17 o f o S E M I-W E E K L Y VOL. H. PILOT Lib r»ry FLORENCE, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, lftïd COMMISSIONERS EXPECT RAILS HOLD MEETING AT MAPLETON WEDNESDAY NEXT WEEK NUMBER 5 9 SIUSLAW DOES TWO ANTWERP NOT GET AP­ FORTS LOST PROPRIATION TOBEUM It will be noticed the dispatch from Washington re­ garding the rivers and harbors appropri­ ation says: “A noteworty feature of the allotment is that only those projects which were authorized in the the house bill as a result of the efforts of Representa­ tiv es H aw ley a nd S innott re c e i ved fu n ds TfiffigrtHripr' propriation just completed, and the new items inserted in the bill after It reached the senate have been disre­ garded by the war department” It has been an evident fact that to save the results obtained and receive benefits from the workalready ac­ complished that the south jetty would have to be ex­ tended, in fact the whole project would have to be com­ bined and completed or a considerable loss would re­ su lt One item alone, if the work is stopped, will be the opening of a new quary, which alone will mean thousands of dollars additional expense. Somebody went to sleep on the jetty appropriations. Who was it? At the regular mothly meeting With a crew rushing the track o f the commissioners Qf the Port laying at the rate of 4,000 feet a Washington, O ct 7,- T h e London,. O ct 7.—Dispatches of Siuslaw all the members were day the steel is nearing head of amounts allotted to’Northwestem from Amsterdam say that the present projects are: Celilo Canal. $525,- Germans continue to bombard tide rapidly and by the first of ¡000; Lower Willamette and Co­ Just what this port would re­ next week, possibly Tuesday the Antwerp, that two more defend­ ceive from the rivers and harbor rails will be at Mapleton. lumbia, below Portland, $200,000; ing forts have fallen and that the bill,' had been in question, Willamette and Yamhill, above Belgian government has been Between Mapleton and Acme but a letter from H. P. Dutton, there are nothing but small Portland. $25,000; Columbia. moved to Ostend. of the. Tide Water Mill Co., in­ trestles and the piling for these , Celilo to the mouth of the Snake, Meanwhile the French account formed them that ■ the appropria­ are being driven and good pro­ $20,000; Columbia, Bridgeport to of the battle of Aisne says that tion of $112,600 was not allowed. gress made in the work. On this Kettle Falls, $36,000; Snake the battle on the allie’s left wing Mr. Dutton in his letter urget stretch of about 15 miles only River, $5000; Coos Bay, $70,000; continues with extreme violence, immediate action in regard to one obstruction remains and that Coquille River, $26,000; Siuslaw. the line being extended more and the South jetty work, but as the is a right-of-way through the $5000; entrance Grays Harbor, more. The German account says commission had a letter from the Point Terrace Mill company- $110,000; inner Grays Harbor and that the advance guards of the firm which had contracted for property, a settlement of which Chehalis River, $15,000; Cowlitz opposing forces are in touch north the purchase of the additions is expected soon. and Lewis rivers, $6000. of Arras. Mr. Hawley and his friends are There are in many communities bonds, cancelling their offer, be­ While no definite information A noteworthy feature of the getting scared. This is evident successful bussiness men and cause congress had not made an has been given out, it is said that W hile the world awaits new* from the fact that they are re­ farmers who stand like stumps allotment is that only those pro­ appropriation for the Siuslaw, Mapleton is planning a cele­ jects which were authorized in of the great battle in which the sorting to every means honorable in the highways of progress and the .commission took no definite bration and that an excursion the House bill as a result of the English and French allied force* or dishonorable, to pull him in such a situation the Under­ action in the matter. effortajof Representatives Hawley and the Germans in northern from Eugene will be a part of the through and defeat his Demo­ taker is an important factor in and Sinnott received funds under The question of driftwood, pier formal opening of passengter France have engaged for 26 days, cratic opponent, Fred Hollister. development. Scarcely a day the apportionment just complet the meagre official reports from lights and other obstructions traffic to'head-of-tide. One of the meanest most con- passes that they do not add a were taken up and discussed, ed, and the new items inserted the front vouchsafe little infor­ tempible tricks that a politician new terror to death by refusing and referred to the engineer’s in the bill after it reached the mation o f the actual operations. or his supporters can resort to is to join with public spirited office for information. the "native son” cry. No one citizens in s movement for the Senate have been disregarded by Today it is a small piece o f ground lost and tomorrow the same The Welcome sign which was but a coward will resort to the upbuilding of their eommunity *the Wat Department The Buck box and crate factory Items for which no allotment ground has been regained. Mean­ at Eugene is rushing the com­ down down several weeks ago contemptible plea that a can­ or by their indifference snag an was made and the amounts pro­ while the French forces are las been raised ag&in and will didate for an office should be industrial enterprise. pletion of their plant posed for these projects in the moving northward, but are gain­ soon be connected up with the elected because he is a "native It takes live men to build a river and harbor bill which failed ing little to the east which would son.” Just suppose that Bids will be opened October 14 lights. ___» » - . ___ Nehalem, $116,176; for two concrete bridges on The marshal had charge of the voters of the First Congressional der sight in life than a few noble River, $3000; Siuslaw, new pro­ the German wing. job and two large timbers were district who are not natives of spirited citizens staggering under Wasco county state highway je c t 112,500; 'Columbia at Cas­ A s a matter of fact General used to anchor the side columns. Oregon should take Hawley and a load of dead timber. The cades, ew.uuu; $10,000; Willamette locks, Won Kluck, wiuamette won m uck, in command o f the It is announced that a giant I t is believed that the arch will his friends at their word, and line undertaker is of times a developer. $80,000; Clatskanie River, $1000; »German army, with heavy rein- lumber corporation with a capital withstand most any wind that up behind Hollister because he is Willapa River, $100,000; Grays forcements which have reached o f Beveral millions is planned by might come. not a "native son.” Where River, $500; Puget Sound, $25,- him in the last week, has taken holders of large timber .interest would Hawley be then? The 000; Skagit River, $40,000. decided offensive and day by in Clatsop and Tillamook Enterprise is getting a sawmill great majority of the voters of ' The Willammette Pacific rail­ day the announcement is made counties. It will build a fleet of andj logging railroad that will the First district are, natives of A new Presbyterian church by the French war office that road company has commenced steamers ahd maintain a string employ 1500 men under good other states. But what differ-?, has just been dedicated at Gold the violent engagement contin­ suit against the Point Terrace o f eastern distributing yards. ence should this make. We &«$ Mill and Lumber company tojcon- Beach Curry county. business conditions. u e s ......... ™ - all Americans, and the candidate demn the necessary land for right for an office, high or low, who of way purposes. has nothing better in the way of The papers were filed in the argument to offer than th e 'cireuit thi, week cowardly, un-Amencan cry that ’ he is a "native son” of Oregon S J ,an d .be,7 one acre- is unworthy the confidence or ? A Kncom,pan* THE CRY O fT H E COWARD J UNDERTAKER A DEVELOPER WELCOME SIGN REPAIRED ohkihatiom swTsiMis THE Men Wanted _________ * X Mr. Hawley' had a full-page wh' re ‘h< advertisement In the official State 7 ^ “ n° ‘ “ CUred “ “ ngh t' Fair program in which he pleads V' _________ _ “ AH Wool Oregon Clothes $ 15.00. — For an all day rain nothing noth­ ing beats a Webfoot shirt. A big assortment of mackinaw coats and vulcanized rain coats, American Gentleman, Chippewa and Cutter shoes. We are glad to show you. WOOLEN MILL STORE, ' FLORENCE, OREGON. , the narrow-minded selfish select jL class that would close the doors i of the State to the people of other Jack Gilmore while working sections of the country who would with the Willammette Pacific come here to make homes and crew removing false work from engage in business. We should remember that we are Americans the bridges had both legs caught first, and "native sops” second. between a pile that was being Again: Mr. Hawley’s picture lifted and a saw log, resulting in cards and other literature put his right foot being mashed at out oy himself and friends bear the ankle and the left leg injured this familiar motto: "No In­ near the hip. He is able to walk terests to Serve but tfce Public some but will be under the doc­ tor’s care a few weeks. Interests,” n --------------- Let us see about this. Mr. The new post office building to Hawley is at this time, and h&s be erected at Coquille will cost for many years past, been draw­ ’ $6000. ing a salary of $75 per month from an insurance organization ’ th Son Joe. Morris Jr., Norman G. Morris. THE LEADERS