THE SIUSLAW r . \ A / r n .z , PILO T xz u Z S E M I-W E E K L Y VOL. II. “ FLORENCE, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1914 GREAT INTEREST TAKEN IN ELECTION THIS YEAR At the Time of Closing the Polls 340 Votes Had Been Cast in Florence Precinct—Biggest Ever Cast. The polls opened Tuesday on Chamberlain and Booth, the morning at 8 o’clock and the county division, Oregon dry, and ^judges were kept busy from the the putting of opposition candi­ start, as a special was run from dates in the field for justice of Acme early to bring the first con­ the peace and constable of Flor­ tingent from their to vote, Acme ence justice district. J. A. Wilkinson, of Glenada, being in Florence precinct. The judges were Marion Mor­ was named as a candidate for ris, D. E. Severy, and J. U. ( justice of the peace, while John Goude. The clerks were A. 0. Peterson was candidate for con­ Knowles, Paul Henderson and stable. The Minerva people who have Dave Crutcher.. The first person to vote in Flor­ heretofore voted at Florence now' ence was Wm. Kyle, who with have a precinct of their ow’n. The ladies seemed to be out in Mrs. Kyle left soon after on the force and greatly interested in Beaver for Portland. Considerable interest centers the election. OREGON NEWS ! NOTES IN BRIEF A ten-mile logging road is to be built up Lost Creek to supply timber for Springfield sawmills. Albert Anderson will build a bridge across Jump-off-Joe creek near Merlin for $1499. The California-Oregon Power Co. is making a $30,000 improve­ ment near Glendale. The new highway being built via Falls City and Siletz is to cut the distance to Newport by 16 miles. Electrification work on the P. E. & E. Ry. is to be completed by next spring as far as Eugene. The Oregon Trunk railroad moved 210 cars of sheep out of the Bend country this year. The Smith Pulp mill at Marsh­ field is to run on 24-hour shifts to fill Japanese contracts. Prairie City and Canyon City Electric Light & Power Compan­ ies are to consolidate. Willamette Valley Southern Steel is to be in Molalla this week. The Carman Manufacturing Co. of Portland is turning out talking machines on a large scale. Men W anted To clothe yourselves properly in good A ll W o o l THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION ISSUED The president's proclamation which refers to the fact that the United States is at peace while the rest of the world is at war. follows: “ By the President of the United States of America. “A proclamation: ' “ It has long been the honored custom of our people to turn in the fruitful autumn of the year in praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God for his many blessings and mercies to us as a nation. The year that is now drawing to a close since we last observed our day of national thanksgiving has been, while a year of dis­ cipline because fo the mighty forces of war and of change which have disturbed the world, also a year of special blessing for us. “ It has been vouchsafe to us to remain at peace, with honor, and in some part to succor the suffering and supply the needs of those who are in want. We have been privileged by our own peace and self control in some degree to steady the counsels and shape the hopes and purposes of a day of fear and distress. Our people have looked upon their own life as a nation with deep­ er comprehension, a fuller realization of their responsi­ bilities as well as of their blessings and a keener sense of the moral and practical significance of what their part among the nations of the world may come to be. “ The hurtful effects of the foreign war in their own industrial and commercial affairs have made them feel the more fully and see the more clearly their mutual in­ terdependence upon one another and has stirred them to a hopeful co-operation such as they have seldom practiced before. They have been quickened by a great moral stimulation. Their unmistakable ardor for peace, their earnest pity and disinterested sympathy for those who are suffering, their readiness to help and to think of the needs of others, has revealed them to themselves as well as to the world. “ Our crops will feed all who need food; the self possession of our people amidst the most serious anxiet­ ies and difficulties and the steadiness and resourceful­ ness of our business men will serve other nations as well as our own. “The business of the country has been supplied with instrumentalities and the commerce of the world with new channels of trade and intercourse. The Panama canal has been opened to the commerce of the nations. The two instrumentalities of international trade have been created which will be also new instrumentalities of acquaintance, intercourse and mutual service. Never before have the people of the United States been so situated for their own advantage or the advantage of their neighbors or so equipped to serve themselves and mankind. “Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, president of the United States of America, do hereby designate Thursday, the twentysixth of November next as a day of thanksgiving and prayer and invite people through­ out the land to cease from their wonted occupations and in their several homes and places of worship render thanks to Almighty God. “ In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. “ Done at the City of Washington, this twenty-eighth day of October in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fourteen and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and thirty-ninth. “ WOODROW WILSON, “ By the president. ROBERT LANSING, “ Acting Secretary of State.” O re g o n C lo th e s TRAIN NOW ULTIMATUM OF RUNNING TO ALLIES IS MAPLETON IGNORED Passenger service on the Wil- lamette Pacific was opened to the public Sunday November 1st. For the past week the train has been running to Mapleton almost every day, but last Sunday was the first day for this service to be official. The engineer’s department which has charge of the operation of the trains, has issued a new schedule covering all stations be- tween Eugene and Mapleton, The schedule is as follows: Leave Eugene at 8 a. m., Blair, 8:10; Transfer. 8:30; Dane!», 8:31; Jetson, 8:40; Veneta, 9; Noti, 9:20; Vaughn, 9:35; Ivison, 9:40; Walton, 10; Joler, 10:10; Richardson, 10:30; Beecher, 10:- 40; Nekoma, 11; Swisshome, 11:- 10; Rainrock, 11:20; arrive at Mapleton, 11:30. On the return trip to Eugene the schedule is as follows: Leave Mapleton, 1:30 p. m.; Rainrock, 1:40; Swisshome, 1:50; Nekoma, 2; Beecher, 2:10; Richardson. 2;30; Joler. 2:40; Walton, 3; Ivison, 3:10; Vaughn, 3:15; Noti, 3:30; Veneta, 4; Jetson 4:15; Danebo, 4:29; Transfer, 4:30; Blair. 4:50; arrive Eugene, 5. London, Nov. 1. Turkey has definitely thrown her lot‘ with Al,„. • , „ ... AuSt,‘a and Germany- a"d * ortuB*l >8 counted there now are U powers at war; with pros- pects that three more Greece, Bulgaria and Roumania—will be drawn in. The note which Great Britain presented to Turkey on Friday last, demanding an explanation of the actions of the Turkish fleet in the Black sea and dis- mantling of the former German cruisers, the Goeben and the Breslau, was really an ultimatum to which Turkey was required to make a reply by Saturday night So far as is known here, tele- graphic communication with Tur- key being interrupted, no ans- wer was made and the ambassa- dors at the Ottoman capital of the tripple entete. it is under- stood, demanded and received their passports. Turkish troops, which had been on the Egyptian border for some time already are reported to have crossed the frontier, while the Turkish fleet continues to menace Russians towns and ship­ ping in the North sea. Russia or Great Brit­ LARGE MUD SHARK KILLED ain Neither was unprepared for this move Jack Gilmore killed a mud by Turkey, which government shark Saturday near Barretts officials ________ , , __________ say, was known to _____ have stage landing. It was brought been under the ifluence of Ger- to r Iorence where its appearance , .... created considerable interest. many and the allled P°wers have It measured eight feet two forces on hand ready to oppose inches long. | a Turkish invasion. b w n i e » t h e That kodak Gives m Pleasure ö Store WAR STILL CONTINUES M O RRIS & SON WILL RUN STAGES ON THE SOUTH BEACH Costing you $ 15.00. For an all day rain nothing noth­ ing beats a Webfoot shirt. A big assortment of mackinaw coats and vulcanized rain coats, American Gentleman, Chippewa and Cutter shoes. We are glad to show you. WOOLEN MILL STORE, FLORENCE, OREGON. J The Bangs Livery Co. of Eu­ gene are getting ready to run stages on the south beach be­ tween Florence and the Umpqua to connect with the Coos Bay auto stage. They have rented the house at the stage landing on the south side of the Siuslaw river about a mile and a half below Florence, and have built another house and a barn for their horses. It is understood the company intends to run two covered rigs and put six horses on each one, making a round trip each day. Postmaster Buchanan has pre­ pared a petition to be signed by the patrons of the office asking to establish a daily mail to Flor­ ence from Eugene. NEW HOTEL PROPOSITION THE LEADERS A commercial club committee consisting of W. H. O’Kelly and H. L. McKee have been inter­ viewing the business men of Florence the last week in the interests of a new hotel. So far they have received subscribtions to the stock amounting to $5400 and from all indications the pro­ ject is now placed on a success­ ful basis. A n o th e r V ic to ry Kosta Bankovich, an Austrian ewployed as foreman on the Wil­ lamette Pacific railroad was drowned in a stream near tunnel five Thursday morning. Banko­ vich and three other Austrians were on logs in the stream and were thrown into the water when the logs turned over. The other men were rescued. Bankovitch was 23 years old, single and a native of Austria. The body was brought to Gordon & Veatch’s undertaking parlors in Eugene last night and was sent to Port­ land at midnight for interment. Register. F o r th e C u s to m e r Our stock’ofjnew style Heaters and Ranges for you. Buy a Range at the low price $40.00 RANGES J $35.00 We have in stock a complete'line’of ! Hardware, guarantee with every toolj j Try our^new Stilieto Brand (If It’s of Superior Quality, Wc ScllJIt) Morris ®> Son Joe. M o rris J r., N orm an G. M o rris ." TH E LEADERS