THE SIUSLAW FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1914 LATE WAR London, S ep t 6 —No new main large number o f dead and woun trial of strength has taken place. ded on the field. There have indeed been battles Tokio, Sept, 6—The Japanese in various parts o f the immense -naval—command«« report» that ' front which lb b th e t wars would two sea-plane dirigibles recon- have been considered operations oitred Tsing-Taua, in (he German of the first magnitude, but in thiigwar they. ...are- merely inci­ territory of KiauChau, yesterday, dents of strategic withdrawal and dropped bombs on the wire­ One of the sea­ and contraction of the alliet less barracks. planes receiving 15 shots in its forces caused by the initial stock planes, but both returned safely. on the frontier in Belgium and by the enormous strength which Rotterdam. S ept 6 via London. . the Germans have thrown into '—Activity in the German aerial the western theater while suffer­ service in the vicinity of Ant­ ing heavily through weakness in werp is believed here to be an the eastern. indication that a general attack .J ‘The British expeditionary on Antwerp is only a matter of a army has conformed with the few days. general movement of the French London, S ep t 6.—The Boul­ forces and acted in harmony with the strategic conceptions of ogne correspondent of the Times says the Germans have deman­ the French general staff. “The latest information about ded war codtributions from t the enemy is that they are neg­ French cities as follows: Lille, $1,400,000¡Amiens, $200,- lecting Paris and are marching Armentieres, $100,000; in a southeastern direction to­ 000; wards the Marne and towards Lens, $140,000; He says that the the left and center of the French Prefect of the Department of lines. The first German army is Du Nord has been imprisoned. reported to be between La Ferte Paris, Sept. 6.—A Havas agen­ Sous Jouarfe and Effises Boffort cy dispatch from Petrograd says that the Novoe Vromyn has re­ Rome, via London. Sept 6.— ceived a message from Tokio A dispatch from Cettinje to the saying that the British destroyer Messagero says Montenegrin Welland has sunk several Ger­ troops, under cammand of Gen­ man torpedo boats. eral Vukotich, the war minister, have defeated the Austrians at London, Sept, 6.—The light Boljanitz, in Herzegovina, cap­ cruiser Pathfinder of the British turing all their munitions of war navy has been blown up by a and the commissariat The Aus­ mine in the North Sea. The loss trians are said to have left a of life is not definitely known. WAR! In Times of Peace Prepare for War. After Every Dry Spell Comes the Rain. We are now showing a complete line of M EN ’S & BOYS’ Men’s and Boys’ Dress Shoes, H eiv 81023 ( Rubber Boots. We invite your inspection. FLORENCE, OREGON The paymaster, Sydney W. Finch, was killed and the com­ mander, Captain Francis M. Leake, was wounded. Six jun­ ior officers and two petty officers are missing. » NUMBER 50 SPECIAL MEETING AT SCHOOLS TO CELEBRATE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ANNIVERSARY OF ANT Beginning with last Sunday The first day of school in Eu­ night special meeting commenced gene, which is September 14, is at the Presbyterian church in to be made one of celebration, Antivari, Montenegro, via this place. ' because this is the one-hundredth London, Sept 6.—A bombard­ Rev. Geo. W. Taylor, of Al­ anniversary oflwriting “The Star ment of the fortifications in the bany, is assisting the pastor bay of Cattaro, Austria-Hungary, with the work. 'Mr. tfaylor has Spangled Banner, ” the national anthem. County School Supein * worUf o f property as forest re­ Tiaff many' years experience in ed serve, Frederick Hollister, demo­ evangelistic work and a U one intendent E. J. Moore, has re­ ceived a letter from J. A Church­ crat# nominee for representative time was well known as the “ boy ill, state superintendent, asking to congress, contends that the evan gelist” His jvork has been that the schools of Lane county government should contribute, mostly in Oregon, Washington, sing the anthem at noon. Less At pres­ 1C not necessarily as taxes, but as California and Idaho. than half of the schools of the ■“ federal appropriations, its share ent he is pastor of the churches county will be in session on that B8 of the money needed to fully de- at Marion and Pleasant Grove. day, but those in session Will take Sunday morning services were he velop the river and harbor re- up the movement The following special with the ceremony of sourcos of the state. is Superintendent Churchill’s re­ And the greatest factors to- christeningof little Mary Newton quest: tj. ward the development of the McKee. The sermon delivered “The Star Spangled Banner,* nt state’s resources on which he by the Rev. John Drumn being which is now our national anthem, l8> believes this money should be appropriate to the occasion. was written on September 14, )t. largely expended are th e, water Mrs. Goodwin sang “The Shep­ 1814, and it is proposed that we ir, ways> especially the Coos Bay and herd ot the Fold.” celebrate the centennial an­ Special meeting will be held Siuslaw harbors, which he de- niversary of this event by having n. dares as outlets to the resources all this week and everyone is in­ this hymn sung in all the schools n. of the state, are factors to make vited to altend. of the state, both public and ¡c immense cities of Eugene and Miss Goldie Van Bibber, fo r private, at noon on September 14 ¡„ Willamette valley points. merly school supervisor of the of this year. n. Mr. Hollister left Eugene to­ “We are asking the county day on his way home to Marsh- district in the western end of the superintendents throughout the b_ field to begin a campaign trip county, expects to leave Satur state to urge their teachers to )n which will continue up to elec- day for her home in Grant coun­ join in this splendid movement ¡- tion time. He intends to work ty. She’will return to Eugene at the beginning o f the next and lift their voices in patriotic J through Coos county and Curry semester at the University and service by singing "The Star county to spend a week or ten enter that institution. She was Spangled Banner” at noon on the —' days in southern Oregon, with a operated upon for appendicitis 14th o f this month.” —Register. week in Douglas county. The several weeks ago and has not fully recovered. Her physician balance of the time he proposes The barge Lawrence was taken would not allow her to enter J fq dovote to the Willamette school at the beginning of the fall out Saturday on its way to Coos | valley counties. * ’ term .- Register. Bay with a full cargo of lumber. The development of the state’s 1 »1 resources has been hindered by p lack of transportation, and will y be hindered, he contends, until ie the water ways and harbors have o been properly developed, d “The biggest asset the W il-. »■ lamette valley has are its water ways,” he declared, referring d directly to Coos Bav and the it Siuslaw harbor. "These are e essential to the distribution of • the tremendous resources o f the > state. These harbors will hand- s le the immense commerce which r will naturally come to Oregon. “ My entire individual political i policy is to use every endettvor to obtain those appropriations which 1 • i this district is entitled to for the * development of its harbors, J I waterways and goodjroads, which , means everything to this coast. , »“In Lane county the govern- Jm ent owns 1,500,000 acres of land, nearly half the county is withheld from settlem ent On this the government pavs no tax­ es, but it is appreciated in value by the taxes on the other half of \ the land paid by the small holder. This property belongs to, and i I should be used to develop and I ® build Lane county. , le “Coos Bay and the Siuslaw’ can make Eugene an immense city, if the government expends D ! money commensurate with the th value of government holdings in R1 this county. The government T should contribute in proportion n to its holdings or turn the, land *>l over to the state. It gives Coos as Bay $50,000, when it should give it $2,500,000. This is discrimi- 00 nation against Oregon. Coos is i the only harbor of refuge be- ch tween Puget Sound and .San fr Francisco, and has 400 acres of th coal surrounding it, but why should the people alone pay for fe the development of such a har­ bor?” * ' an Mr. Hollister states that by *L party he is a democrat, and he is a firm believer in President Wil- son. He praises his attitude to- to ward the recent currency, and Mexican situation, and his policy t™ in the present war crisis. Out­ side of this, however, he states that he is ahsoultely nonpartisan *« and is working in the interests he said, of thj?. first congressional district of the state of Oregon.— S? Guard. That Gives Pleasure Store