THE SIUSLAW S E M l- W E E K L Y FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1914 VOL. II. PILOT / NUMBER 42 Eugene Thursday on a trip of in­ a June 11 claim. When this is spection. This is exclusive of finished Forrest Surveyor Max­ $700,000 to be spent by the South­ well expectA to go to Walport on ern Pacific in the east next year, similar work. advertising the attractions of A force of men is also at work several Southern Pacific states, building a telephone line to con- winch are Oregon, California, nect Walport with the govern­ Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, ment line at the Durbin Rang­ (Special to The Siualaw Pilot) Louisana and Texas. er Station. This is the govern­ Mew York, Aug. 10.—A battle ’ Liege, is reported to have de- Speeial excursions to the Sius- ment line that follows the forrest is being waged on thefrontie r o fmanded the surrender of all forts. law will be run from all over the trail past Saddle mountain to Wal­ The question of adding the and an additional number had to state in an effort to build up the port, which at present extends: Germany and France. France Belgium General Leineu has re­ eleventh'and twelfth grades to be printed. When the question lake resorts south of Florence, about 35 miles. The line will be I has obtained possession of the fused to surrender. 100,000 French soldiers have the Florence High school was first came up there was consid­ just as the Southern Pacific has extended a distance of 20 miles mountain passes of Bon Hamie arrived at Liege. submittd to the votes of district erable opposition to this plan for developed the beach resorts at to make direct connection be­ and St. Marie. Heavy fighting is going on be- Austria has temporarily aban­ No. 97, at the school house on the school this year, but as the Newport and Tillamook. tween Florence and Walport twee the French and German doned the invasion of Servian Monday afternoon from 2 to 4 time got closer for their decision The first excursion of this kind troops at Luexembourg. several were brought to look at territory. o’clock. will be run to the Siuslaw in less The German advance guard it more favorably and gave it Russia is amassing troops along The school directors and clerk than a month, according to the which entered France at Logue, the German border. , ~ their support. acted as an election board. plans of the Portland Commer­ failed to maintainja foothold. No West of Nassau and Lodez, the Some publicity and considera­ Friends of the proposition cial club, and probably this other German troops have crossed English, French and Belgian ble individual work had been giv­ worked hard for an endorsement month a junket of 50 Portland the frontier. en to the matter, resulting in 115 of adding the two grades and business men will leave Portland troops are massed at Namur voters attending and casting they feel proud that such a hand­ bound for Coos Bay, by way of France has formally declared fronting the Germans. war on Austria-Hungary. ballots. That this was unprece­ some majority has been given. the Willamette Pacific railway. The U. S. government to levy The vote that will give Flor­ dented and unexpected, - was General VoriEmmich, the Ger­ war tax to offset the loss of rev­ ^Business men are receiving in­ They will go to the end of the shown by the fact that the school ence a Standard high school was line which will soon reach Maple­ formation of an upward tenden­ man commander in possession of enue on imports. clerk ordered only 100 ballots, 103 for, and 12«gainst ton, and from there stage it to cy of the price of many lines of Salem labor organizations are Marshfiald and take the boat goods, especially food-stuffs, WILL RECEIVE AND meat, flour, canned goods, wheat sight, with the light house at back to Portland. picketing public market POST WAR BULLETINS. building and his boycotting and all imports. Heceta standing out prominently R. R. Mark Woodrnff, publicity E. F. Surface, druggist, has - The Siuslaw Pilot will receive Ryan as unfair. Ryan has been in view, while on the south agent of the Southern Pacific, twenty miles of ocean beach is will leave Eugene Friday for received the following from a each day the latest news about a prominent socialist leader and to be seen. , Coos Bay by way of the Willam­ wholesale house concerning his the war and will post it on the labor advocate. Mr. Woodruff continued Satur­ ette Pacific to obtain material line of business: Salem comercial club will make bulletin board in the office. “ We deem it but proper to While at present this news does a strong pull for a starch factory. day over the railrord right-of for advertising this region in Mark Woodruff, publicty agent way and through the several western Lane county which will promptly caution our customers not get to Florence until 9 o’clock Steam shovels are working for the Southern Pacific arrived lakes south of Florence, to Gar­ soon be one of the great summer to anticipate -material advances in the evening,* an effort will night and day between North in Florence Saturday morning. diner, on his way to Coos Bay. resorts of the Pacific coast, ac­ in prices of all imported articles be made to secure it earlier. Bend and ten mile. As to the object of “his visit He is looking over the coast cording to railroad men who are on account of the European war. Philips and Miller have install­ county to get personal knowledge the Engene Daily Guard has the enthusiastic with the combina- Several important advances have La st heavy machinery for the ed a 100 horsepower engine in _ of its future possibilities, es­ following: nation of lakes, beach and moun­ already been made. n ew Booth Kelly sawmill has ar­ their Bandon brickyard. “As is well known, chemicals From $5,000 to $10,000 will be tain scenery all within a few pecially the summer resort fea­ rived and the formal opening of The distilling of peppermint oil spent next year to avertise Si- miles of each other and directly and druggists sundries of foreign the mill has been defered to labor has begun on the Dugold Camp­ tures. —t— origin now cover a considerable A trip was made to the mouth uslaw and Coos Bay summer re­ on the new railroad. day Sept 7. * . bell farm near Coburg. sorts, reached through Eugene ' of the river, but fog prevented Chas S. Fee stated that he in­ portion of the druggists stock. ■ii in n i The extent of the changes in him from seeing the magnificent overthe Willamette Pacific, ac­ tends to return to Eugene this when’ ° r how rapidly ocean beach that stretches on cording to John M. Soott gener­ fall and spend a wefek on the t.hese' they will occur we are unable to the south to the Umpqua river, al passenger agent of the South­ McKenzie river and on the Siua forsee. Without doubt the ahip- and on the North to the first ern Pacific in Portland, and law. ‘ —— -— 77- ' ment of many foreign lines* will cape. On a clear day the north Charles S. Fee, passenger traffic We will spend from $5,000 to *10,000 advertising Ihe^SiVaLw cea9« e^tire,y for ® n indefinite beach presents ¡a very pretty agent of thé Southern Pacific in and Coos just the same as we Ijerlo<1- * have advertised Newport this year,” stated Mr. Scott. “ We THE SIUSLAW NATIONAL have many Newport and Tilla- FORESTHAS FEW FIRES mooks for Oregon beaches, but we will have no lake summer While reports show that sever­ resorts like those which will al serious fires have occurred in spring up along that railroad. Siuslaw timber, these have not We are already preparing to ad­ been in the Siuslaw National vertise it for next year. Some Forest. Several small brush time, after August 15, a delega­ fires have been started but have tion of Portland business men been controlled before much will make the trip over the line, damage happened. Two brush and today our publicity agent fire8 apparently set out. on Rock . Joe. Morris Jr., Norman G. Morris. will be in Eugene to start over creek up the north coa8t from the line after material for adver- Florence, burned over an area of 35 acres last week before the This means much to Eugene, forest service surrounded it fo ri think Eugene is already with trenche8. feeling the good effect of th e , Another fire which got started travel over the new railroad. lagt week, burning over 60 acres The people along the line are now1 on Sweet creek, at one time War is a condition under which opposing factions engage in com bat (Thia to not the definition aa credited to General Sherman.) trading in Eugene where they threatened the destruction of The whole of Europe to enraged in w arfare of the kind that kills. Morris A were not doing so before.” the buildings and improvements Son have started a w ar on the price of hog and chicken feed. Read our mani­ of A. H. Benson’s ranch. This festo. W e are haeked up by the highest authority in Lane county. Road these Í letters, then carefully read our ultimatum. fire burned over ground covered Mapleton, O r.. July 20, M14. with a reproduction and briish M r. F. W . Rader, Eugene, Oregon. g * M o n r ^ M a p t o t o ^ Oroge«. growth, but did no damage to Dear Sir: 1 am sending you by mail aoth a t hand. A fte r examining eare- ' e a t anil t large timber. fully the samples of wheat this date, two samples o f taken from the damaged grain, I can Last Saturday about noon a grain, one of wheat and-one o f barley, see no reason why you can net handle fire was reported to Ranger I Mackechnie to be burning in n Portland, end lean get it considera­ purchasing the same yourself fo r chicken feed the huckleberry brush on the ble cheaper than grain th at to not dam­ or hog feed. There is not enough burnt Over one thousand applications grain in these aampiee to do any dam- have beén made for homestead Mercer road about a mile north aged, but what I want to know, is the • age either to hoga or chickens. I would suggest that instead o f ahip- entry in the Siuslaw National of Florence. He and Field Assist­ value of thia grain for feeding value, * ping in ail grain for feeding rationa for ant Miller went out and dug a hoga, that you aubatitute p art tankage compared with undamaged goods. Forest. This forest «is divided fire trench checking the flames W e usually handle wheat here for or oil meal. One pound o f digester j into four districts, and the work tankage is equivalent to four pounds of I in district three'w hich includes which had burned over ten acres. chicken feed only, and it retails here at barley for feeding purposes. Condsid- the high freig h t rates to get grain the territory under the supervis­ AH these fires have been in from 2c to 2 l-2c per pound. 1 can sell ering or provisions to that section, it seems brush and small growth, and so this damaged wheat at 1 l-2c per pound to me it would ba a groat deal mare ion of Ranger Mackechnie is far no fire has occurred this here, and would like to know if it w ill profitable to you and your patrons to now almost finnished. Forest make part of the ration a concentrated year in the Siuslaw National for­ not be cheaper and better for ehleken food, Examiner L. B. Pagter has had feed than clean wheat. A balanced ration for r hoga should ba charge of this work and and has rest in western Lane county that The barley would be good for hogs, approximately one part | protein toseven has destroyed timber. and 1 want your opinion an to the rel­ and one-half parts carbo- been using about fourteen field *..-.... ative food value of thia damaged bar­ ley runs about one to eight, and wheat assistants. approximately one to seven. A mix­ With eight proposed tax mea­ ley aa compared with undamaged bar­ ture of these two would make a nearly Forest Surveyor Maxwell came ley, and what other grain would make ration. up from Gardiner last week, ac­ sures on the ballot the taxpayer a balanced ration with the barley for balanced 1 do not know the price o f digester tankage, but w ill he glad to look it up companied by Field Assistant will have but one course open on fattening hoga. and tot you know at ones. Thanking Miller, and Forrest Examiner | election day. Thanking you in advance I am yours you for your favor, I remain youra truly, FLOYD W W.KADIÄ, . RADKR, Sheridan business men are truly, M O R R IS A SON, Pagter and Field assistant Irving "County Agriculturist. Per Joe M orris Jr. joined the party at Florence, and backing a cannery. To our good friends and patrons. Owing to the fact that we received in oar they left the first of the week Willamina wants another pay­ warehouse at Mapleton, Oregon, on August Sth and Vth. Fifteen tone o f wheat roll in the shape of a cheese fac­ and barley aa referred to above in the two printed lettera. W e do declare and for Ira Haringtons plaçe above insist that you do not have to pay to eaceed 120.00 per ton in lota of one tan of Mapleton, where they will make tory. FLORENCE, OREGON. more, for this feed a t our warehouse a t Mapleton while those or any part of Glendale has opened a new an examination previous to Mr. theee fifteen tons oW eed remain«. _____ . . . _ MORRIS & SON. Mapleton, Oregon. Harrington making final proo' on c ditorium. STANDARDIZATION OF HIGH SCHOOL WINS 103 TO 12 SIUSLAW PILOT’S — LATEST WAR NEWS WAR WILL MAKE PRICES UNCERTAIN TO ADVERTISE WESTENLANE BEACHRESORTS THE KODAK That Gives Pleasure Store Morris (8b Son SUITS $9.85 THE LEADERS WAR! . We have twenty-five men’s sum­ mer suits that formerly sold at $15, $18 and $20, which are going at \ $9.85 (Dome in early and pick out one of them. WOOLEN MILL 'STORE, CLASSIFICATION . WORK ABOUT COMPLETED WAR!