THE SIUSLAW S E M I-W E E K L Y VOL. F L O R E N C E , O R E G O N , S A T U R D A Y , O CT O B E R 31 TAXES SHOULD BE REDUCED BY DIVISION OF COUNTY Figures of an Expert Show That Cre­ ating Siuslaw County Will Save Abount $40,000 to Western Lane. « ___________ * Clerk Sheriff |.) i i The above does not include deputy hire k S S S Ä » S S 3 sshw :: J. D. Hamlin, who has worked for years in county offices and ab­ owing estimates, also give county as comparison. stract work compiled figures which are given below. Also we give Accounts I.ane comparisons which show the saving to W estern Lane by separate New Co. Clerk - $ 9595.55 $ 2150.(H) county government. If you have any doubt, a few minutes figur­ Sheriff - . . . 9213.22 2400.00 T reasurer . . . ing ought to convince yout th at it is for the best for this coast 1775.00 4r rnoxp than Mr. Hamlig estim ates for running 200.00 Miscellaneous 7500.00 2500.00 the whole county. It is . reasonable to be believe that the next assessm ent p d l will show $5,000,000 Total . . . $147,732.80 $31,200.00 valuation in this territory,-Upd at the same levy if would raise 9 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 upty ä $ 250 andW ki6 w e b haVe allowed for and dep- And at a l«yy of 12 ./nills for county puroses at * 150,’ a "d would raise *- . • 6 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 Or nearly $20,OCX) more than the estim ate to run ? „ Ä aS-,h “ the county. Look these figures over carefully and THEN THINK LdX is largely m et by special Eugene, Oregon, December 26, 1912. County Division Committee, Florence, Oregon, Gentlemen: Re­ plying to your request for data relativ e t y th at portion of Lane county which is incl uded in the boundaries of the • proposed new county, I beg to subm it tjje following: Valuation* $3,406,565.440**Lane county levy for 1311,13 mills- $41.’&5.&4. * to the foHoWWg I subm it the.expenses for officers .salaries for several counties: Men Wanted %«, • * ° c lo th ^ o u rs e lv e s properly in good AU Showing an increase in tax collections in one year of By’ h“ S Costing you $ 15.00. For an all day rainnothing noth- a Webfoot shirt. A big assortment of mackinaw coats and y^caajzed rain eoats, American ( > t teman, Chippewa and Cutter sh>e5? V e are glad to show you. WOOLEN MILL STORE, FL O R E N C E . OREGON. mi nL ‘,';5 leVi i " “" ' 5' $167 717 80 • « about 18 «ounty seat near!? ' $ $ (x"o p'^handlVihfs t “ k ‘ s e e i n g s q m ^ tT e a T “ ° f 8 neW COU"ty U h l T r u n i S th £ beinT penZ cted "toL fild' T m ? 1 One is th a t plans are valley S Lane c n .r n ^ . 5 f lfiC through the W illamette Cascade mo(inUin°s ty ’ Lug6ne t0 the SUmmit of th e 18 e8timi*ted Lane county’s share of this expense will h^ £5on 0J0. a nd as the western p art of the county now hZs about o n e - S h fittle benefit' Vaj'? at(X ol.I r «b®^ of this will be $50,000, with but LnJ r »k n t' .U th er 18 a proposition to build a new court house and if the one they now have is too small, our share of one that I necessary would transcribe all the records and put ud a budding suitable for the need of a new county f £ man years * S wx o ,i b r f” “ <■ j i- !f t h e 1!°kSt ?°Untry Wl11 (1° it8 share Frederick Hot- ste r will be elected congressman of the first congres Z h £ 8t" C\ and WeWi" C° me ‘"to our own g w ; ought to give him a solid vote. He is one of us Di wm L ? ‘8ted ‘he affairs ° f o o n ,„,„„,,y ,“ d U.ll be active m getting things done. It is a business th e ^ ip p o rV o f^ '8 8eCti° n’ tbat Wil‘ bFing re8U,t9 worth the support of every voter. An opportunity is now given us to be represented in congress by one having personal knowledge of our needs, a friendship that will b reffec 7 v ^ in WtaitChOUL inrtert‘St8, a " d th a t will a Student O f n * * securing our rights. He is a student of Oregon s resources and will make a special effort to see th at returns are made in proportion to what b . onp, to u„. F r e d e r ic Hollister him n e « Tueaday?’rreaS a " d “ *’ OUr dUtS 10 Political parties are made better by those members of each orgomzation who vote for the men who have been true to the peoples’ interests. When a republican Mm 0