S E M I-W E E K L Y FRENCH CAPITOL TO MOVE TO BORDEAUX NUMBER 48 •ng local election of road super­ visors. The resolutions of im- (Contributed) pasafidhylhe-eorw env- "The" internecine Bon were: strife of Europe makes ...» the world look “Resolved. That we are . --------- rwio j x -------- «six? Op- agast with horror^ and Western Posed to appropriating money by • » tt,,u »»©St« civilization stands discredited. the state for the building of Paris, Sept. 2.—A proclama­ two army corps including the loss k T u” c,v,Iization which for ages arinones. ” * I haa‘ home the brunt of intelec tion has been issued by the gov­ Of three generols “Resolve, That we favor tual conflict with superstition and election-«# road -supervisors by ernment, announcing that the Paris. Sept 2.- A fight in the ignorance government departments will be has ceased its ac­ the vote of the people of that transferred temporarily to Bor­ air over Paris took place tonight tivities, and the electro-magnetic road d is tric t” Hastings Nebr., Aug. 22. deaux. Prettiest, i f „ot the prettiest, Three German airmen hovered telegraph flashes to us the un­ M r Koon said that the recep- Editor P ik>t:-E very time I re­ over tbe capital and immediately welcome news of almost uni­ t,on they received at the hands routes o f the north-wsst London, Sept 2. The Times’ two French machines were set to versal war. I t win pass through of the Siuslaw grange was grand. ceive a copy of your valuable coast. correspondent at Dieppe, France, engage them, The smouldering enmities and Automobiles were furnished the paper and read about the beauti- w i ^ and fu r ’covered mountains fu. Siuslaw valley i have a long- has telegraphed his paper as fol­ The battle seemed to tujm to hatred which have been smother­ visitors and they were shown with a never ending coloring o f lows: m g to s it upon its banks once the disadvantage of the Ger­ ed by the cover o f civilization, about Florence and neighboring S X h t ra\ k Wi11 * # 00ntio’* i more and pull out the speckled In the main northern theater mans, who mounted speedily to and lam dorment for a period country. A steamship was beauties. Like all who love to delight to the eye o f travelers. o f the war, the German advance a higher level, , and holding this have burst their bonds with chartered and about 66 o f the The advent o f the railroad w ill appears to continue without position, were saved from furth- volcanic fury, and again engulf delegates enjoyed an ocean ride. fish we enjoy fishing where there mean a groat deal to you and slackening its pace. •- attack. They finally disappearec the unfortunate people of storm- In case the convention is ever are many “ b ite ..” I have been Should greatly encourage your ' I t must be indeed an over­ in northwest direction over fort tossed Europe. held here it woulJ be hard for us pleased to note the progress that people tom ake the very best out wearied army that the Germans Roumainville, after a vain pur­ Science, a rt and invention re ­ to entertain our guests as well as has been made in the way of ex­ i t From week to week I •r e bringing toward the forts of s u it coil before the rude shock of we were entertained,” is M r. tending those jetties to give you have been scanning the columns Paris. They have made an ef­ war, and the pendulem swings Koon’s opinion.— Morning Regis « better and a safer harbor. of your paper expecting long ere fort which nearly deserves to be Washington, Sept 2.—That an the other way; while progress ter. Once you have a harbor that will this to read.that an ample amount called superhuman. Nothing agreement exists between the takes its flight to inore peaceful permit vessels to get in and out o f money had been’raised to hare . like it before was ever seen in triple entente, made up of Great lands. all times of the year then Flor­ the Siuslaw and the North Fork w a r.” Britain, France and Russia, and ence will begin to grow and rivers cleaned o f all debris and Religion, education, refine­ Ita ly is established to the satis­ ment and culture—those con­ prosper as she should. The entry m«de the good every day n a v i* Boulogne, S ept 2.- T h e Bou­ faction of diplomats here by in­ of the railroad from Eugene will able streams they should i comitants of -occidental civiliz­ logne correspondent of the E x­ formation they have received. Rome, via Paris, Sept. ¿ —The mean a new era to the Siuslawans. ation— were given birth in the press sends his paper the follow­ Great Britain has given Italy land now strewn with human Mcred college of cardinals aasem- I t will put them in direct touch think tha business men of Flor- ing: 40,00 tons of coal fo i the use of flesh, and reeking with human o.’c,ock today for the with the rest of the world and — ...M W VK JU M C I ' ‘A French artillery officer who the Italian fleet Additional sup­ thl.rd1.^®,lot ,n the Papal election. from a market standpoint should ®n.ee, r* been making t mi*, blood. take in not bringing thia about “ “ juat arrived wounded from plies are to be provided as need­ A little more than an hour lat- bring ■ «bout ______ The intensified passions of con­ a marvelous change These are bsautifel . • t r e a r a l S the front spoke With the great-) ed. The result will be that Italy m T w i f ill l i '• tending hosts, suddenly diverted " T * ® i8“Ued from the chimney in that ydu will be able to get have have been been in in the the past past a and «st earnestness regarding the w ill be able, when the moment quickly where1 before it ¡«m tinue to be highways a t from peaceful pursuits, have of the Sistine chapel and revealed things ~ • ------------ ’ - h v i o uvxure it new siege guns which the Ger­ for her action comes, to use her been converted' as if by magic to the throng in S t Peter’s was a long wait and much bother travel and trade was a long wait and much bother and trade « , u « mans are using, o n e says the fleet against the Austrian and into an instrument which reverts Square that an election had not by reeson o f slow and difficult made much more valuable h n u guns use a new and highly ex­ Turkish navies. The French fleet from the art of construction to been accomplished and the bal­ navigation. This road running plosive shell which has a most de­ m the Mediterranean thus w ill be the science of destruction; and lots were being burned in accord ■a >t does th ro u g M h e two range Of logs and drift-wood vastating e ffe c t” —4— — ---------------------------- --- -- w relieved of the necessity o f bot­ «nee with tradition.___________ ■ -w*«e*H«ncat triumphs sub­ tling up the Austrian men of war verted Zto the enginry o f war. - ---- — WgT c London, Sep. 2.—Advices have and can be shifted to tbe North l he highest degree of ci viliz- “ » n received from Petrograd »«a, yet atK ta*1n?d the human (new name for S t Petersburg) fam ily reached its zenith among that the Russian general staff a people now engaged m the de­ fran kly confesses to disaster to struction o f a continent Western civilization employed its highest genius in fashioning instruments of defense which are To lose a trunk, and g iv e n now employed in its own destruc­ ever fiding i t and a fte r nearly tion. When the vitality of the Oc­ three years to have it come home, cident shall become depleted in •a the experience of a Florence the chaldron o f its own design business man. Three years ago next Novem­ may not the heathen, prompted ber M r. and Mrs. L. J. Pourtales oy humanitarian impulse«, be justified in sending his missionary arrived in Florence to loca to invite the contending factions Mr. Pourtales opened a hai THE EUROPEAN EMBROGUO NEBRASKA LONGS TO FBH ON SIUSLAW RIVER SMOKE FROM CHIMNEY DENOTES NO POPE HORENCE HASA TRUNK MYSTERY WAR In Times of Peace Prepare for War. A fter Every Dry Spell Comes the Rain. W d ir e now showing a complete line of M E N ’S & B O Y S ’ Rain Coats ...c . ___ . __ j Men s ! Boys’ Mackinaw Coats In plain and fancy weave. Men’s and Boys’ Dress Shoes, H e a v Shoes and Rubber ----- Boots. We invite your inspection. WOOLEN FLORENCE, OREGON. THE KODAK H That Gives Pleasure ware store and has built up a to accept civilization Oriental? Fortunate indeed will we be if successful business in this line. Sometime a fte r M r. and Mrs. our own fa ir land, through astute statesmenship, shall escape the Pourtales arrival their household calamity which has overtaken goods and baggage was brought Joe. Morris Jr., Norman G. Morrn. on one of the boats then running I war swept Europe. between Portland and Florence ' America waives the right o f criticism; but respectfully pleads , and eyerything everything was found ex- for the rule of reason. i a trunk containing the wedding presents, much of the wardrobe and various papers be­ FARM BOUSE ON longing to the young couple. i hV “ a loa- that they could W a r b , (z d i ^ ± : ; : ± h o p p o ,in ir f a c t io n - i » c o m b « , hardly become reconciled to, and S f f S f c M o ,* ,* Thursday afternoon about 6 for a long time every effort was o clock the house on the old made to trace i t Later when the Wilhelmina Tnpp place on South Slough Mapleton, Or,, July 20, 1914. - J -l. - ' was destroyed by fire. went on the -__________ beach and 1UBl, was lost, Mr. F. W. Rader, Eugene, Oregon. Mr. Joe l S S S j l U ^ A o r * - A fam ily by the name of Judd Mr. M r- Pourtales concluded that it ! ara yo° maii have been living on the place and wou,d * * imP°«aible to ever Ant data, two sanploa o f damaged ^ ' ¿ 4 * *f w h £ ? , they — lost most o f their household t!’e t n ," k- as their goods had been m i n , o n . o f whaat and one o f barley. « 'goods. ¡shipped through the C n m n a n v at tZr prf company Thia grain waa damaged recently by Bra The property Rev owning this vessel. . belonged to w lkCV n Portland, and I can gat it conaldara- i Neff, o f Mapleton,' • and his This week whan the Roamer ble cheaper than grain that to net dam- * M r feed. I b a m to i ; brother and I the building waa ' ca,me ,n from C « * Bay M r. Pour- ‘ <«1, but w h a t, w .nt know, to t b . * valued at about in •hout >400. N o in- , “ WM greatly surprised and value o f thia grain for feeding rahie, - 1 w««M r a g n e t f pleased to find among the freight surance was carried. compared with undamaged good.. K X ta tf i S Z i ? the long lost trunk, which had usually handle wheat here for J* “ m**L One ) been held in the freight depot o f n fwrf only, and J. rH ail. h . « h J ^ o ^ ftS S to i the Marehfleld-Myrtle Point rail­ i . I . canaeN - e r ii< the from 2c to 2 l-2e ---------- per pound. < road, and among other packages thia damagad wheat at 1 l-2e par nound ?r P*0?***0»* to ,___ was to have been sold at auction, H-r. • ,nd < * !* •" " « k e l* r t o f L . but in some manner it was dis­ Tood, Mr. and M r., d . re„M Koo„, covered that the trunk belonged feed than clean whaat. Tha barley would ba good for hoga, a n ^ r t ^ 1^ . ,o r to M r. Pourtales o f Florence, Mrs. George Harper, John A " w norencç, and 1 want your opinion a . to t h / S Swanson and daughter M î m and ,the »uthoritiea forwarded it e r tr e f a d r e f a o o f tM . d « ,.g * 4 £ £ Mary, returned home from the ley aa compared with undamaged her- aPPr°«