U- SIUSLAW PILO? S E M I-W E E K L Y VOL. FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 21, 1914 M A D E P A T Tk U E l l l I I A l l A l u T lI lu V liC U U L lS COMMISSION HOLDS SPECIAL IS NEARING FOUND IN PORT MEETING SECOND HOMESTEAD ENTRIES ENGLAND CHICKENS ciation for the manner in which /"’ F I ) I f A B I 1 1 ) 1 * 1 7 the jetty w ork had been handled by the commissioners, the gov­ ernment engineers and the con­ tractors. so that the young couple could not escai»e, but some how Mr. and Mrs. Holt were at home in Acme when the crowd were doing their liest to find them. An interesting time occurred when Rev. Pratt and Miss Nimo Orefosi ResMrcn far Oregu urf a Buchanan, sister of the bride a t-i Had Warier aa tie Jai is Wasted tempted -T6 leave the house? _. ' An act of congress approved "London,1 O ct 19.- That a Ger^~ About six weeks ago H. F. SA TaTdaythrparTi^’tbts^on- They were taken for the bride rcason the Courier asks rs held a special - meeting to September 5, 1914, makes an im- man army is between Furnes Kendall_ while • dressing two and gropm and w ere crowdedt 'oters to give Congressman is ten to argument corcerning portant change in the law gov- and Dunkirk and nearing the lat- chickens found a small nuggèt of back to the house and pelted Hawley’s place to Fred Hollister ' erning second homestead and ter place, which is on thè Eng- gold in each one. - Considerable methods to meet the present jet­ with white beans. desert land entries. of Coos County, is because Mr. lish channel, less than 50 miles interest was caused by the find, ty situation. An invitation was given for Hawley is not making^good -th e Formerly only those whose from the coast of Dover, is re- although, a number of people The meeting was held in the original entry was made prior to ported in a Rotterdam dis- thought it .was simply a joke, the crowd to come in and a num­ same reason the Courier would Commercial Club rooms with a February 3,4911, could make a patch from a German source Mr. Kendail had bought four ber entered and enjoyed a candy large attendance, Glenada and second entry, artd even those to the Daily Mail, under date of chickens of Fred Wilhelm who treat, although they had failed let go of an incompetent printer Mapleton citizens being preset. were denied the privelege if any Sunday nig*ht. lives two or three miles north of in their purpose to charivari the an^ put another man in his place. There isn’t an individual or Talks were made by R. F. Av­ consideration in excess of the A dispatch to the Mail from Florence. Soon after the story young people. newspaper in this district that erill, W. H. O’Kelly, Joe Mor.is, filing fees were received for re­ Dunkirk,««dated Sunday night, of the gold was circulated one of Mr. and Mrs. Holt left soon can ask for Mr. Hawley’s return after the wedding ceremony and F. A. Monroe and T. A. Yost. linquishment or abandonment says that heavy firing has been the chickens disappeared and to congress on his record—for his The condition was explained walked to the North Fork, cross­ Under the new law any person heard near Dunkirk since 8 they are now accusing Charley record won’t bear the strain. that the Siuslaw would receive who has heretofore made or may o’clock Sunday morning. in a boat to Acme and then to Morgan of taking it, Charlie says. During his past four years in only $5000 as a maintainence hereafter make entry under said Severe fighting is taking place. "There w ould be only one thing their new home. Mr. Holt car­ fund at present That if the laws, and who, through no fault It is supposed that destroyers or that would cause him to take the ried a box of cigars with him so congress he has not passed a bill work was not continued it would of his own, may have lost, for­ gunboats are being used in the chicken, not the bird, nor the if they were caught he could —except private pension bills. This o f itself would not be add about 40 per cent to the cost feited or abandoned the same, or canals. : gold, but just to find out if the treat anything against him, perhaps, of the work later. That the con­ who may hereafter lose, forfeit,! story was true. ” but during his term in congress dition of the bar with the north or abandon same, shall be enti- Berlin, via The Hague and Lon-1 Monday morning G. A. Ander- he has come down the line with jetty extended farther than the tied to the benefits o f thelhome- don, O ct 18.—All signs indicate the jetj y contractor who is --------- the big interests and standpatters south jetty by 800 feet was un- stead or desert land laws as that a tremendous change is im- staying at Mr. Kendall’s home Another Meat Market will be on about everything they have satisfactory. That it was be- ! though such former entry or e n -' pending in the protracted strug .. , , brought another small nugget to opened in Florence soon. M e s s r s , . . . . lieved the government intended tries had never been made: Pro- gle in northern France, where the Pilot office. This nugget had Wilbur. Cook & Hom have rent-j ned ?? ^ " " 7 thro<« h and would meet the port dollar vided that su^h applicant shall for weeks the hostile armies have been taken from the last of the ed the room formerly occupied1 t,Onal ,eK“ ,atU** and th“ office record to pr0Te sor dollar. That this condition show to the satisfaction of the faced each other in such strong- 1 four chickens, which had been by Mrs. Kanoff’s Millinery store, !h“ hia roH created an emergency, and the secretary of the interior that the ly entrenched positions that killed Sunday. This is three of of Rice-Knowles-Rice, and also It He has been the handy man to unanimous opinion by a standing prior entry or entries were made neither has been able to advance, the chickens killed out of four, the room in rear and will use it I the big bunch* to such an extent vote was declared to be that in good faith, were lost, forfeited except at enormous cost. and each one carrying gold in the for their meat business. that such periodicals as La- bonds to the amount of $100,000 or abandoned because of matters The present affect of the mu­ gizzard. Follett’s magazine has held him be sold and the funds placed at beyond his control, and that he tual flanking operations has been The gold nuggets are aliout the up to the view of the people as a the disposal or the government has not speculated in his right to extend the battle lines with­ size of a grain of wheat. "Me, too,’’ congressman. engineers to keep the • construc­ nor commified a-fraud or at­ out either side’s finding a weak When Mr. Kendall went to k ill» A story is told hotv a couple Heretofore the Democrats have tion going with as little delqy as tempted fraud in connection with spot. ’the chicken he made a mistake of high school boys recently spent nominated a weak brother to run possible. The Germany army which be- and kj|ied one of bis wifes best about an hour slipping up on such prior entry or entries. against Mr. Hawley, and made Engineer E. F. Lgefe was pres-i Blank applications will be sup­ sieged Antwerp is now free a n d 'lavers but he finally got the some ducks, and just as they I his return »«ay ent by request oj the president plied by this office. the German forces have been rOOStej^<.,y,., . were going to shoot, a man raised Whether this was misfortune of the port commissioners, and Jr M. UPTON, Register. ? strengthened otherwise for an There has been considerable up from behind a log and re­ or intent doesn’t matter now. answered several questions re- ' R. R. TURNER, R eceiver^ assault against some point in the speculation as to where the fouls quested them not to injure his But this year Mr. Hawley has rding the project. extended battle front. Rigid se­ got the gold, but it has been ex- deeoys. They say the hoys did rt. a live one for an opponept- A vote of thanks was unani-! Bandon will have a new steam crecy is preserved as to this of­ tablished that it is gold and that fine work and ought to become mously carried, sfiowing appre- laundry. fensive movement. -/ in three of the Wilhelm chickens good hunters. (Continued on paga four) ' That the entrenched positions nuggets have been found. in the centers haye become full- fledged fortresses is indicated by reports from the front. The German infantry is lodged in Last Sunday a train was run such elaborately prepared shelter from Eugene to Mapleton, bring­ pits that damage is done only ing in a special coach for the use when a heavy shell strikes of the family of Engineer J. D. squarely. Schropnel or shell Church, who are going to Cali­ fragments do not penetrate. fornia for the winter. The soldiers have introduced A car load of cans was also mattresses, tables, phonographs brought for Wm. Kyle & Sons, and other comforts into the un­ of Florence. The run of fish derground rooms in which they last week w as exceptionaly large, live in comparative comfort, ex- and the recent storms has kept % cept where it is necessary to man the tx>ats The ron. the trenches against.infantry at- dition was fina„y brought to the To clothe yourselves properly in good tack- _______ attention of the Southern Pacific U iC n c u iu r Iir c u c c official and a car-load of cans MA0 rluM lllu L l v t ll jt . were started from Portland last .. ‘ Saturday night and • arrived on Recently Joe M orns.Jr.,of Ma- the Siuslaw withjn 18 hours an(J pletqn, decided that he might were being filled with fish in less want to fish. 18 " a8 after than 24 hours from the time they watching the boys for nearly two |eft port|and. I weeks as they brough in their ’_________ strings So Joe wrote to the r I’ county clerk for a license and by i •. ;■ THE LEADERS * return mail received one enclosed Mayor Evans has secured Costing you in an envelope marked "Import- sample9 of water from ant. Rush. Naturally Joe a tributary of the North opened the envelope m great Fork and has them to haste to find only the fishing li- annybzed. Jt ¡s thought this cense, which was marked paid 8(ream might provide water for and a note "all over 10 pounds Florence. The distance that - ■ / go to the county clerk. As Joe water would have to be carried Our stock of new jstyle never catches fish under that jg about nine miles. weight, he is waiting until after ' _____________ election, when he expects that for you. Buy a Range at the low price Stacy will relent and feel more liberal. $40.00 RANGES _George Servert is having a MORE BUSINESS LESSPOUnCS WILL o r « NEAT MAMET DUCKS AND DECOYS. IE THE KODAK SPECIAL OVER THE W. P. Men W anted That Gives Pleasure Store WAR STILL CONTINUES All Wool Oregon Clothes Another Victory For the Customer $ 15.00. For an all day rain nothing iloth- ;ing beats a Webfoot shirt. A big assortment of mackinaw coats and vulcanized „ rain coats, American Gentleman, Chippewa and-Cutter shoes. tWe are glad to* show you. WOOLEN MILL STORE, FLORENCE, OREGON. MORRIS & SON SAMPLES WATER SENT OUT Heaters and Ranges INSTALLING MOTOR IN BOAT v. gasoline engine installed in his fish boat. It is a six horse power Fairbanks-Morse and w a s p u r — Wilbur, Cook & Horn w i I open cbaaed of l . J. Pourtales, the a new butcher shop about th e .hardware mart 26th of October in the K-K-R building. They will carry all kinds of fresh meats at reason­ able prices for cash. It-seem« that the plans that NEW BUTCHER SHOP THEY DIDNI^CATCH THEM The salmon catch lastj Frida., was the lajgest that has occq>r- e«l for some time. Nearly seven thousahd l»eing turned in at the pfio-n»!".’.' The count for Friday had been made and carefully thought out for several Weeks, were unsuccessful, when a large number of young people attempt-- ed.to charivari the newly-weds 5 We have in stock a complete line of Hardware, guarantee with every tool Try our new Stilleto Brand (If Ifji of Superior Quality, We Sell It) Morris ®> Son _. T Joe. . ■ ■ . • Morris Jr., Norman G. Morris. T T? A T M 7 B C J ~