t the FLORENCE, OREGON. WEDN AY, OCTOBER 28, 1914 NUMBER 64 H E R TACTOS A remonstrance to county di­ vision appeared recently in issues o f the Eugene papers by which it is hoped by those in charge of the remonstrance that the »irony popular movement to form a new county can be overthrown. The facts of the case that have just come to light show th at the, methods they have used are bound to defeat them. They claim to have support from all parts of Western Lane county, and one section. Fiddle and M a­ ple creeks, they publish names o f well known supporters o f the new county. How these names came to be on the remonstrance was made clear this morning when several of them were asked on the phone w hat th eir attitude on county division was and why they signed the remonstrance. Their answers were to the effect th at they wanted a new county and i f they ever had signed any such remonstrance, it was two years ago when it was proposed to taka in part o f Douglas coun­ ty. By such moves as this the remonstrating minority are bound to lose fa r more votes than they , can possibly hope to gain. JEITTCON­ TRACTORS Support your home man The enrockment work on the jetties under the present contrast is finished nearly five months ahead o f the expiration of the contract time, which was n'ext March. For Congressman Vote for I ; During the last contract the | Frederick accident caused a break of about 15 bents a t a place where the enrockment was only a few feet below low water. In making the repair piling were driven in as fa r as possible and then rock filled around to steady the false work, in this way and by croes bracing the je tty vm repaired serose t h e » provdd to be as substantial as the main track. Frederick Hollister . a, 1 v sav,.ng s,tatlon- We need land thrown open to out of the national forest. We want Fred Hollisterfor co. is about one and one-half MAIL ON NEW SCHEWJIE i > Jetty miles from the reoeivisg wharf SPEAKING AT MAPLETON The mail that M t Eugene a t and etopa at bent 500, and is 1400 eight e’clock Tuesday morning fast beyond tbs present and of to the Voters of the Pro­ posed New County for Their Con­ sideration Next Tuesday. m m itte d M r. and Mrs. Rudolph Brand and Mrs. H errin, departed for Portland Sunday. M r. Brand has held the position o f saw filer at the Tide W ater mill the past summer. w o r tli b)r * D ' t o to . J - - “ County and aevend other counties as a denuti oountyfofficial and had yean o f experience in the abstract busi TQhey,wer® a^tbered at the request of a committee repre 1 "?"** " * Slu.8 r men »Pi? ere offered the voters fo r theii careful consideration’. - . - • • • • * * - — * Geo. Melvin M iller came in from Eugene Monday evening. n • „ . Eutfene' Oregon, December 26, 1912. n iS S T f7 D lvi,ion Committee, Florence, Oregon, Gentlemen: Re­ plying to your request fo r data relative to th at portion o f Lan« county which is included in the boundaries o f the proposed new county, I beg to submit the following: ,3,406-565 0°: D*"® county levey for 1911, 18 mills I I Fiorence » t four the south jetty. Tbs completed Project as proposed by the government engineers would ex- tend the south jetty 1000 fe e t and the north jetty 000 M et mom The distance between the tide jetties is 800 feet To rush the work the Johnson * Anderson Co. had an sxtonsivs Dr. M. V. Forrest and w ife plant at the quarry using four arrived in Eugene on Monday^ derricks, while at the reectvfag They have taken rooms at the w harf on the north jetty they Evangelical parsonage pending used two hoisting de rric k »« » , •hie of lifting SB Dwiow this summer two IS top bee- motives were used to pud the rock trains of from 5 to 7 «t o r in o clock Tuesday afternoon. This w ill be the schedule hereafter. The Western Union expect to have their wire reach Mapleton by Tuesday, November' 8. and will then be ready to receive messages. in the following I submit the expenses for officers salaries foi « several counties: I W anted To clothe yourselves properly in good All Wool Oregon Clothes 450 K is :- • ! Curry - - - ^ ¡2 is s $8 ¿a , T hat Gives Pleasure jj u r y . - - 1000 1200 600 600 ano mo . ... * - 1800 2600 1200 1200 1200 1000 900( s c S d t i m e ,nmi“ iOner,,reCeiVe,ro,n W - ° ° to * 5’<»P «r day foi | The above does not include deputy hire. I j Cane county clerk’s office expenses per month, clerk salary and I S heri?;sBZS^tnt ? 7 L enu? ’ recordinF- etc, >1200 per m o n t^ i T h - ’u he" L and d?Puty' about S600; revenue >100 per includes boSkl e t ^ * C° Uld * * tranScribed fo r »bout >8000. l E i . toIi « l i i^ i , 0J t L ? eZ xpen.M 4£COunt e f different counties in o rder /t o « * * 1™ *4* cost of running a new county i f created out of a n i r T 000®8 Sheriff’ T r e S ir e r A a iS ^ r . ’ ’ ’ * ’ ’ ’ Costing you W Hn 1 9 1 2 S0 * ! T * SurveyorsUrVr* Bnd JU8t' Janitor - . . Printing . . . Commissioners Blanks, Stationery, etc. Supervisors Paupers . - . . Election . - Postatge \ Miscellaneous Lane N ew Co- * 9W6-66 4 8400'00 2150.00 ‘ ' . I 1775.00 B 00 400.00 « 0 -S - - 1687.00 / w o OO - 1 5 » .» ‘ 44000.00 2000.00 ' " School Superintendent For an all day rain nothing noth­ ing beats a Webfoot shirt. A big assortment of mackinaw coats and vulcanized rain coats, American Gentleman, Chippewa and Cutter shoes. We are glad to show you. « “ S « “ » ■ * ’ - WAR STIL1 CONTINUES MORRIS & SON T H E LEADERS 10000.00 1000 00 ’ 2081.46 120U0.00 18K & 60 1168X90 915.06 7500.00 J I Another Victory Onr stock of new style ; Heaters and Ranges Total _ . „ „ ... ... uDtv e ^ m a t e I have allowed for clerk upty at »1250 and >900; sheriff and one. deputy at >16001 assessor and one deputy at >1000 and >900. Have made no estimate on roads and bridrea as th a t ou. Buy a Range at the low price 140.00 RANGES Hardware, ( U IV» o f Superior Quality, We Sell It ) Morris FLORENCE, OREGON >215,306 64 (Continued On Page Four) . Joe. Morris Jr., Nanaan