X* ■ SIUSLAW ■S E M I - W E E K L Y ►VOL. IL ~ FLORENCE, OREGON, SAT URPAY. AUGUST 15. I» u NUMBER 43 $25.000 by the government for J. C. Flint, and d the protection of this disputed Flint place on Cl« tim ber land rumors have circu- they spent the di lated among timbermen that the , A t one o’clock a JSoy§n}.®enJ hag. to belieKe th a l th e its title to the timber is reason- ry one proceeded ably safe. The railroad has re- many good things (Special to The Siuslaw Pilot) fused to contribute to thè cost of A fter dinner Mi N ew York. Aug. 13—Great hand to hand fighting with dread­ fire patrol. Timbermen consider a photograph of tl Britain and France have declared ful losses on both sides. these facts significant who were: Mrs. , The bridge at the fourth cross- H. F. Rankin, supervisor of w ar against Austria. While in Corvallis M r. Beach of Portland, Mrs' The French and Belgians are f ing o f the Siuslaw river is now the Siuslaw National Forest, The first great battle is now holding out against the German met M r. Rankin supervisor o f the Florence. Mesdam , being swung, a 60 foot girder in progress in eastern Belgium, forces all along the line of battle Siuslaw. forest whose offices are J. A. Barker, S. E arrived in Florence on a trip , having been placed. Thia leaves with a battle line over 100 miles from Luxemburg north. in Eugene but who has just made Mittan, J. H .’ down the coast from Walport, • one 250 foot span and a 100 foot long. a trip into the forest on his way Flint, J. L. Furnis Russians claim a victory of • foot span to be swung at this where he has been looking into Liege still holding on against to Portland. Today heaccompan- tin and Wallace S the Austrians at Solzchte. crossing. the finnishing of the road around the German assaults. ied A. T. Schuyler federal high- L. H. Lowe and s Firing is heard off the English Three more large bridges must Cape Perpetua. The French have defeated the way engineer and M r. M errill, F. E. Monroe and d be erected before reaching Ma­ German - troops a t Mulhaussen, coast, and news of a naval battle chief engineer of the forestry M r. and Mrs. Jo I t is now proposed and plans pleton. They are at the fifth and a fte r receiving reinforce­ is eagerly awaited. are being made by Lincoln coun­ service from Washington D. C. daughter Wavell and sixth crossings of the Sius­ ments are driving the Germans ty to build four miles of plank on a trip into the forest to in­ Mummey, Wayne and Rex Mum- law river and at Lake creek. A t Turkey will remain neutral. back with a great loss. The road on the south side of Yaqui- spect two road projects, work on mey, and Leona Smith. the fifth crossing a 200 foot pin San Francisco, Aug. 12—The which has been delayed. These number killed and wounded is na bay. This will be back from Mr. Flint was the happiest connection span will carry the enormous. Estimated German wreckage of an unindeneified are the completion of the Cape the bay some to avoid shifting "man in Glenada wh^n Wednes­ rails across, while at the sixth loss 10,000. Loss of French is w ar ship, supposed to be English Perpetua road connecting the sand and will give a good road day it was announced that he crossing two spans, one to be 150 unknown but very great. ' is being washed ashore. to the ocean beach. A t Wal­ coast highways between Marsh­ could have the honor of being feetrin lengtn and the other 100 West of Luxemburg fighting is Prince George, of Servia, re­ field and Tillamook and the other chaperone. port over one-half mile of road feet, with a 60 foot girder, will in progress. The French soldiers ported injured by the explosion is the road up the Alsea river has been planked, permitting The next meeting of the club be used. making savage bayonet charges of shell while the Austrians were connecting Waldport and the wagons and automobiles to reach will be with Mrs. E. L. Nicholl against the enemy, resulting in 1 bombarding Belgrade. Lake creek will be crossed with the beach with ease. coast region with the Willamette and will be a farewell, as Mr. one span of 150 feet long. valley with a highway. There is an effort being made and Mrs. Nicholl expect to leave The rails are now to the fourth now to have Lane county co­ W ith the approval of these en­ made at a conference held a few soon for the east to reside. crossing, and ballasting of the operate with the town of Flor­ days ago at Corvallis petweenC. gineer^ construction is expected T. Beach assistaut supervisor of to begin on these projects imme­ The Frank Knowles cement roadbed continues. This is 14 ence and build a plank road to the ocean beach north and i f this diately. Both are vital links in the Cascade National forest John block building is now up one miles above Mapleton. I t is expected that by the first is carried out, when the road Hyde state fire warden in Bent­ the development of the coast re­ of next w eek train service will around Cape Perpetua is fin­ on county and State Forester, gion. be extended to Richardson’s. is h e d it will be possible Jo trav­ Elliott. The pile driver and crew are el between Newport and Flor­ Eleven additional patroïlmen Four o f these eleven men Will will be immediately added to the placed in the forest in western now on this side of Lake creek, I ence on a wagon road. having crossed Wednesday. state and federal fire patrol sys­ Lane county two in Benton coun­ Mr, Rankip-says th a t So fa r. From there toMapleton are only the Siuslaw National Foiest has tems in the coast moutains west ty,one in Polk county,one in T il­ a few small crossings where pil- I been quite fortunate by having o f Eugene to be paid from the lamook connty, one in Yamhill ing will have to be driven, and i no serious forest fires, and that $25,000 recr.tly appropriated by county and two in the Siuslaw ,n e u w iea AW of Mapleton, ' • * ,urvey ot the 8ius| , w the United States government for reserve. Those outside the fro- chartered the Restless” on completed on June 30 underdi- this work will soon be completed 1 very little if any timber has the protection of the million or ests will be under the state for­ Ihursday and made an excursion rection of M ajor J. J. Morrow, toM apleton. : ’ I been destroyed. more acres of the Oregon & Cali­ esters but w ill be pe paid by the to the ocean beach, where basket corps of Engineers, and J. S. fornia railroad now under litig a­ governm ent The state forest de­ inners were a part of the pro- Pohlemus, assistant engineer, tion in the Supreme court of the puty in western Lane county is Kr* m' u . shows the shallowest depth on U- S. The arrangements for the V. V. Oglesby, n „ H v UnT ^ KUe9t8J ° ; ? ed tbe the bar to be 11 feet at mean low distribution of the men werej Since the apportionment of this party at Florence and Glenada, water. W ith an average tide and the launch Lena was also height of seven feet, this indi- used to carry part of those attend- cates a bar depth of 18 to 22 feet MAPLETON LADIES THE TIMBERMAN AID SOCIETY GIVE TELLS OF IMPROVEMENTS JOLLY BEACH PICNIC ON SIUSLAW BAR '" n i , On the beach it was hard to toll who was the youngest .when it came to wading m the surf or digging in the sand The Restless made two tripq to sea, on one of them go- ing quite a distance up the North coast. The bar and ocean was quite calm and the sea-trip was greatly enjoyed by those going. ——— — with * straight channel to sea. The two jetties being construct- ed under government supervis­ ion and under the personal charge of M r. junior engineer The work has progressed on the north jetty to a total length 7725 fe e t and on the south je tty 5700 f eet with sufficient funds in hand to complete the project now u n -j der construction. In addition ' the port commission of the Sius- ; WHAT’Q n n iN P U l i n I V 1/UlllU law watersbed have authorized the sate of $100,000 additional n j P I P I T 1 T \ 1 |X,rt ^od8' This amount is sup- That Gives Pleasure Morris 1W GLtnAUA P’emented by *112’600 inc,ude<1 * * iin the present appropriation f o r . We have twenty-five men’s sum­ mer suits that formerly sold at $15, $18 and $20, which are going the government, the latter ap- ' Gus Schroeder has moved his ! propriation being due to the ef- blacksmith shop into new quar- forts of the Oregon delegotion. ters and is very busy with repair There are approximately 30 bil- j ’ *o rk . Jack humphrey brought some rarlic to Glenada this week that will rival anything of the kind mported. I t was raised on his anch on the ridge between Ma- »le and Fiddle creeks. . M r add Mrs. A. W M artin in- end to close the Frisco eating Joe. Morris Jr., Norman O. Morris THE LEADERS IR ! WAR ! lion feet of timber in the Sius- ‘aw watershed, which is directly affected the bar improve- } .m enL. The pro->ect undertaken 1 ’s with full expectation of, secur’n®' n° t Ie88 than 22 feet at low tide- W ith th »» im- 1 Provement successfully inaugur ù rated Siuslaw w ill become one of « the leading Oregon coast ports.” George Hawley, county com­ missioner. left Wedesday for a three day’s trip over the W illam­ ette Pacifieto direct the building of what are known as hub fences FLOYD W. FLORENCE, OREGON