FLORENCE, OREGON, W EDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 1 . 1 9 1 4 NUM BER 68 trial being set at a date when County attorney Devers could arrive. Saturday afternoon the attorney arrived and 'th e man pleaded guilty and was fined 660 and costs amounting to 611.96 and promised to leave. The other R. Kuhn was arrest-1 ed in Florence and taken before Recorder Severy. where he plead guilty and was given a fine of 660 and told to leave town. Washington, Nov. 7.—The pre­ paration o f a river and harbor Geo. Saubert, superintendent bill w ill be one o f the first things o f the mechanical department of undertaken when congress re­ the Spoksmrb-Review, who has assembles in December. I f pos­ been on an extended vacation sible, the house leaders w ant to and visit w ith his fam ily in pass the new river and harbor Florence during the summer, left bill through the lower branch of Monday for Spokane. While Congress before the holiday re­ here, M r. Saubert, who simply cess, so as to give as much time' cannot resist the charm of a as posaiMe for its consideration nnnfc a W od o w a a A ia frassam e t i v p , g e » v W lv I l l v t m III u v i l in the Senate. valuable assistance. «PMT»i ana service > « w « , a number o f improve-1 g M t e h a v e already been made | l i the Bay View Hotel. The FWhole structure is being renovat­ es« and put in condition to give a first class service. Landlord C lark has bean busy since taking charge, and w ith paint, paper and new furniture to going to have the entire hotel jn to attract the traveling public and now has many o f the rooms re­ arranged so they are comfortable and pleasant H e has had the dining room dosed, and is overhauling this p art of the hotel in a thorough manner. ------- i Y O U M U ST R EG ISTER I F YOU W A N T TO A T T H E S P E C IA L C IT Y E L E C T IO N TO BE N E X T F R ID A Y — Registration books are now c the city recorder's office—o f course you can swes vote in, but it w ill be less trouble for you to regi and t f you don’t you might get left in the rush. b Although Frederick Hollister, demoaratic candidate foJ congressman, was defeated at the polls last week it was a victory. Entering th e race w ith a political majority o f nearly 40,000 against him, Fred captured much of the opponent's strength, causing him to retreat behind the last stronghold, party organisation. Fred Hollister in his campaign has advertised the whole coast country, and has emphasized some very vital state questions that are of national issues. We hope he keeps up the fight on these matters. Here is the way he met the result of the election. H e says, ,,P«sonallv I feel highly gratified a t the vote received by myself. Being practically , an entire stranger to tne voters of this district, the vote o f thousands of republicans is a compliment I deeply feel the high compliment the enormous vote given me by the people o f my own sec­ t i o n - my own people.’ M r. Hawley now our next congressman—let us help him every way possiMo let us all get together and work for the advancement of Caos county, this coast and th b state." George E. Chamberlain wap elected United States senator by an overwhelming vote, and O w n has a large republican majority. Oregon compliments him forservices rendered. IW O BOOnJUCERS FINED Thursday Clark McLaughlin arrested two men for selling in- , toxicating liquors. One feed i f e t o e r was arrested a t Glenada I Last Tuesday Mayor George That the people o f Mspl Evans want on a a n o in search and the lower Siuslaw v a ll^ R e t a k e n before justice- Goude, < the new landlord Tuesday- M r. Randall expects to leave fo r Port­ land soon. while M r. Kennedy w ill make a trip to Washington state on business and later to re­ turn to Florence where he ex*- pects to be interested in and man­ age the new hotel now planned. M r. Jensen a restaurant and tiotel man o f experience and will keep the Siuslaw hotel to the standard it has enjoyed under Messers Kennedy and Randall. Judging Swine is a new O. A. C. bulletin, which will be of great interest and help to boys in the pig raising contests as wel as to farmers and other growers. The bulletin tells briefly how to know the good hog, and was w ritten by Professor G. R. Sam­ son. Address the Oregon Agri­ cultural College for copies. The Hovai Nriahfaira lF»ma will give th eir Tw elfth annual Masqnende Saturday evening November S a t This has always been a popular and attractive dancing event s f the year. The Royal Neigebon are noted for knowing how to see that every body has a "tip top” time, and this year there to going to be some original and*at­ tractive characters in attendance that will make it a bigger suc­ cess than ever. I f you enjoy dandngdon't fo r­ get to masque and increase your pleasure for theevening. London. Nov. 9.—A t three points in the area o f hostilities— in Silesia, in East Prussia and in Alsace—forces of the allies were on German soil today, and fo r the first time since the outbreak of hostilities conditions seem to pressage, in the opinion o f B rit- ish military observers, a reversal of th e roles o f the contending armies. Despite the reverses which the Auetro-German armies have srf- fared in the east where the Rue- the allies, / ' T h e re h a i however basa fio de­ cisive action fought along the whole fro n t but each side to making gaina, which may eamto when the crises to a t hand. boys are practicing This organisation: 5 ? P° “i , blL “UPP,y ° f WBter makin« extensive preparal that would be pure, convenient for the big excursion from and sufficient for the town. gone to Mapleton to celeb ^ e coming o f the "iron hot north and with Wm McCrae and that the date selected is i went to Horse creek, where upon | day, November 16, is the in investigation he found a stream nation brought to this city ? i i 7 ^ \ me“ U17 d .Nl Vember 6’ e * « i " » b y W : H . Jenkins, tea in WBS 10 in* a* ent o f the Southern Pa inches, flowing a t a speed o f railway eight feet per four seconds, . M r. j e n kiM a tn p as " ’" S i condi? on “ Florence and conferred u Goods Now is the time to provide yourself [with woolen wear to ward off the rcbHly weather. We carry a com- ; plete line of L; k . * Underwear Hosiery Shirts Blankets All Wool Suits, well tailored the Mapleton people in regan plan" for the “ cursion. told them wouId h to provide some means of enl tainment for the crowds ai they arrived a t the village i Ftorenc, » ith w , a m n l h o rn M tte p M o a M \ . th , train , U r t , on it , home-wi The M ayor has sent out sam- trip, pies of this water to be examin- M r J .n iH n . « . u . WAR STI M ORRIS & SON REPORTED A l LANDON . T H E LE A D E R S Another Victo Our stotfcJof^MW style Heaters andJRanges for y o u .^ B u y a Rangent the low pries 64Ü.00JRANGE8 $15 A com plete line o f rainproof garments American Gentlemen and W. L. Douglas Dress Shoes Chippewa and Cutter Loggers and Cruisers FLORENCE, OREGON, would not be 1ms than one-third ° f A t t h J t o S 1 fl<” k A t the bridge where the Cape ♦ 7 ^ 2 5 “ * t,7 m a1riele7 - tio n o f 320 feet was found, and a reservoir could J m H t on thia A meeting o f the school board was held Monday a t which time they selected Miss Gladys Mitch- ell to teach the je tty school. A school meeting was called for on Monday, November 23, at 3 JO o'dofck to elect a director to fill the vacancy made by Frank Sm ith’s moving away. A t this time the voters will also decide upon a special levy for school purposes. ----------------- — The Columbia Highway to to be finished through the Dalles by June 1. out this afternoon W est Judge Geon Klamath Falls w ill a Benson in the T h irte Both are democrats, '--------------- TAKEN S D S U l * —.....- Thoe. Jensen and 1 to Mapleton last Sati noon where M r. Jem charge o f the Siui having leased it for i Messers Kennedy i who have been runnii for over a vear turn« Hardware, guarantee with every tool Try our new Stilleto Brand ( K I t ’tfa f Superior Quality. WefBeff I t ) Morris | I o e . M o r r is J r ., N t