THE SIUSLAW S E M I-W E E K L Y FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1014 V Ö L T IL HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER DROWNS IN THE SIUSLAW While Boat Riding Sunday Afternoon Three Young Ladies Have Narrow While four young ladies were was clinging to the, top o f the attempting to land in_a row boat end of the scow was then saved, at the foot of Lincoln street »Sun- and a third was discovered hold­ day afternoon about 5 o'clock, ing on to the rudder of the scow. the boat was upset, resulting in Realizing that there had been the drowning of Miss Jean Shar­ four in the party, Mate Swan­ man and a very narrow escape son shouted to get another boat o f the Misses Alice, Hazel and and look for the fourth young Agnes Weatherson, daughters of lady, and getting into a boat he Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Weatherson, swung uffder the scow and tying o f Florence. a rope around the one clinging The young ladies had been out to the rudder had her hoisted ou t for a boat ride, and when they of the water. In the meantime Miss Shar- returned they undertook to land, going between the tug Roscoe man had disappeared, evidently and a large scow that was along under the scow, and while Miller side the wharf. The tide was rushed to the other end she was running out strong, and the tug not discovered by those at the and scow were between fifteen work of rescue. and twenty feet apart. The Miss Sharman was seen by force o f the tide drove the boat three people as she sank some dis­ against the scow upsetting it, tance below the scow. MrsJ throwing the occupante into the Clara Walker, and Miss Tessa water. Carlile, who with Kenneth Phelps Chas. Swanson, mate on the was standing close to the river Rbscoe hearing the cries rushed bank a few feet from the Na­ on deck and to the stern o f the deau building heard the shouting tug where he discovered two of and looking saw the young ladys the young ladies struggling in arms and hands as she disap­ the water. With 'the assistance peared. Miss Sharman was al­ of Charles Miller deck hand and so seen at the same time and He Joe Holland, cook, of the Ros­ place by Arthur Bushman. coe he immediate ly started the was at the Washington street work of rescue. „ wharf quite a distance below and Reaching the scow by means ran and launched a boat, but it o f the tug's stern line, one of was impossible to locate her. them was pulled out on th e Soon after the accident severs^ • floating wharf. Another that boats were-dragging in the vi- WAR! In Times of Peace L Prepare for War. ** I After Every Dry Spell I Comes the Rain. We are now showing a complete line of M E N ’S & B O Y S ’ The Congressional Situation in in the First District At the coming election November 3rd the people of this district will select a congressman. While we are publishing a paper independent in politics and the editor is a republican, still we are not hide-bound, and will support that man who by his ability and knowledge of conditions will best represent The fight will lay between Mr. Frederick Hollister, the Democrat nominee; and W. C. Hawley, the present incumbent Mr. Hawley has been misrepresenting this district for eight years. ’ During that time he has consistently done nothing for the district Lane county or the Sius- law country. In all this time Mr. Hawley has introduc­ ed 185 bills and succeeded getting five passed. The coast country has bees neglected and in an inter­ view recentl y to the Salem Statesman he excuses him­ self in this man ner. “le a n not accomplish anything because I am not in harmony with President Wilson and his administration.’’ In other words Mr. Hawley did not accomplish any­ thing during the six years he was in harmony with the administration, acknowledges he has not been able to since Mr. Wilson became president, and cannot for the next two years. Why keep him there? Mr. Hollister, is a successful business man, who has 1 ived with us on the coast for many years. His inter­ e s t are with us, his home is with us, and the future of 4ms country is his success and future. He is a business man who accomplishes things. The Pilot can see no reason for the re-election of a man who concedes himself a failure. Mr. Hawley's negative stand for Coast improvements; his stand-in for Cannohisro; his^ fight to up-hold the mileage graft, whereby he placed thousands of dollars in his own pocket, which he did not earn and was not 'entitled to, is enough to condemn him to the voters. In supporting Frederick Hollister we would urge every voter in the Siuslaw country, and-every voter in Lane county to use the privelege of suffrage to elect him, because with Mr. Hollister in Congress the people of the Siuslaw can expect vigorous work for immediate improvement and a government appropriation that will ' develop our commerce, make a seaport of this com­ munity and prove of inestimable benefit to all Lane county. z* * ti . Rain Coats Men’s 1 Boys’ Mackinaw Coats In plain and fancy weave. 'Men’s and Boys’ Dress Shoesr Heavy Shoes and Rubber Boots. We invite your inspection. WOOLEN MILL STORE, FLORENCE, OREGON. gsssa NUMBER 54 FOUR BODIES FIERCE 1 PICKED UP F io n m ; BY PATSY CONTINUES The Patsy arrived in port and Paris, Sept 20.—The French I docked at her wharf in Florence j at noon Tuesday. Captain Vol- war office issued the following: bush reports, that Sunday after- “On our left wing we have agahr m ade -a sitghr of four men, victims of the steam along the right bank of the river schooner Francis H. Legget Oise. A division of Algerians which sank about sixty miles captured another flag. south of the Columbia river, in a All the efforts of the Germans, fierce gale Friday afternoon. supported by strong artillery, to The prew averted from 4:30 till smash our front between Craonne dark, with the sea running high and Rheims have been repulsed. and making it difficult to secure the bodies. The Patsy put into London, Sept 20.— Fighting Yaquina Monday morning where has been fiercest on the allies' the bodies were turned over to left, which lies on the right bank the coroner. of the Oise river in the vicinity The Tillamook which accom­ of Rheims, the famous cathedral panied the Patsy on its trip down, of which has been set afire by picked up the bodies of three men German shells, and between that and one woman and carried them town and the Argonne ridge it to the Umpqua. has been give and take all the time, At the regular council meeting One of the fiercest battles of Monday night ordinance No. 98 all times, which has been raging wap passed. It has the object across Northern France for a or removal of brush, rubbish, week past, with first a slight dead leaves, dead grass or weeds advantage on one side and then or refuse of any kind, combusti­ on the other, remains undecided. ble or otherwise. The limits governed are inclosed by Howard The stage is now arriving at street on the east, Pacific-avenue Mapleton between 3:80 and 4 JO on the north and Polk street on in the gfternoon, and the Minnie the west. < Mitchell is landing Eugene pas­ sengers in Florence about six Europe may be too busy to eat in the evening. The trip from just now, but there will come a time when it will call loudly for Eugene to Florence is now be­ the'waiter. ing made in 10 hours.: aavaficr IE THE KODAK That Give» Pleasure REBEKAHS CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY (tito cinity and the search for the body was kept up until late Sun­ day night without success. On Monday the High school was dismissed and all day the work of dragging with hooks was continued' and the young men of the High school are still trying to locate the body. Teus- Sunset Rebekah lodge of Flor­ day plans were made to use a ence celebrated the 63d anniver- diving suit, but this was given sery of the Rebekahs last Satur­ up because of defective appara­ day night at their hall. Joe. Morris Jr., Norman G. Morris. tus. Two short comedies greatly Miss Jean Sharman was the entertained the Rebekahs and only child of Mr. and Mrs. W. Odd Fellows who had gathered. G. Sharman, who liVe about a Special music was also a part of mile above Ten Mile creek on the program and was received ! North beach. Information con­ with appreciation. _ cerning the accident wae tele- During the evening refresh- War is a condition under which opposing factions engage in combat. phoned to O. Hansen at the light- I mente were served, and those (This I. not the definition u credited to General Sherman.) house and Howard Hansen went j present are looking a year ahead The whole of Europe la engaged in warfare o f the kind that kills. Morri. A oar mani- Son have started a war on the price of hog and chicken feed, on horseback to the Amel Stone- for the next anniversay. feato. We are becked up by th e highest authority in Lane county, letters, then carefully read our ultimatum. field ranch, and from there Mr. ----------------- Mapleton, Or,, July 20, 1014. , a. ‘S 2 £ X ’ g f r . f r f e * 2 » ^ Stonefield went to the Sharman Mr. F. W. Rader, Eugene, Oregon. _ “ r- « o n to , Mapleton, Oregon. place where he told the .. you . by mail .. 20th D mt at 8, hand. r : 1 J®ur f ■vor o f tha Dear Sir: I am sending A ltar e x . lady’s father. Monday morning th i. date, Jwo aemplee o f damaged Mr. and Mrs Sharman came Í As a start on the improvement grain, one of wheat end one of barley, see no reason why you can not ‘ Florence and when they found £utofaction of that it was very uncertain about of their Front street property Thia grain waa damaged recently by Are Heceta Lodge No. I l l , I. O. O. F. n Portland, and I can g e t it considers- purchasing tha aama far eMekau feed the recovery of the body, decided ble cheaper than grain th at is not dam- g^2ingin*tTcap^-*” pM n^ o < have let the contract for a ce­ to return home and wait there. ment walk and retaining wall the, aged, but what I want to know, to the age either to hog* or chickens. The young lady was a gradu­ suggest that instead of ahip- full length o f the property. J. value o f thia grain for feeding value, . g would |n feeding ate of the Monmouth Normal in all grain for feeding retiens for P eterson is doing the work. In compared with undamaged goods. noga; that you substitute part school and^was 24 years old at W e uaually handle w heat her. for ^ ¡ ^ T t p i i v X , F t o 4 the time of her death. She had addition to this a new front sill at barley y for foodinff feeding purpoMM. Go ■ first been elected to teach the will be put under the building chicken feed only, and it retails i - here « - «.II e flng »he high freight rates to g e t now occupied by the E. F. Sur­ from 2c to 2 l-2c par pound. I can sail proviilonjt .e e t t o o j t 1 : sixth, seventh and eighth grades face drug store and a modern thia damaged wheat at 1 1-2< per pound to me it would ba a g n a t of the Florence schoo!, but when store front and plate glass win­ hare, and would like to know if it will proAtahto to you and your patrons to the Standard High school was not be cheaper and better for chicken part ration a dows. voted, it made it necessary to feed than clean wheat. , A balanced ration for bogs should bu Recently articles of incorpora­ The barley would be good for hogs, have an assistant, so she was approximately one part protein 1 tion have been filed by the trust­ and 1 want your opinion as to the n l - ana one-half p a r t s __ _ chosen for this position, and in stive food value of thia damaged bar- teJrrun’ Bb<»t • ‘«"L . ees, with the counnty clerk. appreciation of her ability the The lodge has lately consider­ board had just voted her an in­ ing the advisability of erecting a ley, and what other grain would make balanced ration. crease of salary. ■ balanced ration with the barley for I do not know the price of building on the vacant part of fatten in g hogs. tankage, but will ba glad /to Since coming to Florence and the property and a comm ittee' 1 tot you know at , , - - - Thanking you In advance I am your* vou fe rv o u r favor I entering upon her werk in the have had plans drawn and a r e 'truly, MORRIS A son , y * FLOYD W High School Mias Sharman has investigating the building prop- Per Joe Morris. Jr , County made many friends among the oaition. To our good friends and p.trona. Owing to the fact that we warehouse i chouse a at t M Mapleton, Oregon, on August Sth and Kb. Fifteen tom o f 1 students and townspeople and —----------------- barley aa referred to above In the two printed latter*. We da dealer the sad affair has caused the A woman selmom makes a fool inetot < teat that you do not have to pay to exceed teO.OO par ton la lota o f oaa tea or for this feed at our warehouse at Mapleton while whole community to share in t h e 1 of a man. She merely pointe the more, these Aftoen tone o f feud remain*. sorrow of the parent*. Avay and he does the rest himself. MORRIS 4 SON, Morris Son THE LEADERS WAR! to I PH O T HECETA LODGE WILL IMPROVE THEIR PROPERTY WAR!