The Siuslaw pilot. (Florence, Oregon) 1913-1916, November 07, 1914, Image 1

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It s 1 a
O U b rtfJ
i l
S E M I -W E E K L Y
Paris, Nov. 4.— W hat the Bel-
£ian official communication des­
ignated as the “ precipitate re­
treat” o f the Germans before the
advance o f the allies on the Yser
river ip Belgium was pleasing
Parisians today, even
news to ransians
though, previous developments
had given the hope th at thia soon
would be the case.
. The significance o f the move is
’.the chief topic o f discussion.
Tfcare is much speculation aa
g|4he destination o f the GerJ
n i b s , ae the Belgian communi-
struggle to break through the
allied line will center.
, From the coast to Lille the Ger­
mans have 11 army corps, rough­
ly a half million men. The Eng­
lish papers point out that this
situation stilly is undecided and
th at it should not be assumed
that the Germans yet have been
decisively beaten in Belgium.
That the - allies have been
throering freth troops into Bel­
gium is indicated in today's of­
ficial account from the British
fro n t
m ix
Chamberlain Has Many,.Republic!
Friends—Hollister Polls a Strong
Voter-County Division’Lost.
W ith a polling strength o f 840
votes Florence closed * election
Tuesday, giving all republican
candidates s majority except
Hawley and Christensen, Booth
running way below the republi­
can majority.
On prohibition
[ Florence gave yes 211, no 82.
Other initiative and referend­
<t!eo. E. Chamberlain, United
States senator; W. C. Hawley,
Pl« by carrying fre ig h t J. A.
Parker informs us that he re ­
ceived the first shipment o f fru it
over the railroad fw *« Eugene
last Wednesday. The shipment
f f UKgted o f bananas and oi<
p m f c M d le ft Eugene at eight
^ J ^ ^ yednesday morning, ar-
f i « w R a Florence about 4 o’clock
in the afternoon. W ith the rail­
road taking care o f small ship­
ments it will be S great advan-
take to the merchants on wish
. W. H . Jenkins, traveling pas­
senger agent o f the Southern
Pacifle was in Florence Thurs­
Re was accompanied by
Joe Morris, , Jr. o f Mapleton.
The gentlemen were here in the
interests o f a jraflroad day a t
The people o f Mapleton are
planning to celebrate the coming
o f the railroad to' the head o f
tide, and will invite the Wil­
lamette valley to take advantage
o f an excursion to Mapleton, and
be the guests o f the Siualaw
people. The dais'has not bean
s a t but
h u t f I t to
<■ expected to be about <
the middle o f November.
understood th at the
Mapleton people w ant to make
this celebration o f the railroad a
Siualaw proposition and w ill ask
ail the communities o f the
to take p a r t
representative in congress; Janies
Withycombe, governor; Thomas
B. Kay, treasurer; Henry J.Bean,
H enry L. Benson, Lawrence T.
Harris and Thomas A. McBride,
justices of the supreme court;
George M. Brown, attorney gen
J’ A. Churchill, sijperin*
retreating toward th e east ^ T h e
um measures received a strong tendent of public instruction;
fhet th at th e 'a llie s r e t a in « in
negative vote except the “ amend*
L Lewto, «tote engineer; States Engineers Office, First
thia section the positions they oc­
‘ ment o f section 2 o f article I I of O. P. Hoff, commissioner o f la­
cupied the day before would
: th e constitution o f Oregon,” re­ bor; Frank J. Miller, commission­
Port o f
seem to indicate th at the G er­
quiring voters to be citizens of er; James T. Chinnock. superin­
mane had not bean pdbhed far.
the United States. Complete fig­
tendent of w ater division one.
Refering to your
General Berthagt, ttg u m lita rv
ures are not available on county
The result o f the county offices letter of the 18th instant, I would
critic, in Jus c o m m e n t*!* the
-] division but it has lost its 66 pto
w ill be: Isaac Bingham, sena- advise th at an investigation o f
news, d*< not regard the retreat
' cent within the territory pro­
A. Cusick, joint —»sta r* the m atter by this ¿ftfcFseems to
aa a well-defined victory % r the.
posed for a new cdunty by^bo£t
W alter B. Dillard, Allen Eaton indicate that especially ae there
Messrs Jenkins and Morris
allies. .
10Q votes, and lost the 36 per >
•and Melvin Fenwick? represen­ is not much night navigation on were taken to the month o f the
Te him it appears more like a
cent necessary in the other por­ tatives; H arry
Bown county the Siualaw river it would not river by Florence business man,
falling back as the result o f ex­
tion of the L an u n ty'b y over
seem to be necessary at the and upon their return M r. Ja«-
haustions andlbecam e the Ger­
5 0 0 -votes. Siuslgw’ eeunty re­
present time te compel the own- kins txprsaaid himself aa b eta*
mans found w* mWMaible to re­
ceive^ a large m ajority “in Flor­
o f log booms to maintain <J«ite satisfied w ith the fu tu re o f •
main longer ?in tta jp u n d a te d I
ence,- Glensda, Mapleton, Mine?- ’
lights thereon.
the Siualaw- and
♦ te
vs, germ an *a»d Heceta pro-
Very respectfully,
be an attraction to those desiring
pncts,'but this was not sufficient <
to spend their vacation on th a
typvercome the opposition * * iiit t l
\ Major, Corps o f Engineers,
coast, providing certain aeeom-
h&tihe location ot the division 1
modatione w a n provided.
line, tjjis. factor alone being, re, j
The F ru it Growers League q f
day morning.
spoeible for nearly 200 votes i
Medford and the Rogue Land ’ Plana are being ¿rapJhed hr
Wednesday Captains W illiam
against it within its own* terri- .
Canal Co. are taking steps to- R. L. Chapman for rearrange-
■ Om lnd ana they and Artie Saflejr w ith tb e & in p iq
Ring huge forces in Mitclrell and Queen towed the« tory, and betweerf 600 and «00 4
securing irrigation in ment o f interior of
in the-eastern part o f the coun- 1
Valley entailing ex- pital building for use « an a » -
'fY p res. I t is there, •equipment to the landing below
ty, and causing the defeat o f Si­
penditure o f <2.000,000.
M rtm e n t tm m a
□ of m ilitary observ- Florence. I t comprised 12 hors-1
ualaw county.
T in e V e d German es, three wagons and feed.
The state ticket is republican 2
with the exception of Chamber- 2
lain, who-wins by a majority that C
proclaims his popularity. Those tl
elected were:
es properly in good
F Wool \
egQn Clothes
an all day rain nothing noth-
As ar Webfoot 'shirt A big
pent of mackinaw coats and
feed >rain coats, American
Irian,«IChippewa ^nd Cutter
J We «re glad to fehow you.
Valparaiso, Chile, Nov. 6 .—A
A t the regular monthly meet­
wireless cry from the British ing of the port commissioners
cruiser Glasgo^interoepted by last Wednesday it was voted to
the (Germans victors—was the
■sores a three mill tax for port,
last word received from Rear-
purposes, this is to meet the
Admiral Craddock’s squadron
current expenses o f the year.
following the engagement off the
A motion was also carried to
! Chilean coast Sunday.
immediately take steps to ascer­
The Germans saw the Mon­
tain the wish o f the taxpayers in
mouth sink and heard an explo­
resard to selling the issue of
sion on board the Good Hope that
<100,000 port bonds, to continue
they believe sent the crippled
the work of extending the jetties.
battleship to the bottom.
I t is believed this work to necess­
A ll that night the German
ary and should be done without
cruiser Nürnberg searched the
waiting fo r the action o f con­
sees unsuccessfully for the Good gress, which is expected to ap­
Hope. They picked up a radio­
propriate <126,000 additional at
gram directed to the flagship by
its next session.
the Glasgow. There was no re-
There were about 600 men on
the Monmouth when the ship dis­
appeared beneath the waves.
The town o f Glenada voted on
Admiral Craddock had 900 men the question of “ Prohibition of
with him on board the Good Hope. the sale o f intoxicating liquors
for beverage purposes within the
corporated limits of the town o f
Glenada as a whole, ” resulting in.
For Prohibition 61, Against Pro­
1 The members o f the local W .
hibition 69.
C. T. U. held a “ Mothers Meet­
This gives a majority o f 8 fo r
ing” a t the home o f Mrs. D . H.
the wets of that town and it to
Robinson Saturday afternoon.
expected that the council wil
Several articles on appropriate
issue a saloon license i f it to found
subjects were read including one
they can legally, though it to un­
by Mrs. Goodwin on, "T h e In -
derstood the election wilt be con­
. ffuenceof Music.” A luncheon
The W illamette Pacific to now
Another Viet
for you.
Buy a Range at the low price
140.00 RANGES
We have in stock a oompieti
Hardware, guarantee with
Try our new Stilleto I
( I f I t ’s o t Superior Quality. 1