­ I , , track straightened. The work the next dav. an active interest in the county that Lord Roberts died at 8 o’clock v . ., ‘ , , ,, W. Ford, jr., president of ception was eeld in the lobby of of clearing the track took about Via the beach route would the Florence Commercial Club the Bay View Hotel spelling contest. this (Saturday) evening, ” two hours and traffic was held up mean mail in here from Eugene met them at Mapleton and in- x —------------ Field Marshal Roberts, who At eight o’clock J. W. Ford, jr, during that time. m 15 hours instead of 36, the vited the to be guests of the club The school board has placed was colonel in chief of the Indian The point where the tree fell present time necessary through I. B. Cushman, president of the presided over a meeting in the several new seats in the high ¿troops, had gone to France to Commercial Club room, at which across the track ws ain the heavy H II 6 1 ° 'nt declares Judge port commission, and T. J. Neely, 4ime harbor improvements and a school room to accommodate the give them his greetings. Soon timber between the first and a ’ a member of the commission, Siuslaww lifesaving station were new students, making a seating after his arrival he became second crossing of the Siuslaw, seriously ill. He suffered from a joined the party enroute to Flor­ discussed. Those speaking were capacity of forty two. at a place where the track makes severe chill on Thursday and ence. Here a large number of Senator Geo. E. Chamberlain quite a curve, and no doubt pneumonia rapidly developed. citizens welcomed the senators. Senator Harry Lane, I. P. Cush would have been the cause of a His great age, 82 years, militat­ Shortly after their arrival the man and R. F. Averill. Engineer wreck, if Mr. Lacey had nor dis­ ed against his recovery, the crisis launch Beaver with the party E. F. Leefe who was present re­ covered the condition and stopped in the disease coming quickiy. w ho had been joined by many ____ sponded to a request for infor the train. Siuslaw business men, made trip mation. to the jetties The Florence band furnished At six o clock a dinner party music during the evening, was given with SenatorsChamber-1 The visitors left early Wednes Captain Wm. Safley who re­ D. E. Severy, clerk of the and Lane, Attorney C. T. Pay for Gardiner where a short turned Sunday from a trip to board, and C. H. Young, met at Mcknight, I. B. Cushman, and stop will be made. New York, Nov. IT—The Brit- Portland, bought a new gasoline That the changing of the mail the office of City Clerk and can- superdreadnaught Audacious engine while in the metropolis route from by way of Myrtle vassed the returns of the special north “ t r i ? T ® ° ff thC 11 i8 a2 4 -horse Eastern Standard Point to that of Florence and the election held November 13th. rth coast of Ireland. model and he is now installing it coast route, which is claimed They found the returns the same With the possible exception of in the Minnie Mitchell w’ould result in more certain and as reported. For recall, 93; one or two men, the whole crew ----------- ---- quicker service has become Against recall, 78; Majority for of 800 officers and men was Mr. J. W. Grimshaw and son more than a rumor and now recall, 15. For C. D. Morey, 104; rescued by small boats from the who have taken homssteads north stands as a probability is shown For G. W. Evans, 73; Majority White Star liner Olympic, which of Florence, were in town Satur- by the fact that Senator Cham- for Morey, 31. wus about two miles away when day to get their household goods berlain, Congressman Hawley The report in the last issue of it heard the wireless call, and and poultry, which was shipped The^attendance at the Florence! Following is a summery of it immediately rushed to assist from Portland by rail to Maule- < *. the United States Postoffice the Pilot was wrong. The Department have written Judge majorities getting mixed, The High School has increased from the report for the schools in this the disabled battleship. |ton John Hall inquiring into the new above is a correct count. t lirty at its opening to forty supervisory district as given by • 'sci i ars- Supervisor Bossen. I his makes an increase of ten Number of schools in session 34 and also ten more than was en Number of children ’ rolled during the entire time last school 705 year, or an increase of 33 1-3 per Per cent of boys in cent this year over last. district 47.4 This year the work of the high Per cent of girls in school has been taken up with district 52 5 great interest by the students Schools having perfect attend- and with two teachers to devote ance-Greenleaf. Mapleton high time the classes good results are school, Beers. Upper Maple creek being obtained. Ada, Duncan Slough. T huraday afternoon the student Attendance of 95 per cent and x>d> of the high school met and above — Mapleton, ' Glenada organized a High School Dramatic Meadow, Fiddle creek. Alder Club, the purpose of which is to Ridge. Herman, Lyons, Earl study and give plays and enter- Minerva, Florence, Hale. Mercer’ tainments during the school year. Attendance of 90 to 95 per In the past the high school has cent Deadwood, Acme Sweet given several plays which have creek, Reed, Portage been received with appreciation Average per cent of attendance by the Florence people. in the district 93. Number of children neither absent or tardy 441 ------ Schools having received the The Lane county court has greatest number of visits from made an order officially declaring Ljarer’Ls Acme 17, Florence 9, the town of Glenada wet. The Ada 5, Mapleton 8, order states that liquor may be Greenleaf 5. Dress Shoes for Men, Women and Children sold within the corporate limits Only 12 9cbools received no of the town from Janaary 1st, v’sit8 ^rom Parents. 1915, to December 31, 1915, The Increasing interest is being town went wet by a majority of sbown by both patrons and teach- Loggers and Cruisers eight votes out total of 110 cast. ers’ Mapleton, Glenada, Lyons and The federal reserve banks be- Acme have organized literary gan busines Tuesday, and the societies and are giving interest- fenderal reserve board already ' nff Programs twice a month, has before it plans to widen their Not‘. Walton, Alpha, Dead- field of operations. ' wood are serving hot lunches to ----------------- the school children, prepared by W. H. Harrison received a tbe children. Everything is Brightens the Kitchen shipment of doors, windows and supplied by the parents thus en A complete line of rainproof garments mouldings from Portland via ta>b’ng no extra expense to the American Gentlemen and W. L. Douglas Dress Shoes Mapleton Saturday, for his new district, Other schools are plan house now building in Chicago ning to serve one hot article of Chippewa and Cutter Loggers and Cruisers Addition. food each day. Miss Van Matre ——- . . when she closed her term of The Cook’s Delight W hile hunting near the lakes school last week at Alpha, gave last Monday, Lou Warnock, of an interesting program and then Eugene, had the misfortune to served hot chicken soup made by have two of his fingers blown off. the children with her assistance, side of his face an ear lacer- Acme has organized a Patron- ated with shot from an accident- teachers Association which is FLORENCE, OREGON. al discharge of his gun. He was proving to be a helpful factor in i Joe. M o r r is J r ., N o rm a n G. M o rris . brought to Glenada to have his their community. wounds dressed. Florence has been giving three SENATORS CHAMBERLAIN AND LANE VISIT SIUSLAW On Their Way to Coos Bay the Senators are Guests of the Florence Commercial Club COOS BAY PEOPLE WANT MAIL VIA FLORENCE THE OFFICIAL COUNT OF RE­ CALL MADE LORD ROBERTS DIES WHILE HE VISITS ARM Y B R im S H BATTLESHIP DESTROYED HAS B0UGHT A N£W ENGINE HIGH SCHOOL SUPERVISOR INCREASING IN REPORT OF ATTENDANCE 5 IE THE KODAK Woolen That Gives Pleasure Store Now is the time to provide yourself with woolen wear to ward off the chilly weather. We carry a com­ plete line of CLENADA OFFICIALLY Copeland & Rider Underwear Hosiery Shirts Blankets All Wool Suits, well tailored A N ew Stock Just In Gotzian Chippewa Aluminum Ware $15 Twenty Year Guarantee Granite Ware Catlin’s White WOOLEN MILL STORE, the (§b T H E LEADERS