V, VOL. II. ________ FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 30, 1914 ROAD SURVEYJS FINNISHED MAPLETON NOW HAS A " MODERN ELECTRIC SYSTEM ™ A Good Grade Fouad All the Way to ' Expect to Have Rails Laid to Mapplelon North Beach. V 2 0 ys................. a». fla Engineer Frank Monroe and | With a force of about 200 men, crew, with road viewers Vitus the Contractors are rushing the and Donaldson, finished survey- steel to tidewater and are now • CLASSIFYING THE OREGON ------ BIRD AND AN .LIFE ► Friday Night 1 T the Was r?,te,ufo^ th;* ^oposed'vithin nine miies°f MaPleton-' c, V Machinery i T-ua? • \ A plank road to the beach Saturday. Sunday morning the steel gang[ W. L. Finley, Naturalist of Oregon, at started and Proved Eiincient-- A This road if constructed will crossed the last bridge on the) Head of This Work—The Deputy . T Y il 1 T Ìl'f'V A PPm O T Y t' bu’^ by the city as tar as the Siuslaw and only Lake Creek is ** V j O i IU n u n i t y r L c lV a ilC e n ie ilL . i cjty limits, and from thereon between them and Mapleton. | Game Warden Assists. ------------- the county will build it to the By Tuesday they will reach Lake l When thè water gate was Slemmons, and J. C. Beck have beach. It commences on Monroe creek and by the middle of next, | W. L. Finley, a naturalist of beaver, female deer, spotted opened at new electric light installed electric systems and are street and runs to 1 welfth street, week should be across with the plant at Mijifeton Friday night, we" pleased. About 15 resi- thence east on Twelfth to Gehl- rails, then a stretch of eight and Oregon, who was formerly State fawn, female Chinese pheasants, pheasants, golden it was apparent that the light dences are also furnished. Two J ager street then north, with the one-half milesshould permit them Game Warden, under the re­ silver system was a success. The street lights will be placed soon, exception of one small jog to to reach Mapleton in eleven or organization last winter of the pheasants. Reeves’ pheasants, lights continued to bum to mid- one *n front of Morris & Sons three hundred feet beyond the twelve days, providing the weath- Fish and Game Commission was English patridge, Hungarian night and no trouble--was ex- store, and the other in front of city limits east of Merril’s home- er permits. There are sXi.ll,some : placed at the head of1’ the partridge, Franklin grouse or perienced. Saturday night the Mr- Clow’s buildings. Other stead, thence in a northwest di- people who are not convinced the Bilogical Department, and also fool hen, prairie chicken, bob- white quail, swan, wood duck, plant was operated again with business houses and residences I rection striking thg.eoast at Bea- railroad will reach head of tide ! chosen editor of the Oregon wild turkey, least sandpiper, It will then run this year, but the whistle of a [Sportsman. He is especially success. It is only being tried contemplate installing the lights, tile s ranch. The power is water and is fur- ' n°rth to the hard beach, striking , locomotive wilfbe heard in Ma- fitted for the positions because of western sandpiper, solitary sand­ out at present the official time of his scientific knowledge ot Ore­ piper, semi-palmated plover, inaugurating 'the service being nished through a 12-inch pipe,.a the beach where the present road pletoiwluring October. snowy plover, and all other birds gon bird and animal. distance of over 1200 feet. The n(>w comes out, about one and a October 1st. . of any kind, except those on The Oregon Sportsman is an Richard Clow, a Mapleton reservoir is located on Mapleton half miles north of the jetty, GIANT ROCK PLANT STARTS which there is an open season. I official publication of the Corn- capitalist is the owner and pro­ creek and has a capacity of 50000 making the road about five and The following are not protected Crusher Near Salem To Turn Out 600,- [-mission devoted to educating the j moter of this new industry in cubic feet, and also furnishes one half miles long. people of Oregon in animal and j at_any time. Duck hawk, sharp- This road will give an outlet to 000 Yards for Railroad Mapleton, and it is through his water Ifor Mr. Clow’s water bird life. i shinned hawk, prairie falcon, system; The dam is of concrete Jhe hard beach, eliminating the! A plant valued at $75 >000 has enterprise that it was made The’Commission is in co-opera- os^aw^' Lngljsh sparrow, great abo^t 13 feet high, 1 foot thick the sand hills and blow outs, and benn illstalled at Marion by the possible. t-ion with the federal government 1horned owl- northern shrike, W. S. Shelley, of Eugene, is in at the top. and 8 feet thick at th e , accomodating a vast territory ;ra3Caik Construction Company, and are gathering specimens fort cormorants, American mar- ; which has * contract for supp]y. chargerand-a visit to the plant, bottom. Its width across stream north of h lorence, relassification. This work is » ianscr- crows and ravens, mag- ing crushed rock for ballasting proves it to*»be compactly and is 62 feet. It «• was built by E. carried on by .specialists employ^ pies and blue javs. -ronvrcnently installed. Mapleton i S- Dyer and M.-John on. RESULT IN GIRL’S CAN- tire Southern Pacific tracks be- ed by the state, and the local To rob any birds’ nests except Mapleton is not incorporated has been w ^ d on the main street tween Albany and Portland. NING CLUB CONTEST deputy game wardens that show 8Uch birds 88 are not-protected by church and will, be; 80 Mr. Clow had to get his fran­ as far as me < More than 100 men are em- an interest in such a study. hw. B At the Lane County .Fair the! ployed and the monthly payroll extended. The water unitor,. a chise from the county. In this way they are able -to! To hunt without having hunt- Pelton model, is a 40-hoftee power --------------- . young ladies of the Pleasant Hill is about $6000. The plar?f is said t rar'f‘ “T T ? ¡"K P ^ o n . and to re- Two men from the life saving Canning Club won the privilege’ to be the largest in the state and i wheel, and can gehcrate .2300 same on demand of volts, but is stepped down to-110 station at tb,e mouth of the Ump- of demonstrating home canning a member of the firm is authority d,fferent parts ° the 8tate- The, fu8e to 10 corn; ¡'Pr°Per °fficer ° r own,e r or rep- volts- J - qua river are repairing the gov- at the Portland shows in Octo- for the statement that 600,000 pile the data in the future and" resentative of real property - The plant was completed Sep­ ernment telephone line between ber, and the fiive Thurston girls cubic yards'of rock will be dis- publish it in book form for " 1 ___ dis- where hunting. tember 8th, but a delay was Florence and the Umpqua. will compete at the State Fair at tributed from it. tribution to the public. ■ To hunt at night. Salem this week. These tw o 1 ------------------ caused, waiting for permission to following extracts from To sell or have in possession cross the railroad right-of-way. - Robert Pourtales, who has te a m s c o m p e te d . n d th e re s u lt IHDUK fQ CHEMAWA the The game law show what is un­ plumage of protected birds. was a tie, they then drew for the ____ It has a capacity for 1200 lights, been assisting his brother in the lawful and the penalties: To hunt on any game reserva- at p re s e t only 80 all told, large hardware store for the past few respective trips. I Anita Reed, a little Indian girl It is always unlawful—To kill and srw l, are attached. Three months left for Everett Tuesday The Western Lane county clubs who was sent from the Siuslaw mountain sheep, antelope, elk, (Continued on page three.) business hbltfes. Fraer Bros, Joe where he will attend school. could not enter these demonstra- country three years ago to a tion contests because they were tuberculosis sanitarium in Idaho, unable to send the necessary five was brought back to Eugene by representatives. In the contest the wife of the physician in between the North Fork and Fid- charge at the sanitarium to be I die creek clubs on exhibits en­ returned to her people. There' fx-Afc, tered the North Fork won the was considerable doubt as to prize, a canning machine, but. whether they could be found, and j Fiddle creek was a close second, the case was referred to Walter the only advantage being that B. Jones, probation officer, who j North Fork sent a representative, at once made arrangements for i Miss Goldie Levage, to the coun- her to be taken to the Indian' - ty fair. . school at Chemawa. Eugene} Guard. MAPLETON WON BALL GAME Anita Raed i# the young daugh­ ter of Harry Reed, of Florence. ! The base ball game at Mapleton Through some mistake the [ Sunday resulted in disaster to authorities at Eugene sent her to the home team. Mapleton won Chemawa, in theAmeantime herj 5 to 2. Mapleton made all her lelatives here were expecting her 9 ■ » runs in the fifth inning. Out- home and had gone to Mapleton ' side of that one inning it was an to meet her.. They have com-1 airtight game. One of the fea­ municated with Mr. Jones also tures of the game was Kendall’s the Chemawa school and she will , work in center for Florence. be sent home. We are now showing a complete line of Pete Peterson and Tommy Thompson pitched and Jim Pour- MORE HELP FOR tales was on the receiving end THE LEADERS for Florence. Norman Morris THE CANNERY pitched for Mapleton. _____ On account of the heavy run Mr. Joe Smith left on an out- of fish this season the usual force ing to Heceta Monday. He was of Chinamen at Wm. Kyle & Son’s accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Co. cannery cou!4 not take care Geo. S. Millican, and son Robert, of them and eight more were of Detroit, Michigan. Mr. • and sent for, who araved Saturday Mrs. Harry Boring and Bruce night. It was necessary to work Our stock of new style a Christ, of Florence, Mrs. Wal­ a shift all day Sunday to take lace’ Simonsixtf Glenada and Mrs. care of the fish. Lea. of Acme/^’ere also of the This makes the largest number for you. Buy a Range a t the low price ' . of men that has b»-\n employed party. $40.00 RANGES at the Cannery fqr^u-Tvumber of {I q plain and fancy weave. The Roamer returned from years. Coos Bay Saturday with a good load of freight for Florence and The county court is improving other river points. She dis­ the road in front of Joe Slemmons •» c h a rg e d at Wm. Kyle & Sons. store in Mapleton by doing away We have in stock a complete line of with the bridge and putting in a Co. warehouse. Hardware, guarantee with every tool corrugated culvert and then » ._ , Try our new Stilleto Brand CIarenc£ Kibler, of North covering it with rock. When the ( I f I t ’s of Superior Quality, We Sell It) Bend, is visiting his parents Mr. job is finished it will be of great and Mrs. Wm. Kibler near Point benefit. Terrace. Mr. Kibler ¿as a I f a man admires a woman, position with the First National she reciprocatespto the extent of Bank of North Bend. admiring his good taste. FLORENCE, OREGON. Joe. Morris Jr., Norman G . Morris. the s i . . . ---- ---- 5Z H THE KODAK That Gives Pleasure WAR! Store In Times of Peace re fof*War. Every Dry Spell the Rain. WAR STILL CONTINUES M ORRIS & SON ’S & BOYS’ A n o th e r V ic to r y F o r th e C u sto m e r Rain M S ’s ! Boys’ Mackinaw Coats Heavy* We invi Heaters and Ranges $ 3 5 .0 0 * Boys’ Dresê Shoes, s and Rubber Boots. your inspection. MILL STORE, Morris I t ’s aw fully hard for some of Valuable experience is the kind us to find thoughts to fit our words. you can exchange for real money. Son THE LEADERS _ s