1 4 THE SIUSLAW __ VOL. II. U PILOT °fo s E M I - w E E K L Y -FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 14, i?1~ WILLAMETTE imposed a fine j ($100,000,000) I w ar indemnity? Tracklaying Crew Entered Mapleton ™ ASSBI *®LH- Monday and Reached thè Depot I -------- , NUMBER 60 - Z Z ’/EVERYBODY T O London, Oct. 11.—Belgian Yef- —s 'mv 111 -ILdkHvl- ber~ arrived according to the - nttm corses- Florence Friday evening, to ie re- - Fuiiueru pendent o of i the the E Exchange Tele • , . ,— - r w xch an ge Tek> main d during u rin r the w inter i n a n and d assist ftfaph.com _____ ieie pans at* . _. The Hague , . COMMERCIAL O D B H A V tA FEW BOOSTER MEET For the past few days the k • ■! X k " • k P ra tt in his ch" " * r ? w u " “ The work of laying steel on Will be something like a thous- A prominent hardw are man of p . Iy embarrassed by the refugees salmon have been jum ping and Florence was seen to go down ¡and feet in length. . > i " was s e e m ly , who are incessantly stream ing the Willamette Pacific has been the tem ptation was too great for the streets of the town Monday Passenger service is now to Gaston’ and has had into Holland, adds the corres the boys who [annually get the rushed whenever th e opportunity afternoon carrying a sign “ Free Wisevilla, a fare of $1.90 being I o Ut , ree years service in the podent feaver, so Sunday Fred Saubert was offered. The speed varying charged, or a t the rate of four Evange,ical church work in Ore- — J — i ../ , Lunch’’ and though it m ight and Je rry Morgan got their fish­ from three-fourths to one * and be an unusual method of adver­ cents a mile. iion’ a t one Hme be stationed at ing tackle together and made for one-half miles a day since they It is thought th at when the BlS ° k8' . . , tising a m eeting of a commercial the middle of the river; with the crossed Lake creek, owing to train service is turned over to L i v ’8 *n ordained m inister in The result th a t they secured five nice club, it was effective. w hether the work was on curves the operating departm ent th at Kvan«^l’cal church, and came silversides. This was too much carrying of this sign down the o r straig h t road bed. “ the fare ............................ will be reduced to three to Oregon from Pottstow n, Penn- for those who saw the catch and street was meerely an incident in The track laying force entered cents a mile to conform with the sylvania. in the afternoon many people the work -L of ° f the the “ Rough-House” «°ugh-H ouse” Mapleton Mynday afternoon and raie now charged on all other Rev. P ra tt has charge of quite committee secured boats and kept busy troll- i fum p r e preparing p a n n « to entertain , by evening were in the rear of Southern Pacific lines in Oregon. i a large district, comprising Flor­ ing river. th® c,ub and S iesta a t a m eeting ing the the river. th e business section of the town. ence, Acme, Glenada, Maple Monday and Tuesday citizens In th e afternoon Messers Sau­ W be held that evening, but the (CONTRIBUTED) Tuesday morning they reached of Mapleton land other Siuslaw creek. Fiddle creek, the lakes b e rt and Morgan caught four mystery of their operations seem the depot site, but continued the Ju st five years ago the people and the N orth Fork, and Rev. to be attractive and the boys communities were out in force more salmon; m aking a total of work on past, reaching O. P. to watch the trfeck laying as the Singleton is a welcomed assist­ of the Siuslaw River concluded nine y silversides, -ranging in -turned out. — Rice’s place in the afternoon. th a t we needed and were entitled ance in the w o rk A t the meeting the Siuslaw crew worked through the town, i weight from 12 to 25‘pounds, for I t is understood th a t for the preo- bar. the county division and a to a life saving station? and we Mapleton is planning a celebra- the day’s catch. en t they will lay track nearly to tion and will probably soon make wrote to our representative in Trolling for salmon is consider- new hotel for Florence was dis­ the quarry and then put in th e definite arrangem ents for rail- Congress, Mr. Hawley, asking ed great sport by m any,and every cussed and plans made to get him to get one. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M ^ l e t o n ^ w h i c ^ road day a t the headrof-tide. year when the fish begin to jump, some action on all three .propo­ Dr. H. V. Forrest, of Portland On January 14th 1910 he intro­ those who have enjoyed the ex- sitions. • was in Florence last week, and duced House Resolution 18165 be­ Refreshments were served in perience o f hauling in a salmon left Friday afternoon. He is ing a bill to authorize t h e 'e s ­ “ help yo u rself’ style and proved g e t restless. I f you watch looking for a place to locate, and tablishm ent o f such station a t the to be an enjoyable feature of the In response to Postm aster Bu- f Georgfe Meyers, of San F ran­ practice medicine and has chosen mouth of the Siuslaw. In the certain persons you can almost evening. channan and the Commercial cisco. and well known in athletic tell when it is the best time to Florence. du® course of 8Uch m atters the club efforts, it is expected th a t a circles of th a t city, is visiting in----- m r r e u was wen pleased Pr. Forrest . was well pleased bill • was referred to the com- g e t out your tackle. no w- mail schedule will be ar- Florence. He is the 158 pound w ith the Siuslaw and will return This is only one attraction ranged between Mapleton and champiprr and represents the in about a week and open office. m ittee on In terstate and Foreign j offered by the S ju s lX v l h ^ a n d Commerce, and by th a t com-^ vicinity to those who enjoy the ‘ Saturday morning while split­ Florence. Olpmpic Club. Mrs. F orrest accompained the - --- " -— e ting wood L. M. Circle chopped committee it was referred to the --------- * - - ciijujr -J y m the The departm ent has written pleasures of fishing and hunting. Mr. Meyers has a beautiful doctor on his trip to this section the end of the thumb on his left Treasury * — D epartm ent a and py the postm aster requesting th at uu u y gold w atch which was presented j of Oregon. hand off. * th at Department was referred to he recommend a schedule more to him for winning a special? ' — :--------------: He was una6le to find the piece the superintendent of life saving - «.convenient to the Florence pat­ m atch from Jack Mertons. and ..had to have jit cared for stations for re p o rt rons and the m atter is now being The young people of the North adjusted so th at the mail will be So that a favorable report by Fork ank their friends enjoyed a minus a small p a rt Dr. Geo. P. brought direct to Florence from the superintendent of life saving pleasant dancing party last Sat­ Edwards dressing the wound. Eugene in one day. stations, who was Hon. S. I. urday night a t the Portage. Kimball would have sent the bill The Priscilla dub will meet A four piece orchestra fu r­ back through the committees to nished the musft: and a delicious with Mrs. D. M. Kyle on Friday afternoon, the 16th of October at the House, where it would have »upper was served. her residence on Lincoln street ■ passed without opposition. | But the superintendent Mr. Berlin, October 11, via The Hague and London.—The Ger­ Kimball made an unfavorable re­ man official report on the capture port on the bill and gave as his of Antw erp says: “ The first reasons “ th a t the work of im­ shot was firdd on Septem ber 28 provem ent of the Siuslaw bar against the outer line of forts. had been discontinued and per- -On October 1 the first forts were mantly abandoned. ” He did not taken, by assault. The river know th a t the work was actually a t ...... th at »m time e Bna and m th at Neth was crossed by German in-! in progress ~ -* fantry and artillery on October witb money furnished by the 6 and 7. people of the Siuslaw. On October 7 A ntw erp was no- Mr’ Hawley knew it but didn’t tified th at -a bombardment was Mr. Kimball so. ‘imminent and this was begun a t We told Mr. Kimball so, quickly , 12.40 o clock, in the morning of and energetically, and on the To clothe yourselves properly in good October 8. Simultaneously an a t­ strength of our letters, that tack was made on the inner gentleman had the grace to sub­ forts. mit a supplemental report on the On October9 two of the inner bill, saying th a t a t the time of forts were taken. A t 2:30 o’clock his former report it was unknown at in,s this work was in on the afternoon of October 9, ; to w him th 1081 the city of A ntw erp was occu- I,roHress and th a t if the project pie*^, by German infantry w ithout were carried out it would resistance on the p art of the Bel- probab,y justify the establish- gians, whose conduct was vali- ment of our life saving station, ent. However, the effect of the N otwithstanding this favor- German artillery, infantry and ab'e rePort Mr. Haw ley’s bill was Costing you T H E LEA D ER S marine divisions in t - !allow#d in the the first first a at- aHOW*u to_die «> me in in the tne committee commit! tack was such th at resistance roora and Congress adjourned. w as4utile.” - At the next sessionof congress 1911, we stirred up Wr. Hawley l-0ndon, Oct. 12.-G e rm a n y has (Continued on . STORY OF THE SIUSLAW LIFE SAVING STATION WILL LOCATE IN FLORENCE SCHtpiJLE CAJJFORNIA HAD THMBfflOPPED OFF ENJOYED DANCING PARTY ANTWERP IS TAKEN BY THE GERMANS iethe Men Wanted That Gives Pleasure Store WAR S I . __ CONTINUES All Wool Oregon Clothes MORRIS & SON $15.00. as For an all day rain nothing noth­ ing beats a Webfoot shirt. A big assortment of mackinaw ¿oats and vulcanized rain coats, American Gentleman, Chippewa and Cutter shoes. We are glad to show you. WOOLEN MILL STORl FLORENCE, OREGON. . 55352?- Say! You fellow, who couldn’t believe it say The Sivalaw h a ^ a rail road. There .re some other u ,„ ,g 8 things you can t believe, but keep your eyes open and don’t let yourself be surprised too much. And another thing! The rail road, neither deep water on the Siuslaw bar, nor any other one thing alone will bring a g reat develop­ ment to th>8 country, any more than one man will do it. When such a task is left to one man or a single influence, the tendency is for th at person or influence to become selfish,—very selfish. No it will take everything and1 everybody to accomplish w hat ought to be done in the next few years, and you should have a share in Jthe work. Now don’t forget two steel bands have reached Mapleton, a t the head-of-tide oh the Siuslaw, and means something. Another Victory For the Customer j Our stock of new style Heaters and Ranges for you. Buy a Range at the low price $40.00 RANGES $35.00 We have in stock a complete line of Hardware, guarantee with every tool Try our new Stilleto Brand ( I f I t ’s of Superior Quality, We Sell I t ) J lorris